Teeth Tooth
Dreams about teeth falling out – If single tooth – Bad tooth – Big or small teeth – Canines – Clenched teeth – Dirty teeth – Dracula type teeth – False teeth – Finding a tooth – Having teeth attended to – If crowns falling out or injured – No teeth – Spitting out lots of teeth – Swallowing teeth – Teeth falling out – Tooth being pulled out – Toothless – Woman swallowing teeth
There are a great many associations we might have with teeth, so the environment and surrounding events in the dream must be taken as pointers.
Teeth can represent your bite, effectiveness or power in life. They may represent biting remarks, hurtful words. They are your ability to ‘chew’ over things, meaning to consider and think about, almost to get a taste or try to experience what you are considering.
As examples we might think of teeth or lack of them as indicating age. You might associate teeth with acute pain, as with toothache or dentistry. Because we lose our teeth while young and grow new ones, we might also use teeth in a dream to show change from one period of life to another, suggested by such idioms as long in the tooth, milk teeth, etc. In some dreams we dream of a tooth problem indicating infection, even infection in an ear. See: Example under ache.
In general teeth in our dream can depict aggression or defensiveness, as when we bite someone. They can suggest the ability to ‘chew things over’. In some dreams they indicate our ‘bite’ on life, or the ability to get what we want. For instance if we see someone with few or no teeth, it often arouses a feeling that the person has lost their effectiveness in life, their social power – they have ‘lost it’. This may be exactly what we are portraying in losing our own teeth in a dream – the feeling, even temporary, of ‘losing it’. This may be felt as the sense of not being able to get what one deeply wants, and so is experienced as a sort of death, or a loss of self in some degree. But other meanings for tooth loss or falling out are given below.
Teeth can depict words we say or swallow – perhaps things we wish had not come out of our mouth. One of the biggest associations for many of us is how our teeth depict our social appearance – how others see us.
In some cultures the loss of a tooth often depicted the death of a family member. But when we lose a tooth we are very aware of the emptiness in our mouth – very aware of the loss. This is why a lost tooth can link with the loss of a family member. But it can equally apply to what we feel when a relationship ends or ‘goes bad’. The following example shows this. Also see: Example 2 below
Example: I dream the front left tooth on the top of my mouth had fallen out, root and all. I was appalled as I looked at it lying in my hand!! I immediately called my godmother, asking her to bring me a new tooth. While waiting for her, my tongue explored the hole that was left; it hurt, but was beginning to heal. When my godmother arrived, she had forgotten the new tooth, and suggested that we put the old one back in. I was reluctant, as putting the old tooth in would hurt more than letting the hole heal; however, she was very insistent. As we examined the old tooth, I noticed a black spot on the root, and when I poked the decaying spot, it crumbled inwards. Christine.
Christine’s description of the pain connected with the loss of the tooth, her reluctance to have the old one put back in, and the black spot on the tooth, can easily be seen as descriptions of a relationship that needed to be ended, but was nevertheless painful to lose.
Im Tofeeq, a Palestinian woman told me that among the Arabs it is believed that if you dream of losing teeth it means your brother or son is in trouble. She had a dream in which three of her teeth fell out. The next day she received a call from America to say her son had been shot in the head three times by a gunman. For Artemidorus losing a tooth meant to lose a member of one’s household. To Africans such a dream showed that the dreamer would lose a wife or child.
Such feelings about teeth are also reflected in a few dreams of modern Europeans, as in the following example.
Example: My dream of someone’s coming death was so simple, always the same. I would dream that I went to my dressing table and opening my mouth examined my teeth in the mirror. I always found a decayed tooth (I had very fine teeth at that time) which I picked out and laid on the table. If a river of blood flowed from the tooth I knew when I awoke that I would suffer agonies from the coming death; if it did not bleed, I knew the person about to die would be someone outside my immediate family, but always a relative. If the tooth was a front one the person concerned would be young, if a back tooth it would represent an old person.
My mother told me that a great grandmother of mine had the very same dreams with the same results, but I did not learn this till I was nineteen and my dream foretold the death of a younger sister, who was in perfect health at the time of the dream. I never knew after the dream who was to die as the dream always came well in advance of sickness. I used to think some malign spirit wanted to torment me and took this way to do so.’ Quoted from The Mystery of Dreams by William Oliver Stevens.
But here is another view of falling teeth.
