Remembering that most people in dreams depict an aspect of oneself, this may be illustrating that we lack pleasure in life or have little to live for in the way of satisfaction; suicide may also be a sign of interiorised anger, where instead of admitting our anger, we destroy parts of our own feelings; may depict business or relationship suicide.
If it is someone we know: Often shows us hoping person will get out of our life; intuition.
Example: In a dream my wife, Brenda, saw a baby that she knew belong to a friend, and a voice from behind her told her the child was ill. Its illness, she was given to understand, was serious, and would need to be treated with a drug taken every day of the child’s life. The reason for this illness and the drug use, she was told, was because in a past life the being now born as the baby had committed suicide using a drug.
I sent an account of the dream to the parents of the baby. About a week later we had a letter from them saying that the letter and dream had crystallised their already existing anxiety about the baby. It had not been feeding well and was fretful. On taking it to the doctor nothing definite could be found but special tests were made in hospital. From these it was discovered the baby was dying. It lacked an enzyme that was needed to digest calcium. To compensate it was given a drug, which it has had to take every day of its life to make up for the lacking enzyme.
Example: I am standing in the toilet peeing into the water. This creates lots of bubbles. As I look at these bubbles I notice each one has an eye looking at me. Fascinated I bend lower to look back at these eyes. When I do so I see they are not ‘eyes’ but ‘I’s’. Each is a tiny reflection of myself looking back at me. Amused I ponder this multitude of me. Each tiny being, with its own individual sense of self, its own eyes and legs and fingers, feels it is separate from its fellows – and it is. But what they don’t realise is that their awareness, their consciousness is a reflection of me. I am their god. Out of me all have their being. Then suddenly I realise I am myself a bubble. I too have a sense of being independent, with my own eyes, fingers and legs. Yet in reality I am only a reflection of one great life – One Self Existent Awareness in all its diversity and multifarious forms. I felt afraid. I realised that any attempt at killing myself is foolish because as part of the great consciousness I cannot die, I would only be hurting myself.”
Einstein said that “Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust – we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper”.
See Masters of Nightmares – Suicide2
1. I had dream that unknown person was committing suicide. He himself selft in railway line, that rail was passed in him & his neck cut off, Really, I get afraid on that time.
Please reply me sir,
hai dear tony,
i saw a girl chased by some people and atlast she hang herself in a rope and cursed that she wont leave her brother and she will kill her.what does it mean?pls help me out fast.i am really afraid much.pls tony clear my doubt fast.
i saw a girl chased by some people and atlast she hang herself in a rope and cursed that she wont leave her brother and she will kill her.what does it mean?pls help me out fast.i am really afraid much.pls
Dear Tony,
I had a terrible sleep last night. I keept on dreaming of terrible incidents. One of that is,
There was man who was on a certain helicopter of plane ( i cant hardly recognised) but he was hanging on there with his head downward to the ground. While this plane was flying onwards(on his waydirecting )direction to his wife and the daughter who also took suicide (they were also on certain building or something close to the clouds.. While this man was taken to the place with position holding only the rope and the other hand of the man who told him that his wife and child is dead. He immediately release himself and fall on the ground broken into pieces .DEAD. i heard a voice from the croud saying he can’t take it no more. I tried to wake up and close my eyes again , but everytime i close my eyes theres terrible dreams i have. i don’t know there must be something in here. Please help me Tony… Thank you very much . I hope to hear from soon.
Hi, tony
my friend Tony (oddly enough has your name) recently had a dream about me commiting suicide and said to have been pretty graphic now i personally have fallen on hard times and have been a let down to a lot of my friends in the our circle one being my bestfreind actully stopped talking to me but i don’t believe that tony actully wants me out of his life seeing this dream was graphic enough to have him call me and ask if i ever thought about it, me replying of coarse not i love my family too much. But i just wanted to firgure out what it might mean for his sake.
Ryan – It seems very graphic about his own state. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us/#Reflect to save time in writing it all again.
He uses the image of you because he has actually tried to kill out his feelings for you – maybe even to the point of telling you about his dream. It is so much easier to see it happening to someone else rather that admit ones own feelings. So if you can, send him lots of love. Some of the biggest and long lasting mistakes we make happen because we fail to bring love and forgiveness to our lives.
I had a dream about someone else trying to jump off some high stairs but i could c straight from there eyes. Everytime they jumped off they never died and it kept replaying. What does this mean?
Jasmine – It is a way that you are facing death and also seeing that you cannot die in you dreams. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#TalkingDead
I recently had a dream that I watched someone that I do not know in real life but knew and was very good friends with in my dream commit suicide. It was right before his wedding and they were taking pictures when he told us we had to wait because he had to get something in the building. Next thing we knew we saw him hanging out one of the windows and then he jumped to his death.
I saw and watched him the whole way and the whole thing was so vivid. This dream was just so vivid and so disturbing that I had to ask and see if you could help me. thank you
Ashley – Dreams are a magical mirror in which your innermost hopes, longings, fears/terrors and genius are made real. They are made real as external environments, people, animals and relationships. Unfortunately this wonderful virtual reality world is usually felt as dealing with other people, as externals, like something that can damage us, or something like the Devil that can possess us. But the greatest truth I have found in exploring dreams – not interpreting them – is that we are alone with ourselves in the world of our dream. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
Therefore the very good friend you were with in the dream is an aspect of you. Only you can tell by exploring your dream. Try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs to find out.
It is probably an aspect of you that is capable in the world, but decides that it doesn’t want to go on with the life it was living. The does not mean that there is an urge to kill yourself, simple that a part of you has given up, probably to do with relationships – wedding.
hello Mr tony ,
i had a dream this morning about me and my husband were doing an investigation for the police department at a strip club and then when we were leaving some of our friends arrived with our 2 sons and that in the restroom one of our friend was dying and since he was dying my husband put a pencil in his mouth to kill himself and that I was trying to tke it out but I couldn’t and that my kids were watching then I woke up scared
Hello, my name is Mo i’m 1. A couple nights ago i had a really strange dream. I don’t remember it all, all i remember was that i was on webcam with a girl i am no longer friends with. She was crying and mascara was streaked down her cheeks and she had bright pink hair (She does in real life though) and she was saying “Are you happy?” “You got what you wanted.”In my mind i was thinking “I don’t know what i did..” She kept looking to her side at something i couldn’t see, then finally she pulled out a gun and shot herself.
I feel really guilty and i can’t stop thinking about it. It didn’t happened but it won’t leave my mind.
I had a dreams 2 nights in a row about someone committing suicide. The first night it was someone I know, but am no longer close to. The second night it was a man I had just met and I felt like it was a romantic, but not sexual, meeting. I watched him walk out onto an outside wood deck and shoot himself. Can you help me figure out why I keep dreaming about people killing themselves in front of me? It’s kind of disturbing!
Thank you!
Paulette – A man in your dreams is in most cases an aspect of yourself – even in a woman’s dream – depending on the activity and character of the man in the dream. That he commits suicide is a sign that your male self, your ambitious or outwardly active side if being killed out or being put out of operation by something.
Are you having a lot of frustration or problems in the outer world? Whatever it is it is worth doing something about. You can alter the ending of a dream by visualising a different end. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-exploring-your-dreams/#TalkingAs
I had a dream last night where I committed suicide. Now the strange thing about this dream is, I had evaded a friend out of a door, finally made my decision to commit suicide and ran down a hallway, a flight of steps and then up a few flights, after I had made my decision of committing suicide and how my ex fiance started to chase me to prevent me from doing it. I got to the highest ledge, where he was trying to stop me I lied to him and told him I wasn’t going to do it that I just wanted to stand at the edge and I wanted to be alone. He left and I lept over the edge to fall to my death as I was falling I saw the stairs before me. I closed my eyes and I was at peace with my decision. Opened my eyes one more time to make sure I was still falling because I wanted to die, saw I was and then closed my eyes again. I woke up to darkness (my eyes being closed) and being at utter and complete peace. I have been suicidal in the past, have been committed to the psych ward for it. For several months I have been very unhappy. Last week I quit smoking because I want to find a new job because I’m miserable at the one I’m with right now. I hate my career and even resent it because someone is always trying to get you fired, you can’t smoke if you want to find a new job or don’t want to be black listed at your current job. I love to work but I hate almost everything with my job. I don’t know if that has anything to do with my dream. I don’t know if my dream is trying to tell me to let my career die and go get a new one. I’m 24 and a registered nurse I’ve been a nurse for a total of 4 years, and throughout my 24 years I have been to hell and back repeatedly. All I need is answers, if my dream is trying to tell me that when I commit suicide I’ll be at peace with it then that’s all I need to hear. Sorry for the novel, I’m just mildly disturbed by my dream even though it was quit pleasant and liberating.
