Land Landed
Potential; the opportunities you meet to make yourself real in the world, to create something from within yourself. This might sometimes represent the undeveloped parts of your own nature that need attention and cultivation or character building.
A land of opportunity and freedom: This probably shows a turning point in your life, or it is about your future because you know deep down where you are going – to a brighter future.
A new land: This may require attitudes and activities which when we get there are no longer needed. The farmers who travelled West in America needed to drop their nomadic life once they had arrived. It can also be about a new area of you that has been uncovered – not unusual considering the amazing potential/possibilities we all have.
Difficulty landing: Difficulty achieving goal or making it real in a down to earth way; anxiety about where life events are taking you; or feeling out of control or not being in control; difficulties or fears about being in someone else’s hands.
Landing: It could be a landing from a sea journey or by air. By sea it could be about starting a life independently of others, or the end of a relationship. By air it means a new opportunity in a new place. Often such things take time to appear. See A Dream is Like a Seed
Land the job: Often this about something you wish to happen and is not about a reality. But if the dream has a feeling of success about it the wish might be true.
Land of subjugation: This about the way you feel or about the way you have been treated and so are shown in your dream. In our dreams we can fight back, even though there does not seem any hope for that in waking life. By learning to hit back in your dreams it often changes the situation you face. See Summing Up
Undeveloped pieces of land: This is a sign that you have a great potential that if you work at it will provide rich harvests. The opportunities you meet to make yourself real in the world, to create something from within yourself. This might sometimes represent the undeveloped parts of your own nature that need attention and cultivation or character building.
Example: The plot of land had something of the feeling of an allotment. It was well tended, and I had the sense the young man had been doing most of the work on it. The soil was rich but at the moment dry. A few shoots were just breaking the ground from hundreds of bulbs which had just started shooting.
Example: I went out to go downstairs. It was a huge staircase. Lounging at one of the landings were four youths. I knew that they were thugs intent on beating me up. It was too late to run away, so I charged at them uttering a terrible scream like a roar of fear to destroy their morale. The scream woke Brenda who woke me.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What was I doing in relationship with the land?
Was it cultivated or needing working on?
Where did I land and how did I get there?
See Martial Art of the Mind – Decision – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams