The experience of anxiety and torment in regard to losing control, or giving up self in some degree as you grow toward greater awareness of your oneness with creation.
Example: Then I saw the Christ standing above me with a crown of thorns. A cup was in my hands, and I asked that it be taken from me, but if necessary, “Thy will be done.” Then the crown of thorns was lifted and placed upon my head. I was crucified, dead, and buried.
As I lay in the tomb I wondered when was Gethsemane and crucifixion in my life? When was death? The answers came from within quickly. Gethsemane was my recent fear of the irrational. It was the conflict I have felt about going further into the unknown. I had prayed – “God if this be illusion take it from me, for I want it not. But if this be what you wish for me, then I accept it.” This had been my Gethsemane. My death was in being willing for my ego to die and be absorbed or eaten by the Self. My crucifixion has been over the past many years.
Gradually there was an awakening. The crown of thorns was lifted off. I felt my pierced side. There were nail holes I felt in my hands. I understood I had suffered these by being willing to work at the common tasks necessity demanded. The nail holes in my feet I had suffered as the willingness to accept everyday life and earthbound consciousness, instead of struggling to raise my own consciousness. The binding clothes were the restrictions of sensual consciousness falling away.
Useful questions and hints:
Is there an area of torment or conflict in you life?
What is it you feel you face in life that is difficult?
What is being asked of you in this place of decision?
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Jesse Watkins Enlightenment – Being in Control