21 Reasons Why Dream Interpretation is Essential
I found this on my hard disk, and was shown it was by Christina Sponias . So thank you dear thinker for this.
How to properly interpret the meaning of your own dreams is essential for many reasons. Here I’m going to present a few of them, just to give you an idea of its potential.
1. Your dreams are not meaningless images. In your dreams you receive many messages. Therefore, you must learn how to understand them. Perhaps they can save your life!
2. Your dreams are your own; nobody else can see or distort them. You are the sole owner of this resource and the messages you receive are given only to you and created especially for you and nobody else. Each one sees different dreams with situations and personalities that are familiar to them, even if the themes of many dreams are the same. Thus, your dreams contain private messages.
3. You see dreams every time you sleep, without asking or paying for them. They are a gift you receive from the wise unconscious mind.
4. I continued Carl Jung’s research into the unknown region of the psyche through dream interpretation. If you translate your dreams using my simplified version of Carl Jung’s method, you will receive information and guidance regarding the most important points of your life from the ancient, saintly and perfect unconscious mind that regulates the functioning of your body. This information is not from a human source with dubitable knowledge or from someone who could distort this knowledge on purpose for selfish reasons.
5. After learning how to correctly interpret your dreams, you will have this knowledge forever and will be able to interpret your dreams all you life. This means that you will have guidance and help forever from the unconscious.
6. You will develop your intelligence by developing your conscience from the guidance in your dreams. This way, you will always be more intelligent until you become a genius, able to solve any problem with ease.
7. You will be able to interpret the facts and events of daily life in the same way you interpret your dreams. Everything around you can inform you about yourself, other people and the future if you know how to translate the symbolic meaning of reality just as you translate that of dreams.
8. You will be able to change the future after predicting its development and correcting your mistakes. Everything that happens to you is strictly related to your personality and behavior. You can rectify errors and prepare the future you desire, with the positive results you wish to see.
9. The mysterious language used by the unconscious mind is incomprehensible to the conscience because of the presence of the anti-conscious, in addition to your conscious. The anti-conscious constantly tries to destroy your conscious mind through craziness and it would distort the guidance of avoiding the traps of the anti-conscious and staying far from the labyrinth of craziness.
10. If you never learn how to interpret your dreams, you will never completely develop your conscious mind and live threatened by the crazy content inherent in the anti-conscious. This has not transformed via consciousness and it wishes to destroy the conscious to make you insane. This is the worse danger of your life, since you will never be cured of insanity unless you pass through a thousand crucifixions.
11. By interpreting your dreams, you can prevent depression, neurosis, hysteria, psychosis, schizophrenia, suicidal tendencies and all existent mental illnesses. All these diseases are caused by the anti-conscience that can be transformed into a positive part of your psyche, instead of constantly bearing this enemy within you because it constantly tries to destroy your conscience through craziness.
12. You will also be cured from several diseases in your body by interpreting your dreams. All somatic diseases have a psychological cause because everything that happens to you depends on your attitude.
13. You can communicate with the unconscious and be able to ask whatever you wish to learn. You would receive answers to your questions from this source that is actually the wisest existent source in our world and even beyond our world.
14. You will discover proofs of the existence of God, who regulates the functioning of the unconscious and is responsible for the world’s artistic, philosophical and religious actions. You will understand that you are blessed since you are in contact with the wisdom of the creator of our planet. You will realize that Earth is really a place where you have to transform your psyche, so that you may be calm and able to live happily, without provoking wars and destruction.
15. You’ll be able to understand how other people think, feel and sense, analyzing their personalities in your dreams just as you analyze your own. This information you receive is priceless and unique. This way you’ll be able to understand everyone’s personalities and how to behave with them. You can avoid relationships with people who have a psychological type different to yours and who will never be able to understand you. You will safely find the right person for you, etc.
16. You will always receive advice and be prepared when something very important is going to happen. You will not face reality with complete ignorance of everything, such as you do now.
17. You can discover many things helped by the unconscious, finding solutions for your work, daily life and everything else that interests you, thanks to the guidance from a valid and positive resource that will surely help you and the world you live in. This is a resource that cares for all of humanity. It’s not a product of your ego or of anyone else’s ego.
