Often people dream of a bear coming to attack them, but because all the images, people, animals, places we see in our dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images, there us nothing to be afraid of. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are actually meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. That is why dreams are often difficult to understand, because we are hiding things from ourselves. To do this you can use – Being the Person or Thing and it is helpful to read Levels of the Brain
Whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind. Also dreams exress in a very ancient language, language that developed in ancient life forms before ever words were invented. The ancient languge is one that has taught youngsters by for millions of years by watching what mother or father fox, bear wolf did – all without words. This photo says it all – the family of bears are intently watching what mum is doing. they learn by seeing it, no words were spoken.
So the angry bear is an image of your own angry feelings that have not been expressed and are attacking you. We now know that such inturned anger can cause illness or depression.
Example: A huge black panther chased me. I fell and it clawed my back. It was about to chew my back to bite me. I didn’t know whether to relax or struggle. After being floored by the Panther I managed to get up. I later imagined being the panther. I allowed the panther to eat me, and I thus became the panther. Then I, as the panther, noticed feeling enormous temper – anger – hate. And I was amazed to see that my cousin Sidney was the cause of such powerful emotions. He was older than me and had mercilessly teased me as a child. The panther was my own feelings of anger, at last released.
But here is a very different example:
Example: I was standing on my patio and there was a bear inside the fence also there were children taunting the bear. I yelled at the kids to stop teasing the bear. Then all of a sudden the bear came towards me; it was a brown bear with its massive size and it stopped and looked at me. Although I was frightened I was courageous enough to pet the bears head, reaching over his large mouth to reach his head. Then, all of a sudden the bear lay on his back and I begin to brush my hand on his chest as to pet him in a downward motion, the bear just gazed at me.
A bear can have a similar meaning to elephant in the eastern countries – a tremendous force or energy, that if met badly can lead to conflict with your own nature and ill health, or if met well can be a tremendous protector and force for good.
Sometimes said to represent a possessive mother, and the feelings this has aroused. But in many cases the bear will represent a meeting with dangerous emotions such as fear, anger or being easily aroused. There might also be associations with independence, or strength. See: Dreams are Like a Computer Game; Animal.
Through television and the many ‘nature’ films which are now a part of our wider education, we can see that the bear is largely a solitary creature, capable of living alone and surviving. This, and its human way of standing and holding its arms out in a hugging posture, may be the major factors from which a ‘bear’ dream arises. In many dreams the bear is not at all harmful, and can be treated as a friend.
Through these we can also see the bear as a wonderful mother and protector.
We may therefore associate the bear with feelings about living alone or surviving by our own strength; it can refer to the confrontation with feelings we have about independence, or the meeting with strength and independence in someone else. It can confront us with massive or dangerous rage, such as ‘the bear with a sore head’. In this case it might represent your relationship with someone who is touchy or grouchy, powerful, possessiveness or smothering, as a parent or lover might be.
Also it might represent your relationship with someone who is a parent or lover; it could suggest a desire to withdraw or hibernate; the ‘animal’ side of our relationship with our parents; a play on words, such as ‘bare’, bare facts, bearing with something or someone, ‘bearing’ ones soul, bearing in mind, a ‘bearer’ of tidings, come to bear, overbearing, getting ones bearings, bear fruit or bear-hug.
If the bear is felt as aggressive and dangerous, ask yourself what in your own inner feelings do you feel is aggressive and you don’t want to let it get out into what you express. In other words. what is it that you habitually repress from being expressed – your anger?
It is best to let the angry bear be expressed in you imagination. You can do this by being the angry bear and let it loose – see – Being the Person or Thing
But the bear can also be like the Beauty and the Beast, in which the dangerous beast is tame with the influence of kindness. So the bear relates to person who can be kind, but could also be a dangerous when roused.
It could suggest a desire to withdraw or hibernate. Because of traditional cultural associations, and its ability to hibernate, the bear can represent the ability to die and be reborn.
As the bear rears its childrfen alone without any male about, if oyu have been in that situation it can reer to you. But whateveer else it represent, remember that is an image of our relationship with our own ‘animal’ side. Please see the following to understand this important feature – Mammal Brain
There can be a play on words, such as ‘bare’, bare facts, bearing with something or someone, ‘bearing’ ones soul, bearing in mind, a ‘bearer’ of tidings, come to bear, overbearing, getting ones bearings, bear fruit or bear-hug. Because of traditional cultural associations, and its ability to hibernate, the bear can represent the ability to die and be reborn.
