This indicates childhood feelings or attitudes to life or people. This will usually include childhood needs, dependencies and anxieties. Or it could be not taking something or someone seriously, but just ‘playing’ at life or love. The ‘play’ can also be very positive and creative – not killing your creativity by being too serious. Therefore, toy dreams may be a way of ‘playing’ with emotions and sexuality which allows you to explore and mature in a safe way.
Some toys may act as a way to develop skills. Some years ago three of my sons and I were playing with a toy made with a looped string going through two holes in a button. By pulling the string apart and then releasing it and then pulling again the button spins incredibly fast. Except this was factory made, and when it is pulled correctly gives out sparks.
My youngest son was having difficulty just being able to pull the strings to make it spin. The son who was two years older being about 8, could make the thing spin, but my older son could do the whole thing with massive sparks. As I watched I realised the enormous amount of information and use of our body we take in as we move through childhood to teenage. My youngest son, who is intelligent hadn’t yet learned body skills. The son two years older had those skills but still couldn’t get the speed. My teenage son, I realised understood the technology of the toy he was handling.
We are all like that in our lives. Many, like my youngest son cannot manage the simplest tasks. The next step is to start to become aware of the deeper mystery of living. The massive step is in understanding, becoming aware of the working of life, its technology so to speak, and starting to use it.
The youngest among us cannot understand the simple life events. At the next level we begin to understand but cannot get it to work. The ‘teenage’ level has seen, become aware of how it works and has mastered its workings. So, toys are extremely useful to enable a child to master its environment.
Toy animal or cuddly toy: Often a desire for a non-threatening emotional or sexual relationship. As such the toy, a teddy bear for instance, may have been your sole certainty for emotional comfort when you were a child, the only emotional contact you had any control over, and so used now to depict that.
Broken toy: Something you have been playing at that has broken or caused you to feel loss about something, perhaps a skill or pleasure. See: Doll; Games and gambling; Teddy bear.
Because young children often see a toy as representing themselves, so this child’s dream may be showing how he felt when he had the operation for his circumcision.
Example: “I broken teddy bear. I killed it. I like it killed. I dead it. I broke it like my teddy bear. I can’t ask, it’s broken. I’m broken like a teddy bear. No pee pee. Don’t want to we we in potty. Don’t like it.