Pregnant in my Dream
A young woman send this dream, and there are so may like it.
I had a dream that I was 3 months pregnant. I don’t know who the father is but I have a feeling I know who. What does this mean? Will I get pregnant soon?
Many women get pregnant in dreams without any man involved. And in fact you are pregnant now – not in a physical way but within you – for you carry a new life, a new you that can be born if you treasure it. The new life is a part of you that wishes to become active in your life, a part of that that hasn’t had the opportunity to be expressed before.
Of course it is shown as a baby because anything new in us that is seeking life is vulnerable and needs to be cared for and nurtured.
Will you get pregnant soon? Well that depends on whether you want to or have the opportunity to. But the dream does suggest that you are ready for being a mother and that your dream is perhaps a practice run.
Example:I dreamt I was heavily pregnant and naked, lying on the floor of a dark room with one light directed on me. My ex-boyfriend was next to me, naked, stroking my hair, telling me everything was going to be alright. In the dream I felt physically sick but inwardly perfectly calm and at peace. But I am confused as I am only 15 and there’s no chance I’m pregnant.
Within the virtual reality of her dream, Sandra is experimenting with her ability to attract a man using her physical appeal. Having tried this out in her dream Sandra may or may not use this in her everyday life. The dream Joanne describes is common among young women. It involves either being pregnant, or actually giving birth. In both cases it is a way of gaining confidence and meeting anxieties about the possibility of pregnancy. It allows the dreamer to gain experience in an area that would be difficult, painful or dangerous to experiment with in waking life. In this and many other ways, your dreams allow you to explore without the risks you would meet in waking life. See: magical dream machine.
I had a dream that i was hanging out with my grandma at her house and one of her friend came out no where saying it was time by rubbing my belly.
Bea – This sounds either that it is time that you had a baby, or that you are ready to do so.
well i am 16/ 17 in a week but i am a virgin and i had a dream that an old friend who has had a crush on me for a while… idk if he necessarily has a crush or he just wants to get in my pants but i was having his baby but idk if he wasn’t happy about it??? then there was another guy who i have known for 4 years but never really became friends with him because he is popular and cute. but about three months ago when i did go to school (i am homeschooled now) btw he has never dated or anything just a player. but he held my hands in front of his friends and was really cute about it… anyways in my dream i think he was the father too?? or idk but i think he was supported and in one part of the dream i was hanging out with him and his friends in the movie theatre but i left them to go talk to people i know… can you give me any advice on the dream? i hope the backround info helped a little thanks
I had a dream last night.
I didn’t give birth but I had a not even a week old baby boy. He looked like his father. As the dream went on I realized that the father was my ex boyfriend. And I instantly felt relieved or something like that when his face popped up in my dream. But for some reason I was not allowed to bring him our baby, we were not together and my mom had to bring the baby out to him. The last thing I remember was standing by the door and watching him as he smiled down at our baby.
I also keep having this dream, that I become friends with my current boyfriends ex girlfriend. I’ve only seen a picture of her but for some reason she is in a lot of my dreams.
I had a dream that I was on the back roof of my house and I saw my 2 cats escape the house and run under some plants… but I didnt go after them.. I ended up being somewere else and I ended up calling my friend down the street to go find them for me….
That was the weirdest dream yet… am I loosing something in my life??
I keep having a re-occuring dream similar to this one; however I discover that I am 5 months pregnant, I really dont want the child, as I have children already, but its too late by that point to do anything about it. To make matters worse I learn that the unborn child may have a disability…. what does this mean?
Sarah – It means that you are blocking one of the great creative energies of you being. If you are a woman, this is your potential. You developed in this way because you are a creature of evolution. If you deny that part of you – the urge to procreate – you deny yourself. Do not cut yourself off from your roots otherwise you will die. To become free of it, it is not necessary to repress that part of you. In fact that basic, primeval drive is your source of power. It is a great river of energy. Out of that your power arises. You do not have to become childbearing to have that creativity. You do not even need to have a functioning womb, because at your core you are the power of creation. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#WomanCreative
Many, many women dream of giving birth to babies without any question of whether it is a real baby. Dream babies are important, and you feeling that you do not want a child has blocked the creation of a new part of you. Dream babies are special so get rid of the feeling of not wanting a child, and realise that you do not have to give birth to a physical baby.
