Leg Legs
This points to the things that support you in life. Your support may depend upon parents, job, money, religion, friends, your own confidence. Sometimes an event occurs, or we receive news, that knocks away our support or self confidence, and dreams represent this by a problem or injury to your legs. Legs can also depict the ability to get about in life. Ambition for instance, may give us drive and confidence to stand up and do something in life. If your business fails though, ambition may crumble, represented by your legs being kicked away from you, or being injured.
It helps to know which leg, because although most of us are aware if being right or left handed, but few people realise that this applies to legs also. It makes a difference in interpretation. See: Left; Right; Growth
Dreaming about your leg or legs usually connects in some way with what motivates you, the emotional and physical strength you use to get about in life. To have one’s legs knocked out from under one means loss of confidence and ability to carry on with life.
Although you may depend upon someone like partner or parent for support, or on work or position for self value, ultimately the legs represent your own emotional or conceptual support system. So in your dream about leg or legs you may be considering what state your own confidence, your own self value is in. When trying to understand legs in your dream See: lame.
In some dreams legs are shown as having the qualities of roots, and bringing strength from the earth. This shows you drawing on deep reserves of your strength and wisdom from your connection with the Earth’s processes and chain of life. See
Example: ‘My Mother asked me to go and buy some butter for her. A chain on my left leg prevented me from going very far. I look down the road and see my Mum, Dad and my four brothers in the back of a car. I wave and call and they drive right past me, going over the chain I am wearing on my leg.’ Lorraine. LBC
Example: I was in a very loving relationship in which I had developed powerful emotional links with D. We communicated many times each day while apart at work, etc. But one day there was no communication. I felt tremendous anxiety and emotional pain and shock, really frightened that she had dropped me. In fact she hadn’t, but my fears were very real and difficult to deal with. A real shock.
Having no legs: This shows a serious lack of confidence or the inability, perhaps sometimes, to stand up for yourself.
Injured leg or legs: Feeling insecure or unable to stand up for yourself, or to be independent.
Left leg: If you are right handed this indicates that your less dominant or less conscious motivation, the emotional and physical strength you use to get about in life is involved. (Reverse if you are left handed.)
Right Leg: If you are right handed it indicates that your dominant or conscious motivation, the emotional and physical strength you use to get about in life is involved. (Reverse if you are left handed.)
One leg shorter than another: This links with whether you are right or left handed. If you are right handed, then the right leg represents your outward activities, and your left represents your feelings and attitudes – possibly vice versa if you are left handed. So a short left leg would suggest you lack confidence, therefore your outer activities are not fully supported. If it is a short right leg, then you have not developed enough skill or strength to be outwardly as effective as you are capable of.
Putting hand on leg: An approach to sex, or a warm friendly sign.
Smooth or hairy legs: Smooth legs show a more feminine strength, hairy a more masculine.
Trying to run but legs will not respond: This may simply be because while dreaming all your voluntary muscles are paralyzed so do not respond to you attempts to move. Or you feel as if you do not have the ability to do what you are asking of yourself.
Another reason might be because you are trying to go in a direction you feel anxiety about, or have no desire for. See: paralysis while asleep.
Idioms: a leg up; cost an arm and a leg; felt like I had a ball and chain on my legs; I couldn’t stand up for myself; last legs; leg over; leg work; legless; didn’t have a leg to stand on; my legs went to jelly; my legs were paralysed; on his last legs; pull your leg; tail between his legs.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Are my dream legs/confidence shown to be healthy, or do I need to work on them?
Am I ‘standing up’ well, or do I need to work on my confidence?
Where are my legs taking me in the dream, and how do I relate to this while awake?
See The Life Will – Acting on your dream – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
I had a very vivid dream last night about a Russian carving the number 14 in both of my legs through my pants and then he took the knife and just started slicing my legs in one spot. What does this mean?
Hi – I am going to halt from answering your posts – the reason is that in so many of your post I give the same information to. This is because most people do not understand the difference between dreaming and waking life. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
So, most of what I put in answers is my attempt at explain what dreams are really about. It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
It depends what you associate with Russian and 14. Obvious;y a negative feeling or trauma is destroying your ability to stand on your own feet.
