Mostly hair in dreams links with the way you are thinking, your self image and attitudes. In some dreams it can link with sexual attraction or even what sexual characteristics you are displaying. Therefore changing the style of your hair would show you changing the way you see yourself, or how you want others to see you.
We sometimes use our hair and the way we style it to show what group or social group we identify with. So a hair style could link with a social group or status – business; hippie; middle class; smart and motivated; laid back; Goff’s; punk; artistic etc.
Example: I was watching a man do a stage act. It started with him looking directly toward me and gradually taking on the character of a hippie person. His hair was in a pony tail at the back and he became less well groomed. Then he shook his hair loose from the pony tail and went through amazing changes in which the whole styling and colour of his hair altered and changed the way he looked, and even his sex. For instance his hair became shoulder length, red, beautifully styled in a full waved perm of shining hair. As this he was a beautiful female. At another moment he turned profile and the hair styled backwards into a mane of wavy hair. T.C.
This dream shows how the hair depicts character and mental attitude, even gender. See: washing hair.
Baldness: Ageing; feeling obsolete; lack of thought; maleness.
Beard: This depends on the age of the person and the situation in the dream. For instance stubble on a teenage boy suggests he is moving into manhood. But a beard can also suggest carelessness – as when someone hasn’t shaved; a mask if someone uses it to hide their youth; or a way of life that does not conform, or like a backwoodsman. Sometimes the link is with a war veteran, suggesting a long exposure to conflict and extreme living conditions.
Black wig: This wig suggests the false thinking, the unconscious false thoughts, still prevalent and to be dealt with.
Brushing hair: Clarifying or bringing order to attitudes or thoughts. Getting rid of emotional or relationship tangles or tangled ideas.
Changing hair style: Changing the way you see yourself, your self image. Perhaps also changing attitudes and a change of mind.
Chest hair: Masculinity, virility. If it is on a woman, it suggests her expressing masculine qualities.
Colour of hair: In everyday life we unconsciously gather a lot of information from someone’s hair colour. For instance racial background is one immediate thing we see. But hair colour might well link with someone we know – our father, or mother, or someone close to us. If that is not the link it can suggest attitudes – light-headed for instance; dark thoughts; fiery temperament with red hair, or age and perhaps wisdom with grey or silver hair.
If the hair is artificially coloured this shows the person or yourself trying to be something you are not at your ‘roots’. But this might also show an attempt to stand out, to be different to those around you to gain attention or change your self image.
Combing hair: See: comb.
Cutting off beard: Making a change; feeling more certain about your manhood; or uncertainty about manhood, depending on dream. It can also suggest a fuller meeting or self expression, and uncovering of who you are. In some cultures it might suggest leaving behind traditional religious beliefs.
Cutting hair: It can be about a change taking place in you – it cold be to smarten yourself up, or to have a real personal change. Cutting hair or a hand or some other part of the body may be about an initiation into another type of life. In traditional initiation rites and a boy’s or girl’s initiation to manhood or womanhood the cutting of hair, was symbolic of growth beyond childhood and a taking on of mature life. See Long Hair
Cutting hair right off: This depends on what hair is cut off. If it is wild and unkempt, then it would show a real change and a more disciplined way of thinking and acting. If the hair style suggested some sort of social, religious or cult affiliation, then it would show a move away from that. In general it shows cutting back on what you think or dream, like clearing out a cupboard of all the things no longer needed. It can also show denial of sensual, sexual and physical drives, as with a monk, or acceptance of age or baldness.
Dark hair: The thoughts and ideas that move you yet are largely unconscious. Might show ‘dark’ thoughts or attitudes. But it can also suggest racial dispositions, such as Latin passions or responses, or the black cultural way of being. As mentioned above, it can also link with someone you know.
Disheveled hair Mental confusion, personal carelessness about how you appear to others. It might also be an indication that you are ruled by crazy thoughts and ideas.
Fair hair: Awareness; ‘light headed’. Might link with racial types such as Scandinavian stock, or indicate a coolheaded person. Being blonde is also for many women and men a statement of wanting to be attractive, or wanting to attract attention and not be one of the crowd.
Genital or armpit: Sexuality. Your natural or instinctive feelings and drives. See: pubic hair below.
Hair on chest or body of female, even child: The male side of the woman; might be parents desire for a boy generated male characteristics. It could also be a sign of something unusual breaking through, something that you didn’t expect growing into your life. See archetype of the animus
Hair in mouth: Hair in ones mouth is a cause of tremendous irritation or discomfort. So may be something that is very disturbing or difficult to speak about. Also the mouth is associated with eating and speaking.
You would want to get rid of the hair and irritation as soon as possible. So it may be something you are saying that is so wrong it makes you feel irritated. But hair can also represent your thoughts, so maybe it is something you are thinking and not words.
But the way you can find out for yourself is to imagine yourself in the dream and explore the feeling with the idea – what does this mean. You could use Being the Person or Thing
Long matted: Not caring about social image or self; drop out.
Long hair: Freedom; permissiveness; girlhood with woman.
Plaited or pony tail: Girlhood; socialised or disciplined thoughts and feelings.
