Dream Dictionary

Dreams-Practical Techniques for Understanding Them

Help for you to understand your dreams – Help to unravel that wonderful background of information in your dreams – Introduction to features that can guide you – Learning to explore dreams – The many things dreams are can show you Many people […]...More

The Discovery of Dreams

In this section are given real practical methods of understanding your dreams. This is not like an intellectual interpretation of your dreams but a real meeting. It is the difference between reading a description of […]...More

What Is Offered In The Dictionary

So how can we get into this magical world of our dreams and start to harvest the possibilities held there? The following pages of this book are designed to help, guide and inform on how […]...More

Mind Watching and Dreams

Because of the many nature films shown on television we are used to the idea of mature and intelligent adults spending days or years watching the behaviour of animals such as hyenas or chimpanzees. In […]...More

Introduction to Using the Dream Dictionary

Introduction To Using The Dream Dictionary Or Diccionario de los Sueños Dreams are one of natures miracles, not the result of a wandering mind in sleep. A dream is an interface between the process of […]...More


Has been used throughout the centuries as a calculating device, and so would represent problem solving or business of some sort. Useful questions and hints: What are you doing with the abacus, and does that […]...More


The aardwolf is a shy creature that is nocturnal and is not a threatening animal. So it cold seen as a friend in dreams. Useful questions and hints: This is an animal, and like any […]...More


Although it is a fairly harmless creature, living on ants, it is often seen to have magical powers by it native countrymen; said to enable people to pass through walls. Useful questions and hints: This […]...More


Powder is usually either something you produce like grinding, something you add to something else, or put on or in yourself; and the reasons behind the action are probably important. Therefore washing powder is for […]...More


A mall can be a place or a dream situation in which you are looking for something or wanting to purchase something, whether that something is an object, entertainment or food. But some people find the […]...More


Fear of being severely hurt or hurting others by stinging remarks or attitudes. It is also any thought the dreamer had that are a form of inturned criticism like beating oneself up. So it could […]...More

Raccoon Racoon

The raccoon is a survivor and can take advantage of many situations to get its needs. So it can be a bandit type attitude in us, so it can be about thoughts or feelings that […]...More

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