Electricity Electrocuted Electrified
Energy and emotions; anger; potential; power. The drama in the dream will suggest whether the energy or emotion is being met or used constructively or destructively. For instance in some conditions of anxiety or excitement one can ‘burn oneself out’. It is this power of our feelings and drives that electricity in dreams refers to.
Just as we are all enmeshed in an intricate chemical environment, in which detergents, fertilisers and hormones are now part of our food chain, so we are enmeshed in a massive electronic environment. Our dreams may give us insight into how we relate to this and it to us. We are constantly shifting our relationship with this life-power through our thoughts, attitudes and physical health. It has enormous potential but we tend to reduce it through fearful feelings, shame, guilt or disgust. These all lower the current so to speak. Also we can turn it into destructive energy through those feelings. So electricity can indicate the power of life and death.
Example: We came to a hill sloping down. Somehow we were then airborne and rushed downwards and across the valley. Then we became frightened because we were hurtling towards the opposite hillside at the wrong angle. We would hit it instead of gliding along above the ground until we landed like planes touching down. A power cable was crossing the valley. For a while I held it to guide our glide, but was frightened of the current, and it was the wrong angle anyway. But somehow we managed to land okay.
The dreamer explored his dream and said that gliding down is the descent into experiencing the problem I have of holding on to people because of the security they give me. The flying is me being carried along by the inner forces to facing or experiencing the fear of the problem. The power line is the descending life energies. I let go because I am involved in fear of failure, of being hurt. The power line is also the humility before life, realising how much we depend on Life for our existence. So I turn toward that help. The turning and the descending power are one. See: snake; emotions and mood.
Electricity can be the source for so many things such as sound, images, hospital treatments, computers and power as for a vacuum cleaner. So your life energy can also flow in many different ways, depending on how you direct it. It can be the power behind movement and work; the energy or sex, the power behind emotions and thoughts, and even the energy behind an enlightening experience.
A great deal of mystery has surrounded the word kundalini, the Sanskrit word for life energy. Basically it means the potential that resides within us, probably because it was not clearly understood, but in practical terms the serpent power is the psychobiological energy that expresses in you as the many processes and functions of your body and mind. It is like the electricity that flows into a house that while it is not the picture on the television screen, or the movement of the cooling fan, is the power underlying all the many things arising from electricity.
Your psychobiological energy is at the same time the energy underlying your physical movements, your digestion, heartbeat, your emotions, awareness and thinking; and also a potential that has not yet been expressed or manifest. Very often a person’s sexual expression or social expression is not flowing easily. All that energy backs up like water behind a dam. It creates a pressure that will seek to flow somewhere. In many cases it moves into neurosis. In other words, because it is not flowing outwardly and satisfyingly into social and sexual relationships, it may turn inwards, enlivening the usually unconscious and disturbed patterns of feeling. Then the person lives out neurotic ways of expressing sexually and socially. They may for instance express anti social behaviour in violence or destruction. They may express in destructive sexual behaviour, or be even more introverted into deep depression.
But the normal human behaviour is simply one of the ways we as mammals can express. The life process itself can be expressed in an infinite number of ways, as we see in the different creatures on the earth. The fact that we are as we are is simply the result of the global, environmental and social changes we have faced. What some of the ancient outcasts found was that there are possibilities beyond the normal and beyond the neurotic. They drew out of the potential in the power – shown in dreams as electricity or water – the possibility of what we call enlightenment, a life beyond the limitations of the ‘normal’, beyond the pain of everyday living. That is how the practices of yoga, Tai chi, and many of the other personal disciplines of mind and body arose – as methods of expanding the potential of the serpent power. See Archetype of the self
Example: I was kneeling on the floor in a house. I have worked as an electrician so was probably working in the house, but in some way I had hold of, or was connected with, a large electric cable. The cable was live with electricity, and it touched my right shoulder. The effect was excruciating and shocking pain. The most intense memory is of struggling to pull the cable away from myself, fighting to stay conscious against the terrible current lashing through me. I screamed out for my mother, who I was sure was in the building somewhere, to switch off the electricity. I knew I only had a little time because I could not survive that current long. I have a vague sense that the current stopped, then the current and struggle started again. T.B.
In exploring his dream T.B. first of all met feelings of great pleasure and strength about his ability to work, and that work and helping people with practical needs was the main way he shared love, the main way he expressed his energy, the main way he earned a wage. He says, “So the dream is not simply saying I am working, but that work, as an expression of myself, connects me with others and the world. In other words, this is an important part of my communication, socialising, and loving others.”
He goes on to say, “The electricity is the energy of my life. It is the energy of my emotions, of my connection with others. This had been, as it were, short-circuited by what I felt to be the criticism, the rejection, and non-understanding by my last two female partners. I felt that I had tried and tried, while preserving my own integrity, to live in the way they wanted me to. But this felt as if it was an enormous self-denial at times. It was a self-denial that created this almost death dealing introversion of energy. The anger I felt about this had in it the sense that there might even be an inherent attempt to kill out my manhood, my flow of positive male energy. That is how I felt, anyway. As I summarised this I felt I could stand up and smile, and say I’m not going to be killed.” See: example under blindness in dreams; energy sex dreams.
Body being electrocuted or given electric shock: This suggests emotional pain such as one might get on hearing ‘shocking news’ or perhaps a painful way of experiencing change. It can also depict any sort of shock or startling response to internal or external events, and may also be a dramatic way of symbolising the pain you feel physically from repressed emotions such as anger or desire. These may cause such psychosomatic but real suffering as lower back or chest pain.
The electrocution could also be a response to something happening to the body while asleep, such as lack of circulation in a limb causing pins and needles. In some dreams though it is clearly a response you have to your own enormous energy – i.e. you may be frightened of the enormity of your potential energy, or you may be relate to it in a painful way because of past experience. Such energy can of course be creative or destructive, as are most great natural energies such as fire or electricity.
Useful questions and hints:
What sudden shock have I experienced recently?
Am I aware of the enormous potential energy I have?
Is the dream depicting the way my energy is expressing or being held back – and is this creative or self destructive?
Has something really shocked or shaken me recently?
Is this about the way I relate to my own potential – if so what is indicated?
Does the dream show me relating to the electricity in a destructive way – if so what can I learn form that?
See Secrets of Power Dreaming – Processing Dreams – Life’s Little Secrets – Avoid Being Victims
Hello there, does anyone know why I would have a dream like this? I had a dream of a little boy with a blonde much room cut playing on the top power line hanging on to a carpet or something to that effect going back and forth sliding on the line like a zip line. He was laughing and smileing. He lost his grip with one of his hands and then was sliding across with his chin over the line below,however he was still smiling.then the line sparked and he was screaming so loud being electrocuted then he fell to the ground below. This all happened across the street from a fire department and there was hundreds of people in the parking lot below. I heard the fireman say look his eye is all dryed up. Then I woke up in a very heavy sweat. What in the world could this dream mean? It was all so real.
Last night I dreamt that I was sick and to ease my pain the doctor was going to electrocute me thru my brain to kill me. I was ok with it and said my goodbyes to my children and husband. I went into the other room and laid down, got plugged in and was about to get shocked when they came in crying, trying to stop me. I told them it was for the best and that I was dieing anyway.
What does this all mean? As far as I know I’m not unwell.
my dream was about that a cord to an iron to iron clothes was burning .
but it wasn’t even connected
I think you’re onto something with the life energy. I had a dream last night in which at one point I was standing around a bathtub and loosely plugged in wires. I got electrocuted to hell and back. I woke up in the middle of the night with a raging erection. Largest stiffy I ever had. Throbbing, erect member. Pulsating. Almost painful. Almost taunting me. But definitely aware of what it was doing. Needless to say, I enjoyed the dream. I have been electrocuted in real life actually, and it was nothing at all like a monster erection that wakes you up in the middle of the night. It was more of a “someone is tickling my bones from the inside” tingly kind of feeling. Followed by partial temporary blindness. Well, actually, that’s something it had in common with my boner.
PeeAyeYouEll – It would have been useful to have information about what you felt with monster erection; did you have any desire to have sex or to masturbate – and have you a partner?
My guess is that you touched – in symbolical form – the life energy. Because at base we have an enormous potential it can feel like being electrocuted when it is released. The reason is our body, nervous system and personality are on the receiving end. Most peoples body and personality are only used to a low voltage sort of existence, which is like touching a nine volt battery. But allowing a much larger amount of life energy alters the way you function.
To explain it in another way, most of us are functioning on less that ten percent of our brain. You touched a higher brain percentage, and the first level of that as it flows up the body is the sexual organs. If we could function at 15 or 20 percent of our brain and deal with it, we would be considered as superhuman. The latest film Lucy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_%282014_film%29) dramatises it, so it is worth seeing.
The full blast hit your sexual organs, but if you had been used to allowing it to flow further up your trunk, you would have experienced personal changes and greater insights. I realise the film was criticised, but the majority of the critics have never experienced the life force climbing up their spine and experiencing the world differently.
Here is a man’s description of experiencing that flow.
“It feels like my soul is a woman in love. And something very subtle is touching my life. It needs that feeling of love in me to open, and that allows it to enter me and touch my life. It needs that open-heart. It needs that passionate turning upwards of one’s being. I love you!”
“In that way I have become like a womb. That’s what it feels like, and I am very gently being entered.”
Now a most extraordinary thing happened. I experience feelings of being made love to, but not through the genitals, but through my head right the way through my being down into my genitals. For a long time it felt as if I didn’t need to breathe, and in fact I seemed to exist without breathing for quite a long time. There was a feeling of tremendous quietness. Inside something gently moving through the openness in my head down my being, flowing to my genitals. Once there it was like it opened something. It changed something. Then, gradually, that influence of change started moving up my being. I could feel it particularly touch and change things in places like my solar plexus and my heart. When it reached my throat I could feel it tickling and opening something there. It really felt painful as it went through these places, particularly as it reached into my head. It wasn’t a physical pain, but it felt as if something deep inside me was being stretched and opened, and that stretching was painful at a subtle level. I cried out in the pain. I wept. I cried out in pleasure – the mixture of pleasure and pain, just as if I were being made love to in a wonderful and delicate and yet painful way. As it touched and passed through my head I cried out, “Why? Why?”
“It is finished. I love you.”
I had the same dream as the first example.. I was gliding and hit a hydro line with my legs got electrocuted and fell into the ocean.
I had a dream that i was doing my normal cleaning on a weekend off. Whilst keeping busy I moved some furniture into the bathroom – it was a large television. I moved it to the ledge of a ran bath, where it then fell in the bath. The TV was plugged in at the time so I attempted to move it, fearing that it might cause a dangerous shock. Soon after there was a massive shock which passed through me before I woke up. I couldn’t sleep after this.
Last night i had a dream that i was in the bath and i had my phone in my hand and it was connected to a charger that was plugged into the wall and then my phone dropped and i felt this horrible feeling but it wasn’t pain. I knew what was happening because well common sense of course lol but it was a paralysing feeling and it felt like i was vibration too and it felt like it was going on forever and i was just getting weaker and weaker by the second and i felt like i was on the verge of passing out or even dying it felt like, so i knew i had to do something if i wanted to live so i attempted to yell for my mom but i couldn’t speak and by this time i was drifting in and out of consciousness so i decided to bang on the wall to get someone’s attention and it took everything in me to bang on the wall it felt like i was trying to lift a cinder block instead of my arm and then after i banged about three times i tried to yell again and this time i could speak and i yelled “mom” as loud as i could and she came in the door and as soon as she opened the door it all stopped but i could tell that it had did some damage because i felt very weird and my head was leaning to one one side and i couldn’t move it and my mom noticed but didn’t do anything and i just kept saying something is wrong, but it seemed as if everyone else around me didn’t care because no matter how many times i tried to tell them that something was wrong they just kept laughing and going on about their business, and you would think they would be the least bit worried about me i mean i did just get electrocuted after all! But nope nothing. It was like i wasn’t even there! It was a horrible experience. i was hoping you could tell me what it means ? If it even means anything at all ?
Last night i had a dream that i was in the bath and i had my phone in my hand and it was connected to a charger that was plugged into the wall and then my phone dropped and i felt this horrible feeling but it wasn’t pain. I knew what was happening because well common sense of course lol but it was a paralysing feeling and it felt like i was vibration too and it felt like it was going on forever and i was just getting weaker and weaker by the second and i felt like i was on the verge of passing out or even dying it felt like, so i knew i had to do something if i wanted to live so i attempted to yell for my mom but i couldn’t speak and by this time i was drifting in and out of consciousness so i decided to bang on the wall to get someone’s attention and it took everything in me to bang on the wall it felt like i was trying to lift a cinder block instead of my arm and then after i banged about three times i tried to yell again and this time i could speak and i yelled “mom” as loud as i could and she came in the door and as soon as she opened the door it all stopped but i could tell that it had did some damage because i felt very weird and my head was leaning to one one side and i couldn’t move it and my mom noticed but didn’t do anything and i just kept saying something is wrong, but it seemed as if everyone else around me didn’t care because no matter how many times i tried to tell them that something was wrong they just kept laughing and going on about their business, and you would think they would be the least bit worried about me i mean i did just get electrocuted after all! But nope nothing. It was like i wasn’t even there! It was a horrible experience
I have just the most weirdest dream, i was on a platform watching trains go past with all my friends and one of my friends kicked his football over the train tracks he wanted to and get it but i offered as I’m walking over the tracks trains are coming from each direction as I’m getting there going quicker and quicker and as I’m going back a train goes past me then i get electrocuted i feel i am hurt next minute i have 3 lines of burns on each arm, and each bum cheek, also on left and right of my pelvis but the dream felt real!! Cant exslpain the dream can you
George – I haven’t met these images before of going quicker and quicker. But my feeling is that the trains faced you with growing stress that you could be killed. Because you were in the dream state and capable of so much more, you suddenly opened to latent potentials that flooded through your body.
