Because the part of our mind we name ‘the unconscious’ is so ancient and huge, we sometimes depict contact with it as a dragon or monster. In myths the hero is often shown doing battle with a dragon, serpent or some other monster, to get a treasure. This is probably because the dragon depicts the massive and irrational forces of the unconscious, the life urges and untamed fears and sexuality that one must face and deal with in order to gain the treasure of potential locked in sexual, mental and emotional energy. See Reaction to the unconscious; Potential
It is also the untamed or unsocialised sexual drive which can overpower or trap a girl emerging into womanhood, or threatens a youth facing manhood. The integrating it means facing one’s fears of the vast power of such natural drives, and finding satisfying expression. See Meeting yourself; Reaction on Meeting Our Hugeness
Example: In the dream I entered a cave and I saw a dragon resting inside, it woke up, saw me and we stared at one another for a moment and then it moved and I saw a sack of diamonds and diamonds overflowing/ coming out from the cave wall, it looks like the dragon was guarding it.
“In Asian cultures dragons were, and in some cultures still are, revered as representative of the primal forces of nature, religion and the universe. They are associated with wisdom—often said to be wiser than humans—and longevity. They are commonly said to possess some form of magic or other supernatural power, and are often associated with wells, rain, and rivers. In some cultures, they are also said to be capable of human speech. In some traditions dragons are said to have taught humans to talk.” Quoted from Wikipedia.
Narratives about dragons often involve them being killed by a hero. This is typical of the Christian view which is to kill anything – such a devils, sex, demons, serpents and dragons. But to kill the very basic and powerful within us is pointless, for in doing so we have lost our real source of power and creativity. The Chinese Dragon is a mixture of a serpent and dragon. See Serpent Power
Example: I dreamed of a dragon that flew through my house at night watching over me and my family. It was only 3 feet tall or so and I only saw its silhouette in the darkened house and thought of him only as “the dragon” with no other name. I felt with him there I had nothing to worry about and felt safe and at peace. It was a very pleasant dream.
This is a very special dream. It shows the dreamer at ease and protected by the forces of life in her. She must have a very wonderful family for the dragon to protect her family. If she could at sometime imagine herself as the Dragon and be quiet and watch what changes occur in her body and feelings, she might know exactly what the dragon is in her life. It is also something that can warn you and guide you when you are faced by dangers, or lead you in the years ahead; that is why I suggest becoming closely connected to this wonderful power.
Joseph Campbell felt that the frog is another example of the dragon and other frightening monsters whose role in mythology is to guard treasure. The dragon represents the dark and frightening aspects of ones own nature; the huge instinctive feelings we usually resist or repress. We often call someone a dragon if they are fiery and aggressive, so we might use it in that way too.
Love Your Dragon
The treasure guarded by the dragon is your Core Self, which enables one to attain real womanhood or manhood. To love the dragon is to open to the great treasures we hold within us and to know for certain that we are far more than simply a body.
Useful questions and hints:
In what way am I relating to the dragon – with fear – with strength – or cooperatively?
Did I gain any understanding or information from the dragon?
Is there any treasure or reward involved in this – if so what?
Energy Sex and Dreams – Kundalini – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Individuation – Secrets of Power Dreaming
The other night I had a dream I was sitting on a dragons head trying to learn how to speak to it which it said something but I cannot remember what. I was just wondering what this could mean
I had a dream that I was a princess in mid evil times, but I was thrown in the dungeon with the dragon and it tried to eat me. I attacked it and its tail broke a hole through the side of the castle wall. I ran all the way home to get away from it but it chased me all the way there and it ate my family.
Dear Isabelle – In your dream you become aware that it may take some conscious effort and struggle to develop a working relationship with the massive and irrational forces that arise from your unconscious mind; from your inner dragon.
The princess in your dream may reflect your inner strength that enables you to search for meaning and ways to positively deal with difficulties and personal problems.
It may be helpful to explore “her” and your inner dragon; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
While struggling with your inner dragon you manage to escape from the way you have felt imprisoned; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/imprisoned/
That is a wonderful step and it may take some more inner work to learn to deal with the feelings that you are able to experience now that you have freed yourself.
Anything moving toward you in a dream usually signifies that you are becoming more aware of it, feeling it more intensely. So being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely.
Going home can be seen as a returning to your own roots with which you may have identified so far.
Family represent values, attitudes and emotional or social responses you have absorbed from your family.
What does your dream figure think and feel when she sees that her family is eaten by the dragon. Is she still afraid of the dragon then?
