
Glass represents the invisible but powerful feeling or social barriers we use in everyday life.

The sort of invisible yet tangible barriers we may erect or feel around others, such as natural caution, emotional coldness, disinterest, fear of being hurt or pride; social barriers. Invisible aspects of oneself which nevertheless may trap us, such as fear, lack of self respect; self doubt.

Glass can be a protection for food and to cook in. Also a protection against the weather and cold.

Frosted or smoked glass: Desire for privacy; keeping parts of oneself hidden; an obscure or unclear view of a situation; occasionally relating to death – the very real yet obscure experience we all face. Barriers or social techniques you use to gain privacy. It can also suggest keeping parts of yourself hidden, or an obscure or unclear view of a situation. Occasionally it relates to death – the very real yet obscure experience we all face.

Breaking glass: Breaking through a barrier; shattered emotions. What barrier are you breaking through, what restraint? It might also mean shattered emotions. Breaking a relationship; shattering an illusion; broken hearted.

Breaking something made of glass: Breaking a relationship; shattering an illusion; broken hearted.

Stepping on broken glass: Glass may not be very visible, so may represent hidden dangers; being careless about direction in life or present situation; or if it is being done without heed to injury, represents self inflicted pain.

Glasshouse: Something in your experience that protects fragile aspects of your growth; something that is itself fragile; a subtle but real barrier between the energy of your life and the aspects of you that are needing to grow.

Glass inside you swallowed: You have taken in very dangerous feelings, ideas or events that can knock down your ego or personality from within. It may cause a great energy loss because of loss of blood.

Example: Later, a lot of very ugly injuries and cuts appear in my chest and throat because I swallowed bits of glass, I realized the glass is going through my body, but nobody in my family believes and they think I did it to myself.

Next, same injuries but now in my belly, and I start throwing up blood, again and again, throwing up even my entrails. Now everybody believes I have glass splinters inside my body, and something has to be done.

Finally, when the bits of glass are in the last stage of my intestines, a doctor comes and something like a surgery is conducted. I can “see” the interior. With a pair of tongs the doctor is helping the glass to be “got out” without hurting anything in my body, and among the dirt (crap) he found a flower and in the interior of the flower he found a piece of glass, but then he realizes, that it was not glass, it was a diamond.

An amazing dream saying that amid all the pain and fear of illness when it is all felt and faced and healing is sought or thought, then it is realised that the awful hurts and fear was all in order to allow the awareness that at the heart of such experiences is the connections with the unchanging and eternal. See Diamond

Useful questions and hints:

Is the glass protecting me in some way?

Or am I in a dangerous situation with glass?

Am I looking though glass at something or somebody?

See Being the Person or ThingClicking OnSumming Up



-Amara 2017-01-11 8:43:23

I had a dream during a nap I took due to a headache. In the dream my boyfriend and me come across this area that had broken pieces. He is standing off the side while I’m asking him and looking around, trying to figure out why is there broken glass and what is it from. I started cleaning it up, picking one piece at a time up, while asking in confusion what happen. I keep looking around to see if one of my kids were near so I could ask them. There were pieces that had a white goo on em, kind off milky. Almost, like a glue but not sticky. I then skipped to another dream about freely floating, loke instead of walking around, I was floating to move around. And I perfected it, it became easier and I was at work, helping one coworkers after another and customers. Kids were watching in amazed. I was very proud feeling and it was fun.

-Liza 2016-09-23 6:39:03

I had a dream last night ,I was lying on my back and someone cut open my belly and took out two clear drinking glasses one was cracked,and I woke up with terrible heartburn

-D. 2016-05-19 2:12:31

My mother..her old friend from years ago whom she is no longer friends with and I are always in this same house..people running in and out..our kids mainly..and glass all over the floor. .I’m constantly yelling to be careful but picking glass from my foot/feet. Last dream also includes an eX- spouse but mainly a picture of him on a glass mirror and I break the edge off..with my hand..any thoughts?

-rheta 2015-12-20 5:39:06

I have had dream after dream lately all that involve the windows in my house, and sometimes my neighbor’s windows too will shatter. Break. Explode. Each time I am shocked…. Then eventually start feeling anxiety within my dream as to how I will exain the situation to my landlady. Or how we will afford to fix them…. Why are some reasons if any that I keep dreaming things like this?

-Aracely 2015-11-09 15:00:27

I dreamt that I was in my room speaking to a different guy and all of a sudden I see the snow globe he got me that even had my name engraved on that broke a while back ago on accident but it was broken again in my dream and the pieces of glass were everywhere and I was picking them up and there were big pieces and little pieces and the whole time in my dream I was just picking them up for a long time I know things in my relationship are bad so can this dream represent that?!

-Nicole 2015-08-25 21:25:08

I had a dream that I was holding a clear square 9×9 glass baking dish and I dropped it and it smashed, then I awoke
I feel back to sleep and I was in my living room and there was this very unstable table there with purple glasses and purple pitcher on it and I walked by and knocked it and the table collapsed I tried to grab it to stop it from falling but the glasses fell over and smahed on the floor???

-Lorraine 2015-06-14 7:25:52

I dreamed that my ex brought me a vase a clear glad vase.. And when I opened it.. It was broke( a piece of it missing) and then eventually it broke in 3 pieces. The we picked up together and put somewhere and leave there.. Then he asked me to go to a restaurant.. Then I woke up in that dream.. I don’t know what is this mean.. Could anyone can helpe understand this..? Thanks

-lisa 2015-05-22 7:18:36

I had a dream recently quite basic about me an the guy i am with collecting glass off sand so it didnt hurt a little boy which i got the impression was oulr son (we dont have kids). The sand was turning in to glass quickly and we couldnt keep up but we kept trying.
We would have been parents but sadly a month ago we went through something which meant baby never made it. Is it related at all? Im just so confused as to what it all means.

