Whatever state or county you dream of, is it the place you were born or brought up in? If so, it most likely represents your basic personal traits, ones you picked up from your parents, siblings or the attitudes you met where you lived as a child. Of course such things change but it shows you reacting to people and events in a similar way.
Of the state or county is one you were not born in, then you need to ask yourself what are my feelings or memories about the place? That is because dreams seldom ever use words to communicate something important, instead they use images, places or memories as the words. So whatever you decide the state or county symbolises, realise it is only a word in communicating to you.
Your prevailing direction in, or approach to, life – this direction/approach can be either self-created out of your own actions or decisions or arise out of other people’s social influence or even randomness. The road can also suggest things that are entering your life, depending on the dream.
The road or avenue can indicate the norm in social behaviour, therefore the direction in life taken by many people; your predispositions; any direction you are taking, such as a love affair, a business, a new attitude; your public activities. Entering a road or street suggests you open yourself to new impressions and experiences, whatever they may be.
The size, richness, cleanliness, amount of people, and situation of the road shows how you inwardly see either the direction chosen, or the choices confronting you.
Alley: Limited possibilities or horizons; present limited possibilities will be overcome with effort and initiative. Alley with dead end – concern about a tight situation that appears to have no way out.
Bend in road: Suggests that the way you are going is not ‘straightforward’ – but may be not awfully difficult. It can also mean a change in direction, and therefore a new opportunity, new things or a new things to face. This can depict something new ahead that you couldn’t see until you make the change in direction.
Black road: This might link with feelings or fears about death or depression. It can, in some cultural symbols, point to difficult or ‘dark’ times – a period on your life in which you pass through trials.
Coming toward you on the road: Usually suggests and event or happening coming your way. If it is people then it is about a coming meeting or relationship. If it is a hearse then it is a brush with death – so be careful. If it passes you by it is a good sign.
Crossroad: Change; decision; indecision. See: crossroad.
Cross roads or deciding which road to take: Arthur’s dream in the second example shows cross roads as depicting his many choices. Arthur’s choice involves his attempt to include his wife’s needs.
Cul-de-sac/dead end: Feeling or intuition that your direction will not be rewarding or lead to openings or opportunity. Sometimes indicates sexual opportunity.
Detour: A unplanned direction. Being directed a way you did not plan or want.
Dirt road: A direction or a path that you or others do not use very often – a personal direction that is not popular enough to be made a proper road but may be one that you are making in a new personal direction. Possibly an exploration of a new way of life or behaviour.
Fork in the road: Something to decide; parting from accustomed way or relationship.
Going out from house into road: How others see you; being in public view.
Going the wrong way up a one way street: Going against prevailing attitudes; defying public opinion.
Hole in road: Difficulty ahead. Death or death of person falling down the hole.
Known road: Feelings associated with that road; what you have already done; the past; habits.
Lane: Individual direction. Obviously not a road taking a lot of traffic or one used often, so could indicate meeting new experiences, or being more independent in your chosen direction.
Many roads: Many avenues of experience, many new things or many choices, thus sometimes indecision or confusion.
Motorway/Freeway/Interstate: Like any road it indicates your prevailing direction in, or approach to, life – this direction/approach can be either self-created out of your own actions or decisions or arise out of other peoples or social influence.
But a freeway is a major direction and quick route to where you want to go in life – unless of course it is chocked with other vehicles, then it indicates delays in your plans and frustration. For some dreamers it will represent facing more power or threat than they feel relaxed with. Also it can indicate that you are making a big change in your life.
The freeway is a direction in life taken by many others, so can indicate what everyone else does, the norm, or the established. But if you have particular memories of this route and where you use it to get to, then that is important in understanding your dream.
An exit on a freeway/motorway suggests either branching off from a main flow in the direction you were taking in life, or perhaps a nearness to a goal you have been ‘driving’ toward.
If you are on foot and trying to cross the motorway it can suggest a difficulty in the way of your progress, or even danger.
One way road: Rules and regulations that are imposed on you.
Road ahead: The future; aspects of self not yet expressed; new areas of endeavour.
Road behind: The past; what you have already achieved or done.
Road being repaired: Activity to make the way you are going easier. It could also suggest it is difficult to travel in the direction now.
Road under construction: It can suggest so many things such as a rough road ahead, or that there are many obstacles to deal with. You might have to decide on a new direction, so continuing might be difficult. This might be a way for others to use also.
It could be that you will have to develop new ways of doing things, learning a different approach. May imply building new habits, new ideals, new patterns of mind; learning new ways to approach old, and so daring to travel new territory, and so a journey into the unknown.
