
This often appears in dreams and can indicate useful things that you may have forgotten or have let become lost by non use. Sometime also it shows a past life in which talents or useful skills are there waiting to be claimed or resurrected in to your present self.

It can also mean

that this is about learning to use ones abilities in different ways. This is indicated because a storeroom can hold all the many thing one may need in performing the different actions and roles in life. We all have an enormous store of such talents that are latent in our unused potential – that is why it is shown as a storeroom. Recognising and using such latent abilities will of course extend your awareness and enable you to receive/absorb information that will help others to get a better understanding of their inner life and the Life Will.   
An ability can transform into a dangerous weapon of revenge when it is given into the hands of a wounded inner child, which is what can happen when we fail to be aware that we are multi layered and our present actions are often caused by past hurts. But you must realise that any ability can be used to inflict hurt on others as well as benefiting them. See Your Inner Child
What is stored in the room is something that “all pupils of Life” can use, for on some level we all share the same talents and skills.

Example: I ask the manager of the x-ray department – in my dream she has the role of managing a kind of boarding school – if I am allowed to visit my mother in the evening. I have finished all the work I am supposed to do over there. It has to do with storing all the things that are used in the boarding school, from food to cleaning materials and everything in between. 

I observe a male colleague from the x-ray department, who works in the storeroom as well. 

He has to store a huge pile of large sponges. For a moment it seems as if the pile will turn over because it is too high and then he manages to keep it piled up again. I think when looking at that, that it takes some skills to do that job and that I can manage it.
The x-ray department and boarding school refer to our human abilities to gain insights into the inner life of people – the boarding school indicates the ability of many people to learn what is being offered. The sponges are the ability to soak up information and experience.

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