Feet Foot
Your basic psychological support system, therefore the attitudes and ideals you use to get around in the world. Feet are also your ability to balance. Where you place your feet in the dream can also indicate whether you feel secure in your present life situation, or whether you are finding conditions, ‘footholds’, to advance or make changes.
In the bible it says, “The feet are symbols of desire. They must be bare: drawn out of everything temporal and mortal.” This suggests that our feet can represent our desire or motivation, and to take our shoes off means we are willing to drop our own purpose and follow the urge from our core instead of desires for things that pass away. The feet may therefore indicate your involvement in all things physical, and all the beliefs and viewpoints that are dependent upon it. (The Bible can be seen as collected folk wisdom that is venerated, and so can be disconnected with any religious organisation).
To dream of feet might also suggest your sensitivity to your present life situation, whether it is rough going or not.
Our feet can sometimes be linked with roots, in that we stand upon the earth with them. As such they are the way the lowest or most primitive in us is transformed, just as roots lift up earth in the process of transforming it into living cells.
As the idioms below suggest, we mention feet a lot in our everyday language to indicate attitudes, motivation or lack of it, and how well or badly we are coping in life and relationships.
Barefooted; To be in contact with reality, your real life situation. Might also suggest rough going if walking is hard. Of course, in some cultures it could mean poverty.
Loss of foot or feet: Incapacitated in making moves, or in being independent or self-motivated; in the Oneirocritica, c.AD 350, it says that to lose ones feet points to a barrier in regard to a planned journey.
Muddy feet: This suggests that you are mired in attitudes that are very material or very practical and have lost sight of your other dimension of being.
Washing feet: Is not only a sign of caring for yourself or being cared for, but is also a statement offering you a new life that is free of the worries and fears of the everyday physical world.
Example: When I asked how it could be possible that such love could be a part of my life I wept as I received the response. It was that we must learn to wash somebody’s feet. I felt this very deeply. I saw that it wasn’t simply a case of taking a flannel, a piece of soap and washing off the dirt from someone’s feet. That is not what it is about. That is not what it’s supposed to be.
To touch such love is painful and I was weeping as if in agony. What is it to wash somebody’s feet? I don’t understand. I am listening but I don’t understand. I feel it but I cannot grasp clearly what is meant.
Then I was told that the person who washes somebody’s feet is the servant. You have to realise, first of all, that you are a servant. You are nothing more. You are not proud, you are not above somebody else. You are a simple servant of life. And yet you are life – that grand mystery of life. Like the grass, life can be trodden under foot. You have to realise that before you can really touch anybody with that great love.
Idioms: back on your feet; caught flatfooted; cold feet; drag your feet; fancy footwork; feet of clay; footloose; grass grow under; itchy feet; jump in with both feet; heavy foot; land on your feet; put my foot down; put your foot in it; pussy-foot around; put your best foot forward; put your foot in your mouth; set foot in; shoot yourself in the foot; sweep you off your feet; take a load of your feet; two left feet.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Do any of the idioms suit the situation in the dream – if so what does it suggest?
If my foot or feet are damaged, in what way is my ability to progress or ‘stand’ in waking life difficult?
Am I in good or difficult ‘standing’ in my life – if difficult can I imagine changing it?
See Associations Working With; Inner World; Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
Hi there, hope someone who can help explanation?
I was dreaming (sort of sleep paralasis) that my mom (who was sleeping in next bedroom at that time) was holding both my feet tightly and looking at me.. this was while i was sleeping, i thought i was awake and wanted to ask her why shes holding my feet until i woke up and there was no one. I felt it and was so sure she was there.
Can there be any meaning by someone (in this case my mom) holding your feet – not in a scary way at all.. perhaps in concerning way or she wanted to say something in a way…
Hope to get reply from you soon!
I had a dream where my boyfriend had only three toes on each foot. It didn’t look like someone cut them off. What can this mean?
Cassandra – It is difficult to understand any dream without more information.
1. Write down anything that you think might have triggered the dream or links with it in some way.
2. Put in any insights you have about people or animals in your dream – it has to be the character of them as they appear in the dream.
3. Please let us know your age and gender.
4. Describe any emotions expressed or indicated in the dream.
Try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
In my dream, I was hanging out with 3 sort of wild and crazy women. One of them described how she was engaging in a sexual act almost egged on by one of the other women. I believe the man she was performing this act on got too forceful and she bit off his foot. I saw the severed foot on the table and commented on it. Although I think it looked more like a female foot in the dream.