Does it free her in the sense of her being able to grow more independent now?
Please use “Being the princess”.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
Anna 🙂
I dreamt that I was inside a massive Castle,and inside of this structure was a very large white dragon. It breathed flame in my direction,but each time it did,I blocked the fire with my shield. We fought for a while,but then the scene of the dream changes,and I’m standing on the roof of the castle,and there’s a waterfall surrounding half the area around the building, I jump and disappear,but the dragon is scaling the castle,but doesn’t know where I went. The dream ends,but there was so feeling of fear,buta since of adventure,so what does this signify?
Dear Paula James – Your dream may reflect that you are on the verge of opening up to the wonderful force of life within you and entering the Life Stream.
An inner journey where you dare to meet contents that were unconscious before may evoke some fear for the unknown but also a sense of adventure.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reaction
The inner resistance towards allowing the fire – the growing power within you that will destroy your old ways of perceiving and living – is symbolised by “I blocked the fire with my shield.”
The natural push towards inner growth arises from within. As a child you may have built a massive castle to feel safe and now your inner dragon is “firing you up” to take steps towards opening up to your feelings again.
Most of us will fight with that inner urge at first; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/defence-mechanisms/
When you reach the roof you are able to get a better view of what is behind the inner walls you have built; “there’s a waterfall surrounding half the area around the building”.
The feeling of fear is still present and so you “jump and disappear”.
Maybe next time you dare to enter the waterfall and explore what it feels like;
You can always enter your castle again afterwards.
You may learn to like “being open” and learn to feel safe enough within yourSelf and your inner world of feelings and let your castle walls down more often.
Anna 🙂
A vivid dream last night about moving into a bigger house which has been playing on my mind for a while now. In this dream, I walk into the living room with the owner/landlord not sure if going to rent the house or to own it. It was a warm lived in feeling. There was a fireplace which was lit, not a roaring fire just felt very welcoming. On the left side in the fireplace was a very young dragon which looked right into my eyes got up out of the fireplace and came towards me. It looked up at me, rubbed itself around my legs, touched my hand with its nose, smiled and left. I was left feeling very positive about this house and everyone there, my own family included. I was the only one that saw the dragon and the only one it approached. The fire was still glowing warmly when it left.
Please help me I’ve never experienced this before
Dear Rachel – Your moving into a bigger house may reflect your desire or the need to integrate more of your Self.
Our conscious self or ego is only a tiny part of our totality, as is obvious when we consider how much of our memory or experience we can hold in mind at any one time. The Self, as defined by Jung, is both what we are consciously aware of, and the massive experience and potential remaining unconscious. That potential is not simply our own personal memories, but also areas of possibility beyond what we usually think of as our personal self. The Self has no known boundaries, for we do not yet know the end of what the mind is capable of, or what consciousness is, or touches, out of sight of waking; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-self/
What you become aware of in the house is your inner fire that is not consuming you and that makes that you feel welcome in this world and within yourself.
The meeting with your inner dragon also contributed to you feeling positive about your inner world and your inner family.
To get a deeper understanding of what the dragon and the fire in your dream symbolises, I suggest you read the other posts and comments on this site as well.
The way within may be to use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/
Anna 🙂
Hi Tony! Thank you in advance.
I tried to research ony dream, but, i can’t still figure it out.
Here it goes.
I had a dream yesterday that I was talking to my aunt and cousins. We were instructed to wait for another cousin whom I never met before and my aunt added that he is a dragon.
while waiting my cousins and i were talking and we heard a loud thud on the second floor walking it’s way to the first floor. I remember feeling scared and excited. We can hear the loud steps and trying to open the lights. We all knew he was on the first floor and that he blended well in the dark since his color is black. He was taunting my cousin by breathing on her face and moving his head in a laughing manner. Then, all lights opened and there he was standing in his dragon form. He explained to us that our family was from a long line of chinese dragons and i touched his scales, feeling his cold, hard and black scales. I even thought of plucking one for goodluck. After explaining he made us puck numbers which will dtermine the order of flying. My aunt needed to draw 2 numbers. And told her that her luck is not coming from him but it was me bringing luck. I remember asking him what it means to be lucky and told me that I will live for eternity. Then, he turned to human and got all his teaching props for basic transormation to a dragon. Then the setting changed as if fast forward to a gymnasium or empty well lit factory with all of my relatives there in their dragon form. I remember entering last and that i was the only white dragon and that my spot is in the middle.
please help me interpreting this. Thank you so much!
