Pregnant Pregnancy

A new area of your potential or personality developing; a deepening relationship with your potential is producing a new area of experience, talent or facet of your personality. It is still unexpressed but is developing; a new scheme or creative idea ‘hatching’.

This can point to the development of a new approach to life, a new project you are creating, a new outlet of expression, or new faculty.

If you are pregnant when you dream this, don’t be too worried by anxiety dreams about the baby. Virtually all women have them. Only get worried if they persist. A scan can quickly see if you are anxious or intuitive. See: pregnancy and dreams, and your dream baby for a longer description.

 Example: ‘Last week I suddenly started having a recurring dream. In it I woke, walked downstairs, went into the kitchen and looked in the kettle. It was full of little fish.’ Karen LBC.

The fact that Karen goes ‘downstairs’, suggests the lower part of her body, and the shape of the kettle, which is a round container, make it likely this dream is about pregnancy. The little fish also points to her having conceived.

In a woman’s dream: May refer to desire for a child; fear of being pregnant – i.e. in a relationship but not wanting to be pregnant. For a woman being pregnant may depict what is resulting from a relationship with a man she has become deeply involved with. The following example illustrates this.

 Example: I dreamt I was pregnant and was certain the father was a man I feel a lot of love for. However as I was dreaming I realised he had a vasectomy so couldn’t be the father. This caused me to feel great uncertainty and I was questioning who the father could be as I hadn’t been with anyone else. Also I realised the pregnancy lasted 11 months and the baby was due. Angela.

Angela felt a great connection with a man who had told her he could never be her partner, and although good friends, had pulled away from any sexual contact. This caused great confusion in Angela because she had got a lot from the relationship, shown by the pregnancy. The confusion as to who the father was probably depicts her search for a man who could help her ‘give birth’ to the new and positive direction in life that had arisen from the current but platonic relationship. See Women’s creative power

If pregnant at time of dream: Anxieties regarding pregnancy and birth – Carolyn Winget and Frederic Kapp researched on the dreams of 70 pregnant women. Those women whose dreams included a high percentage of anxiety themes were the ones who delivered their babies in the shortest time – less than ten hours. The conclusion was that by allowing feelings of anxiety in our dreams we are less influenced by anxiety in waking, and we can deal with situations more confidently.

In a man’s dream: A man who cares for his partner and children will often dream about his partners pregnancy – or even dream about himself being pregnant.

 Example: Was in a basement. Brenda/Sonia was giving birth to a Baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it, without a doctor being there. I remember Sonia chewed through the cord. I looked at the baby, it was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious. Then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!”

Here the man gave birth to a new special part of himself, aided by the love he had developed for two women – Brenda and Sonia. A man’s love develops out of his feelings for women in his life, and this was what enabled him to birth a new and special part of his potential.

 Example: I went into the house. My wife screamed due to some trouble of her period. She was pregnant, and the troubles she was having were the traditional signs that she was pregnant and bearing a special child. I felt that the whole pregnancy would be difficult due to these signs of the special child, but the delivery would be easier. I didn’t feel too pleased about her having a baby, but soon adjusted to the idea.

This dream occurred about eight days after he had sex with his wife because he had dreamt a powerful spirit had spoke asking him to help form a body for it.

Pregnant without a man involved: See No Man

Someone else pregnant in dream: An aspect of oneself about to bring forth new characteristics; an intuition about that person. See: Example under girl; cave; third example under penis in body; second example under baby; birth dreams during pregnancy. See also: birth.


Useful questions and hints:

If you sum up, what are your dreams saying about being pregnant?

Are you feeling okay now about scary dreams?

Do your dreams give you insight into what is happening with your unborn baby?

