
Your mouth is a fundamental part of life. It takes things in such as food, pleasure or even pain. Basically the mouth is a pleasure area, but it is also the way you express pleasure or pain, as with smiling, crying or grimacing. So the mouth is a way you communicate as well as satisfy yourself or gain your needs.  As an organ of expression the mouth can also give thanks for life and utters beauty in words or sounds. This is a way you can uplift the dark things in you and transform them. See Using the Voice

Sometimes speaking can be likened to shooting things out of the mouth, projecting them to or firing them at other people angrily. But the mouth can also be receptive as when we take things into our mouth pleasurably.

As we eat with our mouth, it can indicate what you take into you, or what you expel or need to get out of you, as in the following example.

Example: I go into a bathroom and begin pulling weeds from my mouth. Weeds, weeds and more weeds come out from my mouth – come from deep down inside of me. I am still pulling them out when I leave the bathroom and someone, a woman walking behind me, helps me to pull some weeds that are trailing from my mouth behind me.

Pulling stuff out of the mouth, such as hair or weeds,  is a common dream, and most likely expresses the feeling of discomfort we feel if something foreign is in our mouth or throat. It shows the feeling of urgently trying to rid yourself of something that is unpleasant – perhaps feelings you have taken in, or things we have said or done that leave a nasty taste in ones mouth. Perhaps there is something you are not admitting to yourself. Or it can represent the lies and untrue stories we have been fed as a child, but also strong emotion as we express the results of trauma. See Exploring Sound

A dream of our mouth being buttoned – button your lip – or sewed up, could suggest that inwardly you regret having said certain things, or need to hold your tongue. Or perhaps you have been made to hold back your feelings as a child, so have had to sew up your mouth – figuratively. But speech is a lot more than noise or emotional expression; more even than utterance of thoughts. It is the giving form or clarity to what was previously unseen or unknown. Through the mouth we can pour love, praise or crit to others.

Sometimes the mouth may represent your house and the teeth the inhabitants or your family or other inhabitants. So the dream of losing a tooth thus logically becomes a symbol that a person in this household is dead, or that one wishes him dead.

Chewing: Considering something; mulling over something; trying something out – getting a taste of it so to speak. See Digest

Kissing: On the mouth is often a way of intimately sharing oneself, emotionally, and also a sharing of body fluids, which is either a form of trust or of careless introvention.

The kiss, oral pleasure, was our first area of loving with our mother. From that original centre of pleasure, it grows into anal and genital pleasure. When that happens the body begins to move. But there was still no engorgement. The movement was the forerunner of the inner pleasurable urge to thrust or be penetrated. So there can be a slow and internal growth through escalating feelings, and not an outwardly ordained set of movements that lead to “sex”!

Mouth fixed closed: Inability to express something, or a decision not to express something you hold inside. Sometimes a feeling of being inadequate socially, or that you do not have the power to get people to hear you. As in the example below, not having people understand what your difficulty is.

Example: I am in a situation which is different every time, but always includes different people in a conversation. Suddenly I can’t talk. It’s as if my mouth is sewed together on the outside. I make muffled noises, straining my muscles to open my mouth. I think that if I pull hard enough the stitches will tear, but they never do. It seems to me that even my muffles are loud enough to be heard as a scream, but no one I’m with seems to notice. They smile and carry on as usual. By this time I feel so desperate I usually wake up in a terrible state.

Pulling something out of mouth: Trying to clear emotions or attitudes not properly expressed. Perhaps one is not admitting something. Try Arm Circling Meditation but allow any sounds that you feel a need to express.

Teeth coming out of mouth: See: teeth; Chew.

The mouth can also give birth: People often dream of giving birth from the mouth. The shape of the mouth is similar in some ways to our sexual organs, and can also discharge things. This usually happens when the person has something important they want to say, and is a way of allowing life in us to give thanks and birth to something new. See birth

Idioms: a bad taste in my mouth; all mouth; a big mouth; butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth; down in the mouth; hand to mouth; horses mouth; loud mouth; mouth watering; nasty taste in the mouth; put your foot in your mouth; put your money where your mouth is; shoot your mouth off; shut your mouth; silver spoon in mouth; word of mouth.

