
The Rough Track

We may even chose a rough track to walk. Such a rough path bring strength and and new challenges. There may even be harvests of fruit you had not tasted before....More

The Eternal Wound

Ancient battles, that began in ancient times, fought around love, hate and power, are still with us. Here in this life it has been fought again. Yes – the heart in pain. The wound that never heals. The reminder of what I had chosen to forget That I now face. And facing recall the warnings Of this...More


‘In the beginning’ you were there, unremembered though you may be. And remembering who and what you are is a long journey and a wonderous story. You were there beyond time, and moved into time and place. But take the journey for yourself, or read my view of it....More

On the Beach

Have you ever stood on the edge of a great mystery? Yes, of course you have because you breathe, and your heart pounds in your chest. But if you have never stood on the edge of that great ocean of life and recognised you are on the beach of Life, then you are still asleep....More

Ocean Meeting

So many people die as they age. there is no light in their eyes. The spirit has left them and they are dead. And then you may meet someone has all the marks of living a long life, died, and then resurrected out of the spirit of life in them....More

No Wind Today

When you have lived alone without seeking out others to deaden isolation, you become sensitive to the things of nature around you. So ‘No Wind Today’ is an expression of that sensitivity....More

My Woman

Although as a human man I am small and of no account, when a man is loved by a good woman he is ennboled. In fact we are then both lifted and made grand....More

My Dream

. I ws crazilly flying on wings of wonder as I experienced this poem. I really could sense the feeling of being free from things that bind us, and looking deep into the possibilities it held out....More

Love Is

Here are words I heard sung in a dream...More

Moon Woman

Moon Woman is journey into tides of feelign and the subtle urges and realisations we meet when we are lost in love....More


There are some moments we hope never to forget however long we live. Sometimes a woman reveals herself so fully. Then all at the same time she is child with shining eyes; a woamn with enclosing arms. And it was just such a moment I described here....More

Loving You

I wonder if you have ever loved anyone so distant form you they are half a world away. Some how you have to float above the hours that separate in order to be together....More

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