Ill Illness
Dreaming of illness is often a way of showing you that you have painful feelings or feelings of anger or resentment which are held within that need to be attended to. Often these feelings were experienced and not fully felt at an earlier period of your life, and now need to be healed or released. At the very least they need understanding. Do ask yourself though, if this is the way you get love, by being ill.
Sometimes however, dreams about illness show the early signs of breakdown in your body. If you are having worrying dreams, have a check-up with your doctor. Tests have shown that men with serious illness have often dreamt about death, and women with such illnesses have dreamt about breakup and separation.
Occasionally illness depicts the way we attempt to get love or attention – by being ill; sometimes relates to our actual physical body, but quite rarely; also may show our intuitions about the physical condition of someone else.
If there is any feeling of illness connected with that part of the body, if there is anything to be ashamed of, if there is anything hidden, then by bringing yourself back to the whole it will be revealed and healed. Life will touch it and lift it out of you. We need to be aware of the feelings of defeat and of failure that feedback into our system and are often causes of illness.
Even our thoughts that our body or part of it is ill can be an awful thing if held onto for some time. For our body is as sensitive as any animal, and our thoughts can cling and destroy. We need to say sorry to our body for making it feel unclean or sick. Open it to the life that flows through you and it will clear away those influences.
Strangely, for both the Africans and Artemidorus, the dreams of illness and death signified the opposite, recovery. I believe this was to give them a release from fear of illness. The same is employed in many so called dream interpretation books, they give not a meaning of a dream, but good or bad luck suggestions. See: infection; body; mental illness.
Example: I can’t ask for what? Love? I can’t ask for love so I killed myself to get it. I could see a lot of truth in this. How I felt I couldn’t go and get a girl, but would act as if I were sick or miserable to get love, how perhaps much of my illness in the past was a desperate plea for love.
Example: Yes, kaleidoscopic patterns were moving and changing faster, speeding up and getting lighter. First of all just colour, movement and intensity, then it burst into a direct awareness of energy in my being vibrating faster and faster. I could feel it moving each side of my spine, actually vibrating. It got more and more intense until suddenly it felt like the energy had cleared all its pathways and was vibrating at tremendous speed without barriers.
What does it do? What can be done with it? I could be a lot more frightened and self-destructive with that amount of energy. If I used my energy toward creativity and life enhancement, then that’s what the energy would do. It could heal or cause illness, give peace or restlessness, wisdom or folly. It would fill whatever one put before it
In fact it cleared so much pain, darkness and anxiety out of my soul, I felt a peaceful joy shining from me and obstructed by the anxieties I have felt of late. It brought clearness, calm confidence, open warmth.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Did your dream define an illness or just that there was an illness?
If you are worried that you might be ill see a doctor.
Can I see that my fears of illness are usually simply fears that do me no good?
See Norman Cousins – Life’s Little Secrets – Avoid Being Victims – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
I had a dream that my 5 year old brother passed away from his diabetes and then some how someone brought him back to life but he was like a living stuffed animal. I woke up crying and could not get back to sleep.
I had a dream that I was dying of an incurable disease. Thoughts?
Nat – this feature is filled with thoughts 😉 with links to helpful approaches to understand your dream and with helpful questions.
And even more helpful thoughts you will be able to find here:
Anna 🙂
I really want to no what my dream means, last night a dreamt of everyone around me friends and people i has never seen before were all horrible pooing and vomiting, and there was poo everywere and me and my friends were trying so hard not to step in it cos there was hundres of it on the floor and everyone was vomiting and on the floor.
I remember in my dreams thinking o no every ones has gastro i better not catch it. ? What could this mean ?
Jo – What it could mean is that this is what your perception of life is like at the moment and you feel that it is about desperately trying to avoid to step in the shit and vomit on your path.
It could mean that you are very sensitive to energies other people project into the world and you are afraid of this form of invisible attack:
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/bacteria-germs-virus/
Anna 🙂
I don’t know if my dream is due to the spread of ebola or not, but I think it was the illness I contracted in my dream.
In my dream, I went to a run down trailer park and attempted to help those who were sick. I ended up getting what they had. I tried calling a doctor in, but instead of helping, the people boxed us in in order to keep the illness from spreading. In the end of the dream, I my body was filled with pain and my chest was congested. I began coughing up blood and stuff. I could feel myself dying in my dream and right before I almost drowned in my own blood, I woke up. It was a terrifying dream, and i’m trying to figure out what it means.
I dreamt that I had a green string like substance spurting out from my skin and spreading on my body in small patches. I could wipe them off but they would grow back. I could wash them off with detergent but they would grow back.
I remember running in to my old school mates who are now doctors and ask them for help and they research it for me but at the same time tell others what is going on with me. This upsets me, that I am being spoken about and that everyone ends up knowing.
My boyfriend wants to help me but I am embarrassed by my condition and run out. My parents don’t know I have a partner because they won’t accept that he doesn’t have the same faith as us.
I end up at a hospital and the doctors say there is a cure but that I have to be quarantined. I agree and go in to a sterile room and ask to call my boy friend to tell him where I am. I then wake up.
I had a dream of me being about 20 years old and going to see my boyfriend (not my actual boyfriend though) in the hospital. for some reason i was not allowed to see him, so i went and stayed with his brother because he invited me over. his brother and i flirted a little bit (him flirting with me mostly) and the next day i went to go see my boyfriend in the hospital. when i was walking in, i was stopped by a few people to make sure i was healthy to go in the hospital. all of the sudden i got really sick, laid on the floor and was throwing up and that is where it ended. i just want to know what this means because its bothering me like crazy. for the past two days ive had an extreme feeling of something bad happening and with this, its just giving me not so much of a comfort feeling.
