This can mean you are overcome by events, by other people dominating you, or by your own internal unwanted emotions.
Rape in dreams is very different from rape in real life, as we create our own dream, so why introduce rape? Perhaps in the example below Mrs B. discovers her own power in the situation as she realises the weakness of the male.
Example: ‘I tried to turn but my legs were like lead. The man caught me and I fought. He tried to rape me but couldn’t do it. As I talked to him I began to feel sorry for him and not frightened. I realised that inside he was a nice person. In the end I found I liked him so much I began to kiss him myself.’ Mrs J.B.
Example: ‘A man is trying to make love and at the last moment I repel him as I know it will cause a pregnancy. When I was about ten I was raped and for many years had a fear of men.’ Anon.
This is the other side of rape. Rape in this dream may be memories, the effects of that are still visible in the life of this dreamer, causing her pain in warm sexuality.
Example: ‘The Devil attacked a woman. He was invisible. The woman turned black as he raped her. She didn’t die. At this point I woke and went to the toilet. On returning to bed I continued the dream, particularly wondering what I was in conflict with in the image of the Devil. I found it disturbing and frightening to be confronted by such a powerful opponent. Partly because of the rape, I realised it was repressed sexuality. I then approached the ‘black’ woman with tenderness and this transformed the Devil into available sexual or emotional energy. I tried this again and again. Each time it worked, and I could observe the Devil was my sexual warmth and love that had become negative through restraint.’ Neil V.
In this male dream, it is the conflict with his sexuality that causes the ‘devilish’ rape. When he can find tenderness the negative aspect disappears. Rape also depicts the real evil of another person disregarding our personal needs and feelings, abusing not only the body, but particularly the ‘person’. Being raped by someone known: Feeling anxious about sex with them; fighting off desire for them.
This can mean you are overcome by events, by other people dominating you, or by your own internal unwanted emotions.
Rape in dreams is very different from rape in real life, as we create our own dream, so why introduce rape? Perhaps in the example below Mrs B. discovers her own power in the situation as she realises the weakness of the male.
Example: ‘I tried to turn but my legs were like lead. The man caught me and I fought. He tried to rape me but couldn’t do it. As I talked to him I began to feel sorry for him and not frightened. I realised that inside he was a nice person. In the end I found I liked him so much I began to kiss him myself.’ Mrs J.B.
Example: ‘A man is trying to make love and at the last moment I repel him as I know it will cause a pregnancy. When I was about ten I was raped and for many years had a fear of men.’ Anon.
This is the other side of rape. Rape in this dream may be memories, the effects of that are still visible in the life of this dreamer, causing her pain in warm sexuality.
Example: ‘The Devil attacked a woman. He was invisible. The woman turned black as he raped her. She didn’t die. At this point I woke and went to the toilet. On returning to bed I continued the dream, particularly wondering what I was in conflict with in the image of the Devil. I found it disturbing and frightening to be confronted by such a powerful opponent. Partly because of the rape, I realised it was repressed sexuality. I then approached the ‘black’ woman with tenderness and this transformed the Devil into available sexual or emotional energy. I tried this again and again. Each time it worked, and I could observe the Devil was my sexual warmth and love that had become negative through restraint.’ Neil V.
In this male dream, it is the conflict with his sexuality that causes the ‘devilish’ rape. When he can find tenderness the negative aspect disappears. Rape also depicts the real evil of another person disregarding our personal needs and feelings, abusing not only the body, but particularly the ‘person’. Being raped by someone known: Feeling anxious about sex with them; fighting off desire for them.
Occasionally some rape dreams are traced back to sexual assault by the father when young, or another member of the family. Here is a quote from the book Dreams and Sex by Dr. Gayle Delaney.
The terror Deborah felt in this dream was so great that it led to her recall of incest with her father thirty years earlier. When she told her sister about the dream and the memories, her sister refused to talk to her. But later her sister confirmed that she had experienced similar nightmares and memories. Both had worried that they might be falsely accusing their father of incest, but after a few months of therapy, they decided to confront their parents and found solid confirmation of the abuse. I have written about it because there are so many adults who have been abused as children and do not yet know either what to do about it or that they have plenty of company among others who were abused and are still ashamed.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Was I raped in the dream?
If so did I fight successfully or unsuccessfully?
Was it a frightening experience?
How did you deal with it?
