Feelings or actions you have denied. For instance you might kill your love for someone if they hurt you. This could be shown as a dead body in your dreams. Some feeling, such as sympathy, forgiveness, that we have deadened. We may say, Why should I forgive them, they don’t deserve it, and this attitude can prevent parts of our inner feelings living or expressing consciously. Fear of death; desire to see someone dead, or out of the way.
Usually in these dream you, the dreamer, have killed or murdered the corpse you see in the dream. Often it is a part we do not want to know about because of traumatic pain associated with it, or because it is because of the pain we felt about that part of us. See murder
In a few dreams the corpse represents feelings about disease, human vulnerability and mortality.
Example: It was something like a semi detached and sited on a slope. I was outdoors and I think felt or knew that we had just taken over this house. But I felt uneasy as if something from the past was linked with it.
Then I was at the back of the house, on the part sloping down from the back wall of the house. I noticed things covering what turned out to be a big hole dug against the back wall, deep into the soil. This was where I felt most ill at ease about the place. The hole had been covered with bits of board and other odd pieces of junk. I lifted these at the left of the hole and looked in. Sticking out from the side of the hole, about three feet down was the dead body of a young man. I could see the back of his skull had been smashed in. But although he had obviously been under the soil for some time, and had now been uncovered, the body was still in good condition, being slightly dried out or mummified.
I felt really guilty and connected with the body, as if I had been part of his murder, and was wondering frantically what I could do to hide or get rid of the body. Part of the problem was that pulling it out risked being seen with it.
In ‘being’ the body in the dream the man said, “But it wasn’t until I got into the role of the dead body that any depth of feelings emerged. Almost as soon as I was in the role of the dead body I began to think about and feel things connected with the way I had killed my sexuality as a teenager. Gradually these feelings deepened and I was describing my feeling hatred in regard to sexuality and how the masses were pulled along by their genitals into some sort of conformity and performance. I felt anger and loathing for what I felt at the time were the cattle human beings were. At the time I despised and hated them. I also felt repugnance at the way people talked about sex or appeared to enjoy it. It has to be understood that in that period in history in the UK, most of sex was depicted in terms of smut, dirt, animal desire, hidden pornography, or loveless fucking. I wept deeply, at times hardly able to breathe, with the pain of seeing what I had done to myself. I said sorry over and over. I saw that I need not have killed my love and sexuality, but could have expressed it in a tender and loving way.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Have I killed this body – if so what am I killing or denying in myself?
If I imagine myself as this body what do I feel or connect with in myself?
Do I know the person who is dead – if so what is my relationship with them – have I removed them from my love?
See: Being the Person or Thing – death – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Dead Body
I had a disturbing dream. I was leaving my home but had to return. I found what appeared to be a party, went to my bedroom and saw a guy having sex in my bed. When I confronted him, he pulled the covers back and it was my deceased grandmother. I immediately left. But I’m wondering what this could mean. She was dead in the dream as well
Last night had a very vivid dream that is also recurring every few months. In the dream there is an upstairs section of our house that I discover. It is very old, large, and with a grand staircase. Whenever I’m walking-up the stairs I get the feeling that it’s a part of the house we should be using but then suddenly get a very eerie feeling in the dream. Then I walk into the main bedroom and it looks like it’s been lived in but clearly by someone who is very old or maybe deceased. Usually I just leave the room. This time, as I approached the room I motioned to someone that was with me that I wasn’t going to enter the room. The person that was with me then confirmed there was in fact a corpse in the room after exiting the room. Then I awoke. Usually when I dream of a corpse, it’s someone that I’m trying to hide. However, this time I did not feel associated to the corpse nor was I trying to hide it. But i definitely wasn’t happy about it. Thank you for any insight!
Rob – In general dreams recur because there are ways the dreamer habitually responds to their internal or external world. Because their attitude or response is unchanging, the dream that reflects it remains the same. It is noticeable in those who explore their dreams using such techniques as described under processing dreams, that recurring themes disappear or change because the attitudes or habitual anxieties that gave rise to them have been met or transformed.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/
Rob, I have experienced myself too that there are many ways in which we can “play the game of denial”, of denying that certain parts or aspects of ourselves really belong to us.