Ashley – Thank you for trusting me with it, and don’t mind the ‘novel’ because it gives me something to work on.
I have heard it said several times that dreams tell us the truth; but I think it is simple the truth about what we feel, fear, understand and even hope for. Even so it is a helpful truth showing how we create our inner world. For instance the last dream I looked at was a woman who dreamt her daughter was murdered. I have met this dream before and it turned out that the daughter had just left home to get on with her life. When the mask of the dream images were stripped away, the woman sobbed so deeply because her daughter had never been independent from a mother’s love before and it was terrible for the woman to face life without her daughter.
So your peaceful dream is partly your own creation because you seek it so fully. But there is a big but after it; as Shakespeare says as he thinks of suicide, “To sleep, perchance to dream-
ay, there’s the rub.”
I would suggest avoiding suicide for one good reason: Here is a personal experience I had many years ago, and it is still right up there in the front of my mind. Brenda was my first wife.
In the dream Brenda saw the baby and a voice from behind her told her the child was ill. Its illness, she was given to understand, was serious, and would need to be treated with a drug taken every day of the child’s life. The reason for this illness and the drug use, she was told, was because in a past life the being now born as the baby had committed suicide using a drug.
I didn’t take the dream seriously, thinking it was some sort of personally symbolic dream. But we couldn’t seem to extract any personal meaning for Brenda, so just in case I sent an account of the dream to Jane and Bob. About a week later we had a letter from them saying that the letter and dream had crystallised their already existing anxiety about the baby. It had not been feeding well and was fretful. On taking it to the doctor nothing definite could be found but special tests were made in hospital. From these it was discovered the baby was dying. It lacked an enzyme that was needed to digest calcium. To compensate it was given a drug, which it has had to take every day of its life to make up for the lacking enzyme.
I don’t think there can be any clearer example than that, of the mind having some level of input other that information gathered through the physical senses and therefore what is already known in the brain. I use the example because it is not hearsay. It didn’t happen to somebody else who reported it to me. I witnessed every step of it. Recently I met the baby of that dream again. He is now a man of 35, and still needing the daily drug.
Also, thinking about what to write to you I came across notes for a book I was thinking of writing about suicide. I had completely forgotten it, but have now put it on my site – http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/suicide-2/
I had a dream last night that I committed suicide with a gun but it was strange because I set it up to be completely clean and out of the way. The rest of the dream was me watching over my family and ensuring my little one was being cared for (I am a single mom). Throughout the dream (post suicide) I felt anxious yet relieved but refused to cross over because I could feel in my body as I was dreaming that I needed to watch over her. This has me very concerned as to why I dreamt this. Any thoughts? I work full time, I am in nursing school, I live with my family and I had thought that although I was stressed with all of the different things going on that I was happy, is something wrong with me that I dreamt all of this?
I had a dream last night that I committed suicide with a gun but it was strange because I set it up to be completely clean and out of the way. The rest of the dream was me watching over my family and ensuring my little one was being cared for (I am a single mom). Throughout the dream (post suicide) I felt anxious yet relieved but refused to cross over because I could feel in my body as I was dreaming that I needed to watch over her. This has me very concerned as to why I dreamt this. Any thoughts? I work full time, I am in nursing school, I live with my family and my daughters father has no involvement in her life, which I prefer due to his personality. I had thought that although I was stressed with all of the different things going on that I was happy, is something wrong with me that I dreamt all of this?
the morning i found my son hung on my patio i was awoken from a dream suddenly to my neighbor yelling for me i awoke and sat up but didnt not hear him relizing it was just a dream.. i fell back to sleep and the dream continued only this time he was yelling for me cause he was holding onto my son keeping him from hanging himself even though in the dream he was not moving and it had taken place in his garage.. i woke up again this time unsettled i got upo to check on my son and found him hung on my patio this dream became a reality i never had a dream like this before and this dream i can n ot seem to skae i dont know what it means why did i have this dream the cornor had told me cause i was thinking if only i had awaken and got up from the first dream i could of saved him all kinds of things went through my head i could of saved him crazy thoughts and the coroner explained that he had been gone for a few hours before i found him at 9am i didnt get to sleep til 2am so somewhere in between he did this can you plzzz help me understand this plzzz
Teri – I am so sorry I have only just got to your dream. I can, I think, have an idea of what you felt after having dreamt of your son and then going back to sleep again only to find him dead. What an awful thing to carry around in your memory.
