Because the part of our mind we name ‘the unconscious’ is so ancient and huge, we sometimes depict contact with it as a dragon or monster. In myths the hero is often shown doing battle with a dragon, serpent or some other monster, to get a treasure. This is probably because the dragon depicts the massive and irrational forces of the unconscious, the life urges and untamed fears and sexuality that one must face and deal with in order to gain the treasure of potential locked in sexual, mental and emotional energy. See Reaction to the unconscious; Potential
It is also the untamed or unsocialised sexual drive which can overpower or trap a girl emerging into womanhood, or threatens a youth facing manhood. The integrating it means facing one’s fears of the vast power of such natural drives, and finding satisfying expression. See Meeting yourself; Reaction on Meeting Our Hugeness
Example: In the dream I entered a cave and I saw a dragon resting inside, it woke up, saw me and we stared at one another for a moment and then it moved and I saw a sack of diamonds and diamonds overflowing/ coming out from the cave wall, it looks like the dragon was guarding it.
“In Asian cultures dragons were, and in some cultures still are, revered as representative of the primal forces of nature, religion and the universe. They are associated with wisdom—often said to be wiser than humans—and longevity. They are commonly said to possess some form of magic or other supernatural power, and are often associated with wells, rain, and rivers. In some cultures, they are also said to be capable of human speech. In some traditions dragons are said to have taught humans to talk.” Quoted from Wikipedia.
Narratives about dragons often involve them being killed by a hero. This is typical of the Christian view which is to kill anything – such a devils, sex, demons, serpents and dragons. But to kill the very basic and powerful within us is pointless, for in doing so we have lost our real source of power and creativity. The Chinese Dragon is a mixture of a serpent and dragon. See Serpent Power
Example: I dreamed of a dragon that flew through my house at night watching over me and my family. It was only 3 feet tall or so and I only saw its silhouette in the darkened house and thought of him only as “the dragon” with no other name. I felt with him there I had nothing to worry about and felt safe and at peace. It was a very pleasant dream.
This is a very special dream. It shows the dreamer at ease and protected by the forces of life in her. She must have a very wonderful family for the dragon to protect her family. If she could at sometime imagine herself as the Dragon and be quiet and watch what changes occur in her body and feelings, she might know exactly what the dragon is in her life. It is also something that can warn you and guide you when you are faced by dangers, or lead you in the years ahead; that is why I suggest becoming closely connected to this wonderful power.
Joseph Campbell felt that the frog is another example of the dragon and other frightening monsters whose role in mythology is to guard treasure. The dragon represents the dark and frightening aspects of ones own nature; the huge instinctive feelings we usually resist or repress. We often call someone a dragon if they are fiery and aggressive, so we might use it in that way too.
Love Your Dragon
The treasure guarded by the dragon is your Core Self, which enables one to attain real womanhood or manhood. To love the dragon is to open to the great treasures we hold within us and to know for certain that we are far more than simply a body.
Useful questions and hints:
In what way am I relating to the dragon – with fear – with strength – or cooperatively?
Did I gain any understanding or information from the dragon?
Is there any treasure or reward involved in this – if so what?
Energy Sex and Dreams – Kundalini – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Individuation – Secrets of Power Dreaming
The other night I had a dream that a dragon was training me to be one. I was human, but then turned into a dragon, we flew and protected over a small village. He warned me of human attackers, and then after the dragon showed me the town he told me that there’s two types of dragons. The ones like him that breathe fire from the neck, sadly this is a weakness because of the soft spot… But then there’s dragons like me… Ones that create an everlasting fire from within. There is no soft spot and there is no weakness. Even better, most people will think you can’t breathe fire when you breathe more than any other dragon ever could. I got excited and then he said, but there’s a catch… You must learn how to make the fire, and once you do, build it stronger and stronger and never let it burn out
Avi – A wonderful dream.
Have you, or are you, managing to contact the fire within and keep it burning?
It is a wonderful description of the infinite potential we all have but few believe in. And it needs to be treasured. You must have taken some steps on the path of self discovery to dream such a dream.
I had a dream where a dragon and I were friends. We were protective of each other. He was a small dragon that I could carry on my shoulders.