I saw small white and light blue coloured dragon flying and coming towards me . I was frightened as it entered in body from my foot.
So what does it mean ?
Dear JIthen Chamling Rai – A dream is like a seed and it often takes time to understand – to get a direct experience – what it means; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Seed
What I can see now in your dream – and please explore it for yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that a new awareness and so experience is entering your life.
Many people as their awareness reaches beyond what they feel is their normal self feel scared.
But it is only your small self-image, your ego that reacts because it feels powerless, even though in reality the dragon is part of your totality. It is the enormous potential you have within you, it is Life you are frightened of or have been ignoring.
So your dream shows you integrating a part of your potential and you might want to explore it by sensing the difference between what your dream figure thinks/feels/senses before the dragon enters and after the dragon enters; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
It often helps to switch back and forwards to feel the difference inside you, to become aware what it is that you have integrated; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/
Let me know if you have any questions.
Anna 🙂
Hi Tony Crisp, thanks for posting this and thank you for sharing your dream interpretion to us.
I, myself, have my own interpretations about my dreams depends on what I am seeing and the relevance in my conscious life, however, thiws time around, I dreamt of a dragon, and it is my first time to dream of it, never imagined that I will be dreaming of a dragon since I am not a fan of dragon even in imaginary world 😛
This is my dream.
I met a white dragon, and it is an untamed one. It was flying through my building, I was at i think about 6th floor. and I saw him flying outside my window and it is going crazy. As I was amazed of it, I decided to go and jumped out of the window, and I rode at the back of the dragon trying to tame and be friend with it. I was riding at the back of the dragon as it flew around the village. The atmosphere is like FIRE NATION of the last air bender (anime), but It was not chaotic. The dragon and I then became friends, but he is still not friendly to other people. He is sometime blowing fire and sometimes quiet and sleeping inside my room.
Can you share your interpretation to this dream of mine?
Looking forward for your response!
More power to you! 🙂
Hello, me again. Anna, I think you may have misinterpreted my dream. I know you are the dream expert, but my childhood dreams go further than the music. I had a set of dreams. There was one where I was sleeping in my bed and I heard the music and I started hearing footsteps. It radiated fear. It was the dragon. Except this time, it was humanoid. It was made up of some black gooey substance, that resembled me. Except, it didn’t look like me then. I remember now, that it looked like me now, not me as a kid. Every time it would pick me up and drag me downstairs. Another problem. We didn’t have stairs at the time. We do now and my bedroom and bed are in the same place as the dream. We were in a different house when I was a kid. I would try to scream but nothing would come out. It never reached the bottom because I would wake up before then. But almost every night at the beginning of the dream it would call out my name. Another on was where 3 black gooey people would carry me on a giant pillow carrying me to an execution block. The scary part was, I pretended I was asleep the whole time, and they were carrying me through the charred ruins of my house. But the very last one, still haunts me. I was sleeping and I appeared in a huge graveyard I looked around and I saw It in it’s true form. It was indescribable. It was impossible. I started to yell no. Over and over, louder and louder. It started laughing, and then the dream faded. I was in the wrong house, but I knew where to go. I was heading to my safe haven, my parents room. But, every time I blinked it was back. If I blinked or closed my eyes I could see It. I have no clue what happened after that. I woke up in the right house this time. And I was shaking very badly. I didn’t go to sleep the rest of the night. But I haven’t had a dream with it for a long time until now.
Noah – I do not perceive myself as an expert, for I know that when it comes down to understanding dreams, that YOU are your own expert.
I am aware that it will take some time for you to get to the place of being your own expert, and so I was merely willing to step into your dream and I shared with you what arose after I had entered your dream.
Also, I did not interpret any of your childhood dreams, but the dream you wrote on the website.
The meaning of every symbol can change within each dream and within each context, and so comparing the meaning of the music in the dream you posted with a possible different meaning in your childhood dreams is not helpful.
So why not try first to find your own association with what the music in your dreams means to YOU and leave the rest of what you wrote about for later?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
It does not serve a helpful purpose to dive into too many dreams at once and it does serve a purpose to be gentle and patient with yourself and with your inner process.
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I dreamt that I was alone in a brilliantly green field looked up at a beautiful blue sky full of red dragons in intricate geometric shapes flying in the sky simmering in constant motion as I watched I felt afraid the more I watched one came down from the sky right up to me and we looked at each other for a couple moments before he flew away to my right.
