Helpful Yoga Books
Yoga and Relaxation – Tony Crisp
Helpful Yoga Books – Chapter 12
The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James
Zen in the Art of Archery, Eugen Herrigel
Mysticism, Evelyn Underhill
Search in Secret India. Paul Brunton
Ramana Maharshi, Arthur Osborne
The Incredible Sai Baba, Arthur Osborne
Politics of Experience, R. D. Laing
Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation, Jess Stearn
The Sleeping Prophet, Jess Stearn
There is a River, Thomas Sugrue
The Man Who Talked with the Flowers, Clark
Function of the Orgasm, Wilhelm Reich
Organism of the Mind, G. Heyer
The Way Within, Rawson
Experiment in Depth, P.W. Martin
The Way of the White Clouds, Anagarika Govinda
The Secret of the Golden Flower, Wilhelm-Jung
The Perfect Way, Kingsford & Maitland
Raja Yoga, Vivekananda
Cosmic Consciousness, R. M. Bucke
Memories Dreams Reflections, Carl Jung
The Wheel of Rebirth, H. K. Challoner
The Life of Ramakrishna, R. Rolland
The Path of Subud, H. Rofe
The Secret Doctrines of Jesus, H. S. Lewis
Everyman’s Mission, Rebecca Beard
The Initiate, His Pupil
Siddartha, H. Hesse
Many Mansions, Gina Cerminara
The Practice of Zen, Chang Chen Chi