18. You’ll discover a fascinating occupation, which is better than the Internet or any game, since you will decipher the hidden meaning of your own dreams. You will translate the exact meaning of the mysterious messages. This is like putting together the pieces of a huge puzzle that leads you to another window of knowledge and other levels of comprehension.
19. You can become a genius and predict your future and understand the personalities of people around you and how to protect yourself or succeed in your plans. All this vision and knowledge together will transform you into a very wise person with a very strong personality. When you reach this level (can be achieved after one year of dream interpretation, depending on your efforts) your reality will have another meaning for you because you won’t be ignorant like others. You will understand your responsibility for being wiser than others and your work in this world will certainly transform at least a small fraction of the population, so that everyone else may reach the same level of comprehension.
You’ll understand that you have the obligation to show everyone all that you know because you’ll see how ignorant everyone is and why everyone here suffers so much. You’ll become a hero and your work will be blessed. You will save not only the people who live around you but also many others from other countries. If your work is worthy, even if you live in the last mountain of the most deserted village in this world, your work will be learned by the entire world and will save the entire population. Perhaps today you cannot believe you are so special, but don’t underestimate your own capacities because when you become a genius you will see that you can do many things to help this world become a place where everyone is happy like you.
20. You won’t be afraid of anything, because you’ll have knowledge and peace. This is something you cannot assess now as you are so ignorant, your mind is so confused and you are tortured by so many problems without solutions in your daily life.
21. You’ll be truly happy and your life will have a very important positive meaning for all. You’ll always be remembered and blessed, but the important thing is that your work will really help this world become better. You will not waste your time while you are alive and you’ll leave your spirit of wisdom as a gift to others even after you are gone because your exemplary work will save many generations after yours.
Please see: Peer Dream Work – It is the best I have, after 50 years of exploring them
Mistye – Such a huge snake is the power of Life inside you. You feel it as a threat because you do not know how to relate to the very forces that keep you alive, give you existence and support you. The breathlessness is due to anxiety about being taken over. Recently I wrote the following to explain.
When you sleep and dream your voluntary muscles are switched off. This can mean that any dream activity that not only originates the spontaneous images of dreams, but also gives rise to all the muscular impulses that are part of the dream movements, so it would seem to you that an alien force or being has taken over. In other words because it is spontaneous, and because we do not believe that anything other than you can originate movement, it feels as if something other than you has taken over.
Also dreams arise from a very deep part of us, the Core, from which all the impulses of existing, growing and surviving originate. Even when you are awake such processes control you – for instance your breathing is only partly under your control, but all the vital things are purely unconscious and you are thereby controlled all the time. Try holding your breath and see how strongly you are possessed by Life itself.
But of course you are used to those everyday massive controls. However, sometimes our Core wishes to make us move, to control our movement, usually in sleep, but sometimes while awake. These movements are in fact as natural as the urge to breathe, but because in our culture we are so out of touch with how life works we are often terrified of spontaneous movements. Such movement are about growth of some part of us that we have not allowed before. If we can allow these and not react fearfully, then we will be shown the wonders of our life and how it originated – what is usually called the unconscious. For a fuller description see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/.
Ria – Thank you for your warmth and the information about Christina Sponias. I looked at the link and realised I had read it before, but did not realise the connection.
In reading it again I couldn’t help seeing a connection between her ideas and this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Prayer-and-Dream-Interpretation-ebook/dp/B0050CBY8A/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&m=A3TVV12T0I6NSM&s=digital-text&qid=1307952965&sr=1-10
Once more, thank you for your good wishes. I feel certain they are an influence in my endeavours.
Hi, I want to know why interpreting your dreams will help you prevent being mentally and physically ill.
Kat – I do not think that interpreting ones dreams will help prevent mental and physical illness. Interpretation is only a thinking thing, and you need to dig a bit deeper to actually uncover and change the causes of illness.
To find real healing you have to be capable or meeting great emotions and exploring the inner world. Also you need too live your dream sometimes while awake. That means gradually undoing all the knots tied inside you, and meeting yourself quite fully.
To give an example, here is a dream and how it was to explore it, not interpret it.
That one dream changed the man’s life and started him not fighting authority. I was also the first step to stop being such a bully with his children and to deal with his depression.
And here is how it can heal physical difficulties. I could give you a lot more examples but this one will do. It came from learning to dream while awake.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/ and http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/