I see that that is what you are doing in your recurring dreams too; for you either hide the corpse, and when a more courageous part of you is willing to look in the bedroom and find the corpse, you do not feel associated to it.
Not feeling associated to it, is like a more subtle way (psychologically) of hiding it.
We play these games with ourselves, for we all tend to resist healing and so change and growth in some way.
Nobody feels happy when they look at what they are doing to themselves Rob; when they look at which parts they have killed in themselves; it IS often a rather painful process to move through these area’s in our house, and so in our minds.
In your dream you are aware however that it does serve a purpose to enter this process, for as you wrote:
“There is an upstairs section of our house that I discover. It is very old, large, and with a grand staircase. Whenever I’m walking-up the stairs I get the feeling that it’s a part of the house we should be using”.
So why not deal with “your corpses” in this “area of your mind”?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/personal-growth/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream I was hammering some floor boards down and turned around and noticed a body behind me which looked like I had hit her in the head with the hammer and killed her (without even noticing) it was my sister….. Not knowing what to do with the body I put it behind the couch and after a while I bumped the couch and then the corpse started to bleed. And the blood was coming out in the walls. It was gross but I didn’t seem worried. Then decided to cook the organs to dry out the organs. (I know it’s disgusting)
It was a pretty gross and disturbing dream…I love my sister to the moon and back……can you please tell me what it supposed to mean?
Thanks for your time
Sarah – What are you doing to yourself dear woman?
You have to know that every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector.
And so your sister in your dream is a symbol for your feeling self.
While you were removing parts of yourself using the hammer, you killed (part of) your feelings too, which is why you were not worried and why you were able to act in a rather distant way.
It helps to understand that the house is a representation of yourself too.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-house-in-your-dream/
I feel you made the decision to “never be hurt again this way”; for bleeding most often relates to emotional or psychological hurt.
With your decision to cook the organs dry, you were working in your dream towards “undoing your emotions” for water is related to feelings and dryness to the absence of them.
I trust a better approach is to learn to deal with painful emotions, so you can bring your inner sister back to Life again Sarah.
So please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/eight-step-method-to-manage-intense-emotion/
Be well Sarah!
Anna 🙂
I see the corpse of my deceased friend in my dream
I dreamt that i was in bus. Then when we got to a stop, an old lady was standing at the bus stop but the driver didnt want to pick the lady. But she forced her way into the car. As soon as she entered, i smelled something rotten. She smelled like she was or had something rotten on her. And she came to sit right beside me and looked at me. Then i woke up. I woke up having a bad feeling so i prayed about it
I had a really disturbing dream last night. I dreamt that I was in bed with a mostly rotted corpse. Although I didn’t see it happen, it was like I knew I’d just had sex with it. And then I called it by my husband’s name, even though it didn’t look like him. I don’t remember much else of the dream, except after that I was confused while talking to a man I’ve never seen before.
I keep having this dream im put at gun point and am forced to kill my love ones but I dont so the masked man who holding me at gun point kills me cause i dont obey and kill my familY? any interperation?
I keep having dreams, in which the man I was inlove with and living at the time (real life)
In my dream I would see him dead, always in some dead muck! With other dead bodies, sometimes just body parts, always in disguisting and smelly muck! I always tried to “rescue him” either for a proper burial, or to keep him from the smelling muck.
At times, his body was in the muck, gooey smelly black sticky death wreathed smell, but he was still alive! I would again do my best to rescue him, but unseccesful – just as before.
Each time I woke up from those dreams traumatized.
After 7 years my love and I separated. He still loves me.
Even though I love him, and have a child from him- I got back with my husband ( he never gave me a divorce when I left him 9 years ago).
I have two teenage children from my husband.
And recently I dreamed that I was in a wedding dress. My make up and hair was being done, but none looked right to me! Then in my dream, I saw someone burying me, almost finished throwing dirt over grave.
Two days later,
I dreamed that my husband and I are in a house. Under our bed we kept a corpse. It was buried, a man’s corpse. Buried underneath my side of the bed.
We are moving and I am worrying about leaving the corpse behind, so I make my husband again, bury it under my side of the bed, in a new house.
Why have I dreamed of the one I love, always in this muck? And I think that in my last dream, it was the body of my love. Who is not with me.
