Ass Or Donkey
The basic life processes in the body, which uphold or carry us through the years; the plodding long suffering body. Foolishness, a sort of living on whims and fancies, or being used and abused by others. Also a foolishness or stupidity arising from a limited view of things. In the bible the ass carries the Christ, and so represents the unconscious automatic functions of the body which can support the wider awareness.
The donkey can indicate stubbornness arising perhaps out of long entrenched habits and automatic behaviour, but also out of the hungers and needs of the body. This aspect of the ass also represents humility and patience along with common or everyday life.
If the ass or donkey is being ridden by or pulling someone else: You may be feeling you are doing all the hard work in a relationship, or working like a beast of burden.
Riding a donkey or ass: This may represent humility or feeling in a lowly position. But may simply relate to your relationship with your body’s needs and responses.
Example: It seemed to me that there were two children, perhaps adolescents, driving or leading a donkey or ass in perhaps a not very friendly or constructive way. Then a man appeared on the scene and knelt down beside the animal which seemed to be lying inert on the ground. He seemed to be explaining to the children that the best way to help the animal was to see it in its true form and release it from its outer coverings. As he was explaining this he began undoing a zip along the length of the animal’s spine and peeled off what I could now see, was a kind of perfect fitting cloth suit, he repeated this action again, removing yet another suit and I am not sure whether he did so a third time, or how many times but eventually I saw the rich, shiny, chestnut coloured coat of a healthy animal. I am not sure at this point whether the animal was now a horse, it looked like a new born but not like a donkey so I think it may have been a horse. It then seemed that some kind of order had been restored, there now appeared a kind of arena and people were filling the seats to watch some kind of a play, As I watched the seats filling I realized there was not one for me and again I was standing in the sidelines, a watcher.
Idioms: donkey work;
Useful Questions and Hints:
If you consider that your relationship with the ass might indicate how you are dealing with your body, what does it suggest?
Are you feeling put upon by the needs or demands of others?
Is somebody trying to make you go in a direction you do not want to?
Are you being a donkey or an ass – i.e. a bit dense or silly?
See Inner World – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Your Core Self