See African Babies Don’t CryThe Limbic ImprintMy Needs As a Premature BabyInfluencing Your Unborn Child


-Michelle 2011-07-19 22:15:28

Hi Tony, lately I have had a couple of dreams of being pregnant or holding a baby. Two nights ago I dreamt that I was pregnant about 6 months, I was picking up my daughter from school and in the far distance a bomb exploded ( nuclear ), I remember breathing in the gases and telling my daughter that the baby was sick, because of the sudden movements it was making. Then last night I dreamt that I was holding a few month old baby boy then losing it in a forest, when he was returned to me he had blood in his shirt, but I was told that it was not his blood.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-08-10 10:33:09

    Michelle – As a woman you are the gateway for the future to enter and transform the world. Like a temple to the highest, you hold within you a great treasure – your eggs. Although many women are not conscious of this, nevertheless your dreams show how important it is to protect your eggs and the children that you and Life can create from them.

    And I see your several dreams to be a way that you are meeting the anxiety it causes to think about the future. You gradually moved beyond the natural anxiety to seeing a son who was whole an unhurt. That is something important to hold on to.


-Kayla 2011-07-17 22:48:30

i had a dream that i was 3 months pregnant . i dont know who the father is but i have a feeling i know who . . What does this mean ? Will i get pregnant soon ?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-08-08 12:40:41

    Kayla – Many women get pregnant in dreams without any man involved. And in fact you are pregnant now – not in a physical way but within you – for you carry a new life, a new you that can be born if you treasure it. The new life is a part of you that wishes to become active in your life, a part of that that hasn’t had the opportunity to be expressed before.

    Of course it is shown as a baby because anything new in us that is seeking life is vulnerable and needs to be cared for and nurtured.

    Will you get pregnant soon? Well that depends on whether you want to or have the opportunity to. But the dream does suggest that you are ready for being a mother and that your dream is perhaps a practice run.


-abir 2011-07-13 8:06:54

my sister had a dream that i am pregnant(i am not married).she asked me in the dream how come i am pregnant.why dont i get married

    -Tony Crisp 2011-08-01 9:57:43

    Abir – Dreams are like thinking in pictures – moving pictures. So when you think about someone it is not the person you think about in your head – it is simply your thoughts about them. So your sisters dream about you isn’t about you, it is about her feelings about you used as a method of thinking.

    Ask your sister what she feels about being pregnant, and why is she putting it on to you.


-Tracy Flaherty 2011-06-20 6:37:31

I am 15 weeks pregnant and had a dream last night that I agve birth to 2 sets of twins set on was 2 boys set 2 was a girla dna a boy and then I had another boy on its own but all but the baby girl had missing limbs either a leg and an arm or both and only had one arm left! What does this mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-28 13:00:47

    Tracy – This is an excellent example of pre-birth anxiety dream. Such anxiety dreams include such images as giving birth to a baby who is only a few ounces in weight – the baby is malformed – the baby is born dead – the baby is blind or deaf or injured. These dreams are common to pregnant women, and are a way of releasing the enormous worries some mothers have about their unborn baby. It is a way that the expectant mum can dream such scary dreams and it is a good way to reduce tensions and allow the mother to have a better birth experience.

    Such dreams are usually caused by unconscious fears or worries about your baby.


-Anna 2011-06-19 6:51:05

This dream is just on my mind lately I dreamt that I was pregnant for a boy that I know in real life(I was very certain it was his and we seemed to be together in this dream) in the dream we’re both in high school and both wearing a red uniform i’d never seen before and I hadnt told him I was pregnant (though I was showing a little) and at the end of the dream I still didnt tell him. I’m not with this person but I’ll admit I want to be with him.This dream is certainly a manifestation of my desires but I would like a second opinion.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-28 9:50:18

    Anna – There are several things going on in your dream.

    1. You want and have involvement with the boy.
    2. You are trying out /experimenting what it would be like being pregnant with a boy you fancy.
    3. You are avoiding the issue by not telling him the situation in the dream.

    The red coats are very powerful in dreams, and even where red appears quite casually in a dream there is frequently fear, or a sense of danger in the same dream. Red also represents ones basic emotions, earthy nature, and sexuality. In this sense it depicts your strength or vitality and your down to earth health and power. But because of the modern association with traffic lights and warnings such as brake lights on cars, it may sometimes be used as a warning, or a way of saying ‘stop’ or ‘no’.

