The Plain Woman
It is difficult to remember how we met.
But I recall we walked along
One soft and warm afternoon.
Slowly we became arm in arm,
And then, quite naturally
Our arms were around each other,
And there was that delicious
Warmth between us
That I am sure
Only men and women know
Who begin to discover each other.
So it was with us.
She, a plain woman,
With nothing on the surface
To show this wonder of
Tender feelings that flowed
To me from her.
Even her aging body
Advertised nought of
Who I was discovering her to be.
For now, in our closeness
Breathless pleasure glowed.
And arriving home,
Walking indoors,
Suddenly we were face to face,
Such tender loving lips on mine.
So much adoring passion
As we pressed close.
For there, under the surface
Of her plainness I discovered
A beautiful woman,
Young and eager in her embraces.
Mature and deep in the way
She took me into her
Sweet and hungry body.
And so we merged,
And I found myself lying
In the garden of her love;
A garden grown and tended
Over long years,
Full of flowers and secret places.
Such was my love
Of the plain woman.
Copyright ©2006 Tony Crisp
lovely poem. i consider myself a plain woman so this touched my heart. recently had a dream about a beautiful young woman, dark raven colored hair…we were in a dark tower/castle like place … she had friends, they all had switchblades … they left me a in room with a tv playing a horror type show where a woman was murdered at the end … when it was over, i realized the show was about me … and soon after the dark haired woman came with her knife stabbed me in the back first, then I turned around, resigned to it all as she cut me in half lengthwise then raised up my arms out to my sides perpendicular to my body … then I woke up… this is not the first dream with a dark-haired woman who does not nice things to me… i am lighter-haired, ordinary, calm and mean no harm to anyone … I like to think I am beautiful on the inside but these dreams worry me that maybe I am not …
Hi Tony,
Hope you are well.
I was alarmed by a dream I had last night. In a sort of open plan setting …the placing of the dream characters seemed significant….I was walking in one direction and my friend (close friend in outer life) walking in a direction that would converge with me suddenly Bob Dylan was there nearer to my friend than me and I saw her secretly pass him a pretty postcard and smile very seductively at him.She then alluded to the fact that she had been so pleased to have met him when her ex had introduced them in California. I am beside myself with outrage and know I will have no chance now of talking to Bob Dylan.I feel furious and I say aloud I want to cut her throat.
Disturbing as this is a good friend tho recently I have found her series of infidelities gets in the way of my positive regard for her tho I have tried to not let it
Shonaig – Wow, that is real anger.
In a way this is describing a scene were another woman outwits you and prevents you from getting close to a man you want to meet and be close to.
But as usual I have to remind you that the woman is not actually her but your feelings about her. And the anger is what you use to protect yourself from allowing that part of you. It is common that we get really upset when someone we meet is doing what we are denying in ourselves. I know because I did it for years
I feel we have to learn that we are creatures of such opposites, and the way that works is to find a balance between them. Not easy but it can be done, and it prevents lot of ill feelings.
Hi Tony,
Thank you so much .This confirms what I was thinking.
I have been working on this dream and because of the intensity of the feelings and because I have had a lifetime of similar dreams (though without that degree of anger) I realised it had to be a shadow part of me deeply buried .I have been working on this theme for years and I know its childhood origin where outer reality was that my father took pleasure in showing me, often abusively, how much he preferred my younger sister…therefore Bob Dylan could not possibly like both of us!
The work and your confirmation of my ideas helps me to withdraw this projection from my good friend and continue to integrate the facets of my shadow that I will be strengthened by and deal with the anger privately.
Deep wounds from childhood will resurface again and again and the healing dream can sometimes appear initially as “a bad dream” .It is always a challenge to the ego to face the truth but a triumph for the Self. With thanks
Shonaig – Thank you so much for your feedback. I am sure the more you get from you dreams the better you will emerge from what you carry with you.
Something that I learned when I met an old trauma or blockage was that they usually give rise to habits. Habits cannot be cured by meeting the old angers or hurts. So I saw from other people’s experience that one needs to look carefully at what habits have formed and by what you are uncovering.
Then of course we have to recognise it in action and develop a new habit.