I’m confused, and always in pain. My heart aches daily for my love., but I feel betrayed by him. I’m I’ll and that is why my husband and I moved in together… So when I get weaker – he could take care for me. And for our children.
Hey Tony, love your website. Just spent the past few hours reading up on it. I’d like your opinion on a dream I had recently though. Just a warning, it’s a bit long winded, detailed, and sort of gruesome but I know it’s got a meaning and I’d appreciate your thoughts.
I had a dream that I worked with my best friend Cody at an auto garage. (funnily enough a lot of my dreams nowadays involve him for some reason). But he didn’t play a major part. After a couple of days, I noticed something in the back.
The back entrance was through this big sort of sand lot. It was surrounded on all sides by high wall and we used it in the garage for random/junk parts. On the furthest corner from the garage, there was a dumpster on the left side and a break in the wall on the right side that allowed people to get in and out.
I don’t know what it was I did at the garage. Can’t imagine doing college and law school to be a mechanic. Maybe I was their general counsel or manager or something. Maybe not. Maybe I was just a mechanic. The dream never specified. But regardless I came into work from the back every morning, not the front.
After a couple days, I started noticing a strange smell in the back.
I asked my coworkers what it was and they didn’t know, only that they smelled it too. One of our older guys said it was a dead body. We all sort of laughed nervously, wondering why someone would joke about something like that.
We continued working like normal. I got really nervous at work. What if the smell WAS a dead body? I walked by that dumpster every day but purposefully ignored it when I walked past, even to the point of averting my gaze.
A couple of days passed by until I couldn’t take it anymore. I walked over to the dumpster, and took a good, long, hard look at it. It was a dead body. But not only that. It was so gruesome I couldn’t will myself to look away.
I felt like I knew this entire time. I’ll go one step further and say I think I actually did know. I felt like I truly saw it every day but just pushed it away. Worse is, I felt like I was there when it happened. I felt like I witnessed it, and I just pushed that away too.
The body was so gruesomely killed I couldn’t even tell if it was a man or woman at first. The body had been tied up at the wrists and ankles so he couldn’t move. Then, the murderer had cut his feet off, entirely, so he couldn’t run away. After that, he’d cut through the man’s stomach with a knife, and pulled out all of his intestines, the man still alive while he was doing it. They were still all laid out there, all over his lap.
After he’d done that, he’d continued cutting and sawing away at his stomach. He’d almost cut the body in half, but stopped only half way. As a result the man was bent over backwards on his spine, looking like a tree that only needed one more strike with the axe before it would fall. What was left of his organs hung out of the top of his torso, visibility rotting.
The worst part was his head. There wasn’t one. After putting the man through so much pain, the murderer finished him off by slowly cutting off his head. He didn’t leave it at that though. He must have taken the head with him, because it wasn’t here. In it’s place, was the plastic head from a mannequin. It had a twisted and contorted face painted onto it, it looked almost as if it were smiling sadistically. And the blood… it was everywhere. Oh God, so much blood.
I was traumatized. I couldn’t look away. I wish I’d never seen it. Instantly, I wanted to get out of the city. I wanted to move somewhere with low crime and never come back here. I wanted to cry, to just curl myself into a ball and cry. Like before, I felt like I knew about this all along and even witnessed it happen. I also felt like the murderer knew. I felt like he was watching me. I don’t know how much of that was trauma-induced paranoia and how much was actually true.
Eventually I got out of the back entrance. I ran, no, bolted away from the hell that was that sight. I found my cousins James and Richard in a car surprisingly close by. I begged them please for help, but they both said they were busy and sped off.
Desperate, I drove about a half hour to a wedding. One of my mom’s friends was getting married and I knew she’d be there. Id take comfort in her and tell her what happened.
I busted into the wedding reception, which hadn’t started yet. Everyone was just sort of standing around eating appetizers waiting for the bride and groom to show up. I looked so out of place. I was in casual clothes, dirty and sweaty from work and the trauma I just witnessed. My face was one of desperation. I looked frantically for my mom. I needed her now.
