
The human sense of the eternal, so a symbol of your core self. But a crystal can also depict rigid views or emotions, crystallised opinions, thus habits.

A crystalline form is often a symbol of the Self. In other words, you are only conscious of a small part of yourself. Most of your body functions, and memories are unconscious. Also, your links with others and life itself at a deep level may remain unknown. The word Self is used to mean your whole being, known and unknown. If the crystal is felt to be of great beauty or valuable, then it is certainly linked with what is of greatest value in yourself – your pure consciousness beyond physical sensations and thoughts.

The thing about dreams is that they show everything that is inside you as an outside image. So the crystal can actually represent the force that gives you bones and other inner activities. Crystal of whatever sort always form the same crystalline structure, so often are images of forces in us that are always constant, so can represent a part of us that is always true – our core Self. See Touching Your Core Self

The shape of the crystal, in its beautiful structure, arises through the workings of some inner force or power, invisible, but evident in its symmetry. So it can represent the hidden inner power active within you that shapes who you are. Dr Marie-Louise von Franz writes in Jung’s book Man and His Symbols, writes, “The mathematically precise arrangement of a crystal evokes in us the intuitive feeling that even in so-called ‘dead’ matter there is a spiritual ordering principle at work. Thus the crystal often symbolically stands for the union of extreme opposites – of matter and spirit.” This inner power may in some dreams be seen to shine out or to focus what are your innate talents or potential.

A crystal may also depict realisation, i.e. “It became crystal clear”. See: jewels.

Cut crystal glasses or chandeliers suggest refinement or quality, and the chandeliers might also link with what has already been said above about crystal. Glasses can also link with alcohol though, and be showing its influence on you.

Clear Crystal: This is about clearing the mind of thoughts and emotion and enabling you to look into the immensity of your inner being. It represents a space of infinite wonder, a situation or state of mind not limited by form or smallness so it allows you to seek what you want in the infinity. Although it has no image or formit has the potential of all things – a magical state.

Crystal ball: The crystal ball usually stands for insight, prophecy, the future, your hopes and plans, fate, intuition, gazing into yourself. It can, because of its shape, denote the Self, or completeness, indicating your ability to be aware of intuitive impressions and creative imagery. It can also indicate the world of your inner feelings, passions, love and dreams – your soul, and your ability to look deeply into it. The following dream illustrates this.

Example: My beautiful friend looks into the crystal. It is not a thing made of glass, but a great dimension of mind which appears to open in the room, hanging in the centre of it, about eight feet across. She tells me I am already touching something that is beginning to happen in the world. My life will become involved in it. I will play my part – by no means a key role or leader, but one which I will gain great satisfaction and love from.

But remember that delving within like this can uncover the dark shadows cast by past fears, traumas and the memory of acts and emotions we usually choose to keep in the darkness of unconsciousness. It can also show you what you know in your heart, as in the following dream. See Using Your IntuitionThe Inner World

I was with a gypsy looking at a crystal ball. She told me that my present relationship – a woman with children I am living with – will last and flower. I began to cry. Then there were other people there as well. A man put his hand on me and said it was okay to cry, and I felt they supported me in this.  Don S.

Useful Questions and Hints:

If my dream crystal is of great beauty and value, what can I understand or feel from it about my own deepest self?

If I have dreamt of a crystal ball, what has been seen in it about who I am and my direction in life?

What can I gather about what is valuable or beautiful in myself from this dream?

See Life’s Little Secrets Life’s Little SecretsMethods of Awakening


-A. 2014-12-26 6:12:54

So I closed my eyes and hovered my hands across the crystals! The energy was so strong! Then I asked my friend (in my dream I don’t know this person In reality) so I think the friend was a girl.. she hovered her hand across the crystals and next thing you know we all turned into the Giants the ground was so tiny looking down. Then some how I fell and it took forever to fall down to the ground and it hurted

-Brittany 2014-12-13 23:20:22

I had a dream that I took all the crystals I have in my cabinet and placed them all on the window sill. It was night time so I pulled my blinds up so they could charge in the moonlight. Can anyone help explain what this means? I haven’t been active with my crystals because it doesn’t seem like they work for me. Does this mean I should start again?