14 can often represent a situation or person with many qualities and abilities. Brilliance of mind is shown, with a good heart. This brilliance is worthy of being expressed in the world. It is in accord with the needs of many. It connects a person who is in themselves quite mild and unassuming with those who are strong in the worldly sense. So it could suggest opportunity for a retiring person through support from those actively ambitious.
Hello, my dream was so strange. I saw what I thought was a trapped hair in my leg. Picking it out i found what looked like a fish egg..very tiny and clear…then the whole grew a little bigger and i saw a grayish blue colour under the skin. Feeling curious i investigated further. Then a forked tongue came out…feeling very anxious of what to do next i just calmed myself amd watched the thing move. Wanting it out i saw its body moving around. Using my fingers i maneuvered it and pushed it out of the whole…it looked crossed between a newt and a beetle. White with green stripes…then i saw another thing wriggling under the skin and had to get that out too…it looked lije a grub transparent filled with whhat looked like coloured fluffy balls
Angela – Often we do not realise what strange creatures we are, for we have so many worlds inside us and so many strange things. Below is an example of a man diving deep into himself and discovery his inner world.
Example: I felt an emotional response to what I was ‘dreaming’. I was in a huge indoor aquarium. The water was very clear, but had a slight yellowish or straw colour tinge to it. I was swimming under the water looking at the many creatures. I had a sense of being within a very ancient environment. The creatures were all primordial, each functioning in its own distinct way, some of which would be dangerous to me if I related to them wrongly – i.e. if I let them contact my skin, or get into my cavities. But I was fascinated and felt a sense of wonder and privilege. As I swam I began to feel that I was actually looking within myself to the ancient processes of the blood and cells. I had a sense that we are all the time immersed in this ancient aquarium, relating to its creatures one way or another.
But your dream depicts creatures that should not be harboured and you got them out. But all dreams tend to depict our own feelings, thought and even our harmful emotions as such creatures as your dream shows.
But I cannot know exactly what the indicate about you, except that they would have influenced in some way your confidence, but you can find out for yourself by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I had a dream that I was laying in the bed and I was trying get up and touch the ground but a force wouldn’t let me , I struggle with this force for a minute , feeling the pressure it was putting on my which was also hurting me . Until my feet finally touch the the ground and I woke up.
Please see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
But other dream experts might reply.
I keep having this dream where if I want to get up and walk my legs are too weak and prevent me from standing up or moving. What could this mean?
Sarah – Have you never felt the wonder of standing u, or thought about the meaning of the phrase, “Stand up for your self?
Your dream is saying that although you can stand physically you still cannot stand up emotionally or inwardly. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
The down and up are opposite poles of how we express ourselves not only physically but psychologically. The down expresses sleep, rest, withdrawal and non-involvement. There is also ‘social standing’.
The up expresses activity, involvement and confrontation. When we emerge from the womb, our being is confronted by a different world. In the womb there was little change. There was no otherness such as other objects or people to deal with. There was no need to reach out for your needs because food came automatically. In life outside the womb, food does not come automatically, certainly not as we mature. There are other people and objects to deal with. Change is occurring all the time, and many people have never stood up fully. Is that you?
So please read and use http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-squatting-and-standing-meditation/
Example: When human beings learned to stand up, they exposed their vulnerable underbelly. If we are hurt or threatened, we tense the pelvic and abdominal area. The sort of hurt referred to is that related to when we might be deeply criticised, feel badly wronged or slandered. This area often feels the pain of a broken relationship too.
My boyfriend had a dream that when we were having sex, he broke my leg. What does this mean?
I had a dream that I saw my husband outside of the house fighting with a lot of guys, they were throwing rocks on each other, I called the police, but they were gone fast and My husband disapeard. I stepped out and i saw him across the street laying down unable to move but he didnt have 1 leg. But the broken leg wasnt bleeding, it looked like he had only 1 leg from long time.
Ali – I wonder what leg it was – right or left? It makes a difference.
Also, nearly always when people dream about someone they know or a strange new person or situation they automatically believe the dream is about that person, situation or animal. But when we think of our friend or partner our thoughts are not them – just our thoughts and feelings about them. So dream images are ways of communicating via our associations not actual things or people. In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream.
So it may not be about your husband, but what you feel about him. Whatever that is, your dream is saying that you have a side of you that is quite aggressive, but this aggressive streak probably is a form of defensiveness because you feel that you lack sufficient strength to make others back off.
If there is any truth in what I said, you might make up for it by using – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
I keep having a reaccurring symbol pop up in different dreams. I’m using the bathroom when I get up I find someone else’s severed leg (from the knee down) in the toilet. It’s not bloody, I don’t freak out, I’m just disgusted by it. It’s very pale, skin hanging off where it was severed, otherwise fully in tact. Any idea what this means??
I keep having a reaccurring symbol pop up in different dreams. I’m using the bathroom when I get up I find someone else’s severed leg (from the knee down) in the toilet. It’s not bloody, I don’t freak out, I’m just disgusted by it. It’s very pale, skin hanging off where it was severed, otherwise fully in tact. Any idea what this means??
Hi, i have had the same dream twice now, and have found it quite frightening. I dreamt that the skin on the back of my legs (calves) was transparent, and i could see inside. I dreamt that i could see food floating around, and i could see my veins etc. I have searched many sites looking for a meaning for this dream, but have not found any. Hoping you can help. Caroline
Dear Caroline – In the entry http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/skin/ you can read;
“Seeing through the skin: An insight into what is going on under the surface of your mind or body.”
Not knowing anything about you and the circumstances in your waking life that may have triggered this dream, it is difficult to express what insight you may get from “looking within”.
What your response may reflect is that you perceive looking within – in your inner world – in general as frightening.
Are you aware in the dream what kind of food you see floating?
Was the food digested yet?
When we digest, whether it is an idea, something we have read or learned, it has to be first surrendered to the life process. We can see this in our body – it is first chewed and swallowed, then broken down into parts and the useful stuff, the building stuff, can be taken into us and the rest is passed out. The important thing is that even if it is dead or living food, it is transformed into our own living being – in other words our living understanding. If it has not been transformed through digestion it is like something dead inside us. But to be capable of such digestion we must swallow the experience and allow our unknown self to do its work, as described in Life’s Little Secrets; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/food/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/digest/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that my crush was with another girl and some how he injured his left leg. Also in this dream my very close friend was shot and after he healed and recovered from the wound. We ended up becoming intimate. Then My crush was at a fashion show for children with the other girl and at the end they both walked the runway with two kids from the show to close the show. I’m so confused. HELP ME MAKE SENSE OF THIS.
I just had a dream last night that i didnt know i was pregnant but this was completly not normal. I was in so much pain because the baby was not in my belly. I actually felt the baby whole left leg within my left thigh. I could stretch my left thigh skin and be able to grab the baby left leg. The baby was alive because the left leg moved. Then i realized how big the baby was and that i was way further along than i was. Ive never had this dream before please help.
Dear Isis – Unfortunately you do not mention how old you are.
What I see in your dream is that it is a symbol of “growing pains”; growing into becoming more independent; developing more of your potential.
In the widest sense nearly all dreams act as a process of growth or a move toward maturing;
Growth is a tremendous instinctive force as powerful as the sex drive. Although our overall direction of dreams is an attempt toward growth and wholeness, it is not easily achieved because of the fears we inject into our dreams.
The push to grow can be recognised by the process of change, and if it is blocked in some way it becomes a feeling of unease or tension or even pain.
Growth is an innate urge in you and you can learn to co-operate with “IT”; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream of a small girl who came to me .. She was with an inability to speak .. Thru her actions she told me that your right leg would be cut !
Dear Nancy Modi – The small girl in your dream may reflect your child self that shows up in your dream because she is in need of healing and she needs you to help her.
Not being able to talk in a dream could be a symbol for restrained anger or difficult feelings; anxiety or lack of confidence; absence of real contact or communication.
The girl lets you know that not being able to express herself will lead to, or has led to, losing her right leg.