Hi. Yesterday morning I had a dream that I’m One month pregnant. I’m surprised because the father of my baby is not my boyfriend. Though the night before I dreamt was the day I want to split with him. In my dreams, I want to keep the baby, I don’t know the father but there was another man and in my dreams my bf is only my ex. In reality, I want to have a baby with my bf but unfortunately in my dream he is not the father. What does it mean? I hope u can help me to understand my dream. Thanks.
I had a miscarriage 4 months ago and trying to conceive again. I had a dream early morning that there is a celebration going on in my family where I have a very cute baby girl in my hands who is 6 months old and I inform my relatives that i have adopted her. What does this mean?
Saps – There is no way to be sure with dreams like that, but it sounds hopeful that you will have a boy.
I had a dream where I accompanied my cousin to hospital to deliver & after she delivered I had labour pains & I also delivered a handsome baby boy & my mom was also excited about it. What could it be?
Thank you so much your great words have a positive affect 🙂
Is there a direct email I can ask you questions I have so many
Please let me know
I keep dreaming I’m having a baby girl and then I’m dreaming of my great grandfather near me and I can only see him (he has passed Say quit some time ago) but I keep hearing him and seeing him in my dreams telling md you are finally getting what you want, and my partner and I are trying for a baby due to medical reasons it’s been rushed sooner then expected. What does this all mean???
Sheree – Usually dead grandparents do not appear in your dreams giving a message without good reason. Other dreams I have received from people with similar themes are usually proved right – they write and tell me.
So live in hope dear Sheree.
Omg I had a dream that I was preggo and that I didn’t know. I went to the restroon and notice my tummy was a little bit more fuller than normal so I started rubbing my tummy and the baby moved across my tummy. And the more I rubbed the more it moved. My boyfriend and I are at a rough patch in our relationship, but thank God he was the father. What does all of this mean. I’m so lost about this dream. Please help
I have had several dreams involving being pregnant or having a baby. This is the most recent dream that has me wondering what its meaning is.
My boyfriend and myself are at the Dr. office and he tells us that I am 12 weeks pregnant. At first there is excitement then we both realize that its not possible that the baby is his because of our short time together. I am really interested what this means if anything at all.
My boyfriend and I have been talking alot about having a baby. Could this be reason for all the baby dreams????
I had a dream that I had a baby boy and the father was gone but I was glad to have his son to remember him by. But the baby boy got missing and I never found him again.
I had another dream right after this previous one where I knew I was pregnant and I wanted to take a pregnancy test to be positive. I never got the results but when a woman asked me, if I knew who the father was, I told her “I am sure that I knew who the father of this baby is and that he would want this child but I did not.”
Saira – The feeling I get from your two dreams is that you have been in conflict – slightly – about what you want to grow and develop in your life. Unfortunately you left out some vital information about whether the dream fathers were just that – dream figures – or were they people you know.
It seems that a disappointment left you not wanting the inner child to be a part of your life again, so you didn’t wish to go through it again.
I have had many dreams that I was pregnant, but in the last dream, I delivered a baby girl very easily even though the Doctor said the baby had no heartbeat. The heart monitor wasn’t working so everything went well and we went home. The baby looked healthy, but started to shrink and then died. It was a very stressful sleep. In the same dream I went to the mailbox and found a large amount of mail stuffed in the box and I couldn’t hold all of it, the mail was falling everywhere. I keep having certain dreams over and over and find it too stressful.
i had a dream i was pregnant and sum thing is wrong because iam beening carried out of my home to the ambulance crying and i just keep saying sorry to my partner
Samantha – Well, the only thing I can come up with is that being pregnant is the result of an intimate relationship. Anything born from it is a mixture of both of you, and represents your relationship.
But you did not say what you were saying sorry for, but it could be something to do with your present relationship, – but what depends on what you were sorry about.
Remember that dreams only reflect you feelings at the time of the dream