This colour has an enormous number of different associations. Most commonly it depicts being aware with a clearness of mind. But as with wedding gowns, it indicates purity, virginity, cleanness or light feelings. A brilliant white light usually shows a real and experienced inner realisation or enlightenment. It suggests something from your core self shining through to your waking self.
In certain dreams white is very threatening. Perhaps we have connections with hospitals in these dreams, and depict the anxieties and fear we have about illness or death. Maggots, mould, dead or sick people and shrouds can also be white, so white can depict the same sort of feelings. In some Eastern cultures white is associated with mourning and death.
Example: ‘There was a huge white kitchen. I was scared when I entered it and there was a door leading out of it into a white corridor with a turquoise carpet which scared me even more.’ H. H.
White can also be used to denote attraction, something noticeable or plain to see.
Example: I was looking at my right forearm which was bare. It was very brown from the sun, and at the top of the forearm near the elbow was a white slash. This surprised me and I ran my finger across it, and it felt something like a scar because the skin was slightly raised. The main thing about the slash was its intense white. It was so white it is difficult to know whether it was shining like light, or was simply incredibly white. Miche
In this dream Miche felt the whiteness was a very noticeable part of him, representing hurts (the scar) that had been transformed by hard work and skills (the right arm) and were now apparent to other people.
Black and white: The opposites appearing together. In ourselves the good and bad coexist, and one balances the other. So this would suggest such coexistence and balancing.
Shining white: The emergence of powerful life energy in a pure form. This is often connected with new insights amounting to enlightenment – i.e. the realisation of a much wider understanding.
White animals: Urges and sexuality that have been accepted or integrated with conscious activities. This means urges that at one time you were in conflict with or anxious about, and have been transformed in urges and feelings that are acceptable parts of your present life. They become available and creative energy.
White clothes: A sense of wholeness; purity or marriage. Attitudes that express or allow a lot of your core energy.
White face: Often a sign of feelings to do with sickness or sick attitudes. Sometimes it indicates fear.
White flowers: Love that has grown beyond the physical needs and dependencies.
White hair: Sometimes this is about feelings or fears regarding ageing, but it often indicates you accessing greater insight or wisdom about life and yourself.
White horse: As with any white animals, it shows sexuality and basic instinctive urges or energy that have become transformed into greater and acceptable release, It is the difference between holding back on your feelings and creativity because of doubts or conflicts, and then finding a great flow and ease with self expression.
White powder: Often suggests thoughts or feelings about drugs and your relationship with them, or poison. The dream might be indicating that you are doing something, or have taken in something that is detrimental.
White rabbit: Because of the almost universal connection of this with either a pet or with the rabbit Alice followed into the rabbit hole, it depicts feelings about vulnerability or dependence, as with a pet. If it is linked with a pet, it can also connect with feelings of caring and warmth – even love – felt for the pet. Being white suggests good clear feelings and inspiration. The Alice type of white rabbit links with an entrance into your inner world – a descent into your feelings and the world lying under the surface of your everyday life.
Example: I had relaxed deeply and entered a state of lucidity in which I felt like I was falling down a very deep hole. This wasn’t frightening, but reminded me of Alice in the rabbit hole. As I fell I passed through memories of things that had hurt me during my life, like the time I broke my nose.
Then I hit the bottom, experiencing a womb like feeling of great peace. I realised as I observed, that it wasn’t the womb, but the very basic level of my personal awareness.
Useful questions:
What are the feelings in the dream connected with the white, and what do I gain from them in my waking life?
Is there any fear in this dream, if so can I define what the basis of the fear is?
Am I finding something new here, a new release of innate creativity or realisation perhaps?
I had a dream me and my bestfriend were walking down a long wide road that slightly went down , she says ” Sarah look a bunny ” and I thought it’d run from me but it came to me . At first I was questioning if it really was a rabbit because it had short ears and looked like a car but also had a short tail and looked cute . I don’t remember how I layed down with such ease but I did and the bunny jumped on me , I was petting and holding it , it felt fairly big . Bunnies are my favorite animal , I utterly adore them but something I noticed off was – it was completely white , like even its pupil , it’s tongue was white too .
My dream was kind weird I had a dream about a friend of mines dancing (she was doing the whip and the nae/name)she was in all white in a room alone (BTW I’m a boy) what dose this mean??
I had a dream about a white figure calling upon me, when I woke up I was already sitting on the bed ready to stand up and go there. He indicated with his hands to come?
