Swaps Camera for Rifle
2762927 AC2 Crisp swaps his camera for a rifle
Bodybuilding news and gossip by
JOHN MENDES, PRO to the National
Amateur Bodybuilders’ Association
OVER the last year many readers have admired the sparkling physique photographs of Tony Crisp, latest recruit to the team of contributing cameramen which supplies H & S with pictures. They would probably be amazed if they knew that Tony was only sixteen years old we he sent us his first photograph last summer — it was taken at London’s Serpentine, where so many Nabbamen gather during the hot weather to swim and laze in the sun.
Other pix followed—I believe a couple of shots of Cyril Morley taken in Hyde Park made Tony’s first centre-spread— and he was soon turning in covermen. Repeatedly, on the phone, we asked Tony to come in and see us. But for months he never did. He was scared the Editor would blow his top at the idea of a sixteen-year-old producing H & S cover pictures.
Finally Tony had to make the plunge, and from then on he was a familiar figure round the office—always dressed the same, in black jeans and an enormous, faded blue sweater. And always with an Alsatian dog as big as a small pony.
He set up his own studio, and at Universe time this year some of the stars visited him to be photographed. Many of those shots are still on ice, waiting their turn on the files.
And what of the future for Tony, who has shot to the top so quickly in the world of physique photography ? Think of his tender age, and you’ve guessed it in one!
2762927 AC2 Crisp, A. T., is currently lodging, more or less as a guest of Her Majesty, at RAF West Kirby. He’s swopped his camera for a rifle and is busily engaged in the fascinating occupation of bashing the concrete.
The Air Force haven’t yet found a uniform to fit him (he’s a big fellow), but don’t worry, Tony—they will!
If you click on any photo they enlarge to original size
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Tony at 16 |
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