I found her after a couple of minutes and pulled her to the back next to the restrooms. I told her what I saw and actually broke down in front of her. I bawled. I bawled my eyes out. I felt so weak. I felt like I shouldn’t have cried. I reprimanded myself in my mind, saying there are cops and soldiers who see this kind of thing every single day, and I couldn’t even handle the sight of it once. I still bawled, harder, my chest heaving. I felt like I could throw up. I felt pathetic for that.
My mom stood by but didn’t say anything. Suddenly, the newlyweds arrived and she said “I’m sorry Matt but I gotta go, Vivian (who happens to be one of MY friends) and her husband are here!” Almost as an afterthought, she said, “You should probably call the cops.” With that, she was out the door and gone, back into the reception hall.
I was in shock and disbelief. I couldn’t believe her. I couldn’t believe James and Richard either. They didn’t even care about my shock. They all brushed me off like nothing. They both weren’t there today when I needed them. I felt so alone. There I was, at a big crowded wedding, surrounded by people and I was completely and utterly alone.
I decided I’d call the cops. I hurried back to my work, as reluctant as I was to be anywhere near that traumatic sight. We were next door to a mall and I decided to meet them there, instead of at work. They were asking me many questions and filling out a police report.
They asked me what I thought were dumb questions, like “What side of the sand lot did you find it?” I asked if the officer wanted to go take a look for herself. She said no. She then radioed another cop, saying “There’s a stiff one in sector blah blah blah go check it out for me.” Again, I reprimanded myself for being so weak, compared to how nonchalant the officer was about it. I still felt so alone. She asked me another question, but I didn’t hear. My attention was on something else.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a very fat Hispanic lady leave the bathroom, singing a song about oral sex casually to herself. I would have dismissed it as another (trashy) customer at the mall, but a red flag went up in my head. I focused on her, and noticed her pull out a Mac-10 (a gun).
I yelled to het the officer’s attention and then bolted away, through an emergency exit, sounding the alarm. It took me to this sort of maze of hallways in the back.
The next series of events was a bit of a blur. I tried to recall it and piece it together as best I could
The woman seemed to be chasing me specifically, but I don’t know if she was connected to the murder in our junkyard or not. The officer was nowhere to be seen. I don’t know if she’d been shot or what. But the Hispanic woman with the Mac-10 was following me basically unopposed.
Somehow we must have ran into one another, or perhaps she tripped, or I pushed/tackled her. Something around those lines happened because I noticed the Mac-10 on the floor and her running away into a bathroom, abruptly yelling “Shit!”
Without hesitation I picked up the gun and pointed it at her. I pulled the trigger. I couldn’t let go of the trigger in the same way I couldn’t will myself to look away from the body earlier today. I sprayed the entire magazine into her.
As I was firing, I woke up gasping for air.
Matt – The way I work on your dream is twofold. The first is because I have explored many dreams – not interpreted them – for myself and with many other people, I have a fair idea of how people use their dream images. After that I depend on your description and the words used. So to start with there are clues in what you have told me that linked with what I have observed in many dreams. I put forward suggestions for you to ponder.
The first is the smell and the auto-garage. This might suggest a need for personal attention or ‘repairs’ to your ambition, drive, or ability to motivate yourself. The smell frequently in dreams the bad smell expresses an intuition of something rotten in ones life. Rotten might mean ‘bad’ emotions felt in a relationship; a hunch or feelings about something, as in the example; memories. And a good friend is a wonderful aid in your life, an aid that can see you through the difficult times, and show you a new side of yourself.
Coming to work through the back entrance could be intimating not being seen to actually involved with what is going on.
The dead body is usually one that you have killed in some way, therefore, “I felt like I knew about this all along and even witnessed it happen”. Will say more about this later. You were traumatized and that may have led to you killing a part of you. Most of us are only part of the person we could have been because we have suppressed, killed out, not be able to grow to who we are, or led to actually murder our own beautiful self. That may be why you felt – “I wanted to cry, to just curl myself into a ball and cry. Like before, I felt like I knew about this all along and even witnessed it happen. I also felt like the murderer knew. I felt like he was watching me. I don’t know how much of that was trauma-induced paranoia and how much was actually true. I ran, no, bolted away from the hell that was that sight”.
Your Mom nor your friends James and Richard were supportive. Perhaps in some way your mother was involved. The law does not deal with self murder and so no help from them. But the oral sex lady has your attention, perhaps there is a clue, because suppressed sexuality tends to bring about murderous rage, that you felt in killing the fat lady.
