Dream Encyclopedia

Exploring Inner Space

Chapters Exploring Inner Space The Dark Continent Made Light The Ways In EXPLORING INNER SPACE ‘I started doing Yoga some twelve years ago – from a book by Yesudian. I did it only for a […]...More

An Old Fools Musings

The feelings are deepening and I begin to feel a response to the dream.  It is about the uncovering of something that was experienced a long time ago and there is a felt guilt about […]...More

The “Way” of the Dream

We should be able see in the light of these opposites in our behavior or emotions that there is a need for them to be brought to balance. In each life situation there is a […]...More


The following was an early statement for those interested in using the technique. Later for the book Liberating the Body it was called Inner Directed Movement, and is now known as LifeStream THE PRACTICE OF COEX Coex is […]...More

Authentic Self

There is a great deal being taught about being authentic, or finding and expressing your authentic self. But being authentic is very strange because it means you are accepting a huge paradox, but accepting it […]...More

Life Beyond Change and Pain

One of the great and often self defeating identifications is that with our body. If we accept that dreams portray in images our conception of self, then dreams suggest that our identity largely depends upon […]...More

What Dreams May Come

This first appeared in SHE Magazine in the 70’s Tony and Hyone Crisp We work at home, so we usually lock the doors to stop friends and neighbours getting a puzzling impression of us. if […]...More

Questions Answered

The questions and answers are quoted from my book Dreams and Dreaming – I have added links and new information to a few of the answers. Click the links below to quickly find the answers.   […]...More

Dreams – Are they Meaningless

How can we know what our dreams mean? Interpretation is not really useful if one simply thinks about a dream. You need to enter a dream in some way to find understanding. It is the […]...More

Wonderland of Dreams

While broadcasting in Australia the presenter, a rather ‘old school tie’ man in his fifties, asked me what the point of remembering dreams was. He could personally see no merit in them. His question led […]...More

Psychic faculties in dreams

(The picture above shows the enormous brain activity of a patient considered to be in a vegetative state) I have a very different view of what psychic faculties are than many other theorists. Psychic faculties […]...More

Prophetic dreams

From Dreaming Mind – Aberfan. On October 21, 1966, apparently a clear precognitive dream was that of a young girl, Eryl Mai Jones. She often tried to tell her mother about her dreams, but her […]...More

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