Jamia – Remember that every image, every scary or terrifying thing, is taken place inside you, in your mind, as you sleep. This means that every awful animal, every scary thing or person, is created out of your own fears and must not be seen as outside you as happens in waking awareness. The problem is that we are often scared of or frightened of actually experiencing our emotions and so they confront us in our dreams.
This means that you have several crazy urges. Because a modern view of the personality says that our mind is made up of many modules which are quite distinct. These modules, such as the sexual drive and the ability to speak, usually function in a way which is reasonably integrated. But many areas of dissimilarity are evident if we closely observe the workings of our own responses to life experiences. Because we each hold certain ideas about ourselves – our self image – things we do which do not express this self image may shock or even frighten us. Actions arising from a module of oneself which does not express our accepted self image.
You are obviously quite a sexual person, and sometimes may feel, but maybe do not express, signs of violence when the fella is not the gentle type.
I dream that my feet are dark/black then I tried to wash it off but only little has been remove. I wasn’t trying desperately to clean it off but just confuse why my feet is dark.
I dreamt that I looked down on my feet and I saw a little hole on my little pinky toe. I knew it always have been there, but I noticed that there were some dusts in it, so I went to the bathroom and tried to wash the dust out. Some insides of my toe began to fall out of the hole, it was a big jelly of blood. The hole got bigger and bigger, and it hurt a little bit. Somehow I kept washing it, I was freaking out. I shouted after my boyfriend and tell him to call the hospital buy then I saw my phone besides me and told him “nevermind”… While I was standing and looking at the big hole in my toe I was thinking “Oh God this must be a dream, THIS MUST BE A DREAM, oh no it’s not a dream, I am not waking up, it’s gonna be so painful when they are stiching this up” I was gonna call the hospital but then I woke up. Thank God.
Hi – I am sorry I cannot answer many dreams at the moment. But I have described a way that you can get to the meaning of your dream. It only takes a little time to work at knowing the meaning of your dream.
So please click on the link and find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
I had a dream that I was looking closely at the bottom of my foot. It was dirty. All of these shards of glass and little nails were in it. I never noticed them before. I have been walking with them in my foot for a long time. I took them out. It was painful. I wiped the excess dirt off my foot then looked at my other foot. I found it clean and was shocked. Then I woke up.
Last night I had an extremely vivid dream that I was an initiate in some sort of dogmatic religious group that made me feel very uneasy. As I was being led down stairs to where the conformation ceremony was to take place I told the group leader that I refused to go and he became very displeased. The priest then came to speak with me and much to my suprise he consoled me, washed and dried my feet with a brightly adornened cloth which he handed me and led me to the front door, gave me his blessings and set me free. I woke up quite abruptly at 4:44 am, confused but relieved.
I dream I believe we was getting married because we was exchanging rings and then I seen a big white bowl of water With his feet in it in I begin to watch them.
I had a dream that the heel of my foot was burnt to a crisp and I mean burnt so badly it was black but while that was black someone.. All I saw was a hand remove the black burnt crisp part off the heel of my foot and what was underneath was like a clear plastic or gel see through piece… Any suggestions as to what this may mean
Dear Krys – Yes, you saw it correctly that there is a difference of meaning as far as the context of your dream is concerned so your choice to post your dream in “foot” and “skin” was a meaningful one.
There is also a difference of meaning between your right and your left foot and – depending on your associations – you may also find a clue if you know from which direction a hand came.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/left-and-right/
Exploring dreams is a bit like stepping into the role of a detective and a first step may be to use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
What do you feel when your skin is black burnt?
Do you consider that side of your body as dominant or “right” and the heel as a vulnerable part?
Do you use that foot when you walk around; when you use personal effort to make your own way in life?
Is the black skin painful and does it limit you while walking?
What aspect of you is willing to remove the black skin so you can have a deeper look at what is going on under the surface of your mind?
What do you see when you look through your skin?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/active-imagination-and-dreams/
Anna 🙂
When I was a child I had a dream with my grandad and my friend patsie going to my school when we got there mygrandad took off her shoes and socks and started eating her foot I then eat her other foot and it was nice.Ever since then I have had dreams when I chase to catch the women to eat there feet which I find satisfying.As I enjoy. Eating female feet in my dreams and I find it very sexual
Hello there! So last night I had a dream where one of the guys I know lalaid down on my feet when I was sitting at the couch. He laid there like how a cat would lay, I tried to get up but thought again and wwent back down to the couch again. My feet were bare, I was not wearing any shoes. And there was a furry carpet under my feet. (If this have anything clue to what the dream meant.)