    -Tony Crisp 2014-12-14 11:21:03

    Brittany – There is a big difference between your waking life crystals and your dream crystals. Your dream crystals actually represent actual forces within you, so it is good that you dreamt of charging them.

    The fact is that you as a personality with self consciousness is only a tiny face on a very ancient process. In reproduction we go back to the very primitive forms of life to achieve it – the slime of the sperm and egg. We then pass through the whole process of evolution to arrive at birth, but you achieved that without any awareness of it.
    So the crystals are representing some of the basic forces of your body and mind, that you will only become aware of by exploring your dream – see


-Rochelle 2014-10-19 22:37:45

I had a dream I was with a brother and sister who were twins. They happened to be the siblings of my exboyfriend from high school (7 years ago), though he never had a brother. In the dream, I was missing my necklace, a buffalo rib bone with an eagle feather carved into it. The brother found it for me, but instead of placing it in my hands, he removed his own necklace of a large, beautiful crystal and placed it aroud my neck. The crystal sat right atop my breastbone and felt as if it fit perfectly. The crystal was glowing around my neck. He then tried to give me back my necklace, but I told him to keep it, and he wore it around his neck.

-Stephanie 2014-10-01 17:12:51

I’m glad I came across this site. Thank you.
I was trying to find the meaning to my dreams lately. I have been having odd symptoms and am on edge most of the time. Last night I dreamed I was crystal hunting and cracked a small boulder and there was a magnificent clear quartz piont. I was also teaching others how to find them. I am wondering if you have insight?

-Emily 2014-09-10 11:41:55

I had a dream that a oblong clear crystal with smooth edges (hence why I knew it was not glass) were stuck in the soles of my feet and someone was helping to pull them out. what could that mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2014-09-14 12:34:03

    Emily – Dreams use their own amazing language, and so it looks strange pulling out a crystal from your foot. But I think what it is saying is that you are a person withy our feet on the ground and practical. Because of that you draw from your down to earth experience something that will be precious. It may feel strange realising it, but do not interfere with the process. That it is oblong make it a very practical thing.

    Someone is helping you to realise the important realisations you have. You could find out for yourself by using –


-kritika sharma 2014-08-05 7:46:25

Hi I have a question and it’s been bothering me alot, and i hope u can guide me. I ve been seeing dreams of crystals, i sleep with rose quartz under my pillow and i saw a dream that it broke, then couple of weeks later a had a dream of smokey quartz, and yesterday i hd a dream that my Magnetite necklace broke. I am sure my Crystals are telling me something im jst not able to find out the meaning. I am Reiki master myself and love working with crystals but am not experienced. Please can you guide me as to what my cryslats are telling me. Thank You..!!

    -Natalia 2014-08-08 16:45:25

    I had a dream about being on a ship sailing the the sea through giant crystal rock formations.

-Wayne 2014-07-17 8:38:10

I had a dream in which I was picking crystals off the ground. There were not many of them just the odd one or two.

They were not tiny, but small, and they were a sort of octagonal-shaped and one was pinkish/yellow. I think the other one was blue, a very bright, vibrant blue.

I don’t know where I was, why the crystals were lying there, or why I was picking them up. In fact, come to think about it, I do know why I was picking them up because I do love things that glitter, and always have done since I was a child. But the colours were beautiful and reflected off the pavement.

    -Tony Crisp 2014-07-22 12:13:40

    Wayne – Dreams enable us to see or experience things that are way beyond our normal ability. Our eyes only see 1% of visible light, and our ears only register 1% of audible sounds, so naturally we are almost blind and deaf.

    So you are witnessing things going on deep within you. As far as I can tell you are finding a new level of inner experience, one which has opened the possibility of transforming your experience of life and your awareness of it.

