Wider Awareness
Exending Your Awareness
In wider awareness you leave the limited view of the three-dimensional world most of us are trapped in and enter a world beyond time and space. So, forget the clumsy explanations of telepathy and precognition, for they are explanations arising from the body’s limited senses. Beyond time we are aware of all time, past, present and future – all at once. So, we do not look into the future, but in this dimesion we are it. Our life in the body is to learn important lessons by being locked in time, space and our body, with its gender and limitations. See The Paradigm
Travelling into the depths of the mind, which is sometimes depicted as climbing a mountain or going ito a deep cave, or even diving in the sea, is not an uncommon experience in dreams, and is described even in ancient myths and folklore. To get some insight into what it can be like to experience it, it is helpful to think of our personality, our experience of being awake and knowing who we are, as being like water in a goldfish bowl. See Super Heroes and Mythical Creatures – Mountain Path
The water has a shape given it by the restrictions of the bowl. If it had awareness it might say it was round. If we poured the water into the sea or a river however, the person the water knew itself as might feel it was dying as its boundaries melted away. Similarly, like most of us, we only know life through the limitations of our body senses and through the things we had be brought up to believe. We probably believe we ARE the shape of our body, and we can only do what it can do. However, as can be seen from the lives of some of the people who have extended their awareness, our mind can sometimes reach completely beyond the body senses. When we first find the narrow walls of our senses disappearing, most of us feel some panic, and may fear we are dying. Some people having an anesthetic feel this fear. See Out of body experience
Imagine you are going to communicate with a part of yourself that has an unlimited amount of information and influence to share with you. What this dimension of yourself gives you will be in direct response to what you ask. So, the question, interest or urgent drive in you will be the factor shaping the response. Therefore, it is occasionally worth asking what the right question is to get effective help. Remember that all you receive must pass through your own body, your emotions and your mind. YOU are the instrument that transforms the communication into understandable experience. If your body is full of tensions and drugs there will obviously be interference. If your emotions are taut with anxiety, flooded with disbelief, there will be blockages. If your mind is rigid in its opinions, locked into habits of thought, you will need to practise listening and receiving. Even if you can be ready to drop these for a few moments the channel can clear. The realisation by quan tum physics that we exist in a holographic universe suggests that the physical world we believe to be real is in fact illusion. Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world. See A Huge Change is Happening
Not that you immediately have fully extended awareness, but aspects of that wonder do trickle through. See Dimensions of Human Experience – Going Beyond – LifeStream
One of the basic actions of LifeStream is to make your body and psyche more mobile. This mobility gradually produces a greater intuitive link with your unconscious, and thus the collective experience and creative impulse of your life. See Opening to Life – Lucid Dreaming – LifeStream
Basics of Intuitive Activity
1 – In various forms dowsing has been known throughout history and the world. In early European history dowsing became associated with a rod or forked stick, and was used to help find water, precious metals in the soil, coal, and lost objects. Despite the scientific scepticism of our times dowsing is still widely used even by government departments – because it works.
All these forms of dowsing, even when a rod is used, depend upon the involuntary responses acting through the body in answer to a question. If you tied a dowsing rod on the front of a wheelbarrow and pushed it around hoping to find water, you would search in vain because it needs the body’s sensitivity to respond in spontanieous movements – thus the stick moves.
Evelyn Penrose, a famous dowser said that, “I was nearly thrown off my feet. I grabbed his arm to steady myself. ‘Water’ I gasped. ‘Water! Lots and lots of water’. I can never stand over underground water without being swung about, and the greater the amount of water the greater the reaction.” At that point it was not the stick that was important but her body’s reactions.
Because the basic level of your intuitive sense tends to express itself as body movements and symbols, it brings a quicker response if you use these from the start, and gradually drop them as your ability refines.
2 – First take time to create the right setting for the practice. You need a reasonable space – something at least the size of a single blanket, so you can feel free to move without bumping into things. Play some music that is flowing, but without a strong beat. Music also ‘gives permission’ for easier self-expression in that you are less worried about making a noise or moving.
3 – Stand in the middle of your space and do two or three of the warming up movements.