I have found information regarding self awareness but none of these seem to pertain to me. This dream was very vivid and the images have stayed with me. Please help. Thank you in advance for your time ad consideration.
Niki Bradford
Dear Niki – Any of the words I will write down in an attempt to express this Universal Experience cannot take the place of actually experiencing your Passion and your Core.
And so to get a feeling understanding (a direct inner experience) of “What” you meet in your dream, you will have to explore your dream yourself; either alone http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/ or with someone else
I trust it will also help you move beyond your fear, as is expressed in your dream as well; “one came down from the sky right up to me and we looked at each other for a couple moments before he flew away to my right.”
What I see in your dream is that you become aware of “What” shapes you and “What” moves you on your journey to individual self-awareness.
See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_geometry
The brilliantly, green field I see as a symbol of the Inner Light that has become part of your feeling state and so it shows the connection of your “little self” with your Core; with “What moves and shapes you”.
To glimpse that revelation of the Core of self, that is at the same time the Core of all existence, is to be pervaded by something you can never grasp and hold. It forever flickers and changes, yet at the same time is changeless. Dante says of this, “As I grew worthier to see, the more I looked, the more unchanging semblance appeared to change with every change in me”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/life-beyond-change-and-pain/
It is the recognition, sometimes with awe, sometimes with fear, of the inner workings of a Reality that is far beyond our little self (awareness).
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reaction
Anna 🙂
I had a startling dream. I was a knight/mercenary doing work for the king. I was exploring a forest/swamp like area when I see a sleeping dragon a bit taller than 6ft. On top of it was a green and gold book. I took the book and stashed it. The dragon woke up and yelled “No! You don’t know what you are doing!” It started attacking so I ran out. There was a small castle in the way filled with monsters who desperately wanted the book. I forged my way through and was running away, thinking I was victorious. I was wrong. I was still running towards my castle when I heard ominous music. It was faint and growing. As soon as I heard it I knew that all was lost. I knew I was gonna die on way or another. That is when the scary part happens. I try to run faster but instead I slow down. The scary part is, this happened in my childhood nightmares. All of them. It was the same music too. I rounded a corner and I saw my castle. It’s doors were open waiting for me. Then it happened. The dragon landed. It was huge. At least 50 times my size, pitch black, with metallic skin, and red eyes. It screamed a horrible banshee scream and somehow, I knew it had killed everything behind it, even the other dragon. But I knew that in it’s soul, it was not a dragon. It was all the fear and dread that I had felt in my childhood nightmares coming back to get his revenge. It releases a giant red ring that expanded that destroyed and incearated everything in all directions. But still I kept running, barley staying ahead of the red ring and I jumped into my castle. And I was safe for the moment. But I still felt as if I were going to die. Please reply. I need help.
Dear Noah – What a wonderful courageous dream.
It does not only show your willingness to deal with your still unresolved childhood memories, but it also shows the wonderful abilities you have to do so, for you got a direct understanding of the symbol of the dragon in your dream, which you expressed in this way:
But I knew that in it’s soul, it was not a dragon. It was all the fear and dread that I had felt in my childhood nightmares coming back to get his revenge.
Your perception as that it is “a revenge” is merely that; your perception.
I trust it will be more helpful to instead perceive it as another possibility to digest and integrate those parts of yourself, which have to do with your childhood.
Please see
When the dragon tells you that “you do not know what you are doing” it is merely trying to help you understand this, for it does not serve a helpful purpose to hide for or run from painful memories.
The music in your dreams is a symbol of an invisible, helpful Force in your life and in your dreams, which
still scares you.
Please see
In your dreams IT helps you to slow down from running and perhaps in the next dream you can decide to stop and listen to IT or explore IT while being awake:
I think it will be helpful for you – if you feel like it – to join the Forum – see at the right top of this page “Discussion Forum” – where you can receive the outer help you are looking for to understand some more of the inner Help which is always available to you and all of us.
Anna 🙂
In this dream. I was figting a dagon. It began to become larger the longer we wrestled and began to get wings, talons(digging into my back), a beak or fangs, and a long,thin tail which begin to entangle me.
I dreamt that I was on a sort of journey. I was with a small group of people who I didn’t know but we were working together towards a goal. We entered what appeared to be an abandoned home and a loud resonating voice told us “you have entered the flood, look to the back of the book beneath the dust.”