    But because dreams take place deep within you they are like a seed, and it is something that is working upwards toward being conscious. As such it often, like a seed, takes time to break through to the surface, and then it has to grow. So often dreams are not recognised for their full meaning until later – sometimes months or even longer. The dream images are attempts to communicate something that has probably never been thought about or even been consciously thought about, so has never been put into common conscious thinking before. It is a communication from the depths, from beyond thought, and so any interpretations that are given by thinking may completely miss the point. See

    If you wish to find out from within what your dream says, see


-Talin 2014-05-18 2:38:48

I was walking in my neighborhood, down the street. A woman came out of a house and handed me a clear quartz block, it was textured. She mentioned i needed to use it and return it. Another women from the house next door came out and did the same thing. Her clear quartz was a block with striated texture. I took them home and was looking for a place to clear them. I ended up placing them under a plant in the backyard of a friend’s house. When i went to take them back i was embarrased bc i hadnt asked her if i could leave them there. For a second they turned honey colored, but someone said it was the reflection of my clothes and the color went away. Please assist me analyzing this dream. Thank you

    -Tony Crisp 2014-05-18 10:33:01

    Talin – The thing about dreams is that they show everything that is inside you as an outside image. So the crystal actually is a representation of the crystal force that gives you bones and other inner activities. The woman who came out of a house is another aspect of you opening a new way of seeing. Crystal of whatever sort always form the same crystalline structure, so often are images of forces in us that are always constant, so can represent a part of us that is always true – our core Self. See

    You put them under a plant because it is from the core self our growth occurs. Then the change in colour because of the clothes you wore – the changes your outer self makes in your changing attitudes influences these deeply unconscious parts of you.


-Ali 2014-05-12 7:40:34

I have had a few dreams of crystals lately, one was that I just had alot of crystals with me and the other was that I was feeling incredibly strong energy coming from some crystals I had…although I don’t think the crystals in this dream belonged to me

-siomara 2014-04-13 7:47:22


This dream interpretation was very insightful. I had a dream where I was in a warehouse and I came across negative entities and I reached in my left hand into my pocket and grab a clear crystal ball with some cracks in the inside. I hold it and meditated and felt my energy enhance as I fought the negative entities away.

Days after my dream I searched the purpose of clear crystal/quartz which I found that helps cast away negative entities and healing. I just want to know why I didn’t dream of just a regular pointed crystal but why the ball, is there more to what I know?

-Donna Mens-Mapp 2014-03-24 19:46:42

I dreamt that I was picking crystals from inside a cave. I accumulated a large amount of crystals.

-Lauren 2014-02-07 3:57:44

I had a dream last night about a crystal, held by a man, he moved it around and it enveloped us in static electricity, he said it was a tantric crystal. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. In the dream it looked more like a pyramid shape and it seemed to have water in it. Not sure what this means

-Jermaine 2014-01-06 1:40:07

I recently had a dream that a cup of water had tiny crystals at the bottom of it. I then proceeded to filter out the water from the crystals. after that, i then drank the water with the crystals in front of me.

-Raquel 2013-09-22 16:47:08

I am in a submarine, ear the ocean floor. My brother was steering it, but it’s my turn now. I go up to the front. There is a sea animal that swims with us, it swims just under the submarine, like it’s a part of the system. I have to steer this animal in the right direction. It’s like a combination of a sea serpent and a manatee.

I get into the water and ride the sea creature. I struggle and fear for a second that the submarine might go on without me. But everything’s fine. We’re moving again and it’s going very smoothly.

I climb into the bottom chamber of the submarine. There is a huge, pointed, quartz crystal in there. There is also a tiny scorpion trying to get me. I’m trying to get away from the scorpion. A voice in the dream says the scorpion is a tiny piece of crystal that fell away. The scorpion is turned into a tiny rod-like piece of crystal. It’s still trying to harm me. I get out of the chamber, and it follows me to the water. I climb back in and trap it out. I’m so happy, I’m safe.

The crystal is not in the proper spot. I align it again. As soon as I do, I realize the tiny piece missing is no matter– the crystal is rejuvenated. Energy bursts out of it and flows through me. I feel electrified, but in an amazing way. healed and revived. When I awaken, I have goosebumps all over my arms. I feel cleansed.

-ann 2011-05-04 10:35:16

I hold a palm-sized clear crystal, pale purple in colour. I am looking for its owner. Later in the dream it turns out that I am the owner.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-13 10:58:00

    Ann – Thanks for sending me such a dream, and that you arrived at your own understanding.

    We own everything we dream about, even if we believe it belongs to someone else. So your lovely crystal is a gift you should use. Do you in fact look into the clear crystal of your mind and receive insights? If not I think you should – as I think you do.

    Tony – Grey Wolf

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