Something you are doing or thinking about doing, a technique you are using, to tidy up your thoughts or self presentation. The self presentation means that you are trying to change the way you present yourself to others, or change how they see you. See: Hair.
Example: I’ve been recently dreaming that as I combed my hair a woman came and combed it for me. As she combed she finds head lice and gives them to me. I wish to know what this means as I have been recently separated from my husband. Z. B. R.
In the dream it is fairly obvious that the lice are the thoughts in her head are doing her no good. They are perhaps unhappy or even angry thoughts that the dream is suggesting she recognise and get rid of. The other woman is most likely an attitude or another woman helping her see that these are ideas to comb out.
To comb also means to search, to seek something, so the dream and its contents might be showing you searching and perhaps finding what you are looking for. The comb by itself though, links with the method, technique or way you go about your search or self transformation. See: hair.
Idioms: Fine tooth comb; combed the whole area.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What have I been doing lately in connection with straightening out my thoughts and attitudes?
Have I been combing/searching for ideas, direction or a change?
See Associations Working With – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams