Famous People

Dreaming of famous people may indicate desire to be noticed and acclaimed.It can poin to one’s own potential, often unacknowledged, and projected onto dream character or a parent; depending on how you relate to the famous person – your own ability to accept yourself as respected. Your desire ambitions and efforts to become successful.

Because the person you are dreaming about represent qualities in you, the person may, because of their life or role, represent a particular quality such as courage, love, ‘ruling’ drives in life, authority, etc. If you think of the person in a particular role or scene, this will probably be the major clue to what they represent – such as the lover who leaves – the father who sacrifices, etc. See Characters and People in Dreams

Famous people can be seen as social guinea pigs. Collectively we expose them to enormous amounts of money, sexual opportunity, drugs, alcohol, and tremendous social and commercial pressures. Then we examine every part of their life to see how well they cope. Millions then identify with the image they portray of how to deal with reality at its best and worst. The famous person in our dream might therefore represent our coping mechanism.

Example: ‘A film star I admire came and lay beside me in the night. He told me he loved me and would stay with me. I knew he was living with a woman who had borne his child, but he told me he was going to tell her he was leaving her. In the morning we walked along the road where I live, to tell the woman.’ Sharon.

Sharon processed her dream and saw the film star as her own strength and determination to further her career as a dancer. Being 18 she was faced with the decision of whether to become a wife and mother – the other woman – or put those urges into her work. In her dream she chose to be fully involved in her dancing.

Actor/actress: One is acting a role; wanting attention; deception.

Film/stage/TV star: May be what is described above under famous people, but if the star has a particular quality, the dream may use them to denote this characteristic, such as love, treachery, courage, etc.

King: Father; thinking; authority; power to command.

Pop star: Similar to what has been said about famous people, but might also carry feelings to do with intense teenage sexuality or need; what you hold as an ideal or idol; a role model; egomania.

Queen: Often one’s mother; a feeling or drive ruling your life; wanting approval, or even sex.

See: king; queen; actor/actress/acting; theatre.

Useful Questions and Hints:

What was I feeling or doing in relation to the famous person?

Was I the famous person – if so how did I feel?

What do I associate with the famous person?

See Associations Working WithInner WorldTechniques for Exploring your DreamsSecrets of Power Dreaming


-Sophie 2014-12-23 11:58:40

I dreamt about meeting Joe Sugg, the you tuber, and he gave me his number so that I could help with his videos and in the same dream I also met five seconds of summer and only ashton gave me his number strangely enough I met them at one of those historical kids reanactment things, heat does that mean?

-aj 2014-12-17 16:08:46

I have been working on a musical career for 5+ years now and I have recently dreamed of nicki minaj. In the dream I believe I was back stage or in a rehersal room of some sort. In the room there was a dancing mirror with a Balet bar as well as a makeup mirror with bright lights.(These objects may reflect past &future because I gave up dance to pursuit music.)

There was a woman there who was familiar but I can not remember who the woman was but she desperately wanted my attention. I chatted with her for a bit in front of the dance mirror. I could feel Nick becoming jealous so I dismissed the young lady after kissing her and saying I’d see her soon. After the young lady left I sat with Nick at the makeup mirror. We began talking, smiling, and making eachother laugh. There was alot of eye contact and I could feel a connection between us. We were also working on music. I believe it was her music because she was using pen and paper and, I haven’t had to write lyrics in years. I felt extremely comfortable with her and we treated one another as peers. I feel like We may have began falling for one another.

P.S. I have never been infatuated with Nick minaj and she rarely crosses my mind on a daily basis.

Help please?

    -Tony Crisp 2014-12-18 10:56:35

    AJ – Nearly always when people dream about someone they know they automatically believe the dream is about that person. But when we think of our friend or partner our thoughts are not them – just our thoughts and feelings about them. In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream.

    So your dream of Niki Minaj about a quality or something that you have recognised lately as something you have taken in about Niki that you are working on because it is important to what you are doing. To see what it is that you have taken in about Niki use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

    The first part of your dream was a summary of your past working life, and that was why Niki was then used because it points the way forward for you.


-Kayla 2014-12-16 18:08:08

In life, I have aspirations of becoming a rapper, but money wise it seems to be slowing the process down. I had a dream that I was having a conversaton with famous pop/hip hop star Nicki Minaj, and in the dream she wrote a check for me for one million dollars.

I often dream about celebrities, once I attended a Jay-z concert, I’ve always wanted to go to one. The other time I was inside of a music recording studio just sitting there with my favorite rap group. That dream was kind of weird due to the fact I saw it in black and white.

-Dana 2014-12-13 6:13:31

I dreamt that a famous kpop ( korean music ) singer and his band had a concert in my class at school and I was so excited to watch , although I was surprised that not many people were inside the class watching the concert and while they were dancing my teacher interrupted them and told them that this was enough so they stopped and I was sol disappointed but I started go chase one of band members to get his autograph , when I got out of class and saw him walking a bit far from me , although I wanted to meet him but I was so embarrassed then he looked back and saw me then smiled and waved his hand at me . At that moment I thought how embarrassing that he saw the ugly and fat me and kept thinking about what he thought of me but then I saw a friend of mine get near him and she talked to him and I thought that she was lucky ( even though she’s not better looking than me ) so I gathered my courage thinking that this might be my only chance in life and went to ask him for his autograph , that’s when the dream finished ( sorry about my spelling mistakes since English is not my first language 🙂 )

    -Tony Crisp 2014-12-14 13:48:22

    Dana – I couldn’t find any spelling mistakes 

    It seems you are trying to cope with the rush of feelings and urges that eventually take you through to womanhood. Also another torment in this period is the struggle with your self image – the ugly and fat me. I know because I had bad acne all over my face, and blushed and felt awful whenever I was in a public place.

    Whatever you look like outside it will change. But inside you are a unique person and have enormous potential if you care to use it.

    Your dream shows your eagerness to be seen and recognised by someone who has ‘made it’. But remember you are unique.


-legend 2014-12-07 16:54:58

so last night i had the most vivid dream i have had in a LONG time….the dream i had i cannot remember the beginning but here is what i do remember….me and my old friend were on our way to my house so i could get a shower for the day cause i stayed the night at her house…..when i got there my all time favorite rapper was there wiz khalifa…..but the weird thing is, he needed my help……he said he lost his motivation to rap and that he had seen a rap I did on sound c’loud that was talking about pittsburgh and my home and i kinda put his name in there just for references to the state and our culture….but when we were all done talking he asked me to free style with him on a beat as we smoked a blunt and he offered me a job…..and i would be the new face of pittsburgh and he would be my producer…..at the end of all that i started singing my all time favorite song by this man called,”medicated”. in this song he talks about how wiz wanted to get away from his normal life on the streets…how he wanted to become bigger than that and he would do what he could to get to the top….but the reason i love this song so much is the one line he said,”you only got your name and your words would never break it, for this live we pay a price you get a chance you got to take it”. i love the who song but that line always stuck with me…..at the end of this rap wiz gave me a dap fallowed by a hug and he said you get it man……this is when i woke up to my sister opening my door….. any explanation to this dream….let me add i havent remembered a dream in about months then this came out of no where… thanks you:)

-Lilly 2014-12-05 14:17:25

i dreamt that i had gone to a Gerard Way concert tgat same day and that later on my mm drove us under a tunnel and there was a small pizza place and Gerard Way was there and right before i saw him my mom had run a puppy over so i started crying. then i saw him and he saw me and i waved and i decided to get offto make sure it was him. when i got inside he was sitting there and he told me to sit with him. and we were both alone with a few security guards. later they left. he got up and went outside to check something. when he came back in, he was shaking badly. like if he had gotten an anxiety attack. there was two other girls with him now. fans maybe. much older ones. and they kept asking him if he was feeling okay. he sat down again and i tried holding his hands and he just wouldnt stop shaking. and it startes freaking me out. and then my dad woke me up. what foes this mean? on november 14 i saw him live. the mexico city show. i was hoping i could meet him. atleast get the gift i had brought him to him somehow. but nothing.

-Lani 2014-12-02 14:52:23

Hey um this is really hard for me to explain and I will try my best.

I know this sounds stupid but I can’t get the 2 dreams I’ve had well the first one I dreamt with Matthew Espinosa and the dream was that I was directing movements for dolfins, I think I was in sea world and at half the preformance I saw Matthew Espinosa looking at me and I smiled and he smiled back and at the end of the preformance he came to me and started talking to me obusly I talked with him. And I don’t know but he started leaning towards me And I did to and we kissed.

The second dream was that I went to meet the Magcon boys and when I got into their room the first one to huge me was Hayes and when we both let go Matthew kinda or did sent like daggers to Hayes and then Matthew came and hugged me and kissed my cheek and then all the boys hugged me and since I was the last girl they were going to meet they asked me if I wanted to go to the carnival with them and I said yeah why not . When we were in the carnival Nash divided us in pairs and in that moment Matthew went and whispers something into Nash ear , while that happened Nash looked at me and smiled and said out loud so everyone stopped talking

-nine2000 2014-11-29 16:34:00

(I figure skate) Last night I dreamed I met tessa virtue and Scott moir, two Olympic ice dancers from Canada. I got my picture taken with tessa, and a hug from Scott. Then I met meryl davis, another ice dancer from the usa, but it was different because it wasn’t a meet and greet atmosphere, but more casual (one moment we were in a big building like the airport and then we were upstairs in my house). Suddenly we seemed to know eachother, and laughed and took pictures together. I tried to tell her I was a figure skater too and wanted to be an ice dancer someday and how I looked up to her, but suddenly the atmosphere changed, and she was uninterested or I didn’t tell her I don’t remember. Then my dream changed.

-Billie Jean 2014-11-25 23:05:41

I had a dream that I was out walking around it was a big city which I live n a small city and I met Johnny Depp. He said hi I responded hi then we were walking and talking and he would stare at me, smile and became like best friends . I started to love him n my dream but I wouldn’t let him know how I felt and wouldn’t let him kiss me when he tryed reguardless how I felt then I woke up confused. I have never dreamt about a celebrity before I love watching movies and mention she’s hott he’s hott but no infatuation what so ever have I ever had with anyone famous other than New Kids On The Block at age 10. I just found it odd. What does it mean

-Afzal 2014-11-05 16:20:55

I dream that I am accompanying my most favorite political leader, who is currently the second most popular leader in my country of origin. I had similar dreams about him in the past, that I meet him and we engage in friendly conversation and I offer my support and he was very much happy about it. In reality, I also want to support him in his political campaign. I will be grateful to your help in understanding this dream.

-Ginelle 2014-11-02 13:07:26

I had a dream about meeting Shawn Mendes at a concert and we got to know each other. Then we started to hang out backstage. After a while we became so close that he considered me as a little sister. I felt comfortable with this and felt that he was a role model for me and that he would protect me. Further down in the dream I met his friends and was introduced as ‘Mendes’,his little sister. I was always comfortable hanging out with Shawn and trusted him and thought of him as a real big brother. He pleaded with my parents to let me go on tour with him and thats how I met his mom. While on tour Shawn protected me and looked out for me and loved me as his little sister. And I loved him as my big brother.
I am unsure if this dream means anything. Please help me to figure out if it does.

    -Tony Crisp 2014-11-02 14:16:21

    Ginelle – This is a compensatory dream, and you may be compensating for feeling alone and needing someone to stand by you and be with you.

    But compensation is important, we none of us are whole, for Shawn you as a fan and a little sister compensates him for his urge to be someone – which is often a sign of lacking recognition early in life.

    Also we all need role models and Shawn is that for you. So literally take as much as you can from him and use it in your life. When I was young I had several role models and I can see how I built them into my life and what I do now.


-Anupama 2014-10-30 4:39:13

I had two dreams, once I saw a boy in his skating board and while he is moving, the world on either side of his is changing and even the boy getting younger and older and he became Albert Einstein. Second dream I had just before some time and I saw a man dressed like a biblical character and walking over mountains and he is running a wheel with an invisible stick he has. Somebody told me that he is the man who created a snake from his stick and I realized he is Moses. Can you tell me what these dreams try to communicate with me.

-Amanda 2014-10-28 5:37:47

Had a dream that I was pregnant with James Franco’s baby! We were sitting at a table, kind of like a panel and telling people/ the world. We were very happy and I felt his undying support and love. I felt really happy and glad I was able to give something like this to him. I remembered we had been in a brief love affair that was fun and passionate and funny but I wasn’t sure how long it would last. Then I found out I was pregnant. I wasn’t sure how he would feel about it and even feared he might run away but he was completely happy and supportive.

Towards the end of the dream though, I was wondering if this was all real and whether I deserved such love and support, if it was real. Then I realized I was bleeding a little and I worried I was losing the baby. Would he want to still be with me if I wasn’t pregnant? Would we try again? I imagined we would try again because our love affair was so fun and passionate and we still had that rapport. I feared he would be gutted and unable to handle the grief if I lost the baby. I feared he wouldn’t have the wherewithal to try again with me, but deep down, I felt he would try again with me. I still feared the worst, him leaving me, but I felt he might surprise me again and come through for me.

James Franco to me, seems like a really good person who pursues everything he likes and is able to keep a sense of humor about everything. He is also quite attractive and everyone seems to like him (especially the ladies). There is an innocent, outgoing, likable, trouble-making teenager quality to him rather than being serious and intellectual. He is someone I kind of grew up watching from college to now and he’s had great success.

    -Tony Crisp 2014-11-02 10:59:39

    Amanda – In dreams we can experiment in any way we like, for dreams allow us to go anywhere with anybody in any way. So I see your dream as a way to see how it would be if you got together with a man of your dreams and then watched what happened.

    What happened was you went through a lot of tension about whether you could be the woman he wanted – the feelings about the lost baby.

    But the dream is simply a way for you to see what you would feel if you got a good man – you have a lot of worries but also hope it would turn out fine. But dreams are not predictions, but a view of your present uncertainties. So please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing

    And remember you have immense potential, so use it.


-sian 2014-10-07 6:33:00

I dreamt that I was at a formal party when I turned around Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Val Kilmer were there in tuxedos….they were all polite and said hello to me but never carried out a conversation…I then went to the bar and ordered tequila slammers. Thats all I could remember when I woke up from that dream but when I fell back asleep and dreamt about something else the memory of drinking tequila came back in that dream. …what does it mean?

-Chelsea 2014-09-08 11:40:10

I dreamt that I was attending a party at a distinct relatives house and one of my favourite singers was there too, Ed Sheeran. Because he was my favourite singer, I got excited when I saw him and went to hug him. He gladly accepted my hug with much enthusiasm and we began talking. This was nice because he was very humble and it felt like we somehow knew each other and had this connection. Later in the dream, He ended up carrying me around the house for some reason.
I later dreamt that I was in the car on the way home and I passed a burning house. After we drove pass the burning house, the fire started chasing our car and was catching up to us. i was in fear because my mom was the closest to the fire and the car was moving very slowly eventhough my father drove fast in the dream. The fire eventually slowed down and we were safe but I was in fear. I have trouble interpreting the meaning of this dream but its been stuck in my head all day. Your help will be much appreciated.

    -Tony Crisp 2014-09-12 7:47:51

    Chelsea – Ed Sheeran in your dream is not about Ed Sheeran but about the feelings, pleasure and thoughts you have about him. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing

    Obviously his impact on you is big and may probably even be shown as your male half – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/

    Carrying you around suggests his influence in your life is major and acts as a motivator to you.

    But the fire suggests that the influence from the contact with this powerful male starts the fire. In your case you felt this scary, but a fire is both a destroyer and a cleanser. It suggests that the house – your previous view and feelings about who you are have been destroyed and cleansed, making the way for a new development in your life.


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