Usually this shows your degree of confidence in dealing with the sort of impacts, anxieties or emotions which cause some people to ‘go under’, either in relationships or something like running a family or business. It indicates how you meet the many influences, urges and thoughts that buffet you and in which you live.
Example: ‘I looked at a large pool where a river surfaced. A woman swam in it and was going to enter tunnels leading away from it. As I watched I saw some huge crocodiles swim toward her. With great speed and confidence she swam away, obviously being able to match the threat.’ Laurie V.
Laurie explored the dream and found the swimming expressed his growing confidence in meeting feelings which in past years had led to depression.
Swimming can also be about expressive motivation, trusting yourself in life, and being confident sexually. There is an element of personal survival in swimming, and the dream might well emphasise this sometimes.
A parent dreaming about its child swimming might very well be considering whether they will ‘sink or swim’ in their dealings with life, and many women dream of swimming or being in the water during menstruation. See: Diving; Pool; Sea; Swimming pool; Water.
Idioms: In the swim; swim against the tide; sink or swim.
Useful questions:
Where am I swimming and what is the general feeling involved…am I swimming easily or with difficulty?
Is this about self confidence and trust that I can handle what I meet in life?
Do I feel fear and apprehension about my emotions, not trusting my ability to keep afloat?
Was this a healing dream, as in immersing myself in water as a cleansing influence?
Hanging about not getting in: Hesitation about a change, getting involved or something new in life.
Learning to swim: Learning to survive in a new environment, such as happens when we emerge from childhood into adult sexual drives, or the school or work environment.
Swimming against the current or tide: Meeting opposition, either from within or others. Perhaps you are moving against general opinions, or have feeling difficulties creating indecision or feelings of pressure.
Swimming underwater: Taking awareness into what was unconscious, so looking within and seeing what goes on under the surface in relationships, the body, etc. If easy it suggests ease meeting the varied aspects of your being.
Swimming with other people: Sharing common feelings, goals, etc., or your connections with others.
Diving in: Taking the plunge in a new activity, relationship or way of life.
I had a dreamed in which I was in the sea and all wild fish sarounding me. I dreamed very frequently but every time see the fish and water. Please explain what is that means?
I dreamt with my grandmother who had passed away over 10 years ago. I dreamt with my grandma in her apt (now my apt) but it looked like a house with a large deck. There was a storm outside to which it made the lights flicker in the house. I was looking for coats in my tiny living room closet. Grandma showed me bigger, well organized wardrobe like closets in the bedroom full of coats that were mine but I didn’t know I had. They were to be shared and given away to others for the storm. There was a flood outside due to the storm we raced out to the deck. There were people across the flooded, strong current waters and her deck was salvation from the storm and floods. I jumped into the strong current waters to help the people on the other side swim across to my grandmothers deck (salvation). On the opposite side of the flooded waters there was an old woman that kept chanting something inaudible and people left her behind. She had a friend/family member with her who tried to help her but couldn’t. I swam across after helping my family and others get safely on my grandmothers deck to help the old woman and her friend cross over. Once I got to the other side we struggled to get her up from her chair. We were struggling to pull er out of her chair and than I told the other person to help me carry her over in the chair she was sitting in. It actually helped because it kept her still and it made her float as we carried her across. Than I heard her as we were crossing her over .. She was chanting “Invoke the Spirit”. I repeated what she said and woke up. I immediately fell asleep again and continued the dream from that same point. We achieved to put her on my grandmothers deck. Once I put everyone on the deck and made sure everyone was accounted for and ok I realized there was no room for me and I was at the very edge. My mother was to my left and the old woman to my right. My mother got clingy and started biting my ear off, I started slipping off the deck. I decided to just let everything go and fall off. I pushed/kicked my mother off of me onto the deck as I fell into the waters. I woke up mumbling “You’re biting me” and kicking with my left foot. Usually I wake up from a falling dream kicking with my right foot. What does this dream mean?
Dear Fabiola – What I see in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – is that you explore how to deal with a big (inner) change that you perceive as threatening to the many different roles/belief systems you have in your life; “full of coats that were mine but I didn’t know I had”.
Many of our beliefs are unconscious; they were absorbed in childhood and often remain without any conscious evaluation. Your dream could help you to explore (some of) the roles and beliefs you have absorbed.
You could also ask yourself the question; “How much room is left for who or What I am “underneath all these different coats/roles” I wear/play?
What will I experience when I let go?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/grandmother-grandma/
Anna 🙂
Three years ago wen my relationship was just a few months old I dreamed of my boyfriend son and him in a pool. I was lying on those balloon swimming chairs inside the pool and him and his son were busy swimming and eventually both of them dragged me and threw me inside the pool,and I was woken up by my boyfriend because I was holding up to him and screaming his name not being aware. He just laughed. What does that mean
This morning around 7:00 I went back to bed just after my kids left. I then dreamed were we many of us going to the swimming pool more like school kids and all of a sudden I’m in a long huge pool swimming but I don’t really know bow to swim and I kept on swimming back and forth. Then eventually I was teaching my son my 5 yr old son how to swim and I was actually showing him how to go about.
I dreamt of myself visiting a new friend’s house and she told me that she senses something weird on me and told me not to go for a swim.
Does this dream implies on anything?
I have had two simiar dreams in a row, where I am swimming in a cave with my family. And there is a grizzly bear that swims along with us helping us. The dream is strong and powerful, and calming. I feel good the next day but I feel like I need to find out why im feeling this way.
JessG – There are many things I can suggest. One is to realise more about how dreams work and how to understand them. So see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/clicking-on/
But the cave, swimming with family and bear are a whole wonderful story in themselves. But as I explained in Clicking On the dream doesn’t really come alive unless you use and practise http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
The cave is entering into your self, you inner dream self more fully. To explain this you need to realise that in life and sleep we have two powerful actions working in us. The first is our waking experience based on having a body, its limitations, vulnerabilities and a particular gender. Our second is the power that gave us life and continues to express as dreams, in our breathing and heartbeat – our life. This I have given the description as the Life Will.
While we sleep our conscious self is largely or totally unconscious, and while we sleep our voluntary muscles are paralysed – therefore another will or motivating force moves our body. So we have a Conscious Will, and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak in everyday activities; but the second will takes over when we sleep.
This Life will can move us to speak, to move our body, and in fact do things that we cannot do with our Conscious Will. As Freud pointed out this inner will has full access to our memories. It is a huge resource.
And you are swimming in it – swimming denotes immersion and sharing consciousness with others. The bear is the helpful instincts that you have obviously claimed. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
You feel good because you are nearer your core self and feeling more whole. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/core/
I have given several links because you said you need to find out.
my mother had a dream where she saw me going closer n very closer to our spiritual guru (shez a gr8 spiritual lady n we call her dadi)…n when i went closer dadi covered me like a protective sheild…my mom tells tht both of us moving like as if we were swimming……n my family was also close by……thn my mom asked dadi wht were u doing…to this dadi replied tht me n dadi herself were swimming/baithing in the well…
can you plz tell me wht could e the possible meaning of this