Here is an example of an explored dream.
Example: It was something like a semi detached house and sited on a slope. I was outdoors and I think felt or knew that we had just taken over this house. But I felt uneasy as if something from the past was linked with it.
Then I was at the back of the house, on the part sloping down from the back wall of the house. I noticed things covering what turned out to be a big hole dug against the back wall, deep into the soil. This was where I felt most ill at ease about the place. The hole had been covered with bits of board and other odd pieces of junk. I lifted these at the left of the hole and looked in. Sticking out from the side of the hole, about three feet down was the dead body of a young man. I could see the back of his skull had been smashed in. But although he had obviously been under the soil for some time, and had now been uncovered, the body was still in good condition, being slightly dried out or mummified.
I felt really guilty and connected with the body, as if I had been part of his murder, and was wondering frantically what I could do to hide or get rid of the body. Part of the problem was that pulling it out risked being seen with it.
In ‘being’ the body and exploring the dream the man said, “But it wasn’t until I got into the role of the dead body that any depth of feelings emerged. Almost as soon as I was in the role of the dead body I began to think about and feel things connected with the way I had killed my sexuality as a teenager. Gradually these feelings deepened and I was describing my feeling hatred in regard to sexuality and how the masses were pulled along by their genitals into some sort of conformity and performance. I felt anger and loathing for what I felt at the time were the cattle human beings were. At the time I despised and hated them. I also felt repugnance at the way people talked about sex or appeared to enjoy it. It has to be understood that in that period in history in the UK, most of sex was depicted in terms of smut, dirt, animal desire, hidden pornography, or loveless fucking. I wept deeply, at times hardly able to breathe, with the pain of seeing what I had done to myself. I said sorry over and over. I saw that I need not have killed my love and sexuality, but could have expressed it in a tender and loving way.
So please see – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I had a dream my ex boyfriend body ( he died last year) was under my bed beneath the floor boards. He was in his coffin it’s was almost like a hollow grave lit with candles. I lifted up the floor boards and visited him regularly to lie beside him like I used to but I became uncomfortable as his body decomposed more and more and he became colder. I shamefully told my sister I didn’t want him there anymore she said I had to deal with it. There was two things in his coffin I loved but left with him because I couldn’t bear to go down; a baby doll I had received when I was ten and my iPod. During this dream I also found a big cardboard box mad from shells please give me an explanation for this dream I am very traumatised 🙁
Jackie – I have the impression that you have been believing that the body is all there is to your boyfriend. This would explain your rather interesting dream of him decomposing.
The dream goes on to say there was a box filled with shells. In dreams shells represent things that living creatures lived in but left, and the shells are all that is left of a body after its living being has gone.
You are a miracle, for life is a miracle that no one really understands, and you are alive. As such you are an example of life on this planet, which is an amazing thing, and part of the astounding universe. Yet we feel, despite that fact that we do not really understand the universe and how life began – except by looking at shells left in the ground – that we die when our body dies. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/near-death-experiences/
Think of your boyfriend as alive in a subtle way, and you will meet the living him in your dreams – not the dead shell.
I dreamt that an actress (who is well known for her sense of humor and “fun”) had died. Now that she was dead, her corpse was left in an empty building. I felt bad that all of the people who surrounded her in life (because she was fun), had now abandoned her, because she was dead. I felt that someone should at least respect her body enough to put it to rest properly, so I did this.
A lifelong lesson I’m currently working on consciously is “having fun,” as I’ve always been the serious, studious sort. So, I understand and agree, based on your intriguing interpretation, that the fun part of me (symbolized by the fun actress) has been denied.
But what does it mean that her fans had deserted her after “using her for her fun-ness” and I was the one left to put her to rest?
Thanks for such a great website, by the way. Beautiful!
Monica – Thanks for your comment about the website. There is so much more I would like to do but it is a slow process. My son Leon is a great help.
I had to spend time in exploring your dream and came across the feeling that what was put to rest was your feeling that not having a fun side meant people left you feeling abandoned. So it is fine to put that to rest, and give yourself the respect you deserve. Remember that you are a person with quality, so let it shine.
Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ as it may have something useful.