4 – Get into the responsive ‘keyboard’ feeling – the feeling that you are like a piano key which is ever ready to respond and be moved. Now mentally ask the question how your body will give you a ‘no’ signal. Each person has a different way of signalling ‘no’. So, your signal may be head shaking, a particular movement of a hand or some other part of your body. See Keyboard Condition
5 – Getting this ‘no’ response is the first step in a growing communication between your conscious self and your unconscious faculties. It is your practice area of having a to and fro ‘conversation’. Try it a few times until you are clear about the signal. If there is any uncertainty, ask your unconscious for clarification.
Always remember – every part of you is vitally alive and full of intelligence. Your body and mind will respond and communicate if you can listen.
6 – Now ask for the ‘yes’ response. Your body will move and give another movement to signify a positive response.
7 – Although the yes and no response are very basic, it has enormous uses, and many questions you need clarification on can be explored deeply by investigating in this way. All the amazing processes of computers are founded on series of yes and no responses. Investigating a health question for instance, you could ask if your diet was okay in general. If there was a yes response, you could ask if there was a particular aspect of diet that was at fault. Depending on whether there was a yes or no response, you could frame further questions.
8 – When you have practised using this yes and no response, you can enlarge the vocabulary used in the communication. Your unconscious will readily accept or even suggest symbols or symbolic movement. This means you could set up a sort of ‘keyboard’ representing aspects of the question you want to pursue.
I watched a very capable and impressive dowser work and was struck by the excellent system he had for communicating with his unconscious source of information. He found water by allowing a series of movements with his wand, so at that stage the movements and their strength were the symbols he worked with. Once he had found the site however, he tested for depth. He did this by simply calling out a depth and watching the reaction. So, he called out “20 feet – 30 feet – 40 feet” until the agreed reaction occurred.
This is rather like the yes/no reaction already dealt with, but it has a difference. The reaction has already been agreed, so he does not have to go through a lot of yes/no questions.
9 – I have found some useful ways of putting this into practise. You can create a visual or imaginary symbolic map on the floor. A very elementary one would be a straight line. If you stood on the straight line stretching to your right and left, behind you could represent the past, and ahead of you the future. Behind you could represent your inner world, in front of you the external world. Your movements in relationship to this line would describe what area of experience – past/future, inner/outer – you were exploring.
10 – Symbolic movements such as turning to face backwards or reaching forwards could equally well be used to represent these same concepts. Or you can ask what body movements represent the various aspects of the question you are exploring. Thus, if you were exploring a business question and calling on your innate experience and intuition to look at a problem, you could create a map of the different areas such as manufacture; finance; work force; etc. Or you could ask what movements represented these before you started.
Although this may sound clumsy, and it certainly is less streamlined than the more accomplished ways of enhancing insight, it is amazing how much information can be gained in this way with practise. Also, for people who think they completely lack the intuitive faculty, these stages are ways to make accessible what appeared unobtainable.
Advanced Options of Extending Your Intuition
As with many skills the basics of Inner Inquiry are easily learned, but the adept phases take more discipline to acquire. Your own body, your emotions and mind are the instruments being used. Therefore, the ability to amplify, to create or focus on certain states of mind and body are necessary for expertise. Your own wishes and fantasies can easily shift or shape what emerges in your awareness. Doubts about your ability to reach into the unlimited dimension of mind can shut the door completely to any result. So being able to reasonably quieten your mind is essential for the more refined and extended intuitive perception. But a quiet mind does not mean one held so tight and immobile no impressions can arise in it.
Similarly, the emotions and body need to be held in a receptive state – what has already been called the ‘keyboard’ condition. Both these are fundamental to the allowing of spontaneous movement anyway, but they need to be worked with even more consciously for extended perception. You need to develop the attitude of an observer without fixed opinions – both on allowing a response to the question and in connection with whatever may be received. This freedom from opinion needs to be something you can take on when you choose to, and as with quietness of mind, does not need to be something rigid.