Pubic hair: Some dreams mentioning pubic hair do so in a way that suggests it as a glimpse of what lies beneath – or at least a glimpse of whatever pleasure or emotions, perhaps even fear or pain, are generated by the experience of or thoughts/fantasies of sex. When the pubic hair is missing it is about the revealing of the sex or gender. Of course, today, the appearance or absence of hair could refer to the latest fashions in sexual display.
Another possibility of the lack of pubic hair is that your sexual feelings, needs and power are being made conscious, or are brought to awareness.
In connection with teenagers it shows the emergence of their sexual life and all that will bring.
Short hair: If it was long it shows a radical change in the way you see yoruself, perhaps more busines like or less feminine. It can also show that you are maturing beyond the girlhood or boyhood stage. Your present age has nothing to do with the change. See Ages of Love
Tight style: Discipline; self restraint.
Very long beard: Sense of eternal or long life.
Washing hair: Changing ones attitude; altering the way one thinks about something or ones viewpoint. “Wash that man right out of my hair” mind/feelings.
White beard: Wisdom or experience gained through long life, and perhaps an awareness of life beyond the senses.
Wig: False attitudes or thoughts; an assumed social front.
Woman’s dreams – Armpit or leg hair: Social expression of sexuality or physicality.
Idioms: harebrained; hair of the dog; get in your hair; got you by the short hairs; keep your hair on; hair raising; have us by the short hairs; let one’s hair down; make you hair curl/stand on end; didn’t turn a hair; pulling hair out; put hairs on your chest; tear one’s hair out; split hairs, without turning a hair. See: shampoo.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What is being expressed by the hair style or things done to the hair?
Is the hair coloured, if so what impression do I have of it?
Is this different in any way to my own hair style – is so what do the differences suggest?
See Victims – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Life’s Little Secrets – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
In my dream last night I washed my hair and it turned blond and i have dyed red hair in real life. It wasn’t even good looking, it looked like it had been growing out awhile. and a chunk of my hair was out so i had a small bald spot. I told my sister and she said it happened to her husband…what does it mean?
I recenty donated my hair to wigs for kids and since then I have had a reoccuring dream that I am standing in front of a mirror looking at how fast my hair has grown (because it appears to be as long as it was before). I convince myself in the dream that I am awake because I remember that I’ve had the dream before.
Catherine – Because hair for a woman is very much part of her self image, long hair can show how beautiful and how much a woman she is. So loss of it would be a loss of her self image in some extent. Long hair can also show wisdom.
There may also be an indication that in traditional initiation rites, and a boy’s or girl’s initiation to manhood or womanhood, the cutting of hair was symbolic of growth beyond childhood and a taking on of mature life.
So I feel that you recurring dream may be assuring you that you are still very much a woman.
both me and my boyfriend have had the same dream about hair growing out of our mouth and choking us what does it mean?
I saw my boss in my dream with a trimmed mustache, he looks young so i am wondering if he has dyed his hair too..in real life he must be in his 50’s and have a huge mustache..in my dream i am also thinking “so finally he must have been told off my his boss so he changed his look”..also in real life him and I do not get along too well..
I dreamt I was visiting someone. I was sitting in the living room. It was a very large, lavish house. I was waiting for my hosts. The lady of the house arrived and began to comb my hair. She found 12 ringworm sores on my scalp. I remember distinctly because I was embarrassed. She didn’t seem to mind. Just made the comment and left. My hair was different than normal. It was thinner and easy to comb. I was wearing it down. Normally it’s in a ponytail.
Ashley – The sores on your head and in your hair can indicate that your attitudes are troublesome and need attention. The lady of the house is the part of you that is in charge and cares for you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/sub-personalities/
The fact that it was in your hair and the style changed is saying that you are either in process of changing the way you appear outwardly and inwardly or are changing the way that you think or act.
I had a dream last night I was walking with a guy I obviously fancied. For some or other reason I started removing matted hair from my bottom teeth. And the more I removed, there more there was.
As we continued to walk, I noticed he too started doing the same thing, but very discreetly so that I wouldn’t see. But, I did.
Hello Tony!
Last night i dreamt that i have white hair and i removing them infront of the mirror and i got one piece of my hair it’s different size and very thick white color?
Hi Tony,
tonight I dreamt that I was frantic trying on sure in front if my mother, but the wigs were not full the wigs were sparsely covered with hair and they kept sliding off as I tried to stand up and walk around. I read online that the interpretation is about false friends, is there another meaning or a deeper one?
I dreamt last night that I looked down and at my pubic area and saw some very disgusting and large blisters or zits, or growths of some sort. I was worried that it could be some sort of STD. as i began to examine what it was it became a single hard crusty layer that completely cover my pubic hair. I was able to easliy pull it up. as i removed a large portion of it i could see a cross section, and there were many layers some darker some lighter, different textures.
that was the end of the dream.
I did not see my penis, or any other parts of my body, and besides the feeling of being concerned that it might be an STD and what my girlfriend would think of that, the feeling of how disgusting this thing was is the strongest, and as I reflect on it is still the strongest feeling.