Last night I had a very peculiar dream. First there was my left foot. Then I noticed it had several bite marks(probably from bugs, mosquito or ants)that appears as groups of three which is already past the swelling stage of a wound. Around the marks the skin is slowly turning to gray, much like how an eye bag looks like if one in not having enough sleep. I took a brush and tried to scrape off one group, while I am doing it bugs or maybe worms suddenly came out ejecting or shooting out from my foot. When I was done this area looks clean, the group of bite marks appears flat where the centers looked like pores. I tried to squeeze them and nothing came out but, when I place my fingers between two marks(slightly off if there is a line connecting both), press a little bit and then slide apart, a slit would open running between two bite marks. This is probably where the bugs or worms where lodged before.
In the second group, I tried to do the same thing however, nothing is happening. The bite marks still appear as they where. That only when for some reason I immersed my foot in water that the second group of bite marks opened up like holes, round but irregular edges about an inch to half an inch in diameter. Inside I can see goldfishes of the oranda and redcap variety colored white with some orange patches or strips running from their head to the dorsal fin to the caudal fin(tail) swimming in clear water. I can not ascertain how many exactly there were but I thought there were less than ten goldfishes swimming inside my left foot. I was aghast of the sight and wanting to remove the fishes out immediately. As I was picking out the fishes from my foot and transferring them in a black basin full of water, there I also saw my uncle, a fisherman, who is also putting some fishes into the basin some probably were herring and big anchovies. While still in the process of removing the fishes in my foot I noticed that some fishes my uncle put into the basin earlier on were now floating lying on their sides pale and dead. Others were weakening slowly dying, their heads are up in the air gasping for air but it is just useless because these fishes live in salt water while the basin is full of freshwater. When I was done the holes on my foot merged and now there is only one big hole. Estimating the dimension of the hole, it is running from the ankles up to an inch before the toes and half inch from the edges of my foot. My left foot appeared much like a lace-less shoe, hollow on the inside, but instead of having round tipped edges I got my toes on it. Then I awoke.
I dreamt of a person who I hold dear yet who hasn’t clarified yet whether he reciprocates my feelings or not asking to see my feet (via Skype). Before that he said in the dream that he couldn’t find any photos of my feet, that is why he asked.
Could it mean that person wants to know me (or rather, my mind) better? Or maybe the person can’t really understand me and wants me to help him out, to show him what/how I think?
Or maybe the person is trying to help me get in touch with reality? Maybe he has noticed my absent, dreamy nature (unhealthy) and wants to help me get back in touch with the real world?
I am not too sure, it would be nice if anyone could (possibly) help me.
Thank you.
Dear Marcela – You could use your “dreamy nature” in a healthy way to explore your dream; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/active-imagination-and-dreams/
“Dreaming away” may help you get in touch with your inner reality that is still unknown to you and that way you may find the answer to your questions within you.
Please remember that the man in your dream is a reflection of your inner male – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/ – who is willing to help you become aware of something.
You do not mention how you respond to his request in the dream to show him your feet.
Do you like the idea? Did you show him your feet? What does it feel like if you show him your feet; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Anna 🙂
I dreamt that I was sleeping with a man I felt much love towards and as we were waking I started rubbing his feet very gently and lovingly. It was then that he and I felt as though we were growing to become one.
I see a cripple on crutches with a bad leg, I do not see a face but as he passes me his foot falls off and lands on my chest, I am lying down. It thoroughly disgusts me and I want it off me?
Dear Renata – I reckon you have read this part of the entry:
Loss of foot or feet: Incapacitated in making moves, or in being independent or self-motivated; in the Oneirocritica, c.AD 350, it says that to lose ones feet points to a barrier in regard to a planned journey.
What I see in your dream – and please explore it for yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that you become aware of parts of your nature or behaviour that you usually keep hidden or do not admit to.
Being crippled is a symbol for a difficulty in fulfilling your potential. A leg would represent your ability to stand up for yourself, to be independent, etc.
Using crutches can be a symbol of emotional or psychological dependency.
Wherever we find ourselves held back, unable to express, lacking creativity or love, then in some way we have become crippled. Somewhere there has been a hurt, a fearful or resentful response, a cringing from challenges that is blocking or repressing our fuller life. This situation is shown in many dreams as a crippled person.
When the burden of the inner world you live in becomes too uncomfortable, you become aware that the way out is to “unburden” yourself; “I want this off my chest”.
A way to “unburden” could be to use an approach which Tony called “Lifestream”; http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/
So why not carry your dream forward; release yourself from the burden on your chest, get up and get moving?
Anna 🙂
I dreamt that a guy was massaging my feet. In real lilife I dont know this person, what could my dream mean?