The home was creaking and dark and on many of the chairs and beds and sofas were people, completely frozen in time. They were so pail and gaunt and their hair was long, but they were not dead. It seamed as if they had frozen in fear. We tried to wake them, but only one would wake and he joined us. We tried to exit the way we entered but the door would not open so we headed toward the back. We found a back door but were afraid of what we might discover on the other side. As one of the group was slowly opening the door, I noticed a dust covered book laying on a table. I turned to the back page and saw a picture of a dragon.
The door now fully open, I looked up to see a large red dragon on the other side. The dragon seemed menacing but I was drawn to him so I walked through the door. As I approached the red dragon, a green dragon appeared beside me, as though he had been beside me the whole time, unseen. The two dragons greated eachother as friends and the rest of my group came outside and joined us.
I looked around me to see a vast, beautiful and green place – with grass and trees and a river – inhabited by many various dragons. So beautiful it made me gasp.
I dreamt there were evil people and they were fearsome. And all others avoided them. And my path crossed with them and I feared for my life. I was below a bridge and in their camp. And a trophy they carried with them was the body of a young woman. A woman they had killed and she was a symbol of their power and terror. I had to crawl over her to get through a pipe that led to the top of the bridge. And once I climbed out of the pipe a huge dragon stepped on me and pinned me to the ground. Not killing me. Just holding me down. And there was another dragon who issued a challenge for me. He would fight to save my life. But he was not a battle dragon. Just a dragon. But no one knew he couldnt transform to be battle ready. And people rose to our side and preperations were made for the fight. One of them was a bath. And I said me first! But when I saw the water green with algae or moss I said nevermind. And the dragon told me he wasnt a battle dragon and didn’t understand the ceremony. And fear gripped me and terror that everyone who rose to stand with the dragon would die. But there was no fear in the dragon. Not even the slightest hesitation. And when he rose from the water he transformed into a giant dragon with beautiful shiny battle scales and he rose in the air and flew breathing fire out of his deep chest and belly. And when he landed in front of me he boasted his scales and beamed with pride. And I knew my dragon would win.
I had this dream where is was the dragon. But there were elder dragons around me, the room i was in looked like a giant tree, it had pods with other dragon hatchlings inside. Then an elder turned to me and just looked into my eyes. I then looked down into a sort of giant ice crystal and saw my family and other people I didn’t recognise. The elder who looked at me before then attacked my “snout” and eyes and left a scar.
I woke up then because it felt real, I felt the steely cold if the claws but there was nothing there.
Please help me, I had this dream everyday for a while now, please help me understand
Alucard – The dragon is an ancient image that signifies the enormous energy and mystery that lies inside you. It is the force and activity that keeps you alive and is largely unknown to us except in rare occasions when it appear in our dreams or visions. It is the mystery of life that is behind our growth of body and personality.
It is within the tree of life and is shown in your dream as the family tree. It gave you the power to look back on the family you know and those you do not recognise. You are the present being who has hatched and lived a life that is the heir to an ancient heritage – the insight into your own long past.
That you have been given these dreams is very important and is an initiation into a new life for you. The elder dragons represent major influences that guide or direct your life. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/jesse-watkins-experience-of-enlightenment/ because this gives you an idea of the past the dragons are a part of.
The attack was an action of something you have to face from your long past. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/karma-and-past-lives/
But your dream is an open doorway that is only like the cover of a book, and to know what the amazing story inside is you must learn how to travel in and explore your dream. So please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
Remember that you are never alone as you face the things you face on the path of your new life. The elder dragons are always with you and can help. Also the hatchlings may be new talents or abilities that will flower as you go on.
I was hoping that you could help me interpret a dream. I had a parasitic dragon wrapped around my foot. I had a feeling that it was blue with feathers. When it was taken out of my foot it was about 3 feet long. I was sad that it was dead and there was no fear with having had it in my foot. It was already dead when it was being taken out of my foot.
Any ideas? Thanks so much!
I saw a dream where I was on a wooden platform that was built on a sand. It was some sort of fightin arena where I was fighting other man that was equally matched to me. The other man was very aggresive and constantly attacking whereas I was very calm and defensive. We were friendly but we seemed to have some sort of competition going on. Suddenly things went very evil as a large scarab started to unearth from the sand when either one of us fighting on top of the platform was about to fall. Then this very beautiful turquoise female dragon flew over us towards large mountains to fight a much larger demon that had risen from there and was destroying her eggs. Before the dragon got to the mountain she turned her head to me and said that I must find the last hidden eggs that the demon does not know of so that all balance could be restored.