In general one is either looking out of, looking into, or going through a window. This makes them largely connected with what we see in the sense of perception or being aware of things, either within ourselves – as in the example – or in regard to other people. So they can depict our eyes or awareness also.
Example: ‘I was looking at a little matchbox shaped thing and one looked into it like a window. I looked at my arm through the window, then my vision was full of patterns of my energy going up and down my arm. It was very beautiful, leaf like shapes with glass like balls and clear liquid but even the liquid making patterns on the move up and down.’ Wendy O.
Climbing in a window: Looking within oneself or seeing what makes someone else ‘tick’.
Climbing out of window: Possibly your way of avoiding difficult feelings, i.e. by giving attention to exterior things – television, a book – rather than what we feel.
Domed window or window in roof: Depicts our head or mind. We each have a cosmic sense – a synthesis of experience in which we develop a personal view of what life is about in the largest sense – looking through the domed or roof window depicts the vision provided by this cosmic sense.
Example: ‘Presently I come to another domed window and stand looking at sea and sky. I am filled with serenity and peace.’ J. D.
Height of windows: Such as first floor: Suggest what area of your experience you are looking at the world through. You might only look at life through a basement window, which suggests being influenced by ones sexuality or unconscious feelings. See mention of levels of house above. See SevenLevels
Huge windows: A very wide and clear view of people, and everyday life. Your view or perceptions are not narrow or limited by small windows which make it difficult to really see or understand things.
Looking into a window: What you feel or ‘see’ in regard to someone else if you see another person; what you are aware of when ‘looking’ at or giving awareness to yourself.
‘I was looking at a little match box shaped thing and one looked into it like a window. I looked at my arm through the window, and my vision was full of patterns of my energy going up and down my arm. It was very beautiful, leaf like shapes with glass like balls and clear liquid but even the liquid making patterns on the move up and down.’ Wendy O.
Looking out of a window: Your ‘view’ of or feelings about what you perceive in your environment in life and people; looking for a way out of a situation.
Looking out of a window into your garden or yard: Although it feels as if you are looking at the world outside you, you are looking at things that are happening within you that perhaps you do not recognise as yours.
Opening window: Letting others see your feelings or opinions; allowing other people’s influence into yourself.
No windows: Not seeing what is going on around you; introversion; attention held by internal feelings, thoughts or concerns.
Idioms: Window dressing; window on the world; a room with a view. See: Glass.
i was dreaming i was at my apartment which had awesome furniture a big screen t.v. in the living room, me and my boyfriend were obviously doing very well in this dream. We had our supervisors and coworkers over for a project we were working on and so we went down the hall to the kitchen to get them some drinks. On our way back through the hallway, I noticed my boyfriend was like my shadow on my right. I tried turning my head to get a full view of his face but there was a being behind us telling me not to worry about getting a full look of my hubby, but to focus on what we needed to do. The being drew a cream colored curtain between me and my hubby, just enough for me to be able to get a view of my hubbys facial profile from the side.
Just when we’re about to cross from the hallway threshold to the living room, I spot the beautifullest, biggest black rabbit hopping in from our 3rd floor window just getting as far as the center of our living room. I start to speak and it turns to look at me with these glossy beautiful black eyes and the shiniest coat of black fur. I could see that the rabbit had a very happy facial expression, sorta taunting me to come chase after it, because it knew I couldn’t catch it. I said “oh no, we can’t have this in our house, no way rabbit”. I was kinda playful in saying this and just when i went to walk to my left in the direction of the rabbit, it hopped out the window. I looked out the window and the rabbit was gone. My daughters who are in their mid 20s were calling out for me from out front “mommy” with their arms extended reaching up towards me. Their faces smiling like they were trying to bring old memories back. Just when we started to talk, I rested my left hand against the window child guard rail and my engagement ring, which had a huge diamond, fell off. As it was falling, i alerted the girls, my ring my ring, its falling its falling. So my youngest went to try and wait for it to fall. It hit the ground and a caucasian male passerby picked it up. I said from my window, that’s it, there it is, that’s my ring. He gave it to my youngest and I was thankful. In the dream it was spring and starting to get dark. A beautiful day.
Just trying to get some insight on this dream. It was awesome, yet some aspects of it were kind of weird.
I had a dream that I was looking out of my window into an apartment near by, and the person in their apartment saw me looking in.. What could this mean?
I was dreamin i was lookin out my kichen window i saw my reflection my stood out the most any way aset of eyes level with mine apeared in front of me frm the out site it feared me and i woke instantly . What Dose this it been on my mind for days thank u xxx