Wholeness, your complete nature, symmetry or proportion. Usually refers to the soul or spirit, in the same way as a square or cube often represents the physical in a dream. Or it may represent the world. Sometimes the globe is in divisions denoting the different faculties or aspects of your nature.
What is meant by this is that although as a conscious person our life might be a mess, we still have health and wholeness as a potential. It often leads to a realisation that there is another subtler and more powerful world linked with out physical world. It also symbolises the amazing potential we all have if we find it. See giant
Or the globe may represent the world, in other worlds your present ‘world’ or experience or activity, the way you see or experience life. See: world.
Example: The Lady appeared amid the glowing light. On 13th September 1917 30,000 people met. Two skeptical Priests chose higher ground to watch. At noon the sun grew dim; a globe of light advanced down the valley to the tree; shiny white ‘petals’ fell out of the empty sky but vanished as people reached out to catch them. The children again saw the Lady amid the globe of light: she promised them a miracle. The Priests saw the globe and were much shaken.
The children who had first seen the Lady at Fatima in Portugal, were give two prophecies by the Lady. The first was that the present war would soon end and the second was that an even worse war would begin in 1939. See Our Lady of Fatima
Example: I dream of my late son, who passed this summer from Pneumonia. (Drug induced). We are in a globe type room, sort like an observatory. It is bright and colorful though the ceiling has stars and sky like patterns. My son is standing in the center of the room with me by his side. I am instructing him on something. I have a mentor (a male figure) looking on silently. I just know the mentor is for me. I mentor my son even though the/my mentor does not speak or anything.
The globe type room is something I have come across several times. It is a way of showing you a more global view of life. An enlargement of your awareness. The stars and sky patterns are also to help you realise the beauty and that your awareness has gone beyond what you can usually know through your senses; a wonderful dream. I think you already have a lot of experience in this other world knowledge, for you are clearly helping your son from the Highest in you.
Useful questions and hints:
What have you felt or realised in regard to the globe?
Was it glowing or well lit?
Were you aware of any knowledge given you?
See ESP in Dreams – Edgar Cayce – Secrets of Power Dreaming