In my dream last night, my family and I were being chased in a rough section of a city. We climbed up scaffolding and ladders to safety, and at the very top of the ladder, there was metal that got caught in the hair of several individuals. What does this indicate? (hair becoming stuck, pain, etc.)
I had a dream last night.In that dream, I saw myself in a big mirror. I was pleased with what I saw in the mirror. Half of my chest was filled with luxuriant hairs. Then,the rest of my stomach was filled with this same type of hairs..
Physically, I have no single chest hair with little stomach hairs. I’m in my early thirties. What do you think of this dream?
I drempt a week ago that my mom had cut her hair into a bob and dyed it bright pink. It was cute and everyone loved it. (I live in Germany and don’t see her often). I told her a few days later over the phone about my dream and she said that she had just been to a “pink” party.
Then last night I drempt that her hair was super long, the more I looked at it, the longer it seemed to be until it was finally almost to her feet. I told her I didn’t like it.
Just curious why I’m having dreams about her hair? I am heading home soon (Dec) after 21 years in the Air Force. So I wonder if it is related. We are also planning a trip together.
Melissa – Is or was your mother a very attractive woman? I ask because to have such long hair is a very attractive thing. So I wonder whether there has ever been any feeling of competition between you.
But it could refer to you not wanting to have such long hair. See – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-dreaming/
I had a dream last night that I was on vacation with my parents, and I was in the pool, which looked more like a grotto or lake, hanging out and swimming with people that were my friends in the dream, none of whom I actually know or have ever met in real life. We were all having a great time and laughing, and then I got out of the pool to go change to go out that night. I was in a bathing suit, and not exactly with a perfect body, but for some reason I wasn’t self conscious. So I walk across this resort and I walk by two men who give me flirtatious looks and it makes me feel good inside. Then, I go to my hotel room, which is spacious and beautiful and white, tastefully decorated and I put on an outfit. It’s a long white sheer shirt with embellishments at the neckline and for pants I’m wearing black leggings which go up and cover my stomach and a pair of cropped lavender pants over them. I look in the mirror and feel really confident. Then I go back down to the pool and as I’m walking to go tell my friends to get ready, I decide that I should roll down my leggings and expose my stomach under the sheer shirt because wearing two pairs of pants looks kind of dumb. My stomach is a little jiggly(by no means chubby at all) but I am confident and roll it down anyway and feel great. The dream skips to me back in my hotel looking for my brother asking him if he ate before we go out to the nightclub, he says he has, and I know I have, so I take one last look in the mirror, flip my hair and the entire top of my head is bald. The entire crown(My hair is really long both in the dream and in real life). I have these black dots, even though my hair is blonde, all over the bald patch that look like very thick stuble. I start to panic and show my parents. They say we have to make a doctors appointment and see if we can fix this. I look in the mirror again and flip a large portion of my hair over and the bald scalp disappears. I know it’s not gone so I rearange my hair and it opens up again, but I flip my hair over once more and, realizing I can just hide it, that it’s not the biggest deal in the world and that I guess I can live with it. Could tell me what this dream means please?
Paulina – So may things in the dream relate to you enjoying life, the looks men give you, and your obvious concern about how you appear to others.
And as the hair in many dreams is about ones appearance, and in a woman’s dream suggests her wonderful crown of hair and so her beauty, I think that the loss of it is about your underlying worries about how you appear to men, and of course other women.
I feel there is a love angle in here somewhere – perhaps a frustrated one, also the hair flipping over is just a cover up. The black hair may relate to black thoughts you have about something. If that is so they need to be changed for pleasurable feelings about what you think of yourself your looks.
You are naturally a happy person, so it wouldn’t be difficult.
In my dream last night, I was about to drink from a cup (something i remember as milk, though i stopped drinking milk for a long time now). I saw hair in the drink and spooned it out and saw again the hair was there… i removed the hair again and this cotinued several times and finally i decided to pour the drink away and see whats at the bottom. What i did see was hair was growing frm the bottom of the cup and it wouldnt stop. i tried cutting until the root (as long as i could see) but it dint work. my wife and my friend were watching me and they tied to help me but it wouldnt stop. And frustrated, i bandged the cup with the knife and was bout to throw the cup when i woke up….
Can you tell me what this means?
Eddy – Well, this is something that you have felt frustrated about, but maybe not quite enough to make you fully aware of it – therefore you dream of it.
It is something linked with giving up, and yet it is annoying you because it doesn’t feel good – as when we get a hair in our mouth. It is linked with a way you satisfy your thirst for something and the irritation is growing.
In my dream I am flirting with a man i am interested in. In dream he has a beard and needs a hair cut. I am holding scissors playfully asking him to allow me to shave his beard and cut his hair. He is smiling and reluctantly says yes. We embrace and start dancing, i know he is testing me to see if i know how to dance and how well we do. In the dream our feet are really moving fast and we are in step with each other and begin really spinning together, then the dream cuts to us in conversation and he touching my breast, we are talking about my children and that hopefully my children will be better off in the future not the same as my family treated me. Can you tell me what you think of this dream???