The most direct associations are to do with feelings of repulsion or disgust. The sewer is also an indication of what you have let go of as worn out, without life, or not needed in your living process of mind and body. It might also be associated with decay, disease or death. However, in modern mythology – films – the sewers are often shown as hidden ways to enter places or to escape, so might be used to suggest such in your dream. They are also frequently shown as a place where we meet the strange or alien within us – our unconscious.
In some powerful dreams the sewers are expressions of the wonder and strangeness of the subterranean world that is your unconscious. In this sense, the internal unconscious sewers were built by humans thousands of years ago. They are the level of awareness that at one time was mankind’s waking awareness. But as with the surface of the earth, further levels of growth covered and buried the old. Because these sewers are our psychological and spiritual history, you may find in them much that explains humanity’s, or your own, present condition. Some of what you find will be things you yourself left there in the far past. Exposing them and bringing what they reveal to awareness is a task many people are engaged in today. Some dreamer’s believe that the reason this level of the unconscious is shown as sewers, is because in the past humans acted as the means for tremendous cosmic forces to flow down into the earth. This faculty was desecrated and now what is represented as the sewers acts in man as the means by which, through which, destructive thoughts, energies, are released, lest they destroy humanity.
The strength you will find in exploring the sewers is that of being able to face the worst in human beings, and also to see within it what was once holy and divine. See Toilet.
But if you are new to entering the sewer, your unconscious, you will need to know that the first level you meet is the traumas, thoughts, impulses, all the stuff you have avoided experiencing consciously. Not being used to meeting the raw you it migiht make you back off. That is a mistake. See Masters of Nightmares
In my dream some people came bearing gifts for my unborn child and asked directions to get to their next stop then hopped in the sewer.
Hi – I am sorry to suddenly stop replying to dreams like this, but I must upgrade the dream dictionary – I started the revising in 2006, and haven’t got near the end yet.
So for a while I urge you to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
Also here are so ways you can find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Hundreds of questions about your dreams have already been answered if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page were people’s questions/comments were replied to. Also see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/
A wonderful and humorous dream about your unborn child. Here is a description of the wonder of your child and the gifts it has.
I was not in any way asleep, or in a trance. My evaluative rational self was keenly observing all that happened, but not interfering. Nevertheless, profoundly felt imagery and feelings flooded my awareness. I realised I was experiencing the New Testament story of the birth. But this did not seem to interfere with the flow of what poured into my feelings. My whole body felt the wonder of the baby and I fell to my knees before it. I knew as if intuitively, that all the cosmos had somehow come alive as this helpless vulnerable child. I was so overwhelmed, all I could say over and over, between sobbing cries was, ‘A baby’ – ‘A baby.’
The flowing emotions and the opened intuitive sense informed me that what I knelt before in tears was not a particular child. It was every baby ever born. For the first time I had been allowed to experience the enormity of birth, the holiness of every baby.
I see that we are never separated from the infinite potential. But what happens is that often our thoughts, our energies and decisions are so scattered and changing that we never manifest what is possible. It is like beginning to build something, then we leave it and move on to something else that we start to build, and leave that and move on to something else again. So nothing is taken to full form. We need to hold something steady in our being and then the life energy that flows through us cannot help but begin to give it form and life, to bring it alive.
So help your baby never to underestimate what it has. If that is learned a whole and wonderful world opens to it – “Immediately I had images of a young woman I knew like a vision, and as if a new slide had been put in a projector, then an image of a baby with a crown on its head. This was so extraordinary I didn’t know what to make of it. But it seemed to be telling me that the daughter of a friend of mine was pregnant and she would give birth to a boy who was a ‘special child’ – more aware than usual. Immediately I had images of a young woman I knew like a vision, and as if a new slide had been put in a projector, then an image of a baby with a crown on its head. This was so extraordinary I didn’t know what to make of it. But it seemed to be telling me that the daughter of a friend of mine was pregnant and she would give birth to a boy who was a ‘special child’ – more aware than usual.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-unconscious-2/
I had dreams that I kept seening first a witch look out of the sewer than two other times a bald man.
In my dream ,I physically unblocked the blocked drain and then the sewer started running freely. which is a bit different to the explanation on SEWER on the website. Can you share your thoughts with me