Running into road: Danger.
Stretch of road: If it is behind you it suggests the ground you have already covered, so your past. If it is ahead it can be what is before you, or what you feel or fear you face ahead.
Unpaved road or track off to one side: Going off the beaten track or being side-tracked.
Walking up a strange road or street: Can indicate a new direction, exploring a new impulse. Also a new sexual encounter.
P. feels her life is something she must ‘struggle on’ with, but it is an endless circle of confusion in which she gets nowhere. This illustrates the road as a symbol of one’s approach to life. Perhaps it is her fear that creates this sense of life for her.
Example: ‘Janet my wife was cycling beside me. We came to the end of a short road. I said we should turn left, but Janet thought we ought to turn right. We got out into the middle of the road without turning either way.’ Arthur P.
Arthur feels he is unable to get along with his feelings about his wife wanting a different direction.
Example: ‘Walking alone along a road through a small town. I was heading for a place that a group of people, in a street parallel to mine, were also heading for. A person from the group tried to persuade me that the RIGHT way to get to the place was along the street the group was walking. I knew the street did not matter, only the general direction. The person was quite disturbed by my independence. It made him or her feel uncertain to have their leader apparently questioned. I felt uncertain too for a moment. Then I walked on and came to an open stretch of ground.’ Ivor S.
Ivor’s dream shows how roads can represent different sorts of social behaviour. To choose one’s individual ‘road’ may be difficult, because others are so sure they know best. Patterns of behaviour such as needing an authority figure to follow, are also here depicted as a road.
Example: ‘My dream is of an eternal journey, that takes a road that turns into a circle or maze that is endless. Behind me is a large fat young man with blond hair. I can’t get along and he catches up with me, I say, ‘We can’t go back we must struggle on’. He takes my wrist. I am trying to hide my fear of him and the pathway, when I wake up.’ J. P.
Idioms: On the road to recovery; road hog; end of the road; take to the road; middle of the road; the high road to.
Useful questions:
Where am I heading on the freeway/life, and with what attitudes?
Am I the driver or is someone else making decisions in my life?
Is this about frustration or stress, and if so where is that appearing in my daily life?
See Being the Person or Thing – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Habits – Associations Working With; Alley; Crossroad; Cul-de-Sac
I saw a dream that I was skiing and overcame mountain of forest easily. As soon as mountain finished i saw I was standing on the flat field at the begining of the long black road. This road was too long and rounded with curve. The destination could be reached easily with shortcut but the road was going from the right and curved to the left in the horizon. I continued to ski but soon the snow path ended and I had to take out of my skiis. I hold my skis in one hand. They were havy but i knew that i needed to walk to reach the goal. Surdenly I saw myself at the point of destination point. here was some financial negotiation was going on that I do not remember any more or I was not happy with the deal itself. (my current relationship is related with skiing).
Cathy – You seem to manage the huge climb of the mountain easily, but the flat every day curving route of the unknowns in the backwards and forwards curves of a relationship are more tricky.
But which road did you take – the shortcut or the long curvy road? You forgot the money side of the relationship, maybe because it worries you.
Dreams offer us or present to us our present mental attitudes as well as ways of exploring various alternatives. So you could imagine while awake going the long black road and then the shortcut – or even not taking any of them by using https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I had a dream where I was driving then walking on the expressway with a group of people. There were cars headed in our direction only because those cars were driving on the wrong side of the road..there seemed to be a detour that led them our way and i at some had to try an avoid an oncoming collision with the cars headed in the wrong direction….eventually we guided them the right way but I woke up with really bad anxiety!!!
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Evelyn – In dreams nothing can hurt you, because whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.
So your fears are about the right and the wrong way of doing things. But in our dream life there is no right or wrong. That is unless we live a life in which we constantly try to live in one side of our dual nature. For Evil is simply Life spelt backwards – in other words we have turned Life force back on ourselves making it Evil. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/secret-of-time-and-satan/
Big fan of tony here is my dream.
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Where has you dream gone? 🙂
Interesting information, but it doesn’t seem to answer my questions…
I’ve had a recurring theme in my dreams involving highways for some time now. Sometimes I’m walking on twisted, closed down structures and ramps in the city, or on a path alongside a Midwest interstate. Recently, I’ve been walking alongside quieter state highways.
I usually seem to have a positive feeling. I don’t mind walking, and I enjoy seeing the different perspectives and challenges of walking a road that most all people drive. If anything, I don’t appreciate being seen walking by the other drivers.
It’s usually daytime or evening in these dreams. I was wondering if there is any particular significance in having this variety of dream recur so many times.
Hi – I am sorry to suddenly stop replying to dreams like this, but I must upgrade the dream dictionary – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t got near the end yet.
So for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
Also here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
You are developing an independent life style, one not a copy of the commercial programming pumped into us. See opening to life and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
I thoroughly enjoyed this Dream Dictionary, and it answered my dream, I had walked out of a forest, on to a highway, with no traffic, and the road was clean, no smog. a slight bend up ahead, but a clear pathway for me to cross on to the other side. thank you very much the interpretation helped immensely!
Christian – Thank you for you encouraging reply.
I am at my grandma’s house (recently passed away) and I end up getting off a road and onto a freeway by mistake. There is massive freeways ahead of me all going different ways and I have to go down the current road a ways in order to turn around. I end up turning around but end up stopping at some sort of rest area to water my dog that is thirsty and tired. All the people there are friendly towards me and my dog. The workers ignore the fact that I didn’t think I had a membership there. I end up staying there for a while and I’m supposed to have a membership but did not realize that I already had one there from a time before. When I get back on the freeway I am lost but then realized that I know where I’m at and have a ways to go but then I wake up before I can get to where I’m at. I have had this dream several times before and it always seems to be repeating. Sometimes I make it further down the road sometimes I don’t. It’s also like a trip down memory lane because I remember being there and knowing the people where I’m supposed to be at. It would really like to understand what this means as I have had this dream several times in my life.
I had a dream that I was pregnant and realized it was by a man I had loved all my life but have not seen or talked to in over a year. I remember standing in line at a welfare office with my 15yr old son and someone talking about the need for social workers then this huge group of people began walking out of what I think was an office building or a courthouse. There were many glass windows from where they were coming from. Then all of a sudden I was on the interstate driving and I saw a squeeze ketchup bottle in the road and then a black panther crouched down coming towards me slowly and I I guess I passed it because the next thing I know I am still in the car with my son and my mother. We were coming onto the interstate at this time and I got out of the turn and missed the interstate and drove through the grass and then we were apparently about to crash because the car was airborne. But I was driving,my son the passenger and my mother between us like on the dashboard. She was facing the back of the car and somehow my son and I had our backs to wherever the care was head. My mom and I began praying for God to forgive us of all of our sins and my son was saying nothing…I woke up. No crash ever happened.
A little history on me, I am 49yrs old, have a 28yr old daughter and 15 yr old son. I cannot have anymore children due to a hysterectomy. I am single from a 3rd marriage and have been divorced 5 yrs. I am a Hospice nurse. I often have dreams in which I feel God is trying to tell me something. Please help me understand what this dream could have meant. Thank you so much for your time.
Hey if you could interpret this dream. I was standing on the side of the road and trying to cross.
I was looking at the traffic so i could find out how to cross safely but then i realised traffic was going both ways on the road.
There were 3 lanes and cars were going both ways in EACH LANE but i didnt see a crash and i crossed fine.
Hello. I’ve just woken up from a horrible dream. I was travelling on a coach with some uni friends on the motorway talking to my uni tutor. The coach and traffic slowed down. I saw about 8 young boys cycling very fast in the hard shoulder then we saw two boys who had been knocked off their cycles in the fast lane they looked pale and dead. I feel very un-nerved about this.
Greetings Tony! My “on the road” story took place in the mountains. It wasn’t a winding road but it was new. I drove a normal speed and then all of a sudden the road continued hundreds of feet below…i didn’t step on the breaks because it was unexpected and there was no breaktime. I realized I could die but just went falling/flying down at the cars pace and landed without dying. I suspect I would have continued driving but I woke up. If you have any insight, it would be greatly appreciated! Hugs and respect! Mel
Dear Mel – Not knowing anything about your waking life, I have to partly guess what the symbols in your dream mean.
The way I see your dream is that you start with something new in your (inner) life; a new relationship, a new opportunity, a new habit, a new job, a new perspective/awareness etc.
Did you perhaps start something that you were/are rather idealistic about? See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner
Then you arrive at a point where you have no other choice – there was no break time – than to “come down” to earth again from a more idealistic, fanciful, or visionary viewpoint.
Can you relate to that?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Anna 🙂
Anna, I was in a car crash two days later and it was beyond my control. Someone was cited for failing to yield and she totaled my car.
Thank you for replying; i will look at your page suggestions.
Dear Mel – I hope it was only your car that got damaged.
In general when dreams predict the future they will show what will happen in almost the exact way as it will happen later in waking life.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/precognition/
Anna 🙂