Bear attacking: It could mean that you are feeling or dealing with anger in yourself or another.
But many people dream of being chased by a bear and maybe run in fear or terror from the bear. Not only in your own dreams, but other people’s, it is obvious that we take into our sleep and dreams all the fears, terrors we carry within us. The huge bear, tiger or frightening person they are terrified of is actually fears either inherited or are frightening experiences from the past. They are purely mental things that you haven’t faced, and are therefore the victims of – victims of your own fears. But in dreams in you cannot die – or drown, or burn or any other threatening thing. We make the mistake of taking our very real values from our outer life into our inner life of dreams. If a bear or critter is chasing you, it is only a dream image and so what are you running from? If you drop the image if the bear/critter what you have is a feeling or emotion such as fear. And why are you running like crazy from an emotion? Remember that nothing can hurt you in your dreams, but you can feel fear. See The animal in my dream
And do not think, “That monster is bigger and stronger than I am, and it is frightening!!” It is our thoughts and fears that create the monsters inside us. So of course you are stronger unless you cower in fear.
But that only refers to outer bears, not dream bears. In some northern towns a bear or polar bear can be a real danger, so in your dreams it may be about a threat you need to keep watch for – although it is a bear in your dream, it could be any threat.
It can also, like the following dream, show a fight against disease.
Example: I dreamt that I was my older brother. As him, and yet at the same time myself, I was trying to fight off an attacking bear. I was doing all I could to defeat it but there was no let up.
Two days later my brother suddenly died from a vicious virus he had contracted while doing his job as a taxi driver. I feel as if I were fighting the disease with him in the dream, but we both lost the battle.
Baby or toy bear: Often represents a child or a young dreamer.
Tame or loving bear: Many people have no fear of animals in their dreams but are like the examples below. Fear is caused because we mix up our dream life with our outer life.
Example: In my dream I was actually happy to see bears lying down at the entrance of my parent’s old house. They were all lying down there as if waiting for me. When they felt my presence they woke up. They were happy and groaning amicably when they saw me approaching them. And there were babies too! I never felt fear or any threat but happiness to see them … and I knew it was mutual.
Example: My dream was not frightful. My Bear dream and I were walking, he put his nose in my hand and nuzzled, we walked home, I went up to my door and Bear went next door and rolled around in the neighbors driveway and rested.
But as people are educated in the modern paradigm, many of us are totally out of touch with the animal that we are, and have never been able to raise it to love and protect us, and instead are often frightened of it when it appears on their dreams. As a child we are often told not to do things – such as do not get angry, or told to be nice to everyone, but the intuitive animal side of us feels and act on its superior insight – that would allow them to mature with our animal self intact so we grow up repressing it, and often miss the natural curiosity of our inner mammal.
So if you have a loving animal dream you have a very good and healthy relationship with your inner animal. See Levels of the Brain and Summing Up
Three bears as with father bear, mother bear etc.: Family situation or parental relationship.
If hint of money in the dream: might refer to ‘bear market’.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What were your feelings and interactions with the bear? (For instance were you avoiding, running from cooperating with, watching from a distance – and where does ‘avoiding’, ‘running from’, ‘cooperating’, or ‘observing’ enter your life at the moment?)
If you imagine yourself as the bear in your dream, what do you feel and experience?
See Stand in Role; Processing Dreams; Summing Up
I had a dream that three bears were running through the yard. The mother and cub trying to exscape the a male bear. The male had got the best of the female and started to charge the cub. The cub came running towards my door, I opened it and let the cub in. I stood quietly as the msle slammed into te door wall and then the cub reached out for me. I picked it up and held it like a small child….The bears were brown. I only felt afraid when the male hit the doorwall.
Renee – This sounds like a scene you either witnessed or were involved in. For it looks like the male bear is a man who is threatening a mother and her child.
If that is so, and it could be a memory from childhood, then you have now got a door wall between you and the anger that was threatening you as a child.
Dreams often show the different ages we are in this way. The adult you can now face the fears that as a child were too much to face. So the adult you can now hold and comfort you as a child.
I have had recurring dreams of the same old house in great detail. The dreams there are not always the same but it is the same house. The strange part is that the house seems so real but I have never been there and don’t know if it even exists. Can you tell me what this means? Thanks alot.