The night before last I dreamt that several of my capped/crowned teeth had broken or fallen out. The dreamer then explored his own associations as follows: “I have recently just been to the dentist, and not only is it time consuming, but also it is expensive. So my thoughts while semi conscious were something like – “Oh no, not another visit needed to the dentist!” But in writing this I have realised another association. During my last visit I sat near a very attractive young woman who was obviously restless and probably in pain. It took me ages to gain enough courage to speak to her. I asked her if she had been waiting long. We then got into easy and interesting conversation. I couldn’t help wishing that I had a woman in my life like her. And afterwards thoughts about her have arisen fairly often.
Therefore I wonder if the dream is almost a statement saying, “Look, there is something urgent here that needs attention. Something is missing from you and it needs addressing – a relationship with an attractive woman.”
Dreams about teeth falling out:
Often means a sense of loss, such as death of family member or loved one; the ageing process as it relates to maturity, so worries about getting older and one’s changing image. When our first teeth fall out at around seven, it is probably our initial experience of losing something from our body, something weird happening – we might even fear other bits of us could drop off or out.
If single tooth: This may suggest loss, change, or death of someone.
There are a great many associations we might have with teeth, so the environment and surrounding events in the dream must be taken as pointers.
As examples we might think of teeth or lack of them as indicating age. You might associate teeth with acute pain, as with toothache or dentistry. Because you lose your teeth while young and grow new ones, you might also use teeth in a dream to show change from one period of life to another, suggested by such idioms as long in the tooth, milk teeth, etc. In some dreams we have a tooth problem indicating infection, even infection in an ear.
In general teeth in your dream can depict aggression or defensiveness, as when we bite someone. They can suggest the ability to ‘chew things over’. In some dreams they indicate your ‘bite’ on life, or the ability to get what you want. For instance if we see someone with few or no teeth, it often arouses a feeling that the person has lost their effectiveness in life, their social power – they have ‘lost it’. This may be exactly what you are portraying in losing your own teeth in a dream – the feeling, even temporary, of ‘losing it’. This may be felt as the sense of not being able to get what you deeply want. But other meanings for tooth loss or falling out are given below.
Teeth can depict words we say or swallow – perhaps things we wish had not come out of our mouth. One of the biggest associations for many of us is how our teeth depict our social appearance – how others see us.
In some cultures the loss of a tooth often depicted the death of a family member. But when we lose a tooth we are very aware of the emptiness in our mouth – very aware of the loss.
Idioms: a sweet tooth; a tooth for a tooth; armed to the teeth; by the skin of ones teeth; cut my teeth on; fight tooth and nail; get one’s teeth into; gnash one’s teeth; give my eye teeth; grit one’s teeth; long in the tooth; teething troubles; milk teeth; scarce as hen’s teeth; set my teeth on edge; show one’s teeth.
Useful questions:
If I am losing teeth, what am I losing or feeling loss about in waking?
Am I meeting anything to do with my social appearance or self image?
Does something need attending to in my life?
What is coming out of my mouth in conversations – or what am I swallowing and not expressing?
Baby tooth or teeth: It is a sign or development, a step toward becoming an adult. We are often not fully adult even though our age says otherwise. See Ages of Love.
It can also show the person moving through a big change toward a more mature way of dealing with life.
Bad tooth: A painful or rotten part of your feelings, life or relationships; angry or regretful words. It might also of course suggest a problem with that tooth.
Big or small teeth: Big teeth suggest strength, power, or ability to harm, depending on dream. Especially in animal dreams it tends to show fear of being hurt or of aggression. Small teeth show the opposite, except that in a few dreams the small teeth belong to a snake or are poisonous in some way, suggesting something or someone putting emotionally damaging feelings in you – perhaps through ‘biting’ remarks.
Canines: The canines are what are left of larger teeth our ancestors used to defend themselves or warn off attackers. So the canine would particularly indicate your ability to defend yourself, or be powerful in the world – particularly for men. Losing a canine or canines might indicate that at times you feel more vulnerable or less confident. This might be accompanied by greater feelings of vulnerability. There might be some painful experience underlying such feelings.
Clenched teeth: This usually show an enormous amount of tension, but we also grit or grind our teeth when holding back great physical or emotional pain, anger or despair.
Dirty teeth: Similar to the poisonous teeth. The dirt suggest there is perhaps some sort of attitude that is obvious to others as you speak, and might also be influencing your body, or be injected by a bite.
