Pregnant Pregnancy
A new area of your potential or personality developing; a deepening relationship with your potential is producing a new area of experience, talent or facet of your personality. It is still unexpressed but is developing; a new scheme or creative idea ‘hatching’.
This can point to the development of a new approach to life, a new project you are creating, a new outlet of expression, or new faculty.
If you are pregnant when you dream this, don’t be too worried by anxiety dreams about the baby. Virtually all women have them. Only get worried if they persist. A scan can quickly see if you are anxious or intuitive. See: pregnancy and dreams, and your dream baby for a longer description.
Example: ‘Last week I suddenly started having a recurring dream. In it I woke, walked downstairs, went into the kitchen and looked in the kettle. It was full of little fish.’ Karen LBC.
The fact that Karen goes ‘downstairs’, suggests the lower part of her body, and the shape of the kettle, which is a round container, make it likely this dream is about pregnancy. The little fish also points to her having conceived.
In a woman’s dream: May refer to desire for a child; fear of being pregnant – i.e. in a relationship but not wanting to be pregnant. For a woman being pregnant may depict what is resulting from a relationship with a man she has become deeply involved with. The following example illustrates this.
Example: I dreamt I was pregnant and was certain the father was a man I feel a lot of love for. However as I was dreaming I realised he had a vasectomy so couldn’t be the father. This caused me to feel great uncertainty and I was questioning who the father could be as I hadn’t been with anyone else. Also I realised the pregnancy lasted 11 months and the baby was due. Angela.
Angela felt a great connection with a man who had told her he could never be her partner, and although good friends, had pulled away from any sexual contact. This caused great confusion in Angela because she had got a lot from the relationship, shown by the pregnancy. The confusion as to who the father was probably depicts her search for a man who could help her ‘give birth’ to the new and positive direction in life that had arisen from the current but platonic relationship. See Women’s creative power
If pregnant at time of dream: Anxieties regarding pregnancy and birth – Carolyn Winget and Frederic Kapp researched on the dreams of 70 pregnant women. Those women whose dreams included a high percentage of anxiety themes were the ones who delivered their babies in the shortest time – less than ten hours. The conclusion was that by allowing feelings of anxiety in our dreams we are less influenced by anxiety in waking, and we can deal with situations more confidently.
In a man’s dream: A man who cares for his partner and children will often dream about his partners pregnancy – or even dream about himself being pregnant.
Example: Was in a basement. Brenda/Sonia was giving birth to a Baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it, without a doctor being there. I remember Sonia chewed through the cord. I looked at the baby, it was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious. Then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!”
Here the man gave birth to a new special part of himself, aided by the love he had developed for two women – Brenda and Sonia. A man’s love develops out of his feelings for women in his life, and this was what enabled him to birth a new and special part of his potential.
Example: I went into the house. My wife screamed due to some trouble of her period. She was pregnant, and the troubles she was having were the traditional signs that she was pregnant and bearing a special child. I felt that the whole pregnancy would be difficult due to these signs of the special child, but the delivery would be easier. I didn’t feel too pleased about her having a baby, but soon adjusted to the idea.
This dream occurred about eight days after he had sex with his wife because he had dreamt a powerful spirit had spoke asking him to help form a body for it.
Pregnant without a man involved: See No Man
Someone else pregnant in dream: An aspect of oneself about to bring forth new characteristics; an intuition about that person. See: Example under girl; cave; third example under penis in body; second example under baby; birth dreams during pregnancy. See also: birth.
Useful questions and hints:
If you sum up, what are your dreams saying about being pregnant?
Are you feeling okay now about scary dreams?
Do your dreams give you insight into what is happening with your unborn baby?
See African Babies Don’t Cry – The Limbic Imprint – My Needs As a Premature Baby – Influencing Your Unborn Child
I had a dream me and my boyfriends family left town and one morning I woke up and I felt something moving in my stomach I looked and I could see the fetus and I told my boyfriend I was pregnant. We left that house and ended up staying at a funeral home. When I turned the corner I saw a white closed coffin and later there was ghosts. im so lost on what this means
I had a dream where two woman and myself were pregnant at the same time by the same guy. Please let me know what this means
I had a dream that I was at a 25th anniversary for my brothers marriage, I had my husband family there as well and they were acting very strange and distance. I just ignore it, well later in my dream some blonde lady walk by and said congrats your pregnant and walk away I was kind of shock what she said and she said yes you to me.
what would that dream interpret.
Thank you in advance.