C – When you dream of a house, you are meeting a hugely important and many sided representation of yourself. It is both many faceted and multidimensional. For each dream image holds enormous data, emotional response, and created patterns of behaviour. So in your dream you are in touch with a full surround databank of fantastic information about you, your past and your possibilities.
The fact it is an old house that you do not know doesn’t matter. It is a house you have created out of all your past experience, and represent all the traits, behaviour patterns and wisdom you have inherited from your ancestors. And that need not be you actual past relatives, for we are made up of so many people we have inherited from.
It might be helpful for you to explore this by reading and using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/
Hi Tony I stumbled upon your site accidentally and have been reading about bear dreams . I had a particular dream where i was with the most perfect girl in my mind at the moment which identity was a mystery . I had a normal conversation with a bear with the mystery girl by my side . He began to tell me he was on his way to Idaho and how he’s been traveling . The girl on my side which has been in my dream all night says to the bear I like your shirt can i have it . The bear doesn’t hesitate he gives her the shirt right off his back and he continues on his journey .
Any insight on the helping bear ? Why the shirt off his back ? Why the perfect mysterious girl ?
Zechariah – Well, you are a lucky dreamer to have such a great bear and also ‘the most perfect girl’. What have you been up to to deserve it?
I believe the bear is a reflection of you, maybe you see yourself like that sometimes – someone helpful travelling through life.
Then it seems there is a connection with Idaho – look out for opportunities to go there.
The giving of the shirt off the bears back is a reminder of the biblical phrase, ‘If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also.’
It is like saying material things are not important, for there is a great treasure you could have asked for that would be freely given – the treasure of the spirit. I think that too is something you are learning.
i had a dream a while back about animals. I was at this party/ gathering where all sorts of people who have some association with animals like for example there i was in human form but i know that i have a lineage from bears and my friend was from a type of big cat. The heads of each animal family was there too but unlike us they were in animal form. I remembered that we were trying so hard not to let others know what family we belonged to because then the heads would come after us. Suddenly this friend was being chased by the head of the her family and I knew I was next to be chased the bear head. There was a staircase going up and my friend ran upwards followed by the big cat, I was suppose to go up too because I thought that I would have a better chance escaping there if there were more people up there ( you can’t be attacked by another family) but as i was about to run upstairs because the head bear started to charge at me, there was this child standing at the middle of the stairs and i know that even though i can avoid her with no harm done he/she will be crushed by the head bear because it was so big, so i decided to head to jump right back down and ran outside. The head bear chased me until we were on the roof of some building and then we were fighting with each other, I knew I had no chance to win but I kept fighting until we were on the edge of the roof. The head bear had to support itself up a little bit to attack me one last time but i managed to tip her causing her to fall. It was a very high fall, I hoped it was going to die but it didn’t though it was very injured. Then i saw this sweet old man tried to help the head bear towards his house. I remember thinking why didn’t it just die yet but a part of me was relieved that it wasn’t dead.
I’m so confused. I don’t know what exactly can it represent in my life and I can’t think of anything to relate to it. Any insights would be nice. Thank you.
Joy – The impression I get from your dream is that it is about family groups. Each family has a different quality, and so id represented by an animal – as with astrology. The dream seems to suggest that you have not had a good time with your family life and yet you feel chased or even persecuted by it.
This comes to head in the dream with the child – who is you at that age – that you are still trying to protect. Do you remember that? And that leads to struggle, not physical, but real, in which you mange to get away from the family influence.
As you said, you can’t be attacked by another family.
I had a dream that a bear was near me, I was in a different place, not where I live, this bea stood up and had his claws on on shoulders on me from behind, I was not at all scared . Someone enar me made me all of a sudden be fearful fo the bear, I told them no, I donot fear the bear, and he was friendly bear. Then I saw someone with all this money standing in front of me, money was running out between there hands and the bear was watching. I know this sounds out of the box and all, but I have been feeling like someone has been communicating with me telepathically, this is no dream, the bear part is, this is a person who is suppose to be dead, someone I have never met, but have seen things I shouldn’t, been touched and feel a presence. I got some crystals from a friend and have been meditating a lot about this, I have seen this person in visions while awake, can see where they are, and later a confimation of this exact place happens thru a pic online . I feel this person is my twin flame, not sure about if this is my path, makes one feel like they are crazy. Any suggestions as to how to know what to do?