Dracula type teeth: Similar to ‘dirty teeth’ or ‘big teeth’. But the Dracula type teeth indicate that you are being injected and thereby influenced by someone else’s subtle drive to control you or poison your feelings or mind. If you have the Dracula teeth, you need to ask yourself if you are trying to negatively influence someone else or using them like a parasite.
Finding a tooth: It could mean finding a part of you that was lost or memories of yourself at the age when we lost our teeth. Maybe even memories of a dead friend.
Having teeth attended to: Something that needs attention in your life that you might be putting off or delaying. It might link with pain you feel about something, or even be about an actual infection or decay. There might be a link with either your social appearance, your ability to deal with life effectively, or maintaining appearances.
No teeth: If this is an animal dream, it indicates harmlessness. If it refers to yourself or a human, it might also suggest harmlessness, but with the sense of lacking power and your ability to defend yourself, to get what you want from the world in the sense of biting off food, and also of course your social appearance – how you feel others see you. If you imagine yourself with no teeth, what in fact do you feel?
Spitting out lots of teeth: Something you want to ‘spit out’ in the sense of admitting, saying, or expressing something emotionally. But also perhaps the same as teeth falling out.
Swallowing teeth: See: Woman swallowing teeth.
Teeth falling out: If all your teeth are falling out it often links with feelings to do with ageing and loss of your good looks. Sometimes the feelings are acute enough to link with fear of death, even in young people. But this deals also with the feelings to do with loss of power, loss of ability to express. One dreamer says she dreams this when she feels she is not being understood, or being effective, or feels unable to communicate.
Ann Faraday, in her book Dream Power, says:
Example: At the time of my final marriage break-up, I had recurring dreams of losing teeth, appearing at a rich friend’s house wrapped only in an old blanket, and wandering grey streets full of old shambling figures. I used to awake in the mornings with a dull, heavy feeling of disintegration so that I could hardly get up. It was clear I felt old, unattractive and finished in spite of the fact that I was young and in excellent health.
Example: ‘I felt a tooth was loose and started pushing it with my tongue. Then I took hold of it between thumb and forefinger and pulled it out. I felt okay about this, but then another tooth was loose, and another, and I pulled them out. Running to the bathroom I looked into the mirror, horrified and frightened. All my teeth were coming out. Not knowing how to deal with this I ran to my mother, showing her my mouth, empty now except for two teeth. My mother appeared not to see my lack of teeth, or notice my fear.’ Eve.
Eve was 18 at the time of the dream. She explored it and found a fear of ageing and death. But this can also depict apprehension about maturing and facing independence and responsibility.
If crowns falling out or injured: This may relate to a sense of urgency that something has to be attended to.
Tooth being pulled out: Jung felt this dream represents giving birth if dreamt by a woman. In general it probably has associations with loss or painful loss, a difficult parting in a relationship, or loss of something that has been badly influencing your emotional and perhaps even physical health.
Toothless: Loss of effectiveness and or feelings about ageing.
Woman swallowing teeth: The throat and Eustachian tubes have a similar shape to the uterus and fallopian tubes, so can depict conception or fear of it. In ancient cultures, a tooth was extracted and swallowed as part of a death and rebirth symbol. This may have arisen from the observation of losing ones baby teeth and the growth of new teeth, suggesting the power of renewal. Swallowing teeth might also suggest ‘swallowing ones words’.
False teeth: Loss of youth and its power and opportunities, as with the ageing process and loss of good looks. Perhaps it suggests lies told or false appearances. Assumed social power and appearance, or not keeping spoken promises.
Idioms: a sweet tooth; a tooth for a tooth; armed to the teeth; by the skin of ones teeth; cut my teeth on; fight tooth and nail; get one’s teeth into; gnash one’s teeth; give my eye teeth; grit one’s teeth; long in the tooth; teething troubles; milk teeth; scarce as hen’s teeth; set my teeth on edge; show one’s teeth.
Useful Questions and Hints:
If I am losing teeth, what am I losing or feeling loss about in waking?
Am I meeting anything to do with my social appearance or self image?
Does something need attending to in my life?
What is coming out of my mouth in conversations – or what am I swallowing and not expressing?