I am a guy and i had a confused dream. I went to an old man and the old man applied white cream on my face saying it will make my face fair permanantly by letting me sit on a chair. I was not feeling comfortable when he does that. He applied a red thing on my lips too.Then I saw several big newly contructed house in the jungle. The later part there was a wedding and the groom called me in saying he wanted to gift me something. He was trying tk record my voice and asked me to shout but I wasn’t able to shout. I didn’t remember taking the gift but I saw the groom gifting a knife to others.
So I woke up and think if I have not much time left on this earth….because I heard others saying that applying white things and wedding isn’t good.
Hi, I was sleeping around 6:30pm in the evening when I saw some white clothes lying down near my bed in a dream and they seemed as if someone had removed them. I don’t understand this.
I had a dream where I saw hundreds of blank, white photographs. I don’t quite understand it.
Max – We need more information to get a feel of your dream.
If you have not sent enough information about your dream we may not make sense of it. We need more information, because dream symbols are like words, they have several meanings and also are different in different situations. You can be mad in an insane asylum, or mad about a guy – completely different settings. When writing your description of your dream remember that dreams are multidimensional in a certain sense, just like words in a sentence. Morton Hunt, in his book The Universe Within illustrates how words have an unusual dimension. For instance, what do you make of the following sentence? ‘Mary heard the ice-cream truck coming down the street. She remembered her birthday money and ran into the house.’ You have probably already got an image of Mary, her age, skin colour, an approximation of what she is dressed in, and what she is doing. You believe she is going to buy an ice cream and she is young. But where does it say this in the sentence? And if you change any of the words – say truck for bus or money for gun, an entirely new image of Mary arises.
Things to remember when writing to us with your dream:
Write down anything that you think might have triggered the dream or links with it in some way.
Put in any insights you have about people or animals in your dream – it has to be the character of them as they appear in the dream. See Characters and People in Dreams
Describe any emotions expressed or indicated in the dream.
The following example of a dream record shows two possibilities of recording the same dream:
‘I dreamt that a short slightly glowing bolt had entered into my side, and I knew in that moment I had become pregnant with my child. I turned and told my husband, but as he did not seem to hear I did not repeat it. It seemed only to matter to myself.
’If we analyse the feelings in the dream closely, however, the description of the dream might be enlarged as follows: ‘I dreamt that a short, slightly glowing bolt had entered my side. I felt great excitement at this, as if I had long awaited it, and was now fulfilled in my waiting. In the dream I knew that the bolt was something divine that had now entered my being. I also knew in that moment that I had become pregnant with my child, and it would change my life. I told my husband about this, but it was as if he couldn’t hear because I was speaking on a different wavelength or something. Then I realised that this should be kept to myself. That I was to give myself over to the child within, that it would grow strong.’
6. Here is an example of how to write your dream:
I am in a large house. It is very pleasant and interesting, being like an old “folly”. It has passages leading off all over the place that one could explore. I am being led up the stairs by a very wilful child. It wants to explore the house and is dragging me with it. As we go up the stairs, a man comes out of a door and walks down past us. He looks at me as if to say, “Don’t go up”; or, “if you go up, be prepared.” He looks like a caretaker, but is very indistinct and shadowy.
The child leads me up however into what is like a loft where I have never been before. It is attachted to, yet somehow distinct from the rest of the house. Also it is very light and filled with ancient books and objects. I look at them and feel that there is something oriental and mysterious about them. Somehow they seem like a treasure, all dusty but full of wisdom about life.
Then the child goes to a door that is split in halves, a higher and lower. It can not get through the lower, but goes out the top half.
For how the dream was looked at see Interpretation
last night, i felt a very strong current of white light/energy/waves rushing through my brain. i was confused if it was a dream or it happened for real. i think it caused me to be half awake. after that incident, i dreamt of my true love and he was so sweet and caring. although i did not remember the entire story, but im sure that it was a positive one because i woke up feeling happy.
Dear Mitzi – Sometimes individuals experience what feels like a force flowing through (part of) their body, causing it to vibrate or tremble. Accompanying this there is usually a feeling of great immersion in life, or connection with all life, or the mystery that lies within all life; this is a form of baptism too.
Fundamentally baptism means a change in the stance or condition of your inner attitudes. It means relinquishing fixed opinions and having an open mind. It means opening the doors of your being to new experiences, to new possibilities, pleasurable and painful. It means learning to love without bending others to your will, without grasping them for your own needs. It also means becoming a channel for that river of Life to flow through.
I am not sure what you mean with “true love”; do you mean your Self or your inner male?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-self/
Anna 🙂
I have never known if it’s a dream or real but as a young child I invision my mother going to people’s houses and leaving a white powder. What does this mean?
I had this dream/vision (not sure exactly couple of times). Just before I was slipping into sleep, I saw this white bright shining light like a vehicle’s headlight (much bigger) and I wanted to continue seeing it but somehow became aware of the light and woke up. It has happened more than couple of times now
Laks – The white light represents your bigger self. But perhaps you can understand if I say that dreams arise from a part of you that is much bigger than your conscious personality. Call it Life that keeps your heart beating and your breathing going even when you sleep. Most people believe it is all automatic and without meaning, but your dream showed you pulling something that is more of you out of that ‘automatic’ and unconscious part of you. So it might help if you read – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reaction
Also the dream is about waking up – a real indication that you are on the verge of waking up to realising you are much bigger than you presently know. So it might be a door opener if you imagine the light and watch if your body and emotions respond. Or use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I don’t understand this dream at all. I was in a checkout line at the grocery store. As the cashier was bagging my groceries, an old man stepped in front of me. I can’t remember what he said, but I know it offended me. He had on bright white pants & shirt. His face & hair were also the same color. We began to argue. I looked to my left and there was a butcher knife on the conveyor belt. I grabbed it, stabbed him, then ran out of the store. Please help me understand this.
I dreamt that I’m going to a museum sort of place with my friend and when we reach there, its a beautiful place full of blooming flowers and greenery. As we enter the inside, we are just hanging up appreciating various things up on display. Suddenly we reach to a corner and there a lot of religious texts and books are kept and photos of Guru Nanak (he was a saint). There a man is standing with a sort of equipment with a huge light and just above it a massive reflector sort of in which we are supposed to concentrate. I ask the man about it, he said this is used to emit white light in people who are unable to read various religious texts or just pray or meditate. Without me asking he asks me to stand in front of it nd he tells me this light goes on only for about 6 seconds to concentrate on yourself, use this reflector as a mirror and see your whole body in there and concentrate on your third eye. I do as he says and i look into the reflector i see the shadow of my body and i concentrate suddenly there is a massive white light thrown upon my face, i see it very clearly and then go deeper and deeper and it turns golden for a brief second and turns white again and as each second is passing by, my whole body is filling up with a joy that one feels when he is happy from the bottom of his heart. The insides of my body are expanding with that joy. And then as the 6th sec gets over i’m back in the dream. But those six seconds did not look like seconds while i was in, it felt like as if the time has slowed. And ultimately i woke up in real life immediately. Any explanation would be helpful, considering I’m going through a very rough patch in my life. Thank you so much for this forum. God bless you! 🙂
I had a dream that there were 3 white beautiful birds,eating 3 boiled eggs on the ground.Also last night I dreamed about eggs again they were done over easy.P.S Thank you for your website.God bless you always
Life – Some dreams I find hard to understand, but here is what my intuition hinted it might mean.
The beautiful white birds are the wonder of the results of your prayers, forming a link with the Highest. The hard boiled eggs suggest that they could not bring forth new life, but it is okay because the bird were taking in the lessons you have learned in life and using them fir strength to take you on the next step. The last dream was probably the same meaning – the eggs are once again not producing life, but are there for nourishment. I suggest eating some eggs cooked like that, either in imagination or in reality.
Yhumeizun – It sounds a very lovely dream. The baby tigers represent the realisation of your inner strength that has only just become known and is still not fully developed. The whiteness is a sign that you have access to gifts of the spirit if try to use them. So try using your intuition – see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1
I’m trying to pick apart this dream.
I was in a hotel room with a group of females. A group of males were staying in the next room. We were all socializing and lounging around. I felt aware that sex was involved, but I didn’t witness or participate in it.
After hanging out all night, I was heading back to our room. I heard one of the girls crying, “I want to stop. I want to stop” repetedly. I went back into the room. The sound was coming from the bathroom. No one in the room payed it any mind.
I barged in to help. I saw a white-haired baby, on her back, with her diaper open, lying on the toilet lid. A man was standing over her with a blank gaze. At first I thought he was just changing her diaper and started to apologize. Then, I realized the man was raping her. He didn’t stop, or even look up. I hit, choked and kicked the man. This dream was quite disturbing.