Pregnant Pregnancy
A new area of your potential or personality developing; a deepening relationship with your potential is producing a new area of experience, talent or facet of your personality. It is still unexpressed but is developing; a new scheme or creative idea ‘hatching’.
This can point to the development of a new approach to life, a new project you are creating, a new outlet of expression, or new faculty.
If you are pregnant when you dream this, don’t be too worried by anxiety dreams about the baby. Virtually all women have them. Only get worried if they persist. A scan can quickly see if you are anxious or intuitive. See: pregnancy and dreams, and your dream baby for a longer description.
Example: ‘Last week I suddenly started having a recurring dream. In it I woke, walked downstairs, went into the kitchen and looked in the kettle. It was full of little fish.’ Karen LBC.
The fact that Karen goes ‘downstairs’, suggests the lower part of her body, and the shape of the kettle, which is a round container, make it likely this dream is about pregnancy. The little fish also points to her having conceived.
In a woman’s dream: May refer to desire for a child; fear of being pregnant – i.e. in a relationship but not wanting to be pregnant. For a woman being pregnant may depict what is resulting from a relationship with a man she has become deeply involved with. The following example illustrates this.
Example: I dreamt I was pregnant and was certain the father was a man I feel a lot of love for. However as I was dreaming I realised he had a vasectomy so couldn’t be the father. This caused me to feel great uncertainty and I was questioning who the father could be as I hadn’t been with anyone else. Also I realised the pregnancy lasted 11 months and the baby was due. Angela.
Angela felt a great connection with a man who had told her he could never be her partner, and although good friends, had pulled away from any sexual contact. This caused great confusion in Angela because she had got a lot from the relationship, shown by the pregnancy. The confusion as to who the father was probably depicts her search for a man who could help her ‘give birth’ to the new and positive direction in life that had arisen from the current but platonic relationship. See Women’s creative power
If pregnant at time of dream: Anxieties regarding pregnancy and birth – Carolyn Winget and Frederic Kapp researched on the dreams of 70 pregnant women. Those women whose dreams included a high percentage of anxiety themes were the ones who delivered their babies in the shortest time – less than ten hours. The conclusion was that by allowing feelings of anxiety in our dreams we are less influenced by anxiety in waking, and we can deal with situations more confidently.
In a man’s dream: A man who cares for his partner and children will often dream about his partners pregnancy – or even dream about himself being pregnant.
Example: Was in a basement. Brenda/Sonia was giving birth to a Baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it, without a doctor being there. I remember Sonia chewed through the cord. I looked at the baby, it was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious. Then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!”
Here the man gave birth to a new special part of himself, aided by the love he had developed for two women – Brenda and Sonia. A man’s love develops out of his feelings for women in his life, and this was what enabled him to birth a new and special part of his potential.
Example: I went into the house. My wife screamed due to some trouble of her period. She was pregnant, and the troubles she was having were the traditional signs that she was pregnant and bearing a special child. I felt that the whole pregnancy would be difficult due to these signs of the special child, but the delivery would be easier. I didn’t feel too pleased about her having a baby, but soon adjusted to the idea.
This dream occurred about eight days after he had sex with his wife because he had dreamt a powerful spirit had spoke asking him to help form a body for it.
Pregnant without a man involved: See No Man
Someone else pregnant in dream: An aspect of oneself about to bring forth new characteristics; an intuition about that person. See: Example under girl; cave; third example under penis in body; second example under baby; birth dreams during pregnancy. See also: birth.
Useful questions and hints:
If you sum up, what are your dreams saying about being pregnant?
Are you feeling okay now about scary dreams?
Do your dreams give you insight into what is happening with your unborn baby?
See African Babies Don’t Cry – The Limbic Imprint – My Needs As a Premature Baby – Influencing Your Unborn Child
I had a dream my male cousin who is gay was pregnant. he had a baby bump an was with the man who he was pregnant with. In my dream I believed this could real an that men could have babies. what does this mean?
Laura – Of course men can have babies, but only in the inner world, not as outward facts. The same thing applies to women, they can have meaningful babies, even having virgin births. (Who has even heard of a virgin birth happening outwardly – but thousands of women have virgin birth in their inner world. Biblical stories are nearly always about the inner world.) See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
It shows the man bringing something to birth in himself. This is usually a new understanding, or a new sympathy or viewpoint. It can show the emergence of awareness of the unconscious.
It could also be giving birth to his own baby self that was not reared properly. Here is a recording of a well known recording artist (Tom ***) a homosexual who became straight through facing his unconscious tendencies – http://dreamhawk.com/wp-content/uploads/Talk-Split-2.mp3
I dreamt that I went into a haunted house with another woman and we were both possessed by an entity and became pregnant with it. The evil fetus morphed the other girl into an evil looking woman, resembling something from The Ring, when she and I walked over black sand dunes that cut into our feet.