I had a dream that I went out to my backyard and found my own corpse, fully dressed, eyes open, and the body had been dead for some time but would not decompose…? And I had known about this but was hiding it from everyone so I wouldn’t go to jail? Very disturbing dream.
Andrea – You know it is you and you killed a sensitive part of you and you are running away from being conscious of it – although as you say, “I had known about it but was hiding it from everyone.”
We all do it dear Andrea, for nearly all of us are half dead. We have been brought up to deny the wonderful passionate, loving, wise and wild creature we are, so have killed out this other part of us.
But if you want to really know who you are you need to explore who she is lying there half dead. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I had two types of dreams in one night involving corpses, which really disturbed me. First involved several bodies that I had buried in lakes. The feeling in this dream was a feeling of fear that somebody would uncover these bodies that I hid. The second and more profound dream was of my fathers corpse. He was in a hospital bed. The dream consisted of my touching his body to determine its state. Each time i touched it, inevitably he was cold and lifeless. I am still disturbed at the look of his face, so real; it was as if I was there. One of the most profound dreams.
Tony you seem pretty knowledgeable. I would love to hear any insight you have into this 🙂
John – In the inner world of your dreams you are a completely different person than the waking you. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
The first dream is about things that you have killed and buried. We all kill so much of our childhood we cannot remember it except in parts. We also often kill the wonder and potential we have. Sometimes we kill our parents in our dreams in order to become truly independent of them.
Below are twp dreams I had years ago.
“I felt very uneasy because I knew I was involved in some bodies of women buried at the bottom of the garden. Nevertheless I said for the policeman to come and look around if he wanted to – putting him on the spot because he was trying not to be obvious. Although worried about the bodies at the same time I felt there was nothing to worry about. If the truth came out I was clear.”
“I dreamt my wife – a dream wife – had left me. In the middle of the night she came back to the house. I was so angry I murdered her. Because the children were with her and witnessed the murder I killed them also and buried them under the floor of the house.”
The dream is about killing my wife, which I had done psychogically to her but had not admitted to myself before. In our dreams we literally do what was done inwardly. So what are you killing or denying in yourself?
Also try – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
I dreamt last night that my wife was a corpse that was rotting. In real life she was killed almost 5 years ago by a hit and run driver. Usually when she appears in my dreams she is alive and well. However, I have developed feelings for another woman over the last few months that has become a very good friend. I haven’t had these feelings for anyone new. Could it be the rotting corpse is me finally letting her go?
Dennis – Your dream is a reflection of what you feel. So the rotting corpse is a way of saying that what you felt for her is now dead and yo9u can pass onto to another love that is alive.
But you cannot ever simply let go of someone you loved or spent time with. Most people are often totally unaware of the experience they take in and how it interacts with them when we love someone. In other words the memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with someone and they are what makes you the person you are.
Hello Tony,
I recently had 3 dreams on corpses
1) I was at a bus stop waiting for the number 45 bus, I knew that the bus had no sits and was full of dead bodies.
2) I saw a corpse, it had a foul smell and black there were a few large black flies around, I opened the windows to let them out.
3) 4 corpses one on top of each other, I was standing in front of them, I had a water hose on my hands and was cleaning the blood with the water.
in all the dreams I do not know who the dead people are.
5 months ago I lost my roommate to a natural dead, I cared and loved him deeply.
Thank you,
Dear Tony,
I dreamt of a corpse, at first it was in a coffin and later on my ex-husband who is stil alive opened it and exposed the corpse and the corpse was him (my ex-husband) and suddenly some worms came out of the corpse and entered my body through my fingers, it was so disgusting, i later noticed that there were many that had entered in my body and some of them looked like the small white worms and some like the worms that come out of dead animals when they rot. I managed to take out some of them but the dream ended before i could take all of them out.
I am so devastated about this dream,
Thank you and kind regards
Susan – I get the message that you have been infected by your ex-husband. It is probably memories or experiences you have that are still carrying. But the dreams is very hopeful that you are now aware of what was passed to you and they are going from you. Don’t worry that you hadn’t finished before the dream ended. You can imagine yourself back in the dream and imagine your self clearing them all out of you. Do whatever is necessary to achieve this. If you are a praying person ask help from whoever is a holy being.