I dreamt that I had died in my sleep of some illness or other. It was not scary – in fact, it gave me a feeling of freedom. I no longer had any responsibilities. Part of me wishes I hadn’t woken up. Any insight?
Dreamhawk.comI dreamed 3 night in a row about a disease that infected our family abd when we talked or stardet pushing air out of our mouth we started infexting other people.In my dream I seached on the wwb about this dieases but it said that it was from bates.And we had a dog which we dont have in the real life who was the source of this infection.I saw more if my dream but i vant remeber it.
Dear Sara – Don’t be afraid if this infection, because it can quickly be healed.
The infection started with bats, which in your dream means a fear that emerged that you are unconscious of. So it is only in your dream/inner world that you are aware of it. But the real source is the dream dog. We have a terrible instinctive response to things we see or hear about that causes fear to arise in us. Such fear and their results take place deep within us and we often do not recognise them and what they do to us. That is symbolised by your dream dog.
You need to use your imagination now to heal the situation. Imagine that you take the dog to a vet and have it put to sleep to kill it. It is a diseased animal. But the vet gives you a lovely and healthy puppy that will bring joy and love into your life. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Last night I dreamt a man I never seen before..he was well dressed in black and white semi lying on a black couch and a woman with long black hair was there but I cud not see her face..he was really sick with a high fever ..I know because I felt him and I kept asking him if he was ok..he insisted that he was..the woman wanted me to do something sex a with him and I don’t remember if I did but when I woke up in my dream I felt sick as well and I was crying…
I had a dream in which I was really ill. And the doctors told my family members that a good amount of money would be needed for my treatment. So they gave the doctors a lot of money.
Abhilasha – The illness that needs healing is not so much a physical one, but a spiritual one. The doctors are the healing forces within you. They are reminding you of the spiritual wealth of your family and ancestors that you need to draw upon to put your life back in harmony with you core self. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
My problem is I’m actually sick. I have a very rare disease with no known cure. I dreamt I got really bad, some sort of infection, but before they could figure it out I died in the hospital. I woke up after that a bit freaked out.
I have recently had a dream about my dad (Who lives away from us and I haven’t seen in a year. Also dealing with health issues of his own) had phoned me up the first time and said the doctors have rung for me, I need to have a monitor placed on to monitor my heart. I then had a second call off of him saying “You need to go to the hospital now” and when I called out to him asking why he wouldn’t reply. I could hear him from the other side of the phone breathing but he wouldn’t answer. And in reality now I have been under going alot of tests for my heart and have a date to go to have a heart monitor placed on like in my dreams. I wonder what the second call in the dream could mean? Could you help please?
I had a dream that fell into a coma I woke from the coma then in the dream they told me a woman was hitting on my husband was does it mean. Then we were all at the hospital trying to see what was wrong with me. What does this dream mean?
I had a dream where I had an illness concerning something about my back. I then experienced a going away party from school my friends had organized. My friend, ted, and I cried. Eventually I leave the party and the school to deal with the illness. So far in the dream I haven’t felt the symptoms of the disease, but then my mother tells me that if within two days I don’t feel it I must eat a number of medicines. I usually don’t remember my dreams a lot and I remember the dream showed intense crying.
Stacey – People in general take everything in dreams either as predictions or about physical things –including people. But illness in dreams is usually a symbol of difficulties you have psychologically.
The dream emphasises you leaving your old school friends, and presumably that would mean a huge life change and dealing with a different world and its demands. You cried because if the feelings and the stress, and stress causes such things as back trouble. Not necessarily physical, but the feelings that you are not strong enough – the back represents strength – to meet the huge changes you face.
So please learn to talk to yourself and find the strength you need. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#TalkSelf
I dreamed last night that a former mentor of mine, quite well known in the field of holistic health, was telling me that she had had diabetes for many years. I think it was an important dream in some way, and I am wondering what kind of questions I could ask to understand the message.
Judith – You could stand in the role of the holistic person as suggested in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/ and see what you get from it. It is not what you associate with the actual person, but with the character in your dream. That will give you a line of investigation, enabling you to ask her questions.
It is my personal experience that no matter how healthy you live, you can still be ill. Although you may extend your life a little you are still going to die. We are all so similar to plants and flowers. We all have a great urge to grow, although some seeds are dropped on stony ground, where there was not much earth; and because it had no depth of earth, it did not grow to its full potential. But those of us who were planted well grew and flowered, even producing offspring of their own. But as the season waned so the plant began to wither and return to grow again. It is natural.
Judith – You could stand in the role of the holistic person as suggested in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/ and see what you get from it. It is not what you associate with the actual person, but with the character in your dream. That will give you a line of investigation, enabling you to ask her questions. And ask her/yourself whether the illness refers to you.
It is my personal experience that no matter how healthy you live, you can still be ill. Although you may extend your life a little you are still going to die. We are all so similar to plants and flowers. We all have a great urge to grow, although some seeds are dropped on stony ground, where there was not much earth; and because it had no depth of earth, it did not grow to its full potential. But those of us who were planted well grew and flowered, even producing offspring of their own. But as the season waned so the plant began to wither and return to grow again. It is natural.