My boyfriend of 6 months said he had a dream I was pregnant. He knows that I can no longer have kids so I don’t think that it is a worry on his mind. I tried to explain to him that dreams don’t mean what we think they do. Is there any difference if a man dreams of his girl.being pregnant vs if a woman was to dream she was pregnant? Not many details, he didn’t give me much to go on…
Amiee – In dreams we are dealing with a completely different world of experience than in waking life – as you suggested. So first read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Yes men can dream of giving birth, either as themselves or as a woman they love. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Gender and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-anima-jungs-view-of-the-female-in-the-male/
Here is an example of a man giving birth: Was in a basement. My wife/and a woman I loved was giving birth to a Baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it, without a doctor being there. I remember my lover chewed through the cord. I looked at the baby, it was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious. Then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!”
I asked what had gone, and it replied, “The other ego; where has it gone?”
I said that the other ego still existed within, but was now lost in the newborn one – meaning the cosmic self existed in the newborn individual self. (The doctor came and finished off the details.)
The baby was then taken upstairs, and I felt it was a holy and wonderful baby. I was going to rest from the rigours of the birth, but on looking around saw how dusty and dirty the basement was. I began to clean it, and felt I would go upstairs and rest afterwards.
Thanks for your insights!
I am not pregnant, but dreamt I was at my ex’s place, with whom I spent a night together 3 months ago (1.5 yrs after our breakup), and he’s cold/avoiding me ever since (claiming he’s seeing someone). In the dream, I was not pregnant with him, and was convinced I was about to deliver around that day. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and realised my bump was not so big – I started thinking I might have been 8 months pregnant, and started looking in my planner for the date I had gotten pregnant. All through this, my ex was cold and I felt he was looking forward for me to leave the house (or maybe I was?). All through this, I didn’t know who I was pregnant with (maybe I knew, but I felt in the dream as if that didn’t matter, and for sure it wasn’t my ex).
Kate – I think that your night spent together triggered one of the biggest instincts you have – to become pregnant. Of course you can become pregnant and have a child in your dreams – and it is a real happening inside you. Such a birth would be a new aspect of you.
So see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#WomCreative
Tony – thanks. The link is deeply inspiring.
But how does my ex relate to that? He has been my only male encounter in over two years – had not seen anyone after our breakup in 1.5 yrs. I still have desires and feelings for him – although I suspect he’d not be the right lifetime partner on an emotional level, only on a practical level (we are very similar and agree on many practical life issues). He feels something too, but mainly a strong physical attraction mixed with some sort of high esteem towards me. Why was I and he looking forward (not explicitly though) for me to leave his place? Why was I not pregnant with him, but at his place (I think in the dream he was just hosting me for some reason, as he did the night we unexpectedly spent together) and why I did not know/remember who I was pregnant with? And checking my planner? Am I hanging on to something external to unleash my creative power? Should I disengage from a previous path (and kind of people/relationships) in order to find where this energy should flow? I am personally in my last year of studies, with huge demands and feeling lost – I think I know where I want to go as a person, but lacking the full motivation and energy to work very hard, and recently felt very bad for a supervisor not believing in me as much as I was expecting him to- for some reason I do not understand consciously.
Kate – maybe I should have suggested you first read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing to explain a lot more about dreaming.
I also believe that sometimes a woman wants a man to recognise her and he be seen as her man before she can really find her own belief in herself. You mention this in a way in saying the supervisor not believing in you. I believe it is an old attitude that has been inherited from women’s past experience.
But to get more from your dream see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Here is an example of energy. “But in his relationship he had felt deeply criticised. And through this criticism had been holding back his flow of love. In other words his energy was being interiorised, turned back on itself. This is depicted as the electricity flowing into his body. Steve realised from the dream that he must not allow past or present criticisms to cause him to hold back his positive flow of life and love.
The damage such in-turned or negative emotions can do is enormous. Many years ago a woman who could hardly walk came to stay with my wife and me. She hobbled along using two sticks. Within a week, without any treatment, she could walk normally. She told us with great enthusiasm that she now knew what had caused her illness. Three years previously her son had married and had asked if he and his new wife could lodge in his parent’s house for a few weeks while they looked for a house of their own. His mother felt resentful that he and his wife had stayed for years and made no effort to move out. But being a Christian woman she kept her feelings to herself. She ended the story by saying, “Being on holiday away from the situation has allowed me to be free of the resentment, and this has healed my legs. So I know what I am going to do when I get home. I am going to tell my son and his wife to pack their things and move out.”