I had a dream last night and had came across a psychic as I was going about my own business she told me I was pregnant. I was asking her if it would be a girl or boy and she would not tell me. In my dream I was hoping she would say a boy because I have a yr old daughter. She said god makes things even. There is a pattern. I said well I have a boy then two girls after so what does that mean? she said the mother has a part in it too and she walked away. In my dream I also explained I have school and I wont be done by then and it will be so hard for me to have another child right now. I am on birth control. She said when god wants something to happen he will make it happen. I really don’t wish to be pregnant and haven’t even thought about it.
I had a dream my sister and I were both pregnant. She went into labor and after she delivered I said ” I’m Next ” ” it’s My Turn “
In my dreans i saw my aunt, with who i have a mother-daughter relationship ,already married with a guy who i didnt really notice cause i didnt care and she announced me that she was pregnant on a baby girl….i was devasteted cause that moment i thought that would be the end of our mother daughter relationship cause now she will have her own child….in real life she is single and ofcourse not pregnant as far as i kno….i was crying really bad when i woke up
When my ex bf knows was pregnant he left me because he was not yet ready..but after 6 months of giving birth I have a 3 consistent nights of dreaming him..can you explain what does it mean??
What does it mean I dream last night that my boyfriend have another girl and I have baby but im single im not married. Why I have baby..tnx Godbless
I m single and not married. The person who i suppose to get married left me and married someone else last week.
Two days back i dreamt dat i childhood fren came to see me and to tell me dat she is pregnant. Both of us was do happy in dat dream on dat news and we even went out for lunch to celebrate.
Again, last nite i dream dat i’m already married and pregnant for second baby. My first child in dat dream is boy.
I really dont know what all tis means as now i m really heart broke .
im 8 weeks pregnant and i dreamt that i give birth to a really really tiny baby but she was ok but then i lost her and couldnt find her anywere what could this mean it really scared me .
I had a dream that I was pregnant and my boyfriend who in real life us the sweetest guy but I’m the dream he just was really mean he threw 500 dollars at me and told me to get rid of the baby.. but I know in real life he would never do that. So what does that mean do I subconsciously think he’s a terrible person.?
I had a dream last night that I was pregnant but people couldnt really tell. My bump was tiny.
The baby also never kicked or moved and I kept having to be reassured by doctors that I was pregnant. I had to be induced but it wouldn’t work and I was just convinced it had been a lie the whole time.
I’ve woken up with a feeling of loss and sadness though.
Hayley – I think that your feelings and thoughts that you doubted the pregnancy led you to dream about it not working. Dreams are largely created by our attitudes. They have often been called the magic mirror showing us the state of our inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
As a woman it is part of your creative function to have children – not necessarily physically. But a dreamt pregnancy is a sign of creating a new aspect of you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#WomCreative
I had a dream where there was a psychic and he ask to read my hand n he started to explain things and then he stop and said you pregnant and the child will b born the 18 October and u will name him Brian.. Please help me with that dream
Fara – There could be two possibilities to the dream that in the end join.
It could mean that you really want a baby unconsciously, so you dream you will have one. Or you are really dreaming the future. In which case you will know when you become pregnant. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#WomanCreative
I had a dream my cousin (who I rarely talk to) was pregnant. In my dream I vividly saw her pregnancy test which had 2 windows. The first window read “++” then the 2nd window read “+-” I told her that I thought I was pregnant too but I hadn’t taken a test yet.. She told my aunt that she was on her period so that my aunt wouldn’t suspect that she missed her period she even took out the tampon & said she “was on her period” What can this mean?
Oh and where she told me was at my old house where I used to live 6 years ago.
I had a dream where I was put into protective custody because the guy that I got pregnant by killed someone and I turned him in and he put a hit on me. I was staying with an older female church member and her boyfriend at her apartment. In reality she lives in a house and is divorced. While staying there with her I was incredibly nervous always looking over my shoulder or out the door because I just knew that the guy that was trying to kill me would find me, and kill my baby. I knew in the dream that he would kill me to, but he focus was on my baby. The boyfriend gave me some nerve pills which I didn’t take right away. I asked my church member for side effect information to make sure it wouldn’t hurt my baby. She didn’t give me any, but said that the people who brought me there gave them to her. I had two pills I took one then the other, and went to the next room to lay down. I mellowed out and then I woke up. What does this dream mean? I’m in college right now and I don’t have any kids nor am I sexually active. I do however always call school my “baby.” I’ve had many dreams lately about someone trying to kill my baby or someone else s child dying. What does this mean?
Thanks in advance.