If you are in a coma it could suggest that events or hurts in your life have caused you to withdraw or be largely incapable of interacting with other people and events. It can also portray a situation in which you have become unconscious or unaware of what is going on around you and have turned inwards.
But in most cases this is probably depicting a part of you hurt at some time and it closed down. For instance if you have been deeply hurt emotionally in a relationship, you may still go on being capable of relating at a certain level, but the part of you that enters deeply into sexual and emotional relationships may have closed down, as in a coma.
Dreaming about this usually means you have become more aware of the situation and there is an opportunity to heal and awaken that facet of yourself.
If somebody else is in a coma, this might still be about what is described above, but it can also show you relating to the person in a non-verbal, heart to heart manner. Sometimes this is shown in dreams where you feel out of contact with someone you love or care for. In such cases the dream is showing that it is only the surface level of communication that is missing.
See Signs of consciousness in People who are Considered Vegetative
I had a dream where all my family was there, so many things were different my brother was handicap he was a big basketball player that got hurt during a game, my father was alive and running from us in a truck we all were trying to figure something out that he had done. We ended up in a house were he use to live in Mexico but the side where you open the door was filled with water and my son had to use the pee so he couldn’t hold it and used it on the where the water was. We had done lots of walking and I was kind of emotional. When I asked my sister why I didn’t know all this stuff she said I was in a coma and others didn’t want to tell me.
So, I don’t know if this site is still maintained or what, but seeking some help. I had a dream that some lady was in another dimension somehow praying over a dead royal woman, touches her forehead while the daughter and husband stand by crying. Suddenly she starts making a scratching motion with her hands and a teen girl runs over, the lady who prayed turns into me and I’m telling the teen girl not to touch me when this item that tough e the dead/nowalive? Woman, but she did and laughs. Then I’m waking up in a a tiny blue/silver cell similar to a jail cell. There are windows from the chest up on the sides, and I see my the teen girl who touched me. I ask what happened, and she said I caught some kind of disease the not-dead woman had and was ‘dead’ (seemingly) in the middle of this science center for 32 MONTHS!!!!!! then my daughter (who is 2 in a month) ran in totally ignoring me and I wondered where they kept her and how she has been, if she has missed me. I hug her crying saying sorry and she just stares at me then goes play. I get mad and check my phone, at first it says April 2015 and I think oh they were joking. But then it blacks out and restarts at factory level (asks name, billing address etc) and slowly goes up from 17, 32, 45. Idk it was a terribly scary dream. Anybody know what this could mean!? Email me when you answer. Thanks!
I had a dream I was in a coma, but before it happened I kept going in and out of consciousness in my dream. And then one time I lost consciousness for longer than the rest and when I woke up I was in a hospital surrounded by my mom and other people I didn’t recognize and everyone was freaking out and saying that I had been in a coma. I’m not sure for how long but it seemed like a month. Would the explanation for this still be depravation from others and the world?
I had a dream i woke up From a coma after a year but my parents Didnt tell me i was, idk how i Didnt know myself, but the dream started off like this, i was at a party and i was talking about things that i lást remembered before my coma because i Didnt know that i was in a coma, until my uncle tells me i was. So theyre telling me everything i missed that year. Then i remembered about my boyfriend and i texted him, he replied saying how much he missed me and all these things. I Run to go find him at our old school where we met in real lífe , and everyonr acted like i was never in a coma, they Didnt care, so Then im talking to My boyfriend on the phone and he tells me hes with another girl and he has a baby, so i tell him that i dont want to take him away From her so i said that were oficially done but Then he says he doesnt want to be done. , Then i wake up. Im worried what this could mean can you please help?? Ive Been having a lot of Dreams about him with other girls and its scaring me.
Hi, I’ve recently had this dream where I’m in an airplane crash and it goes black for a second. Then I wake back up to a completely different area filled with my family, friends, and people I hadn’t seen or talk to in years. I ask around and it turns out I had just awoken from a coma I had been in for 5 months. So what does it mean when you wake up from a coma in a dream?
I had a dream that my father in law woke up from a coma and was up and was brushing his teeth. And when I saw him I started crying. And in real life he really is in a coma.
Hi, everytime i dream about something i can’t figure out i read dream interpretations but my dream the other night really bothers me so i hope someone could help me understand. In my dream i was in a coma for a short while and when i woke up i have big cuts on my forehead and my chin but there’s no blood, my mom was beside me so u asked her what happened and she vaguely answered that i walked out my room or my hospital moved or something, so i asked her again to make things clear, she said that my sister fell asleep and someone kidnapped me and they found me all wounded in a bathroom somewhere still inside the hospital. I was still a bit okay but then my mom said something i cant remember that made me realize that the unknown man not only kidnapped and hurt me but he raped me and then i woke up so scared and bothered.