Here is an example of that happening to someone who was used to the flood of energy – “Then the landscape changes. There are trees, plants and animals in brilliant colour. I wonder what this means, and the landscape begins to spin until the colours blend and shimmer. Suddenly my body seems to open to them, as if they are spinning inside of me, and with a most glorious feeling, a sensation of vibrating energy pours up my trunk to my head. With this comes realisation. I see how stupid I have been in my brown, anxious existence, how much life I have held back. The animals and plants are the different forces in my being that blend into energy and awareness. I feel I am capable of doing almost anything, like loving, writing a song, painting, telepathy, or speaking with the dead. This sparkling vibrating energy is life itself and can, if I learn to work with it, grow into any ability or direction I choose. I wake with a wonderful sense of my possibilities. Jon.”
The marks were ways of your dream showing the tremendous forces you have within you, and unless you learn to use them you might be hurt. So see – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/ – http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/edgar-cayce-and-the-cosmic-mind-superminds/
Don’t remember much, but I was taken or kidnapped, I think. What I remember is being hooked up to an Electric device and it was turned on. I felt myself receiving the current while people watched talked like it was a game. I woke up before I died but I felt myself slipping away…. OMG this scares me
Wendy – The electric current was actually a greater flow of Life force entering you. Of course it was killing your old self as it grew you into a new person, like a computer upgrade.
Of course if you have never experienced anything like this before it feels scary. http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/growth-of-something/
I had a dream that scared me. I dreamed I was in a bathtub and got struck by lightning I felt like I could actually feel the electric going through me in the dream and in my dream I thought I was gonna die and when the lightning struck I could actually hear the loud boom in my dream when it happened. I woke up and was scared and shaking from that dream. It was frightening., could all this mean something I wondered the rest of the night.
I dreamt that my sister (younger) informed me that my brother (older) had died. She explained that he was electrocuted and later died in the hospital due to this. The dream went in different directions and then in my dream I told someone that I had dreamt that my brother had died of electrocution to find that this was still the case. I cried.
Natasha – It is not your brother that you dreamt of, but the feelings you have about him that your dream says has died. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
So what do you feel has been shocked and died?
I dreamed I was in a house in a large closet with an old fat man inside. We were both grabbing some sort of live wire and it shocked us both but he died and there was a horrible smell of burning flesh. He fell down in a seated position against the wall. I closed the closet door and got very scared. Someone else was with me and I told them we had to escape very quickly. I struggled to locate a suitcase whe I put in a couple pairs of pants and a leather jacket. I could not seem to find enough clothes and gave up…then I was in grocery store in check out line and cashier was asking me questions about why I would be buying a lot of boards to put in a row…flash back to house with electrocuted man…knocking at the door. A maintenance man enters and tries to turn on light but it won’t work and he smells the burning flesh and enters the room…I tell him the man has electrocuted himself and I open the closet door and point to the dead man. Then the dead man gets up and slowly starts walking toward me and I can see his eyes are made of twisted metal and gears. I scream in my dream three times and wake up to my cat looking at me weird and my heart pounding out of my chest.
I recently had a dream in which i was in bed with my exboyfriend. We were being robbed in the middle of the night by three young men. They were not attempting to be quiet, they just bounded up the stairs to our bedroom and started to take things. My ex whispered in my ear to pretend im sleeping. One of the robbers tried to take our phones off the bed. I didnt want to let mine go, so he put some device under my head that sent electric currents through me. It wasnt painful but it did make my body paralyzed. After about 10 seconds he stopped the device, my body relaxed, he took the phone and left.
I would love a reply on what this dream might mean. Thank you.
hey, the other night i went to sleep everything was dark and quiet, not long after i dozed off i felt this feeling in my arms and upper body like i was being electrocuted, it was very strong as i couldn’t move, see or speak while it was happening. I also seen a flickering light blue picture that looked like a shape of a head with hair and heard myself saying “mum”. My mum passed when i was young. i also heard heaps of other voices but not too sure of what they were all saying. this has happened to me three times since i moved into this house when i was 16 i am now 20, first time it just felt as if someone was sitting on my legs, second and third time felt like i was being electrocuted and it only has happened in my room. after all of that i was too scared to go back to sleep. would really love to know what this all means. thanks 🙂