Being disabled in your dream – having only one leg – usually refers in some way to an aspect of yourself that has not developed its full potential. For instance your activities or endeavours may have been held back by feelings of inferiority or lack of confidence. Those feelings are usually due to something that has hurt your feelings or self-esteem in some way, so is shown as a disability.
It can be caused by trauma in your early years, such as premature birth; things done that smashed your young self.
A way to explore your inner child – what she thinks, beliefs, how she feels etc. – could be to use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson for the small girl and your dream figure the way they appear in your dream.
Another approach to help your child self express herself could be to use http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that i looked down to my left calf and it was so full of miscles ets but it became itchy so i started to scratch at it and my leg just popped and blood and ouzzz just started pouring out and what was once a mucle bound leg started to deflate and it became timy .. any ideas what the meaning ???
Dear Dan – What did you feel in the dream when your dream figure went through this experience? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
What I see in your dream – but please explore it for yourself as well; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that you move from “full of muscles” towards “tiny”; so from one opposite to the other.
A calf represents your physical ability to get about in the world. Or the ability to do the many things your calves enables you to do, such as dancing, stand on tiptoe, and also be nimble on your feet. So it can be about your ability to stand up and be mobile or strong psychologically.
Muscles are a symbol for your strength, and ability to do things, therefore confidence and sense of adequacy. Muscles can indicate feelings of being outwardly forceful, or masculinity in its physical aspect. Also may refer to your physical muscle, and therefore how good you feel about yourself and your abilities physically.
For some reason you do not feel good anymore about these aspects – it became itchy – and when you open up you become aware of the pain that is hidden underneath “being strong” and you are able to experience the opposite; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#DualBeing
Let me know if you have any questions Dan.
Anna 🙂
So I don’t remember much of my dream because I woke up with tears streaming down my face but I will tell you what I do remember.
There was something wrong with me/I was sick so I had made a doctors appointment and I was on my way to the appointment when suddenly I lost the ability to use the lower half of my legs (below the knee) which caused me to collapse to the floor. At this point I got the number to the doctors office to call them and explain what just happened and to them that I’d be late. I called twice and there was no answer and I hung up, too frustrated to wait and leave a message. I tried standing up a few times only to collapse to the floor again. I then started to drag my body around trying to find someone to assist me. For some reason everyone ignored me doing so, no one even looked at me, and I refused to ask for help. The only person who seemed to notice me dragging myself around was paralyzed and unable to help me get up, even though he tried, so I moved on and went to look for someone else. After a few more attempts to call the doctors office and some more dragging myself around I was headed towards the exit of the building when I finally found a friend (in real life as well as the dream) and she was on the phone. She saw me and hung up and asked what was wrong, I burst into tears and explained I couldn’t stand up and walk, that my legs had stopped working. She dragged me towards the window sill and said “ok were going to get you up and ill help you walk when we do.” At this point another friend of mine (both real life and dream) comes up to me and starts teasing me. He steps on my foot not realizing it’s paralyzed which caused the first friend to yell at him that I can’t move my legs. His jaw drops and he apologizes and asks how can he help. So they both start to pick me up…. That’s it though, I woke up. As soon as I woke up I had this feeling of helplessness and loneliness, especially because no one would notice me or help me in my time of need. I think that’s what caused me to cry hysterically upon waking up.
Dear Amanda – You wrote “As soon as I woke up I had this feeling of helplessness and loneliness, especially because no one would notice me or help me in my time of need.”
It can be healing to release those feelings of helplessness and loneliness AND then to move on again, for part of your dream is about the help you did receive from two friends.
The thing with release is to not become trapped in your own misery and so to not want to cling onto your past experiences.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/
What I feel will be helpful at the moment is to explore your inner resources that you can rely on to get you on your feet again.
Each person, object or even place in a dream should not be thought of as a symbol, such as a road sign that needs interpretation. A person or object is a living part of you, just as your hand is not a symbol it is a living part of you. As such a person is alive and responsive, with enormous depths. And a good friend is a wonderful aid in your life, an aid that can see you through the difficult times, and show you a new side of yourself.