Useful Questions and Hints:

What is happening to the mouth and in what way might that link with everyday experiences or feelings?

If I remember how I felt in the dream, when has that feeling occurred in my waking life?

Do any of the above descriptions link with what is happening in the dream – if so what are they describing about my life?

See Being the Person or Thing – Trauma – Examples of – DigestionSelf HelpLetting things Happen – mouth the function  of



-Susan 2013-11-11 11:39:10

I had a dream which doesn’t really seem to match any of the main descriptions. I couldn’t seem to bite down or eat anything and there was this maggot-like creature watching and then hiding. I was confused until I realised something was stuck to my teeth. I pulled it off and it was a maggot of the same variety (looked like a cross between a maggot and a leech, maggot texture and colourings but leech mouth parts). It turned out my mouth was full of these maggots all stuck to my teeth with their mouth parts as if they were feeding on something. I tore as many of them out, completely ripping some to shreds and spat out what was left. Then in a usual dream way it just seemed to conclude that section and start off with something entirely different. That part just really freaked me out though do you have any ideas on possible meanings?

-Melissa 2013-11-10 1:59:52

I dreamt that I was leaning over a very white, porcelain sink in a bathroom. The sink was filled with very clear, clean water. I opened my mouth and the most beautifully, brightly multicolored fish came out of my mouth and into the water where I watched them swim around with calm fascination of how beautiful they were. They were if varying sizes and all if then were multicolored and had long flowing fins and tails. I wad wearing what I think wad a white, thin nightgown and everything wad clean and brightly lit and I knew it was nighttime. These fish do not exist in nature. They seemed almost like a Chinese artist’s rendition of fish but soo much more real and beautiful.

-doug 2013-11-05 12:07:51

11.05.2013–Last night dreamt I was talking to a series of different people (possibly selling them something) and my lip hurt, felt like a small blister on upper lip slightly left of center. Saw it in mirror and I looked like a pustule but would not pop. Continued to talk to more people and then saw it again, was about the size of a large bluberry but whitish-yellow in color. Tried to squeeze while looking in mirror trying to see a head/weak spot that would burst, there was none. Woke up. If you have time, try to give me some explanation for this.

-Yvette 2013-10-26 23:18:53

I have a 6 month old son who just beginning to become mobile. A month or so ago we had an awful experience where a child put something in his mouth and he chocked. Thankfully all was well thanks to my mothers quick reaction. I am anxious when it comes to giving him anything remotely hard invade he chokes again. The other night I dreamt he was crawling in my kitchen and I saw him pick up a loose screw and put it in his mouth. Tried to get it out of his mouth and found an array of metal objects including hair pins, dress pins, paper clips and other small metal objects. Am I just being an over anxious mummy or does this hold a deeper meaning? Please help

-nicole 2013-10-17 1:22:12

Hi! I had a dream last night where I had a metal plate in my mouth removed. I had a metal wire in my lower mouth 10+ years ago from having braces but that fell out a few years ago. This dream was about a metal plate that fell out on the roof of my mouth. I’ve looked up metal and mouth dreams. All it was was that a metal plate fell out of my mouth and I held it in my hands. Very strange. Any insight?

-Maddie 2013-09-30 18:15:39

I just had a dream that startled me awake & gasping for air..I start feeling dizzy & disoriented..I stumble into a room with 2 people I seem to know as friends. I go to a mirror & have the urge to check my I check my mouth I things become much more hazy. I find a hair & I start to pull as I pull the hair is actually a string when I pulled it out it had a washer tied to the end (like the ones that you put on screws) I put it down & I became weaker. I checked in the mirror again & I saw something black around my front tooth so I picked it out & it was a thick elastic string..I began to pull & realized that whatever was connected to the end was big & would probably make me throw up I got dizzied to the point I couldn’t stand & I laid down & pulled it out with the last of my strength & threw up all over the bed I realized it was a ball but I passed out & then I woke up gasping for air ….this dream scared me so bad..I’ve never had a dream like it before…any ideas…?