It might help if you Use the body to discover dream power or Characters and People in Dreams
I just dreamed that my two bottom tooth were hurting so much I forced them out with my top teeth. One of thm broke in pices and I was bleeding really bad, I applied force to my gum and it stop. N someone tell me what that means plz. I really appreciate it. Thanks
Good morning,
I had a strange dream last night, I was at a family gathering and next to me was my mom. I looked in the mirror and pulled my right top front tooth back straight because its slatted, so I pulled it back straight and began to notice my other teeth were huge I mean it took two hands to wrap around one but several of them was like this. I couldn’t believe what just happen, I mean they were like dinosaurs teeth but they were in my mouth. Can you help please.
Laura – Our dream creator has assess to our whole self, some of which is the building blocks of your DNA. But only a portion of your whole DNA is used, but masses of it is never switched on. Your DNA is a collection of potential from your whole evolution, so it contains elements of all the creatures of evolution. In our dreams we often meet the most primitive aspects of self which are helpful to integrate.
Your dream sounds as if you were trying to right something to do with your feelings or your appearance. In pushing the tooth back you became aware of the enormous size and power of some of your teeth. Of course the mouth is one of the earliest developments in evolution and links with the huge need to eat and even to overcome our food. It is a primitive thing and it seems you are becoming aware of its power in you. Please try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson as it may put you in contact with the real feelings and meanings of your dream teeth.
I had a dream where i was facing many challenges. I could remember trying to put 2 babies to sleep. I was successful at then. I had to solve a math prolem. Cannot remember if i figured it out but it somehow turned out to be simple. Then i dreamt i extracted a strangers tooth which didn require much effort and threw it in a denture which was in a container filled with water
I dream about my boyfriend that he has a big false teeth and when i see i laugh what its mean
I dream about my boyfriend that he has a big false teeth i want to know what its mean
I had a dream last night that I was in the bathroom, crying inconsolably, I wanted to look in the mirror but the steam from the bath made it impossible to see myself, I wanted to wipe away the steam from the mirror but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I slid down the wall onto the wet floor still fully dressed but the steam was making it hard to breath I felt a twinge in my mouth not a painful twinge, when I bought my fingers to my mouth my vang on the right came loose and was in my hand, I felt scared and a disappointment the need to hide it from whatever or whoever was behind the locked bathroom door within seconds there was three knocks and I froze I couldn’t move all I kept saying between tears was please don’t take them, please don’t hurt them, I won’t hurt anyone ever again. Then there was just a snigger and then anger just came over me pure anger and I got up and smashed the mirror…… That’s when I woke up in sweats.
Kirsten – A couple of things I am not clear about regarding your dream. You use the word ‘vang’ in connection with your mouth. I take it you meant tooth – but I am not sure. Because you then said, “Please don’t hurt them”. I wonder what you were referring to.
But over all your dream is about your self-image and the awful steam you gave off – I got steamed up – a state that you could not even evaluate yourself well. You really do need to get rid of the awful ideas that charge up your emotions to a condition that can cause illness. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions/#Norman and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/; http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/
I had a dream that I was starting my day and realized all of my teeth on the left side were gone. I was bleeding towards the front. My boyfriend asks me why I did it. And I told him I didn’t, I wouldn’t do that! And I thought to myself, did I do that and forgot? I go to the bathroom to rinse my mouth out and I look in the bathroom trash and there were all my teeth. I pick them out of the trash, rinse them off and head to the dentist. And as I looked at the teeth, I noticed that I didn’t pull them out. I knocked them out so there was no way to put them back in. And how was I going to fix my mouth.
hey i experience pain in teeth while dreaming what might be the reason.
My most common dreams are about my teeth falling out. It’s usually the first bottom molar on the right side. This dream was different though because for the first time the tooth came back almost instantly. What does this mean?
I was living in this place with a million rooms. It was old and I don’t know if it was perminate or temporary. I think I was with my friend. After a while I noticed that no matter how many times I would close and clench my teeth, I couldn’t because my teeth would wiggle. The more I clenched the more it would losen and move. Then they started to fall out and onto my hand. I lost everything but the back of my bottom half of my teeth. I can feel my gums touching. I didn’t feel scared of losing my teeth but more of what happens next? Do I get dentures? Do I get it fixed? Or Do I just leave it? And if I leave it do I never smile again or do I and not care? I went to my mom for help and she took me to the dentist and when the receptionist came, she called everyone with missing teeth and told them to follow her. Everyone in the room stood up and I was suddenly aware of their conversations about their own stories missing teeth, after a while the voice just started mingle together. After that I woke up.