See Active Passive – Magical Dream Machine – LifeStream – Secrets of Power Dreaming
So, in my dream… I was with a couple of my friends and we suspected someone had murdered these girls and so we went to investigate it. While finding a bunch of clues, we hear a gunshot and the 3 of us get down to the ground. After awhile we didn’t hear anything and decided we better leave. I got a text that night from an unknown number that was sending me pictures of these dead girls and stuff, and just creepy quotes and whatever. So u messaged my grandma freaking out but she didn’t help. The next day I kept getting photos of the messages I was sending to people, but more like if I were to take a screenshot not if the receiving person did. I was really freaked out and tried locking myself in this bathroom that had 3 locks but none of them would lock…and a couple gunshots went off and through the door. I got down to the floor behind the counter and this guy opened the door and grabbed me pushing me towards a bed. He held a gun to my chest and took off my clothes. Then my husband tried to come and he shot at him and the with the gun to my head raped me while I was faced down in front of my husband. ..eventually it ended and later I seen him walking free with no charged and my husband actually left me because he couldn’t look at me anymore.. turns out, this stranger wasn’t actually a stranger and in a previous dream I had introduced myself to him while I was running him through the till at my job, and he said he decided then that he was gonna rape me.
when i was 13-15 my grand father molested me, i don’t talk to that side of the family anymore(my dads) because they don’t believe me. now i am 18 and sometimes i have dreams about that family and sometimes my grand father is in it..i dreamt the other night i was at church with all of them another time i dreamt that i was afraid to go inside my grandparents house because I knew he was there and my grandma made me go in and I was just trying to avoid him and he just kept following me another dream it’s just me and him talking but I don’t remember about what…why do i keep having these chronic dreams about my grandfather & my dad side of the family doesn’t mean that I missed them ?
Hi – I must take time to upgrade the dream dictionary, so must halt from answering your posts – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t neared the end yet. I believe someone else may start.
So, for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
Also, here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Hundreds of questions about your dreams have already been answered if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page were people’s questions/comments were replied to. Also, see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/
You need to understand that dreams are not about your waking life, so in your dream it is not your grandfather but it is When you think about a friend or a person you meet, you are only taking in your thoughts, impressions and feelings about them. So many people do not realise that they have an inner person equally as powerful as the external person you know. You have taken in millions of bits of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by meeting or living with them, and they are what makes you the person you are. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner person can appear in dreams because you still carry the memories or impressions of them, and so they influenced what you hold within you.
So you need to deal with the inner grandfather – a mixture of all the memories of him. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/martial-art-of-the-mind/
I had a dream i was rape i woke up sore and in pain but with overwhelm pleasure is that normal
Lucy – It is quite normal for people to feel physical effects from a dream. After all, the mind and body cannot be separated except in death.
Dreams take place in a different world of experience, and they show what an extraordinary mixture of urges, pleasures, fears and wonders we are.
I was raped by a guy who I was dating at the time, and i still have effects from it. I keep dreaming that I’m being raped, and not even by the same person. They look different every time. then, after it happens, I turn to my boyriend and ask him for help and he does nothing about it. That’s the part that perplexes me. He’s a good guy and I love him and he wouldn’t let that happen to me. Why do I keep dreaming the same thing?
Julia – You keep dreaming it for several reasons. The first is that dreams try to rid you of poison just as your body does by vomiting. But dreams are dealing with emotions, and some emotions are so powerful they scare us – so we avoid allowing them to ‘vomit’ out of us.
So the dream keeps repeating trying to heal you. Your boyfriend – Nearly always when people dream about someone they know or a strange new person or situation they automatically believe the dream is about that person, situation or animal. But when we think of our friend or partner our thoughts are not them – just our thoughts and feelings about them. So dream images are ways of communicating via our associations, and do not refer to actual things or people. In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream.
So your boyfriend in your dream represents your feelings about him and of your situation – helplessness. It is just about your experience not about life in general.
You may be able to start the process of healing by using the following, but you need to persist over a period of time to see changes – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
I’ve been having dreams about being stalked or almost raped. My most vivid one yet is where me and some girl (it was dark out, night time) were outside, and some guy was stalking her but she couldn’t see him, I was with her too. Then we were in a classroom or some hall of a school type building, but before that we were at a bus stop, with large windows in it in an enclosed type shelter, and it was deserted except for us. I could sense that we were being watched by the guy but couldn’t find or see him. Then we were in the hallway, it was dark and we were together (me and the girl), then the guy ran up to us (I ‘knew’ he was a rapist) and had this small pointy knife- the blade was triangular and could only see the sharp point of the knife in dream. He was holding it up near her and I tried to grab it. Then I was talking to him, can’t remember what I said, but I think I was trying to talk him out of raping her, and I think we tried to run away from him.
Oh, I guess I should also say this, but not sure if it’s got to deal with possible things in my life or not, as I’ve gotten older I always felt like something bad had happened to me at a very very early age (infancy), but never could remember anything. Some things that I’ve done during my life points to abuse, but I can’t get myself to remember it. I can remember things as a baby (everything seemed so BIG!), even can remember just before I was born and immediately afterwards, but can’t remember that. Not sure if it even happened.
I have been doing a lot of travel. Airplanes, shuttles…and so on. I dreamed i was sitting in the last seat of a shuttle. Three young black gang type men pushed their way through the aisle. They pushed their sister,about 9yrs old, down on the bench in front of me. I didn’t see her face, she was use to it. She just lied still. One of the men looked at me…his eyes said…I can do whatever I want and you can do nothing but watch.