    That you avoided telling the boy that you were pregnant points to you feeling uncertain about this, probably because of your age. That is not a criticism but more likely a frank appraisal of your social and psychological situation. But in dreams you can try out or experiment all you like without any danger or come-backs – unless you try to live out what is obviously a dangerous area.


-Laya 2011-06-18 16:09:16

I had a dream that i was pregnant by someone i have a crush on. We’ve been friends for about 2 years. I was expecting him to be upset, but he wasnt, he was calm and seemed happy. What does my dream mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-26 10:14:25

    Laya – I quote from the introduction to The New Dream Dictionary.

    “So through dreams we may experiment with new experience or practice things we have not yet done externally. For instance many young women dream in detail of giving birth. This function of what might be called ‘imagination’ is tremendously undervalued, but is a foundation upon which human survival is built.”

    So I feel you were both experimenting to see what it felt like to have a baby by the guy you have a crush on, and also as a means of actually experiencing being pregnant.

    It means that you feel you have the right guy, and that you would like to have a baby some time. Of course things can change, so do not think of the dream as a prophecy.


-Erica 2011-05-31 19:32:25

i dreamt i was pregnant but no one was the father of my baby i just got pregnant out of no where and the guy i liked asked me if i was ok and i told him that i was pregnant and he looked confused and said that he would take care of me

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-08 8:36:56

    Erica – Another virgin birth!

    Being pregnant like that is very important. Obviously you are not going to give birth to a physical baby, but dream babies are important too. The baby is something that you and Life are creating together, something new that is emerging into your life.

    And you do not feel abandoned either. You are blessed and your inner child will be blessed also.


-Danielle 2011-05-26 21:31:24

Hi, I’m 17 years old and just last night I had a dream that I was in a doctors office with my mother getting a sonogram and the doctor was telling me that I was going to have twins. The first one was a girl and the next was a boy. What does this mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-06-06 7:47:53

    Danielle – This is not necessarily a predictive dream, but it is about how you feel about being woman and being capable of having children. It is the way our inner being, Life, gradually helps us to be ready for our mature self. It is like practice run.

    The dream might be true when you are going to become pregnant, but it doesn’t seem to be happening in the near future – unless you want it to.


-deb 2011-05-16 6:54:47

I have dreams of having a child. Last night’s dream was so vivid. I am 53, and had a hysterectomy at 31. I can describe the baby in detail. Does the pregnancy vs the birth of a child mean the same thing?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-24 10:48:36

    Deb – The new baby you gave birth in your dream to wasn’t an act of problem solving like finding out why the carburettor in a car isn’t working. It was a creative act that didn’t require you to sit down and work things out. And because you are a woman, remember that you have all that creative energy built into your body. As a woman you conceive in all manner of ways, from new ides, to discovering new parts of you to nurture, so let baby you gave birth to grow, feed it, love it, and watch it grow. If you want to identify exactly what it is you have given birth to, see This helps you to identify with the baby and so watch it/you as it grows.

    Any creative person who has experienced such births will tell you that what emerges in the creative act is alive. It doesn’t matter what it is, it lives. It is thrilling to be part of its development, even if that, like pregnancy, it stretches and challenges you. You can feel this thing connecting you with something more than you have ever touched or known before. Go with it.

    Having a hysterectomy doesn’t kill your woman’s ability to conceive of the new.


-amanda 2011-05-14 20:24:25

my mom saw a dream i was pregnant. does that mean anything. im not pregnant im just curious if it means anything

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-20 10:59:25

    Amanda – Every dream means something. The difficulty is understanding what.

    But firstly this is your mother’s dream, and although it uses you in her dream, she is not dreaming about you.

    When you think about your mom you would be silly if you thought your thoughts about her were actually her. So with our dreams; they are more like thoughts and feelings we have about the dream person – in this case you.

    Without a more detailed description of the dream I can only guess that your mom might want grandchildren, or that she is using your image to give birth to a new part of her.