-Joyce 2013-09-24 15:59:29

I dreamed last night that I was pulling paper out of the roof of my mouth (strong paper because if never tore with all the pulling I was doing) When I got to the end I used scissors to cut it from my month and I would feel another piece of paper and start pulling again, then cut it with scissors. I was in a group of therapist and I said “this is weird” and one of the therapist said no its not. I asked what if all of this paper about, She answered and said it was about “Fear”.

-Argelia 2013-09-23 15:55:23

I had a dream were I was in front of the mirror and I saw that my mouth had bumps so I started to play with the bumps and they got bigger….. So I open my mouth put my hand in side and and I pull out a ball of my own meat and then I pulled another…this whole time I am telling this to my sister she didn’t balive me then I showed my mom and told her i was scared that it was cancer and she said that no it was because u get it after a pregnancy…what does this mean

-Mon 2013-09-17 20:28:28

I had a dream about a friend that I haven’t seen in a while. He had his mouth open and he had some teeth missing. His gums were also full of stitches of black thread and he had a partial denture he was trying to put in his mouth. Can you please tell me what this means or may mean. It was so strange.

-lulu 2013-08-18 16:12:04

My husband had a dream about a man coming towards him ready to kill him and my husband fought him and won, than that man son comes and tries to tell me something he had his mouth sewed and his eye disfigured, and than his sister comes and she becomes kind of a lizard with a hige tail trying to kill hom and grabs his brother and takes him away frpm my husband.

-Shelly 2013-07-04 12:59:34

I have recurring dreams of wax being stuck to the roof of my mouth that I continuously try to remove. I am always leaving a room or area to try and remove it and right back it comes. It’s like a stream of pulling. I am worried about some serious issues but have been upfront with folks about it still not sure if its just a feeling of fear of losing control or something else is going on.

-Tim 2013-05-28 12:49:46

I had a dream last night that I looked into a mirror and noticed hair on my lip. I started to pluck it out which led me to realize there was more hair on the inside of my lip. And, sure enough, when I attempted to pluck that out I realized their was hair growing on the insides of my cheeks. It was course like my facial hair.

-cris 2013-05-08 11:59:25

Well my dreams are a bit different. my friends and family are all standing in the hall way of a hospital. their mouths are sewn shut but their eyes are wide open each of them push/pull me to the next person and so on and so forth. they are leading me to the end of the hall way where there is a door thats cracked open and white light comes through. i have had this dream for about a week now.

-Nik 2013-04-06 14:46:53

In my dream my husband told me I had something on my bottom lip (overlay of skin that had soften enough to pull off), but when I tried to pull it off I could not. I pull skin from my lips all the time, in this dream no matter how I twisted this piece of skin it would not come off. What could this mean?

-Jim Griffin 2013-02-19 18:37:08

I had a dream recently that i cant shake off. In the dream i had something maggot-like inside my lip, under the skin, moving back and forth. I could see and feel its movements and the only way to stop it was to cut it out. i did this and turned to my wife to help me fix my lip which distracted her from finding something i couldnt see. any ideas?

    -Tony Crisp 2013-02-24 13:41:10

    Jim – Lips are usually about things we say or about intimacy. As can be seen from the many idioms about lips – a fat lip; a stiff upper lip; button your lip; don’t give me any of your lip; lip; lip off; lips are sealed; none of your lip; read my lips; rented lips; there’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip; your lip; lippy.

    So the maggot under your lip can suggest things you have said that are not to do with love and life. Your wife in the dream is about things you cannot see about yourself. So maybe ask your wife what she feels about things you say.


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