To understand the friend you need to be that friend. I mean imagine yourself in their body and see how it feels, and describe yourself as them, even ask them questions. In doing so do not forget that this is a part of yourself you are making more real. Don’t get the silly idea this is someone else, even though they have the face and body of someone else. In this way you will discover an enormous amount about your own strength and ‘goodness’.
The next step could be to use Power Dreaming as a way to explore this dream and the decisions you took in your dream like “I refused to ask for help.”
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I drempt I saw a strange man perhaps a spirit with a sword cutting off a mans legs at the calf area. I remember holding the legs for a second. They were put into a plastic medical bag. I think I remember there being something written about HIV or aids.
Dear Kurt – I understand that you are a Kurt Cobain fan. A ghost in your dream may refer to fantasies, hopes, longings you have given time to, and so filled with your life and energy, and which now influence you.
And so I wonder if this dream is mainly about your thoughts about Cobain, who is like a role model for you.
Another possibility is that Cobain is like a mirror to you in which you can see (parts of) yourself.
Then you could ask yourself what in yourself you are facing regarding success. If you feel Kurt is a failure, ask yourself what of your own feelings about failure you are facing.
Such a person can have tremendous influence on the way you choose to live your life, the actions and ambitions you have, and the general quality and mood of your life. The imagination is a tremendous force and is a great power of your creativity.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/active-imagination-2/
Anna 🙂
I had a very interesting dream the other night and would love some additional help in deciphering its meaning:
I have lost both of my legs from the knees down and am wearing prosthetics, however they do not impede me in any way what so ever and I am not upset that I have lost my legs. I am at school which is also a hospital and I’m doing rehab/physical therapy and participating in my classes (I was a kinesiology major so many of my classes were active) I’m lifting weights, doing squats and lunges, and am surprised that I am able to do all this just as well as when I had legs and begin to wonder if I would be able to run just as well as when I had legs. My last class/rehab session is on the top floor (which looks more like a stairwell to the top floor) and I am required to take off my prosthetic limbs for the class. No one else is up there and it is creepy, there are florescent lights and white walls . I become afraid and feel as if someone is following me so I grab my prosthetics and try to put them on very quickly but am unable to so I hold onto them and scoot along the floor and try to get out the door to the stairwell and lock it behind me so that who ever it is can not follow. Even thought I am afraid and am trying to get away I am not in danger and don’t feel justified calling for help. Then I realize the person who I thought was trying to get me is someone I used to work with and consider a friend and I feel embarrassed as I try to make an excuse about why I was going to lock her upstairs.
Dear Courtney – Your dream reminds me of a picture I saw on Tony’s Facebook page;
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/habits/
Through the use of dreams you use these visions of the night to discover and heal the deepest issues in yourself, and to touch the high ground of your spiritual awareness. They can present in symbols past traumatic experience. If met this can lead to deep psychological healing. Such dreams are therefore an attempt on the part of your spontaneous inner processes to bring about healing change.
Being disabled in a dream usually refers in some way to an aspect of yourself that has not developed its full potential. For instance your activities or endeavours may have been held back by feelings of inferiority or lack of confidence. Those feelings are usually due to something that has hurt your feelings or self-esteem in some way, so is shown as a disability.
You wrote “I am at school which is also a hospital”, which shows how you are giving it your best to learn and heal while using your knowledge about “energy”; your potential.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
When you reach the point where you are about to experience a higher awareness that sees beyond your limitations – “I am required to take off my prosthetic limbs for the class”. – you become afraid of meeting the “Huge that you are” and you try to run from the part in you which helped you reach this point.
When we begin to meet the Hugeness that we are, we often react to it in our dreams or in waking with fear and you did realise in your dream that it was only your own fear which stopped you from being able to experience your inner world and its wonders.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reaction
I feel it will be helpful to “carry your dream forward” and explore what will happen when you do not run from your expanded awareness.
Perhaps you can grow new legs?
So, imagine yourself in the dream and continue it as a fantasy or daydream. Consider what it is that troubles you or is not what you want in your dream. Now take time to think how you would alter it and how to have an ending that would satisfy you. Now you can, in your imagination, enter your dream and alter the dream in any way that satisfies. Experiment with it, play with it, until you find a fuller sense of self expression.
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