Understanding this energy and the personal misery we can create with it if we do not understand how it works, is fundamental to a satisfying life. It is strange, considering this, that it is deemed more important in school to teach children how to write, how to add and subtract, perhaps to learn the religious beliefs of those around them, rather than how to deal with their own being. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions-and-mood-in-dreams/
My current girlfriend is pregnant, and due in about a month. I have a 13 year old child with another woman. The mother of the 13 year old, I really cannot stand to talk to, let alone be in her presence. She is a brilliant woman, and does take care of our child monetarily, but she is one of the rudest people you can meet. Why did I dream the other night that SHE was pregnant with my current unborn child?
I’ve been dreaming of my ex. I’ve had consistent pregnancy dreams about him and another female, whom is carrying his baby in the dream. I’ve been having these dreams for a few months now and this morning it was greatly vivid. He and I we talking in my apartment (I don’t have one in waking life) then from no where this girl walks in and is requesting my kids father to come with her because his new girlfriend needs him. I turned around and six, what! He was shocked to hear that his girlfriend’s cousin in the dream. Snitched on him. As he fixed his mouth to say a lie, he realized he was caught either way and said all right. I was furious. I couldn’t take it. I stormed outside, as the cousin of the new girlfriend followed and said, they’ve been living together for the longest this isn’t anything new. I looked at her with an attitude, he’s been living at myhouse with me! How is he living with her!? The entire dream was filed with anger and rage on my end. The dream switched to me and the dad talking and me asking him why he lied to me and how long they have been together, turns out, the new girl it’s who he wants to be with and who he cares allot for. My feelings were hurt. She soon meet up where myself and my ex. Where and stopped and stared at me, I turned around looked at her in the face and said,, how long have th been with my kids dad? She replied, he’s been with me for a while now. I then said, how could th be with someone who was leaving with me! Still trying to pursue me! At that point I grabbed her by the hair and stated fighting her. After the fight ended, I stormed off leaving my children at home with family. I was fleeing like no tomorrow, it showed me in my car, just driving, not sure where I was going by just going. At one point big wording popped investing of me and it read Diamond Bar, (diamond bar is where my ex. is from) which is where I ended up settling into things calmed down, I was sitting under a bridge with nasty weird textured water where I was doing my feet. Didn’t feel great. Then from no where I see my children and my kids dad. My youngest son spotted me and came to where I was. I Told him to leave thee area because the water ed gross. It switched from there, to showing a pregnancy test with a pink plus sign. My ex’s new girlfriend had just find out she was pregnant. From the I ended up at her relatives house whore she announced the news to everyone. My ex. ex excited and staying kidding in her tummy, she wasn’t very fast along. Then he said, baby number 6 and I’m thinking to myself, 6? And the only way he would have six is if he is considering my son from another relationship to be his or if he had another baby that he had lied aboutand is keeping it secrete. I was deviated and mad that he could feel Si passionate about someone else and they’re unborn child teddy when I was pregnant. with his two kids I hardly got a reaction. Everyone I have a pregnancy dream of him, I tell him about it and ask him to tell me the truth and he always denies. This morning all I write to hun was, had yet another dream about you bringing another baby into the world. It’s getting annoying.
Question, why do I keep seeing him in my dream and who is it pertaining to pregnancy constantly? Isit because he really is having another baby and because he’ll never tell me my conscious is allowing me to know? I don’t understand. And yes the father and I still communicate, and he in wakinglife) still try to pursue me!.
Rosie – Gosh, there is so much to answer here, and so I have to send you to several links to get the answers.
First of all you need to understand that dreams are dealing with a completely different set of rules and ideas than what we take for granted in waking life. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing which will give you some basic ideas.
But you are dealing with an ex who from what you say has never been able to express any loving care. And that has set you off on a dream trail that is showing you the enormous emotional explosion that caused. So another link or two might help you understand. So read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#RecoverRelate and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions-and-mood-in-dreams/
You keep seeing him because he is in fact a part of you – all the experience you have taken into your memories. The pregnancies may be about the negative feelings you have about the other woman??
I had a dream that I was working in a hospital but it looks like I was new and dint know what I was doing. I was trying to help a older person when one of the nurse came with a red box and ask me do u whant to take care of him (older person) or whant to help me with this? And she show me the red box. I remember thinking let me go with her because I dont know what im doing here. Then we go to another room were is a yung pregnant girl and her family around her. We go in and tell the girl to turn to her side. Then the nurse give me a long q-tip and a cream and ask me to use it on her anus and vaginal. I felt very embarrassed because her family was right there. So I told the nurse if she can do it because the girl will feel more comfortable if a female do it. Then she gave me a drink for the pregnant girl to drink. At this point I still dont know what we were doing. In to she ask me to look in the red box for some small cutting blades. Thats when I ask her what we doing? An abortion the nurse said. I got more nervous and I could not find the blades in the box the nurse got nervous to because she need it the blades right away. We leave the room to find the blades then the nurse look again in the red box and there they are. We run back to the room when we found the girl in the floor crying in a lot of pain and bleeding vaginaly. When I go to pick her up the nurse say omg is to late! Then I wake up. Sorry for my spelling english is not my first language. Thank you in advance for your help.
