To some extent an uncle is a role model. From their success or failure, you gather strategies for your own life. Whatever feelings you have about him, whatever you think of him, the dream will use this to illustrate something for you. So, consider how you would describe your uncle, what sort of person he is, and how you feel about him. The dream will be using his image to illustrate yourself in some way. If he is a success, ask yourself what in yourself you are facing regarding success. If you feel he is a failure, ask yourself what of your own feelings about failure you are facing.
Nearly always when people dream about someone they know or a strange new person or situation they automatically believe the dream is about that person, situation, or animal. But it is usually our thoughts or feelings that are portrayed as the person or even the animal; for when we think of our friend or partner our thoughts are not them – just our thoughts and feelings about them.
A trick dreams often play on us is to use the image or person of someone else to represent you. This happens because we often do not want to see the truth about ourselves the dream portrays. See: Family.
had a dream of my deceased mother and godfather,we were sitting on couch talking,godfather said he would fly back next week to visit,please tell me what this dream means
Teresa – I believe the dream is a mixture of a real contact and your own beliefs. Excuse me being brief, but to save time in writing it all again could you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#SymbolDream