Dream Encyclopedia


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Eight Step Method to Manage Intense Emotion

Eight Step Method to Manage Intense Emotion By Jonice Webb 3356410440_c96be2df81_oRecently I received this request from a reader: What I have found lacking is books or articles on the process of revealing my feelings, the associated pain and some kind of plan to work through the feelings that...More

Seed Meditation

To begin the seed meditation  you need to create the right setting and situation. You need to wear comfortable clothes which you can easily move and relax in. Take your shoes off, put a blanket […]...More

Integration – meeting oneself

Integration is about truly finding parts of yourself that are missing. Someone recently told me that in a business exercise a participant felt she was schizophrenic and it troubled her. Yet the word simply means […]...More


Although many people say we are no longer an instinctive creature as a human, and the only instinct we have is to hang on to a support and to suckle as a baby, this is […]...More

Enlightenment Intensive

Charles Berner began his study of science, metaphysics and scripture as a child. In his quest for the truth he visited many spiritual teachers and experimented with many spiritual growth paths. He created the Institute […]...More

Mountain Path

A man’s description of finding the mountain path. “My life had felt shitty lately. I had lost any sense of God or hope, all I felt was emptiness with nothing to live for or any […]...More

Meeting the Unknown

I opened to the darkness within me, however, what happened was incredibly interesting. It was like being led to stand on the edge of something, on a border or frontier. On my side of the […]...More

Summing Up

Summing Up – Or if you can’t find what you wanted about dreams see Questions Dreams are one of nature’s miracles, not the result of a wandering mind in sleep. A dream is an interface between […]...More

Mindread Mind Reading Telepathy

To read someone’s mind used to be called telepathy, but no explanation could be found for it. But with the coming of Quantum Physics it became explainable with the understanding of the new science. The […]...More

Mental Illness

If you dream about being, or being with mentally ill people, it usually signifies you dealing with parts of your own feelings and responses to relationship, work of general existence, that have inbuilt difficulties. We […]...More

Memory and Dreams

I want to make it clear how dreams use parts of ones impressive memory to illustrate a feeling state. This dreamer obviously feels anxiety a lot of the time and so uses previous and imagined […]...More

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