Airplane Plane
The plane in your dream shows all the amazing possibilities of change, of varied experience, of romance, business and discovery in life today. But it also holds all the possibilities of failure, of not being able to get your projects or relationship off the ground, along with delays, unexpected threats, and the possible tragedy and loss you might meet in life. Your dream airplane communicates this in the action your dream portrays. The plane journey, for instance, suggests a change in your life, leaving your ordinary affairs behind. It is a journey into the unknown, into taking risks. Perhaps you are making a move toward, or away from, love and opportunity. It is risky because the plane can fall from the sky, and you can meet feelings of failure or despair.
A plane can also attack, and this shows fears, anxiety about being exposed to attack from other people or events. This does not mean you will be attacked, only that you fear it.
To climb aboard a plane is to embark upon dramatic movement from one way of life, or one situation in life, to another; a leap into the unknown, into chance – so it is a powerful symbol of change. Perhaps that flight into chance, into life and its mysterious possibilities might be okay. But it might fall from the sky too. Meanwhile, on the plane you will not have your feet on the ground, you will not be secure, everything is ‘up in the air’. The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might die, might lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.
In exploring a dream about a plane crash it took a long time to really connect with anything, but when I did the feelings were all about how there has been a crash of my dreams, ambitions, desire for love and the heightened feelings that arose or ‘took off’ in connection with a lover. In comments on planes above I say, “The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might die, might lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.” This was true in my life.
An attacking aircraft: Feeling attacked either by your own doubts and self criticism, or that of others.
Being grounded: Sense of not getting anywhere and frustration; plans and hopes that haven’t connected with achievement or opportunity – maybe this isn’t the right time yet.
Biplane: It can represent a more full contact with flying in a plane, and needs a lot more courage to do.
Example: “I saw a biplane fly overhead. Its pilot was performing daring new stunts. I ran into a house to tell a man who was in bed to run out and see the plane. ” David R.
The example clearly shows one aspect of what a biplane means, being daring in a new area, taking risks in life, braving a new work area or relationship.
Difficulty landing: Difficulty achieving goal or making it real in a down to earth way; anxiety about where life events are taking you; feeling out of control or not being in control; difficulties or fears about being in someone else’s hands.
Falling out of plane: Usually anxiety, sometimes about death or failure of high hopes. It is also the opportunity to fly if you can overcome your anxieties.
Flight attendant: A part of you trained in dealing with personal problems, and also emergencies.
Pilot: The pilot is a part of you used to having a much wider and inclusive view of where you are going in your life, so trust their help.
Plane falling rapidly: ‘Pit’ feeling in stomach that one gets when feeling anxiety about the outcome of a situation; sense of failure or guilt; apprehension about the future of a project or direction; anxiety about something.
Plane journey: The plane is also a means of leaving things behind, rising above or finding a way of escaping difficulties or the past. It is a way we move beyond the limitations of any one locality, racial customs, family attitudes or religious environments. It is the power of the mind to move among and learn from or experience these many states of being. It offers a much wider or more inclusive view of where you are and where you are going in life.
Private plane: Ones personal activities and plans not deeply connected with other people.
The crashed or wrecked plane: Worry about failing. Can be anxiety bringing down your ambition or adventurousness; a loss of self confidence or mental equilibrium; warning about a business project; broken dreams and hopes. Sometimes shows or refers to a break up in a relationship or a failed endeavour, a hope, a journey that fails.
Watching a plane crash: A sense of emergency; feeling you are aware of an important social or national event. Sensing something difficult happening or having happened in your life, like a divorce or loss of business or love for instance. Can sometimes relate to childhood traumas that make it difficult for you to get your life taking flight.
The plane journey: Shows a move toward independence; leaving home or friends; success.
Watching a plane land safely: The arrival back to oneself of the actions, words and energies sent out into the world. As a simple example, we may have a carpet to give away because we are moving. We tell a neighbour who passes the information to someone else. This new person wants the carpet. A completely new person therefore lands, or arrives in our life. The landing plane may also mean coming down to earth again, or making something more applicable in an everyday sense.
