Dream Encyclopedia


This feature originally appeared in She magazine in the UK Darkness, and the sounds of danger .. then something touches you obscenely. You run through a door and shut it, but it isn’t strong enough […]...More

Interpretation of Dreams – Influence of

Although mind and body may be a total unity, and the separation in language merely a convenience, despite its unity our being has a number of interacting systems within the unity. The action of the […]...More

Body Postures

In every dream in which you, another person, or even an animal appears, a body posture is expressed. So what do the postures of the two kittens express? They express great fear and suspicion. It […]...More

Archetype of the Big Bang

The passions of my early life — I suppose that’s what they were — led me in the past to read an enormous amount of books. But gradually over the years certain things have happened […]...More

Future Society

I am seeing that the person we know as the Prime Minister or President is not just a human being. If they were most of us would never have ‘met’ them. They are in reality […]...More

Egyptian (ancient) Dream Beliefs

Dream interpretation links back to the ancient Egyptians with the first written record of dream interpretation around 1350 B.C. – although modern findings see it as much earlier.  This record was the Chester Beatty Papyrus. […]...More

Assyrian dream beliefs

See: Mesopotamian dream beliefs....More

Kleitman, Nathaniel

Kleitman had studied with the French physiologist Henri Pieron in Paris. His aim was to gain a thorough understanding of sleep at a physiological level. After studying with Henri Pieron, Kleitman had sought to provide […]...More


See Altered States of Consciousness; and What produces ASC’s....More

Archetype of the Mother

See: archetype of the great mother...More

Archetype of the animal

Throughout history we can see that humans have created images of animals and worshiped them. So there are many animal archetypes from many different cultures, too many to deal with here. But the animal as […]...More

Dreams of Space

When we dream of space we dream of opportunity, the opportunity to explore, to build in the space, to explore our imagination in creativity. There is so much opportunity in a large space some people might even be frightened of it. It brings with it the feelings that here, in a large space, one can ...More

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