Susan – The friendly bear and that you were not frightened is a good sign. Then the money is a feeling that you have or are getting something of value to you.
The best way to see more clearly is to avoid thinking the things you have read about what you are experiencing. That is to clear you mind of preconceptions. Then write down any new experiences and see what they mean. If you do not manage to understand, say to yourself, “I do not understand, but if I keep watching and learning from my experiences it will become clear.”
Concerning a bear dream: The bear is smashing through an ordinary house type door. I’m in a ordinary room with the usual sofa and the like furtniture. The bear is attempting to get at only me. It is angry, roaring but can’t hear it, with claws out. I look behind me and here is another Caucasian, unknown person with me in this room. We were at the other side of a room, running from the bear, while the bear is ragging mad breaking through a door on the opposite side of the room. The bear is now running at the two of us. But the unknown person opens another door, since they are closer than me, to the exterior of this house. They run out. In their fear, I sensed, they hurriedly nearly closed the door, but not all the way. I could not open the door to the outside in time to avoid this rushing angry bear. I turned and stood facing the bear ready to fight it. It not only fanished, rather slowly vapourized as it was running through me. As the bear was disappearing I crouched but still facing the bear, as if waiting for an huge fight. I could not believe what occured; I was not hurt in any way whatsoever, I felt assurred. I awoke from my sleep groaning/wimpering in fear because of the bear. I also was somewhat angry that the unknown person had closed the door to the outside. They were never seen again. I got over what that person had done because the bear had disappeared and I felt safe yet unsettled. I was now standing, surrounded by a smashed, messy living room. My thoughts: The bear’s rush left my life in pieces, but not my real self.
I would appreciate your insightful thoughts. Thank you, Bruce. June 29-11
Bruce – This sounds like a breakthrough dream; breaking through to a new understanding of how Life in us works. Also it illustrates something I keep telling people – Do not run away from danger. Every dream is ourselves projected outside of us into dream images. So the bear was a part of you that you were afraid of, and because you didn’t escape from it you knew what it was – groaning/whimpering in fear – then you felt angry at the man – and those were all in the image of the bear.
The great secrets that take some learning is that anything coming toward you is coming into consciousness. We hardly know who we are and so there is so much more of us to emerge.
There is nothing in any dream that can hurt you, unless you run away from something. Running away is leaving yourself open to being a victim of whatever frightens you. So always confront and conquer the danger in your dreams. If a bear is attacking you in the woods, go toward the bear rather than running from it.
Every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector. Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your joys and explorations are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama.
Any new skill or insight can be called upon, whether it is creativity; loving attitude, intuition, strength, call on it.
Integrate everything to be a part of you. That is, every creature, every scene. I repeat this over and over because it is so important – the creatures in our dreams are totally different to creatures outside us. They are all parts of you, your body, your brain, emotions and spirit. But they are put into the form of living creatures because they are part of you – a living being.
I have been having a recurring nightmare involving a huge bear. I live on a farm, and it is common knowledge that there are bears in the area. In my nightmare, I can see a bear across the farm, traveling towards me. I am on the front porch, and it is far past the fence. I run inside to find a gun, but have lost all knowledge of how to load it, shoot it, or take it off safety setting. My mother and brother are in the downstairs bedroom talking, but I cannot yell to warn them. By this time the bear is at coming in the open door. I run upstairs and escape, while my mother and brother die. I do not actually see them die, their talking just ceases. I then wake up crying and scared. I’m now afraid to go asleep since the dream keeps coming back. Help?!
Lauren – It is a very different situation to meet a dream bear and a waking time bear. In dreams nothing can hurt you, you cannot die, and all you experience are scared emotions. But you do not even have to experience them.
A dream bear is a part of your own instincts and emotions, and should welcomed rather than run away from. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/
Your dream expresses two great fears, fear of death and fear of losing your family. Such fears should be talked over and thought about to see what is the best way to deal with them.
A realistic way of dealing with fear of a real bear is to practice using the family gun until it is second nature to you. Although if you look at the amount of people killed bears, and comparing it with the amount of people killed in car accidents, then you should be dreaming about cars, not bears.