But please, if you can, read these books as it will take some of the feelings away – Closer to the Light by Dr Morse, and Life after Death by D. Elizabeth Kubler Ross.
When we are deeply unhappy we often send such powerful thoughts they reach out to others and are often received as dreams or warnings of some sort. But with your son it may have been too late; as such warnings sometimes come at the moment of death. Troops during the war often came to their parents to tell them of their death. It seems to be a way of reaching out to those close to us.
Fortunately your son is not dead, but he has left his body and may not know what that is like. The books mentioned will deal with this, but if you have more question please write again.
thank you so much for your response Tony i really appreciate it and i will definitely look into these books you mention.. the heaviest thing happened to me the beginning of dec.. i was in the shower thinking about how i was going to go about my day as every moment is a task. uggg i was thinking nothing else and i was visited by my son and my mother who passed away 2 years ago dec 18th.. at first i thought i was losing my mind til my mom came into the conversation..and they were speaking of things to me that hadnt even been in my mind, my son seemed happy and wanted me to pass a message to his brother and sister and my mom letting me know that he was with her and others.. they reassured me that they are ok and when i was crying to my son asking him to forgive me for not realizing the deepness of his pain and asking him why he left me.. he told me that it was not my fault and that he had to go but not to worry i said out loud that i didnt want to be here with out them that i missed them so much my mom said to me that it was not my time.. that we will be all together again one day.. my son even mention our dog we lost 8 years ago..my mom had said that they will be watching over us and both of them told me they loved me.. i know this may all sound crazy but the events that have taken place after this visit was edification that they are with Jesus.. later that night a friend sent me an email trying to give me words of comfort through a story.. the emotions we go through and in the end of it exactly where Jesus is at through this whole thing… which brought comfort as i have dealt with ignorant people who feel the need to bring evil to this whole ordeal.. then the next day a a friend of my son found his way to my house he was going to school with my son at ITT Tech and as we talked he had explained to me that a week before my son passed he had accepted the lord his friend John had prayed with him and had said that something had happened he had never seen before after they got done praying that he had witnessed a glow around my son.. he felt that it he needed to share this with me i have not had any visits since then but what i will tell you is the event that took place in the shower i was filled with so much peace and love that i cant even describe… i have my moments yet i know my faith will see me through.. srry for the book writing i do that sometimes.. thank you again and im so glad i found this page i have it in my favorites so if i have anymore questions i know how to find you.. GOD BLESS, Teri
Hi Tony,
I had a dream recently that my ex committed suicide. He jumped off a bridge and landed on a knife. In the dream I was completely shaken up and felt he would never commit suicide and was at the crime scene with the investigators telling them he must have been killed. I remember texting him in the dream and my text was responded by a female who explained she was at the funeral and wondered why the phone kept ringing. I wondered in the dream also why the funeral was so soon (2 days after his death) and I kept thinking in the dream I should have called him when I thought to on an earlier occasion. The day before I drove by his house (coincidentally in the neighborhood) thought to call him but didn’t. What does this mean?
MrsT – Something has changed. You used to easily make a connection with someone or a different situation. It is like getting to the other side of the bridge; so easy when it is there, but a difficult thing when it has gone.
So now you are faced with a highway – a highway that appears to cut across your direction. This could mean that it is an obstacle, or a new direction you could go; but which way?
Alicia – This could have several meanings. Seeing that the person you dream of is not him, but a figure you have created in your dreams, in your feelings about him, it could mean you have killed out feelings for him. Is that why you felt remorse when the dreamt about his death?
So his death could also be a reminder to you that you still have feelings about him that link you to him.
Hello Again,
It actually was him in the dream. I don’t think I feel guilty about killing off feelings for him as in real life we broke up some time ago. Actually I do still have feelings for him but I feel it best to move on as I suspect he has. Your explanation does make sense as I have been struggling with the fact that I do still have feelings for him after all this time. What are some of the other meanings?
Alicia – Well, the only other possibility is that you are still connected with him unconsciously, and the dream is about a worry that he is not okay. In which case you could contact him to check he is fine.
But the very best way to find out what he means in your dream is to use Acting in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream
Please try it as I think you can get a lot of insight from using it.