-Louise 2011-05-10 8:26:54

I dreamt that I found out that I was pregnant and for some reason I was not happy about the news, despite being incredibly broody when awake! The first person I told was a friend that I have recently made and that has a bit of a thing for me, and for some reason I got the impression that he was the father, not my boyfriend of three years. I eventually decided to give the baby up for adoption, despite not wanting to and the people who adopted her lived two doors down from me. I spent her whole childhood not being able to tell her who I was or fulfil the role of her mother, which was heartbreaking. Then she became a student in a class that I was teaching, and I couldn’t take being around her any more and ran away. What could this dream mean? I don’t have any feelings for my new friend, and am in a very happy relationship. I would love the chance to be a mum – which is why I couldn’t believe that I would give away the opportunity to be one!

    -Tony Crisp 2011-05-16 12:07:21

    Louise – The only way I can make sense of this, and excuse me if I am way off the mark, is that for some reason you have a fear that you cannot have a baby with your present partner. Then the thought of having a baby with another man is not something you want. It may only be a slight worry that you have, but knowing the power of a woman’s drive, it has tremendous psychological power, and can lead into awful fantasies.

    That was why, I think, the ending was so awful that you couldn’t face that line of thought/dream and so ran away.

    If there is any truth in this, it might be a good idea talking about your feelings about wanting a baby. Even if I am way out, it might still be good to talk.


-Nicole 2011-05-05 16:28:40

Last night I had a dream that I found out that i was pregnant. My sister is 6 months along now and In the dream we were comparing bellys and stuf like that. What does this mean?

-Becca 2011-04-17 8:29:53

Last night was strange. I dreamed that I wasn’t pregnant, but had all my friends and family convinced that I was. It was like I really wanted them to believe I was pregnant. The next thing I knew, I was 6 months in (and I had somehow evaded the fact that I wasn’t showing) and was stressing and struggling over what I would tell my family when no baby would come. I settled on telling everyone that I had miscarried. Then I woke up.
In reality, there is no chance I’m pregnant right now, and Im not particularly interested in having a baby at this time in my life. I hardly ever remember my dreams, and the first one in months I can recall doesn’t sound like me at all. What could this Mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-04-27 9:06:21

    Becca – I would need to ask you several questions to be clear about this dream. For instance have your family ever, even jokingly, suggested they would like grandchildren. As it sometimes happens that we pick up unspoken desires I wonder whether your dream is a form of complying with them.
    If it is not that then I do not have and answer.


-Britt 2011-02-28 22:08:04

hi this morning I dreamt i woke up next to my partner and my boobs were full and very sore. I woke my partner up to tell him i have to be pregnant because of this … and I am not pregnant. He just looked at me and smiled real big, what could this mean?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-03-03 13:22:25

    Britt – Don’t forget that it is your dream. So anybody in your dream – your partner – is not a comment on them, but is a reflection of what you feel or hope or think about them.

    So it seems as if your body wishes for a baby. I remember when my second wife and I got together, within a month her boobs swelled and she showed all the signs of her being pregnant. I did not handle it well, and it turned out she was having a false pregnancy.

    It seems this can happen easier in your dreams – a woman wishes for a baby from her man. And it can happen even if she doesn’t consciously want to get pregnant. So your partners smile could be all a part of that.


-christina 2010-12-27 3:37:08

I dreamed of being pregnant and not want to have the baby because i was not yet married and was about to get married. another time I dreamed that i had a miscarriage. I am very confused and have no idea what this all means.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-01-05 12:52:50

    Christina – It seems you are facing all those questions because your “world has suddenly got a whole lot weirder,” and your hormones are leading you to where you have never been before. I feel if you get some straight forward information about what you are facing it will become easier –though life is never without surprises.

    I would suggest you get a good book, something like Sex, Puberty, and All That Stuff: A Guide to Growing Up.

    When I was about thirteen I found such a book and it was wonderfully helpful, though not as good as the modern versions.


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