I had a dream that i was pregnant by my boyfriend.
It was only very early on in the pregnancy but i felt like i couldnt tell anyone as if i did, i would hurt someone? ( no idea who?)
Everytime i looked down i was getting bigger.
I ended up telling someone and they were really happy and so was I. But i had so many things i needed to do that i couldnt still tell everyone.
I woke up feeling really confused and insecure.
Can you help please?
Many thanks
Kati – I am guessing you have been thinking a bit about getting pregnant. So you dream about it. But as dreams usually are a mirror of your inner self it mirrored the confusion you feel about pregnancy. The not telling is that you are not admitting to yourself what you are really feeling. The happiness felt after telling (yourself) is a sign that you would be delighted if you let go of all the worries about what it would mean.
I dreamt my husband and I wear in bed and he told me not to worry that all the strange things were happening were because I was 10 weeks pregnant. I asked him why he thought that? (I have 3 kids and have had my tubes tied) He said because God told him
My aunt said she had a dream tht I was pregnant with a little tummy already showing. As she knows, Im trying to get pregnant, but she thinks I should wait, but will b happy tht she’s gonna consider him as her grandson. What could this mean?
I dreamt that me and a few other people I know were on the run from a killer. We are hiding and I look outside and see my pregnant sister walking down the road. (She called the day before to tell us she was being admitted to have the baby). We scream for her to come to us but she freaks out when she sees the man with the gun and runs. I go to help her but see her trip and the man holds a machine gun to her belly and shoots. I know this is a very messed up dream but just wanna know what it means
I can remember all of my dreams the past 2 weeks. This has never happened to me before. I’m dreaming everything from my man cheating on me, me being pregnant, us getting married because I’m pregnant, seeing my dad in my dreams and other family still here. Since I can remember all of my dreams lately could that possibly mean I’m pregnant ??
Sara – I am not sure that it means you are pregnant. The dreams show a period of great uncertainty, so being pregnant and getting married could show that you are working overtime to make things work and find some certainty in uncertain times.
But you will know if you become pregnant as many women know immediately when conception takes place. Conception is one of Life’s miracles and it usually announces itself.
I had a dream I pulled my belly ring out and I pulled out my baby from my belly buttoni didn’t know I was pregnant and my baby was small and alive in the sack still it was a boy but I went to the hospital on my way there my baby got bigger when he came out of my belly button he was small able to fit in my hand on the way to the hospital he was a regular sized baby what does this pregnancy dream mean
Daviea – This is YOUR baby and did not need any man involved. As such it is a new part of you. Nurse it and love it till it is strong enough to be a part of your outer life.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#WomCreative
I had a dream I was kidnapped with a friend tried escaping multiple times, the guy who took us went away and his brother was living there as well but didn’t know we were there, he heard me make a noise and I was cutting the chain off of me to try to escape another time he ran in the room to see what was going on and I said don’t hurt me your brother kidnapped me and my friend, I started to kiss him to sweeting him into letting us go, he touched my belly and said why are you so big and I knew I was pregnant, I hadn’t slept with anyone of them but in the beginning of my dream my boyfriend was with me before I was taken. I had a lump like thing coming out of my belly and I held on to it thinking I had a bone coming out from being sick, it then unattached itself from my belly and was an egg. I seen another one coming out but told the guy to let me and my friend go we were human beings as well and he said okay I ran to my friend un-chained her and we made our way for our escape the guy who kidnapped us was coming and the brother tried to stall him but he knew, they ran after us as we were running to the back of the house trying to get away, we ran into a big mean dog but it didn’t bite we jump off the back porch and kept running, the guy was trying to get us and as he almost got my friend the cops shot him and I didn’t know if they knew what was going on and dropped to the ground, my friend and I had then gone home and taken our showers and gotten all prettied up for the day. I woke up after that. What’s this mean?
Dreamt I was pregnant and felt incredible urge to “push” but it was far too early in the pregnancy. But I couldn’t fight the urge to push and felt the child coming and everyone was upset, then woke up. I never wanted children, have none, and have had a hysterectomy. But that feeling of “fullness” and needing to push stayed with me all the next day. It was very disturbing.
Jenna – You like most people do not accept you have an inner life that is quite distinct and separate from your outer life – your body.
A hysterectomy is a thing of the body, but you are a woman, and have the power of creativity, shown in the dream as a baby needing to be born. The urge to push is a sign of great creativeness that you are denying. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#WomCreative