Hi Tony, I have been trying to find the meaning of my dream all put together but did not find much. If you can please analyze and help me? i dreamed of a dragon sketch on a paper, the dragon was in black and white and the stomach part of the drawn dragon had three tall crystals in them (the dragon pciture was 2-D and the stones were 3-D) first two stones were clear quarts crystals and the third was vibrant greenblue florite. there was light comingfrom the stones and I reached and touched the stones.. in dream I heard the voice. The dragon is pregnant with stones?? weird!
Tony, it was good to read the comment of yours concerning Jamie’s dream: “If the dragon is your protector, you are a very lucky person”.
In my dream last night I was showing people around me that there is something wrong as the wrist of my left hand was swollen and the hand itself was unfunctional and hanging down like a dead fish. Then I saw a snake in a pile of clothes and realized that I was snake-bitten. At the same time a dragon appeared and I was relieved as the snake clearly was scared of the dragon.
My dream started off pleasant with a calm environment people walking nice scenary of two lakes of different color adjacent to each other…I looked like I was in a balcony. I didnt see a balcony but I knew that I was looking below me as if i was in some sorr of balcony maybe a building but then i hear people starting to panic and then I see a dragon coming from under the waters. you could see it moving underwater from one lake to another and somehow it lifts a black dog up from the water..Inoccent dog. Sorry Ive had weird dreams all my life. I just do not understand the meaning of it.
Aileen – You were looking into the depths of yourself – the lakes. And you witness a wonderful process starting to emerge from the depths of your being – the dragon.
As I said in the entry on ‘dragon’ – The dragon depicts the massive and irrational forces of the unconscious, the life urges and untamed fears and sexuality that one must face and deal with in order to gain the treasure of potential locked in sexual, mental and emotional energy. The overcoming of it means facing one’s fears of the vast power of such natural drives, and finding satisfying expression.
It is a process we all face if we are daring and have courage – and it is called maturing. Of course you part of you are panicked as you meet your own power of growth. So please see – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
I Saw i Was A Yellow or Golden Colour Dragon And Was Flying With Another Dragon Towards East There Were Mountain, Gardens, Beatiful Flowers And Every Thing was Just Like HEaven, But The Dragon I Was Following Was Going Faster Then Me and i Got Tired And Landed On Garden On mountain But there Were Snakes There They Were Golden Colour ,But not in Attaking Possition , i Got Scared And Didn’t Carried The journey With Other Dragon And Retured
What is The MEaning oF It PLz..Explain!!
what it means when someone trap you and you can’t do nothing be a dragon coming out of me
Me and my friend were on holiday and we discovered all these little rocks on a beach. We took the rocks home and then overnight they became dragons. We didn’t know what to do with the dragons so we started selling them. We gained a lot of money from this and so we bought the beach and starter a sort of dragon slave trade. Lots of people became very angry and were saying things like ‘dragon rights’ and were attempting to sue us, even we discovered the dragons. But then the dragons were all ‘we’ll save you’ because as it turned out the reason the dragons became extinct in the first place was because they couldn’t find jobs and so they all starved and died, so in the end they were really grateful towards us.
So confused! What does this mean?!
I was in China, there was a huge, square shaped shopping mall, bordered by an enormous, stone dragon that served as a giant decoration. I entered the mall through a secret passage way located in the mouth of the stone dragon, this delighted me. I cannot recall any other details or events of this dream.
In the dream I entered a cave and I saw a dragon resting inside, it woke up, saw me and we stared at one another for a moment and then it moved and I saw a sack of diamonds and diamonds over flowing/ coming out from the cave wall, it looks like the dragon was guarding it. what does it mean?
Aidalyn – A fascinating dream showing how fairy stories or myths developed out of dreams, and now influence your dreams of today.
It shows you entering your inner world – the cave – which is usually unknown to you. But you must have been doing something that has taken you deeper into yourself. It has also opened you to exploring the hidden world of eternal life and its treasures – the jewels.
But to gain the treasure you must give something of yourself such as time and work to explore the hidden world you have found open to you. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Hey there, i am searching an answer to this dream.
Okay, so i was taking a nap and when i thought i woke up in the middle of my sleep, but somehow i couldn’t go in my body, i tried three times and everything went black. i was suddenly teleported to a room with 4 pillars with white candles and red flames. the room was somehow looks like a crossroad, with the 4 pillars standing up, and within the spaces of the cross was lumincient water. i was kinda freaking out till i was greeted by an ethereal seprent flying in the air, a barrier of wind is around it. It “kissed” both of my cheeks and after i feel like i was flying till i woke up. and i felt sooo weird and my legs are soo stiff, couldn’t move for a lil while. I researched about the ethereal seprent and to my surprise it was a wyrm or a chinese dragon. so what does this all mean?