I’m 19 weeks pregnant. I keep dreaming that I am in a coma during the delivery. I wake anywhere from a few months to a few years later and have missed by baby growing. It’s devastating and feels so real!
I had a dream last night that my cousin was in a coma, when I had arrived at her bedside which happened to be outside, she suddenly awoke! She gasped and woke up! I was almost tearful, because she woke up when I was ther beside her! She said she wanted to drive home, and for some reason I let her, perhaps because I cannot drive! But she became reckless, driving over the speed limit seriously speeding which led us several times of having a near death experience, but for some reason we always survived landing smoothly on the road as though nothing happened! In the dream I when we would almost have the accident I prepared myself for the worst and nothing happened, the experience of almost crashing was frightening but we would not I began to find this really disturbing! And i grew tired of it! And somewhat painful but it was as though she was awake but still in a coma! The thing is a rarely see my cousin and I don’t really believe this is about her but me!
Tamara – Yes, it is about you. Please read – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
The message I get from your dream is that you are in a sort of coma as far as your inner life is concerned. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
Your dream shows you again and again that all your fears and worries about your inner life are unfounded, and you keep taking your fears about the outer life into your dream life. So please wake up, because there is a wonderful new life waiting for you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
I had a dream of my mom being in a coma because of her cholesterol and this is a first becase she has diabetes. But in the dream it felt so real and i woke up in tears. Also my dad was there! He died 2 years ago. To me I still don’t understand1 my dream or why my dad was there. Please help explain.
My dream was that I went into a coma for six months. Something that I don’t remember caused me to go into the coma. But when I came out of it everyone had forgotten about me. They had moved on with there lives and didn’t care that I was out of the coma.
Alexys – I had a similar dream after I had suffered long depression, of waking up from a sleep and couldn’t remember anything.
So it sounds as if you are just waking up to not really being ‘here and now’ in the past. If there is any truth in what I say, it seems you need to re-establish your friendships in some way.
But try exploring the dream yourself with http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
I had a dream where I was Sherlock Holmes assistant in training and I was helping him solve a case. We were at an old mansion owned by a lady called “grandmother”. Also there was a group of older teens about my age and they were pranksters and punks who looked at me weird when I passed them. So I was in the middle of helping solve a case and then there was nothing. I woke up in the dream moments later but I knew it had been weeks. I was really scared because I didn’t know what had happened it was more like amnesia than a coma, but I looked of my phone and my mom had sent me 22 messages and the date was aug 14. I read only the first two messages and she said I was in a coma. However I was just standing in the basement near the group of teens who were now all friendly with me and apparently had become my friends while I was ill (so I was up and doing things (not a coma?)) and I was very confused about what was going on around me and then soon woke up.
I am still confused and don’t know what all of this means…
I was lying in a hospital unconscious, but I was looking at myself together with my Father who is already dead 6 years ago. He gave me a bread that shape like a circle and he told me to eat it because it will take away my sins, but I wasn’t able to eat it because I was looking at myself and suddenly I woke up. The place….hmmm you can’t actually see anything it’s like clouds around us.
I had a dream one night that I was in a coma like state (although in the dream, people said I was not in a coma, but mentally impaired from an accident during that time) for 4 1/2 years. In the dream I had no recollection of those years at all, the time was lost.
The next night, it was the same thing, only 2 1/2 months. The numbers stood out strongly, the 4 1/2 years, and 2 1/2 months.
There has been several large traumas in my life that have caused many social problems for me, and I also suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, so this interpretation is very fitting, but are the numbers/time frames significant?
Mindie – I had a similar dream after I had suffered long depression, of waking up from a sleep and couldn’t remember anything. So it sounds as if you are getting better. The figures I do not know, but they usually are about your personal associations. So did anything happen to you when you were 4 ½ and 2 ½ years old?
Hey, i was wondering cause the Coma section wasn’t really appealing to what my dream was about involving the coma.
What happened was i was in hospital and i was in a coma, alot of my friends would say they’d visit me and they never did in my dream… i had a “3rd person’s” view of my body in the hospital and it was just an empy room with me on a hospital bed… To me, the description you have isn’t appealing and the dream has put alot of doubt on my mind of my loved ones not caring enough for me to even visit me if i were actually in a coma.
Help would be very appreciated.
Lachy – Words are so often misleading. From your dream you were not in a coma but were conscious outside your body. That gives a very different picture, so if you would describe the dream in detail to me I will do my best to help you.