I had a dream last night… I was at a party with friends and family. My cousin brought someone new. That man, tall and strong, grabbed me. He began raping me in front of guests who just looked but ignored and walked away. I was screaming and hurting him. I even remember stabbing him with a pencil in his side. He was holding my ankle so hard. I got a hold of my cell phone and was able to discreetly dial 911 and tell them my location. They showed up but didnt help l. He got off of me and walked away but I was badly hurt. I could barely talk or walk. I crawled away out onto the street weakly asking for help without avail. My friend/co-worker found me. She helped me try to find a cop to help. (Her husband is a cop in real life.) I remember flinching and freaking out anytime someone touched me. I was so distraught when I woke up.
I was raped in my dreams..I was sleeping when I woke up there was no 1 in the house at first I didn’tcare but as time past I notised I’m not alone there is a man in the house a verry big male Ialways saw him at shops and thought of him as harmless ..but I notised while I’m in the house some1 is folowing me and that’s when I stared running and hidding.he caught me raped me (it was painful) Iwent and hide myself in the rooms looked the door and I heard him looking in all closets …I call my mom and she told me where to go but she also said.he had also raped her when she ran and he caught her I decided to ran out of the yard and than to his car but I woke up.
I dream that an old man Placed his self on top of me with his hair on his face prirkling my skin I resisted at first but relax and accepted it I looked over to my left and saw two Me’s two spirit Mes laying lifted next to one another one was dark and one was like and I proceeded to leave my body to escape to them and a large voice said NO! YOU WILL NOT ! like Gods voice and the dream ended
so I had this dream last night that I had to walk home at night By my self and I seen this 3 guys before I started walking and they were going inside a house. So I thought ok I’m safe next thing They were starting to follow me and I started to run but I couldn’t run fast and they court up to me 2 of the guys were in there pjs and the other was just in normal clothes they graben me and pushed me to the ground and started to try to take my clothes of I tried to scram but I couldn’t nothing would come out. I crab one of the guys by the nuts and pulled and twisted them hard to hurt him and get him of me but he really liked it and it turned him on I was kicking and punching trying to fight them off then I ended up getting up. And went to run but the guy in the clothes got me and held me into him and put a needle In the back of my neck and I just remember going off to sleep. Then I woke up in real life . Please tell me what this all means replie
I dream that i was going to a school dance as i was walking in to the dance i looked to the side and saw a bright orange Camaro On the side of the rode I walked into the building found my friends and started dancing someone brought me a drinking me not checking to see who it was i took it the next thing i knew someone was on top of me And it was more then one person they where taking turns and i blocked out waking up In a ally i didnt tell anyone until my friend asked me where did i go after the dance and while telling her what happened looked outside and saw the Camaro full of guys that where looking at me laughing
I had a dream last night about my possessive, controlling and basically crazy ex boyfriend. At the beginning of the dream I was at this big house that belonged to a friend, she was throwing a party. Then someone tells me that someone is at the door for me, so I look down from atop of the stairs and I see my ex. I was worried and confused because he lives quite far from me and has a baby with anothhert woman now. Then I noticed that he had my glasses that he somehow picked up from my eye doctor. So I went down stairs and had him come outside with me to talk to him and get my glasses. He explained that he missed me and that I shouldn’t be with my current boyfriend now. We got into a screaming mad and then he turned angry, so I ran into the house and it was empty. I kept screaming for someone, trying to get out of the house away from him. Finally I got out the front door but he chased me. He caught me and tied my arms up, he starting calling my boyfriend saying that we don’t belong together and that I need to be with him instead. My boyfriend told him how we are engaged and that we love each other. This set off my ex so he hung up and started ripping my clothes off.. Then he took his pants off and started to rape me, I kept trying to scream but I was so exhausted I could barely be heard, I kept trying to fight back but he was stronger. Then I woke up..
My dream ..I woke up in a dark room tied up in a chair by two of my female cusion .they were laughing in a creepy way and both naked .they were trying to rape me.they started by taking my pants out and I was pushing them away every time they tried with my legs .then after me trying to push them they still maneged to take my pants and underwear out I was scared and then I woke up from my dream ..please someone explain thank you
Sami – Your dream is a mixture of what might be strong sexual desire with a conflict with your moral code.
Dreams are often simply a reflection, a mirror of what you feel and fear. So please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Conflicts we feel or meet in our dreams are nearly always conflicts with ourself. This is not usually recognised, but see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/conflicts/
I had a dream I was a trying to sleep on a couch and a man grab me from behind and was trying to rape me and I told him that I had hiv aids and than the man tried to smother me than I jump out of my sleep what does this means
Alright so, one day I was like outside right? And there was a shoot out and I was hiding and stuff and I almost got shot on my leg and so I hurried up and rsn into the abandoned houses and when I went inside it was actually really clean and stuff and then I saw this girl in the living room watching TV and I sat next to her and wee started talking right we stayed there for like 30 minutes until we heard a noise by the door I got up and ran to the dining room and this fat black man had me on gunpoint and I was like “I’M SORRY” and they asked my name and like 5 other girls was there looking at me and the black man held me down on the ground while one girl took off my shorts and underwear she was grinding on me and I was so scared.. I saw what she looked like, she looked like a girl from my class..i never got raped before plus I’m a virgin. What could this mean?