In my dream I was being trained by a wizard to use my outward voice, or my breath voice, and how to use my hand to crack the earth’s crust. He showed me first, then when I managed to crack the surface it disturbed a colossal greyish silver dragon, which I then had to slay.. but I wasn’t ready so we fled. It was in my neighbours garden from my childhood too, does that have any relevance? also before that I had been shaking hands with an alligators elephant trunk, id like to know what that could mean too 🙂
Intense very real dream last night. A fast moving dragon across a stream see’s me and comes right up to my face. We are eye to eye and I feel it breathing. I became aware that it was tricking me.
I became fearful and it pushed a three headed snake out of its mouth. I grabbed the neck so the heads could not bite me. The dragon pulled back and the snake into its mouth. It went away.
WHAT does that MEAN????
Rachel – It means that you had the courage to do something about it. And do not think, “That monster is bigger and stronger than I am, and it is frightening!!” It is our thoughts and fears that create the monsters inside us. So of course you are stronger unless you cower in fear.
In the ancient view of dreams recorded in the yoga teachings of the Atharva Veda, being active or even actively aggressive, was seen as a positive sign, even if one was injured or mutilated as a result of ones active stance; whereas if the dreamer passively accepted injury in a dream this was seen as a negative implication. This was because it was felt that the active or passive stance within the dreams indicated a similar disposition during waking life. As the active person is generally more successful, the dream sign of an active disposition was seen as fortunate. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/
The dragon is an image that depicts the powerful and untamed energies within you. From conception onwards you went through the whole process of evolution from the slime of our beginnings through animals toward being human.
We have it all in us but many people are so disconnected from their inner animal they are scared when it appears. You were scared and that was why it became the snakes, but you had the courage to fight back – and then the dragon went away. The three headed snake is another projection from your feelings. It is another expression of the fundamental life energy, which can be poisonous if it is expressed as fear of death, or poisonous emotions. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
Better still it is good to become the dragon and the snakes so you can know them in you, and direct them wisely. You can do this by imagining yourself inside the body of the dream dragon – while awake. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/
I dreamed of a dragon who flew through my house at night watching over me and my family. It was only 3 feet tall or so and I only saw its silhouette in the darkened house and thought of him only as “the dragon” with no other name. I felt with him there I had nothing to worry about and felt safe and at peace. It was a very pleasant dream.
Cindi – This is a very special dream. It shows you at ease and protected by the forces of life in you. You must have a very wonderful family for the dragon to protect you family.
If you could at sometime imagine yourself as the Dragon and be quiet and watch what changes occur in your body and feelings, you might know exactly what the dragon is in your life. It is also something that can warn you and guide you when you are faced by dangers, or lead you in the years ahead; that is why I suggest becoming closely connected to this wonderful power.
What if in this dream the dragon is your protector?
Jaime – If the dragon is your protector, you are a very lucky person. And if you can tell me, I would love to know how you came to establishing this excellent relationship. After all, the dragon is the great power of Life in expression. Like the serpent it can kill you or uphold you, depending upon how to relate to it. This is the power of our emotions and beliefs. See the story of Dr Crile – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/black-magic-evil-and-dreams/
What if in your. Dream its supossed to be the fairy tale of cinderella but its not even close and your trying to rescue yourself and your swiming in the ocean with a guy who’s your trainer being chased by a dragon and you climing up to a island that has a mountain and the other guy lights a bomb and calls the dragon over but he’s too smart and the bomb explodes in the guys hand but we don’t die and the dragon starts chasing us up the mountain and back into the water till we find a cave and in that cave we find a piano playing music by
Alena – You know the answer to this one.
As you said, “the bomb explodes in the guy’s hand but we don’t die”. So what are you running away from seeing that nothing can hurt you? To say it again – what are you afraid of knowing that nothing can hurt you in your dreams?
The answer is that the place you live in most is your own mind – and if you are constantly running away from yourself it must be an uncomfortable place to be.
Also you saw yourself in a Cinderella role. This suggests that is your view of yourself that needs changing. Change it to one in which you are not the victim and have no fear of bombs or dragons.