The state of mind or consciousness that we call normal is simply the one we experience most. In terms of evolution and education it is the one which has arisen because it offers the most survival value, or is culturally created – that is, it enables us to survive in or fit society. None of these factors make normal awareness anything more than one of many possibilities. There is no reason we should maintain this habitual state simply because circumstances have induced it. See Programmed
Its value is in preventing you from taking the information received and accepting it as infallible – to see the information received as infallible would be to have an opinion in regard to it. By considering what emerges in a non opinionated way, you can more readily assess its usefulness and relatedness in connection with the original question.
Learning from Your Wholeness
To get a good response from Inquiry at a level more subtle than physical movement you will need to have practised Opening to Life for some months. Then the subtle responses of your mind and energy will be ready to receive the delicate impressions from your wider unconscious.
Using Inquiry is not a strange or unconventional practise. Your being is always responding to the people you meet, the events you live through in subtle feeling responses and intuitions. You have these things occurring in yourself now. Inquiry is simply taking time to listen to what is already happening inside you and learning to improve your skill in becoming more aware of this facet of your life. As your experience of inner-directed movement grows, there will be a developing subtlety in what arises. Gradually your interior feeling senses will operate more fluidly. Your voice will be exercised and used spontaneously as with the body. So, you will be able to speak, sing, cry from the depths of your being. In this way, when you make an Inquiry, you will not depend just on physical mime, but may receive through mental imagery and insight, through shifts in your subtle feelings and sensations, or through the spontaneous expression of your voice.
Here are the useful stages of approach to Inquiry.
1 – If you are very fluid using spontaneous movements you will not need a special setting in which to use Inquiry, you could do it walking along a busy street talking with a friend. It is only when you are in the early stages you may need exterior help. For instance, some people using their intuition need tarot cards, or to look at someone’s hands or at a crystal ball. So, if this is the first time you are using Inquiry set your environment as with the ‘open approach’ to inner-directed movement.
2 – Clarify what your question is. The wider awareness you are approaching responds most fully when you have a sincere need.
3 – Ask the question and open your being to respond as fully as you are able. Be ready for the response to move you physically, sexually, emotionally, mentally and vocally. In other words, allow your whole being to be receptive. Observe what arises in a similar manner to watching a television screen when viewing a good film – that is, let the story, the plot, or the information, explain itself. Do not at this stage try to shape or question it.
There are many forms of communication – mime, drama, emotions, words, imagery and fantasy, and combinations of these. The more you can allow your body, voice, emotions and mind to freely express, the more this dialogue, this exchange, can take place.
4 – Note what you receive by writing it down or talking it into a tape recorder. Once the response has unfolded its theme – the mime of the body movements; the story of the fantasy; the statement of your vocalisation – then work with the response, asking questions to clarify the subject until you are clear in your understanding of what is being received.
5 – Consider what you have received and weigh it against practical observation. See if there is something you can learn from it and apply. Test it wherever practical. Do not be afraid to doubt it and try it against the world. If you are not accessing the best in yourself, you need to know it. This avoids the trap of wanting intuition to work at any cost. Intuition is a valid way of gaining information, just as your senses are, or your ability to read. But your senses and your ability to read can also be ways in which false information is taken in. So, your discrimination is needed when using your intuition as it is in everyday life. The more you use it the sharper your faculty will become. But discrimination must not act as a source of doubt that blocks your ability to receive spontaneous movements and impressions. See Using Your Intuition — Mammal Brain – Opening to Life – Water Wonderland
The last thing I saw before I fell asleep was an aerial shot of a part of my hometown that had been rebuilt after a recent flood. I then dreamt about a different part of my city, specifically a main road near where I lived in my early twenties, that always has downed lines and trees during bad storms. This road morphed into a part of road that is near my current house. The dream turns into the perspective of a news story urging residents to stay inside and be safe. I then watch a man drown in his car via his own video taken by his phone which somehow survives the waters which slowly rose. The video begins with the water at his chest, he is shaking, unable to speak, breathing hard. He is a man in his late forties, fat, with thick round glasses.The video then cuts to the water up around his face, he is still not speaking and I have the feeling that he had hoped for rescue but has lost hope. I see the water come up, the camera is dropped and I later see just his limp hand floating in the full vehicle. I took on the feeling of drowning, trying to empathize with him as a his drowning replayed three times before I woke.