-T 2015-04-15 13:21:51

I woke up from my went into my bathroom to glass everywhere on the floor sink broken vases went to find my bf in the living room sleeping woke up with glass on his blanket everywhere broken glass sliding door everything and him yelling at me kicking me out crying as if I did it all but I had no memory of it 🙁 and found glass in my hair

    -Anna 2015-04-16 7:23:21

    T – I like to start with the end of your dream. Mostly hair in dreams links with the way you are thinking, your self-image and attitudes.
    I wonder if you tend to feel responsible for everything which happens in your (sexual) relationship with your boyfriend. I ask because in your dream your boyfriend is asleep, which means that he is not aware of what is going on in himself and therefore neither in his relationship with you. The moment he wakes up – becomes more conscious – and sees the damage caused by his denial, he puts all the blame on you.
    And instead of daring to openly and honestly share your feelings with him about your own lack of awareness and/or the denial of your own feelings – ” I had no memory of it” – you allowed him to upset you and kick you out.
    You cannot change your boyfriend – so please do not step into the role of rescuer – also he cannot change you. What you can do is change the relationship by taking full responsibility FIRST of what is going on in YOUR INNER world.
    The first step is to become aware of your roles in this (inner) drama. Although it may sound strange, we all resist growth and so we will choose the role which aids us to avoid inner growth; this role is generally set-up in childhood.
    In this dream your boyfriend has taken the role of perpetrator and you the role of victim, but roles can and often do change in a relationship, so next time you can be the perpetrator and he can be the victim.
    There is one thing these roles have in common; they never lead to a WIN-WIN situation and they are perpetuated by the denial of feelings first in the self and then in others. Denial is the defence mechanism that keeps people acting out in unconscious, perverted ways instead of seeing the reality of how they hurt themselves and others.
    The second step is the willingness to enter the process of letting go of these roles and to learn to grow towards true intimacy with yourself and your boyfriend:
    Self-observation is a way towards becoming aware of what you are doing to yourself and to others, so that could be a start for you. Also, working with your dreams is a wonderful tool.
    So please read and
    Good Luck!
    Anna 🙂

-Brittany 2015-03-02 17:51:38

I had a dream where I was a caretaker in an older home . My mother and two sisters were there as well with the other occupants and the home owner . My father or my older brothers and younger brother were not present in my dream. But in my dream I would be caring for people and randomly it would be that I was caring for a phantom instead . Then they would vanish .two men came to the front door and I asked them who they were ” we are from the church we were called to come” and I was confused then they said “we never come unless we are called ” then I noticed something moving on my right side. And I was standing by the door and a large crystal vase fell over and broke . I remember saying “I saw it and I guess I could of stopped it , but I didnt” I then looked at it and the owner of the home said told me that the woman would be very angry with me for letting her base break. I had noticed that in the home there were a ton of personal items that had belonged to different deceased occupants . And I was told by another worker to draw the vase to trick the woman. I remember being very afraid and telling my mother about it and she was caring for a newborn . She doesn’t have any newborn children . She was laying on a recliner with th baby and on the floor next to her were my three sisters all together sleeping and I woke them up when I came in. My mother didn’t have anything to say to me so I left . And then I remember doing dishes in the home and I kept breaking glass cups over and over again. I don’t remember anything else but this dream was very odd and I was wondering if you would please kindly help me interpret it . I am afraid because I have looke up similar meanings and they all lead to death. Please help me .

-vicki 2014-09-16 3:34:55

Been woken up because I.had a dream there was broken glass on the floor (clear) so I start picking up the pieces but have no room to hold any more so I start putting the glass Inbetween my teeth, but then start getting tiny bits stuck all over my tongue but the more pieces I get out it just keeps becoming more an more glass then I can feel it building up in my throat and heaving but there’s no cuts or blood what does this mean. Much appreciated if you have an explanation

    -Tony Crisp 2014-09-21 12:58:54

    Vicki – I wonder what it is you are picking up the pieces of? Was it a broken relationship. If so it looks like you have some feelings that sicken you and need to be let out.

    Maybe this might help – If you need help, and I may be wrong about your dream,reach out for my help in your dreams.


-Christine 2014-01-20 3:55:55

I find myself at this site often to help understand some dream symbols. It always helps map things out a little more clearly. Thank you.

    -Tony Crisp 2014-01-22 9:15:51

    Christine – It makes a big difference to me to hear/read your feedback. Thank you.


-shonaig 2013-03-10 23:37:55

Hello Tony,
Do hope all is well your way.
In this dream my first love (with whom I have reconnected over the past years although he lives on another continent…in outer life) hands me a glass of water .I look down to take it and see that the drinking glass is cracked, chipped, jagged and falling to bits and when I attempt to take it from him it does crumble into shards and falls to the floor.

-ultima.brown 2012-12-04 21:32:04

I dream a man is inside a cage just outside the house, then my house windows are open so i tried to close them. But the man escapes his cage and he is coming towards the house. I was scared and he climbs the kitchen window. He saw me and points the gun at me. I remember telling myself to move but i froze. I was scared. He shot me with a pistol gun and I saw the bullet moving. I was not hit because I woke up. It was just 4am. Please email me, and help interpret my dream. I’m deeply troubled. Thank you. (ultima, female, 25)

-jeannie campbell 2012-07-18 10:05:56

I am glad I have found this website I have had very vivid dreams all my life and its good to see deeper meaning in how they are represented I want to look into this guy a little deeper too .Thanks

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