The example below clearly shows one aspect of what a plane means, being daring in a new area, taking risks in life, braving a new work area or relationship. David is calling on a part of himself that is withdrawn and inactive to ‘get up’ and be involved in something daring. Sometimes the plane in the sky represents feeling threatened by something new or unknown. This is shown in the second example.
Example: I saw a biplane fly overhead. Its pilot was performing daring new stunts. I ran into a house to tell a man who was in bed to run out and see the plane. David R.
Example: A woman who was a radio researcher was offered the job of presenter. She was thrilled but dreamt she was in a road walking and planes flew overhead dropping bombs and shooting. She had to dive into a ditch to avoid being killed. When she explored the dream she realised she was afraid of facing the public directly, and this fear if left unconscious would have caused her to refuse the job. She accepted the fear and managed to press forward with the job.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Am I taking a ‘flight’ into a new or challenging situation or relationship?
What am I leaving behind or arriving at?
Are there radical shifts of life style I am involved in?
Do some events in my life feel like a ‘plane crash’?
It helps to read this Dreams Are Virtual Realities and also Processing Dreams and Acting on Your Dream.
I have a recurring dream with airplanes. Most of the time it entails some amount of flying and for whatever reason the other part of the plane journey happens on land. My plane almost always ends up landing and the plane travels on the roads to complete the journey to the destination. It never takes off again and I’m left feeling surprised and frustrated.
Hi – It is important that you read https://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=529.msg1472#msg1472
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
KP – I have learned that dreams always carry either important information or something we can learn from.
So I wonder why you have not asked yourself why, to get to your life destination, you need to stay on the land/road?
What is your frustration – is it because you wanted to remain airborne?
Flying can mean you are flying or fleeing, from something you find difficult to face. This is usually something in your life you try to get away from by using distractions like social life, media entertainments, becoming over idealistic, religious, or living in the clouds of fantasy. It can also indicate a negative aspect, as sometimes we escape from something to run from difficulties or avoiding growing. See https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
It was a warm Saturday afternoon and I’m standing in the middle of an open grassy field. There were several people around me smiling looking like they’re having a chill af day.
I had gut feeling somethings not right. Things were too perfect and still. I look up into the sky and see a large plane nosediving towards the field. The scene felt like it was sped down 2x.
Oh my god. Oh my god. I kept repeating with a look of shock and utter horror pointing at the sky with wobbly finger and yet — no one stirred, as if completely unaware of the catastrophic spectacle beelining in our direction.
The moment of impact struck and I felt my stomach drop to the ground. Completely stunned But was it all in my head? How come no one else sees this?
{what does it all mean?}
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Jasmine – You must have been traumatised at some time that things can suddenly threaten to kill you – yet nobody else is aware of it.
In the first place when you dream you enter a different dimension of your mind that is no longer connected to your body senses. It is a dimension very different to waking awareness and so people often get terribly confused because they feel and think the dream must be the same as in their waking world. But nothing in the dream world can hurt you. It is a world of images that are like a computer game, so you can be killed, eaten by carnivores or sharks, and at the end of the game/dream, you may have felt scared or even terrified, but no harm has happened.
You may be able to transform this fear by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
I had à dream about witnessing three planes crashing down in the oscean, one by one they came down. I happened to be taking a walk on the beach when I saw these planes landing/crashing. The planes were just floating and I could see through the plane but the people inside the plane were all dead and all I could see were the tip of their heads. The plane never burnt or exploded it was just floating. I left the scene as I realised something was not right.
My dream was I’m in a plane and the plane had a failure in controls pilot had to land in a street and the landing was smooth without any incident or casualties. Just structure the plane had to mowed over e.g street lights. It was a peaceful event, even thank the pilot for extraordinary skill in landing the plane.