I had a dream that I was with a man he was nice, who had a pack of dogs and they were really big and powerful and I was walking with them I had no fear of them I didn’t believe they would harm me and then I realised that one was actually a bear walking on all fours so slightly shocked I said to the man who owned them … did he realise that one was a bear and that bears were extremely dangerous animals and could turn on you at any time, then he looked at me and pointed to his left where there were many many bears maybe 50 all eating ferociously at this turntable like wild animaks would eat standing on their hind legs all with their back to me , with only a small knee high wooden gate to keep them in, the man said he looked after vears and that was what he did, i felt slightly afraid of the bears and was looking to see how secure i was from them , but they didn’t see me they were too busy eating, that is all i remember
Caroline – Your dream is an excellent example of how we, our mind, works.
You felt no fear with big dogs, but then a different image appears in your dream and so anxiety appears. Please remember that this is all taking place within you, and so you are not meeting any bears, but are moving about images that scare you. And the man who is with you has no fear. And who is he – just another image that you are playing with.
To shift from anxiety to confidence you need to feel the man’s confidence – after all he is you as you created him out of yourself. There is nobody else with you as you are asleep and dreaming. We can scare ourselves silly by thinking or dreaming some things, and if you realising what you are doing you can live in peace most of the time, even in waking. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYYXq1Ox4sk
There were no bears in your dreams, only images of dreams that you obviously have scary associations with. But nothing can hurt you in your dreams. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/
I had a crazy dream about a bear that didn’t make sense. Right now I”m I’m deployed in Iraq. This dream takes place in Iraq but in a house that is breaking down. I have some people that I work with in this house. A bear crashes through door and we all run. 3 of my co-workers decide to build a barricade made out of wood under furniture while me and another coworker climb up and sit on top of a wall and watch the bear. I noticed that my buddy that I deployed with 2 times is no where to be found. Me and my other co-worker are sitting on the wall watching this bear just tearing through all the walls and furniture not really trying to attack any one. Then my buddy that was missing shows up and walks through the door like nothing is wrong and the bear is no where to be found after that. She just walks up to us and asks why are we sitting on the wall and why is the house all torn up. We were just staring at her and wondered where the bear was, but then I woke up before I could find out. Any ideas about this? By the way I told my buddy about the dream and she said that she thought that she was the bear in the dream.
Miranda – Exactly what I felt before reading to the end – your friend is the bear.
But exactly what does the dream mean? Well it seems a bit like ‘sitting on the fence’ playing it safe. Also, maybe she doesn’t recognise the chaos caused. So ask her why she identifies with the bear.
I am 18 weeks pregnant and I had a very vivid dream last night about a mother bear. The bear wouldn’t let me get by to get to my son, who is 1. My son was with her cub and anytime I tried to get to the she would attack me. This dream went on and on like this till I woke up.
I am so happy to have found this site! I’m constantly dreaming of things I can’t explain… until much later of course 😉 and would love to have some feedback while I can use it!
Here goes:
I had a dream last night that I was in a house and there was a big brown mama bear breaking the walls and trying to get to me. I was trying to out smart the bear by staying out of sight. Running down hallways on the opposite side… ducking when she would rip the walls apart, and being quiet. I realized that there were cubs nearby and if I wanted to get the bear out I would have to get rid of the babies. I ran up some stairs and into a field to grab them… back into the house with my arms full of them. I was trying not to hold them too close for fear that thier mother would reject them later… I ran down the stairs past the mama bear and I was going to fling the cubs into the front yard, where the grass was green and the sun setting… but I realized that the mama bear had fallen asleep on the floor… and the cubs were so soft. I looked down and they reminded me of puppies I had once raised. I decided to walk them outside instead… then I woke up 😉 Any thoughts?
Thank-you for your thoughts 😉
Teresa – There is a rule about dreams that when something is moving toward you, in your case chasing you, it means it is coming to awareness out of the unconscious. To understand this you have to realise that as a human you have all the animal tendencies in you, but they often stay out of sight – unconscious. So the bear that is trying to find you obviously wants to share something with you – probably a powerful and protective mother instinct. This becomes clear when you see the bear cubs as puppies and care for them.
So I wonder why you are running away from it; I mean apart from fearing a bear can hurt you. That is true in waking life, but not in your life within dreams. So image meeting the bear and do not run. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/
I dreamed I saw a bear cub outside of this house. I went outside to check it out. I tried to pet it. But I was afraid it might bite me. It never bit me. But I felt it was trying to. Then I walked away from it. And then the other people it was near, it started biting them and I heard the people upset and yelling.
