Pentecostal Christianity speaks of gifts of the spirit. These are listed as the gift of: the word of wisdom; the word of knowledge; faith healing; the working of miracles; prophecy; the discerning of spirits; diverse kinds of tongues; and interpretation of tongues.
“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all w ith one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of th em. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
Most of these are easily recognisable descriptions of faculties of the unconscious. The unconscious is constantly scanning information and considering the highest probable outcome – thus prophecy. Access to universal aspects of consciousness allows the gaining of insights which might also account for prophecy, wisdom and words of knowledge. See Edgar Cayce
Speaking in tongues is a common way in which the unconscious expresses its feelings and insights. It is a level three expression in Van Rhijn/Caldwell’s levels of consciousness. When the ‘tongues’ are considered as symbolic expression they transform into meaningful words, just as dream symbols do. My experiments with such phenomena convincingly show the common link between these often considered unrelated phenomena and LifeStream. See How it Flows
Discerning of spirits means the ability to look into a human heart and see what is hidden there. Considering how much we can learn subliminally through body language and verbal cues, this is another straightforward unconscious faculty.
But imagine a group of people all ‘worshipping’ as is described of Pentecost, when the disciples were taken to be drunk. (Acts 1:12 to 2:13) There were 120 gathered in a room, men and women being equals – “All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.” Considering present day Pentecostalism and other forms of LifeStream, this large group would include people who would be shouting in tongues, others would be crying, moving their bodies, discerning spirits, and generally creating a bedlam of noise. Any newcomer to the group, not having had explained what was being attempted – that each be open to the Spirit and be moved by it – might think the people were crazy or drunk.
Another impulse more embedded in Western culture, but perhaps less accepted today, is that begun by the early Christians. This is very definitely an example of a group of people permitting the self-regulatory action to express itself consciously. It is what we call Pentecostalism, and from the point of view of psychological homeostasis, is in many ways similar to Shaktipat. The guru, Jesus, was the means of stimulating the release, or giving ‘grace’. Because we are acquainted with the dogmas and belief structure of Christianity in some measure, we can more readily see how a natural process, self regulation, can become deified and surrounded by religious symbols and ritual. Just as the views of Buddhism and shamanism edited what aspects of the unconscious were permissible, (i.e. in Vipassana it is not acceptable to go into ‘trance’ or be ‘possessed’. In shamanism it is thought ineffective if one only sits and remains aware of the flow of arising images) so in the Pentecostal approach, what is allowed must in some way link with Christ, God or biblical statements. Nevertheless, the ‘drunkenness’, speaking in ‘tongues’, the flow of cosmic energy — holy ghost — are all akin to Shaktipat and modern homeostasis. See Life’s Little Secrets – Waking Lucid Dreaming
The unconscious often uses mysterious or foreign languages to express what lies within you that has never been thought about or put into words. Much of your most fundamental childhood experiences were pre-verbal and so only accessible as powerful feelings and feeling responses. Even from babyhood we can make profound decisions about what we will reject or accept. These are formulated entirely as profoundly potent feeling responses and become habits that can repeat as many times as they are stimulated. Dreams sometimes express these, and intuitions about your wholeness, as strange words or a mysterious language because such experience had never become part of our conscioius mind and words. If you play with the sounds and let them develop, what they contain can become verbalized. The unconscious, as in speaking in tongues – glossolalia – and of course in dreams, frequently moves toward clear awareness in stages. The strange language is a half way house toward focused critical awareness. If we bring attention to these, as explained in processing dreams, the next step, clear verbal expression, can be reached. See Habits
You can ask questions of the process that leads us to speak in tongues. If you ask it, “What do this mean?” it will gradually form into recognisable word. See People’s Experience of LifeStream