I am stumped at the meaning behind my dream last night, maybe you could help me understand Tony?
I dreamt that 4 of my teeth fell out into my hand. No blood, no pain, nothing. I walked over to my boss and showed him the teeth in my hand. When I looked in the mirror it reflected back that I had new teeth emerging from my gums. These teeth were small and really dirty. I kept thinking they must have been growing in behind these teeth that fell out and that I wasn’t brushing properly. I immediately started to try and clean these dirty teeth. I also made a mental note to myself during the dream that all of the teeth were from my upper jaw and only one was a front tooth. For some reason I thought it was important to remember this in my dream. Can you help shed any light on this dream? I would be forever grateful!
Just a while ago.I dreamed of a guy that I had recently a misunderstanding with.So the dream was he was on the bed in one of bedrooms with some guy.I was trying be nice assuming that rift with had past with him. I asked that if he would play with me again that I’m not interested in him romantically because I have a boyfriend (sorta). He told me “no” ,I got upset with him a pulled one of molars or my last wisdom tooth at him.I said ” F you,if you were terrible none of this would happened”.So what does this mean?
I’m not mad at him for misinterpreting me being friendly as being interested,I was trying make out with him while hooking up with him but he should’ve brushed it off as part of hooking up that it didn’t mean anything.All though I want to get to know this Guy as friend/fwbs as a Plan B. I wouldn’t mind hooking up with him again but I’m giving him his space. Sorry to leave all this detail.
Scott – Sounds like you are playing with yourself – for there is not anybody else but you and your imagination in the inner world of dreams. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
I realy like this webside and often look up things here.
I had a dream last night which i cannot forget. Actually when i woke up i told my husband that i had a dream about rotten teeth and he answered that he dreamed that hist front teeth fell out. He rarely remembers his dreams! Strange, isn’t it? Would you help to interpret it?:
in my dream i was minding my sister in law 6months old baby. He is a baby but at the same he looked old. His mouth, lips were like in spiderweb and dirty and with dry spit around. When he opened his mouth he was disgusting, smelly. The teeth were far apart, only tiny things left, rotten, dirty and in this strange webby thing. I managed to wash his face but couldnt wash his teeth.
Any ideas what that could mean?
Gosia – I need to ask something of your husband, because this might be one of the shared dream types. In the dread he had if his front teeth falling out, did he think he was an old man, or feelings that something was wrong in the dream. If not then I will try another tack. Meanwhile, please see http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=380.0
Recently in the last few months or so, I’ve had dreams where I remember very vividly my mouth (particularly my jaw) being so painful. It’s never really sore when I wake up so I didn’t think I had been grinding my teeth, but I’m not certain. There has been a few times, though, when I would wake up having an awful pain in the ear on the side I woke up on that went down under the ear where my jaw starts. That eventually stopped occurring until last night. I had a dream that my mouth wouldn’t close and set right and I guess I had been trying to force them to set in place, so then my mouth started to hurt so bad. I couldn’t even talk or move my jaw in this dream (I have had one dream before this where my mouth was so painful that I couldn’t talk or move my jaw). Then eventually, it’s like I had grown a HUGE canine tooth on the left side of the front of my mouth. It looked like it was decayed and it wasn’t pointy on the end, but it was huge. I was still trying to force my teeth to set right, but this new tooth was making it impossible. Eventually I forced it so much that the tooth broke out, root and all. Blood poured everywhere and I started crying. Then I remember looking at the tooth in my hand and it’s like it had split down the middle a little bit, only to show me that it was white on the inside. I’m really curious to know what this dream meant…
JC – My best feeling is that you need to get your teeth checked, as even a slight infection can cause the dreams you describe.
I had very similar dreams and it was ages before the tooth was showing its rottenness.
Last night i had a dream and i cant remember all of it but what i can remember is that i had a tooth annoying me, it wasn’t pain, it was the look of it that was annoying me. i think it started to rot. so i pulled that tooth out with pliers but then i started pulling out a few more that had nothing wrong with them. not one of the teeth were loose and there was no pain and no blood. what do you think?
I had a dream last night that I cannot forget!! I was trying to figure out a way to fix my teeth. My teeth were really long and yellow in color. They reminded me of hamster teeth but even longer. In the dream I tried to shut my mouth and in the process I broke a tooth completely off. My teeth were very thin and easy to break. What could this dream mean??