I had a strange dream that my mind keep thinking about this morning…I am walking along and in a tree I see a sleeping bear, I try to go back but the bear awakes and runs after me and I find a house and go inside but the bear now a couple bears are trying to get in. I have dogs that start barking and growling at the bears and even some stray dogs come and chase off the bears, which the stray dogs now become my pets who stay guard outside my house.
Barbara – We all have levels of instinctive behaviour. You obviously woke up an instinctive level or response that scared you. And by that I mean supposing you had a powerful feeling of anger or feeling fear, then you would avoid it because you do not know how to approach hit wisely. So then you switch into an instinctive response that has been partly socialised – the dog – so you feel safe with it and protected.
But it can be a good thing to let the wild you loose sometime and get friendly with it. You never know when you want something big at your side.
Hello Tony. I admire your work! Now I have a dream question.
I dremt this night that I met a bearcub in my hometown. The cub was curios towards me but yet afraid to approach me. After a while the bearmom showed up and approached me with growlings and thretning bodylanguage. As if she protecting her cub. This went on a while and the cub turned to his mother. I layed down and turned my back at them wich made the mother calm. Afterwards there was a meeting with several people where the mother bear told everyone how well I had behaved.
I live in a family of three individuals, Me, my gf and my 6m daughter. And I think it has something to do with my relations to them but how?
Anxious for an awnser… If only on email
Thomas – Well, I find it quite difficult to decide on a stable answer to your dream. There seems to be several options. One is that the mother bear represents your daughter’s mother – but without information about that it is difficult to know. Another is that it could be about family attitudes. And the third is that it could be a reflection of your natural instinctive feelings.
So I will go for the third one and you can tell me if it doesn’t fit.
I wonder therefore if you are wondering inside yourself how well your daughter will cope without her mother, and whether you daughter can actually take to you. From your instinctive self you work it out that if you do not rush the relationship it will be okay.
I have had 2 different dreams about bears. In both of the dreams I have fallen a sleep in the bears arms, laying on their stomach. In my dreams they were playful, and happy pets of mine. The first dream was a brown bear and the second on was a polar bear. Any comments!!
Tracy – This sounds like one of those happy and fun dreams.
I would say that you have a love of the natural side of you and so are at peace with it. I often say to people you ride on the back of an ancient beast. The ancient beast is our body, and our conscious self is the modern and recent rider of it. Some ‘riders’ do not understand their animal needs – and the fact that we have several levels of brain that are independent of each other proves this. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ which explains this.
The beast in us has a healthy fear of much that goes on in today’s world. Fear is a guardian that protected ancient beast from uncountable dangers for millions of years. Although it appears like a great and ancient beast, it is full of mystery and magic. It has brought about living beings in incredible variety. It has possibilities we cannot even guess at. Within itself it holds the secrets of creation and destruction, of sleep and waking, of the intricacies of mind and spirit. It has unimaginable power and tenacity. It is beyond us and yet intimately of very core of self. We relate to it, we enliven it, we call it out or imprisonment by every act we do.
So you are very lucky – or wise – to be its friend. See http://dreamhawk.com/stories/the-rock-beast/
I had a dream about two mother brown bears and one of the mother bears had two cubs and one of the mother bears had three cubs and a father bear. my son walked over to me and gave me one of the cubs and it loved on my face and sat down on my lap. Then the father bear came out of the woods with the other mother bear and cubs my father was in my dream and I ask why was the mother bear missing some fur and he said it was from the father bear. then the father bear stood up on his legs and walked over to me and put his big paws on my lap and loved on my face. then he got down and sat beside me and then one of his cubs that also had some fur missing on his front leg got on my lap and rubbed my face and gave me lovings like a cat would. i was not scared i felt nothing but love and very happy.
Barbara – Well you seem to me to be happy person, at ease with your natural urges and nature itself. Your dream reminds me of the book The Bears and I, where a man adopts three cubs because the mother left them.
Obviously you are being given a lot of love, and as far as the dream is concerned this is usually because you have either treated animals with care and kindness, or that you have faced difficulties in a way that cared for you own inner nature with love.
I love your site! i have so many dreams through the years that have came true and I have family and friends that have died come visit me in my dreams. It is very hard sometimes because out of all my family I am the only one that it happens to. This dream about the bears that i had posted i would love if you have an idea what it means. I have never had a dream like this. It really felt so real and I felt a connection with the bears. have a great day 🙂