Dream Encyclopedia

Dream Yoga

Also, many people have amazing dreams but apparently learn nothing from them. If you come away from a dream empty handed then you have received a wonderful communication and ignored its message. OK, it may be difficult to understand. So what, things are not handed to us served up with gravy. Struggl...More

21 Reasons Why Dream Interpretation is Essential

I found this on my hard disk, and was shown it was by Christina Sponias . So thank you dear thinker for this. How to properly interpret the meaning of your own dreams is essential for many […]...More

Awake – difficulty in waking sleeper

A few people exhibit the unusual symptom of being incredibly difficult to wake when they are asleep. In the book Ramana Maharshi, Arthur Osborne reports that family and friends of Ramana often found it difficult […]...More

Aversion Therapy

aversion therapy This was a development of behavioural modification theory. An unpleasant experience, such as an electric shock, or induced nausea was coupled with the performance of whatever behaviour the person was trying to overcome […]...More

Science Sleep and Dreams

If we slept for eight hours, a typical pattern would be to pass into Delta sleep, stay there for about seventy to ninety minutes, then return to stage two and dream for about five minutes. We then move back into Delta sleep, stay for a short period and shift back to level two, but without dreaming, ...More

Example 14 – Spiders

Here is fascinating dream about spiders, and its exploration: I found your email on the internet for dream interpretation. If this is not correct, I am sorry to be bothering you. I have had the […]...More

Changing Your Life

Patricia Garfield gives examples of several people with a naturally retiring disposition who, after meeting a dream attacker with real aggression, were able to directly ask for what they wanted in waking life. One woman asked a man smoking in a non-smoking area of an aeroplane to stop, which he did....More

Example 13 – Dreams of Hell

I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that someone I know (an old family friend of my parents) had purchased a new house, which was not yet furnished. But the house is apparently […]...More

Example 12

A way of finding out what your dream means by using the questions included in some dictionary entries.   Hi Tony, Deborah –  Sorry for the delay! Here are my responses: Tony – What feelings are […]...More

Dream Incubation

To incubate a dream means to seek earnestly for a dream that responds to a special need or question. This way of approaching the best in yourself for help has been practised widely in many cultures. Some evidence suggests it was first used as a means of curing sterility, and was wide-spread enough t...More

Acting On Your Dream

This is the simplest of the methods. It requires you to play with your imagination a little and go along with a fantasy, the sort of talent we all develop as children. If you have a sympathetic audience it helps, but only if you feel okay in front of others. It is fine alone as well. Stand with you...More

Sandison – Grof – Ling and LSD

Many of us are quite well informed about the results of research in sleep laboratories. Most of us know what rapid-eye-movement sleep refers to. However, long before Kleitman and Aserinsky’s discover of REM sleep in […]...More

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