Knowing You Knowing Me
Do I know you?
Yes, my eyes know you.
On seeing you a smile
Dances on my face
And in my eyes.
If I were a puppy
I would wag my tail.
Do you know me?
Yes, your lips know me.
They know every soft touch of my mouth.
Your lips have caressed
My face, my throat and my eyes.
Your lips know me
And speak love to my body.
Do I know you?
Yes, my fingers know you.
They have sped and roamed
Over every glade and woodland,
Each peak or dell of you.
My fingers have talked with yours
In their own soft language.
If there is knowing,
My fingers have it.
Do you know me?
Yes, even in your deeps you know me.
Has my body not bathed you in its waters?
And has not your being
Taken the essence of me through your skin?
There, under the surface,
In the life of the blood
My particles roam with yours,
And you know me,
And I know you.
Do I know you?
Yes, I know you.
For I have kissed
The flower that blooms at night.
And in kissing
My tongue has sipped the nectar
From the heart of the flower.
And my fingers
With gentle caress
Have excited the soft petals
And loved the flower.
Yes, I know you –
And you know me.
Tony Crisp
Copyright ©2002 Tony Crisp