Very often it links with a feeling of being hurt or injured and of losing energy or the strength that enlivens you. But blood can represent pain, but also passions, deep feelings. It can refer to things that are deeply felt. We have passionate involvement with things. There are certain things that enter into us and cut us deeply. In some relationships we are opened up and we bleed even if the relationship is largely joyful, there still may be deeply felt and painful feelings in it.
Blood can also mean fertility as when it is connected with menstruation. It can be a painful cleansing and difficult period of releasing the old. The old dies away and leaves space for the new to grow. But blood give life and feeling to every partof our body. The inner meanning is that the Power of Life flows through every living creaure giving it/us consciousness.
In a more general sense blood can indicate one’s energy and sense of existence. In common language we link it with our family through feelings of connection or bonding, inherited tendencies – what we now call genes. It therefore includes inherited strengths and weaknesses of character. We say of such things – its in my blood.
Blood is often used as a symbol of universal life or power in ones life, therefore connection with humanity. Through this it depicts the universal pain or struggle met in human life, along with the possibility of injury and death. In ancient times blood was used as the first ritual sacrament. Later this was symbolised by red wine or red ochre. It was noticed that at times of great change, such as birth or death, blood often preceded the change. Blood was seen as the carrier of the spirit of life and character that lived in a person or animal. If we think of what genes now are known to carry, the untold generations of human life, with all its pain, tragedy and wonder, then blood was seen as carrying this collective human experience.
Blood is sometimes felt as a link with the unconscious forces and sub-personalities within. It is a doorway to the subtle world of the unconscious. This connection is perhaps obvious in that for thousands of years, the blood was seen as the substance that carried in it the mystery of inheritance of physical and psychological features. What we now call genes was represented by the blood, and this is still true in some dreams. The blood in a dream can be the doorway through which you touch your racial and family past. The blood brings to life within you the past lives of those who gave you your body. In quite a real sense they live within you as a great group of people, or influences that need to be integrated for you to become a true individual.
When we see blood on the earth or on someone’s clothes, it suggests great injury or death. Blood on the earth therefore marked the spot of either a great battle, a death or a deep wounding. As such it was a marker, a memorial or sign of the act. So this aspect of blood in our dreams must be remembered.
In cultures such as the Macedonian, where symbols were often thought of in terms of good or bad luck, light blood represented good news, dark blood bad news.
For women there is obviously a strong link between bleeding and menstruation. Therefore in women’s dreams involving blood, the blood may depict whatever feelings, pleasure, difficulties are associated with menstruation and the power of female fertility for the dreamer. But you need to look to the theme and drama of the dream to see if this is a correct connection.
Bleeding: Most often relates to emotional or psychological hurt, but can also depict physical injury, or presentiment of it. Emotional hurt could mean hurtful remarks, for instance being told we are not loved – these can sap our motive to live and may be depicted as blood. The bleeding might show a psychological injury, often from past trauma, which is causing you to lose energy or motivation.
Sometimes, as mentioned above, the blood can be a sacrament. As such it is not shown as emerging from an injury or wound but as nourishment, wine or bloody meat.
Blood flowing from a crack: Possibly menstruation or loss of virginity.
Blood on your hands: Shows you have hurt or even killed an aspect of yourself. See Blood on Hands
Blood on the ground: Someone hurt or dead.
Bloody clothes: Personal emotional hurt or injury, perhaps even death of someone.
Blood Sample: This can represent many things depending upon the rest of the dream. It could suggest and illness, a way of tracing your identity with DNA, or it could be a drug test.
Blood sucked from you or sucking from another: Feeling that you are losing your very life force to someone, or taking energy and life from someone else. Sometimes sex is felt as this. The umbilical connection in the womb is sometimes felt as the life giving connection that if cut off prematurely, is such a loss that expenditure of energy in sex may be felt as vampirism.
In sexual dreams: May refer to loss of virginity, menstruation or fertility; or hurt to sexual drive.
Menstrual blood: All women’s blood, flowing onto the earth, during her menstruation, is the miracle of Life, creation and death. Every woman who allows her blood to flow, takes part in the life of the Great Mother, as she and every menstruating woman, allows the death if the old and the birth of a new possibility for the continuance of life on Earth – a great and miraculous act. See archetype of blood; bleeding; Great Mother.
Old or dark blood: Can sometimes be understood as ‘bad blood’ existing in the dreamer – bad feelings or old grudges.
Transfusion of blood: In dreams such transfusion can show the fusion or atking on of the physical forces of the body from which the blood was given. Also indicates the taking on of the relative level of health or imbalance, even the ideas and ideals of a person. It suggests a very strong link or love from one person to another.
This is similar to taking in your thoughts, impressions and feelings about the other person. So many people do not realise that they have an inner person equally as powerful as the external person you know. You have taken in millions of bits of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by meeting or living with them, and they change you and make you the person you are. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. Such an inner person can appear in dreams because you still carry the memories or impressions of them, and so they influenced what you hold within you.
One way of understanding such links as can happen in a dreamt of blood transfusion, is to see it as a direct linkg with theinner quality of the donor. If you had a transfusion from a sick person whose blood was full of viruses and toxins it would pull down your own system. If you yourself were lacking blood, then the transfusion could be life giving. But of course we are speaking of emotional, mental and spiritual factors that pass through this link. So the toxins that pass are not of viruses, but of greed, lies, anger and violence, or even insidious desire to control. Or on the positive side, the expanded awareness that lifts us from shadows into a greater vision and experience of life.
Pak Subuh, an Eastern spiritual teacher, says that when a couple have sex the inner psychic content of one passes to the other. He says that whatever forces of mind and emotion exist in the one pass to the other. In this way if we have many sexual partners we take from them influences from their inner life. He suggests that having sex with a prostitute who has absorbed the inner life of many men of dubious character is like opening ones subtle self to the dross and influence of those lives. Just as one needs to thoroughly wash ones body if you had worked in a sewer, you would need to clean your soul of such influences.
But transfusions have been known to link people in strange ways. In recent years people who shared blood through a transfusion shared thoughts, dreams and information.
A woman used the Seed Group method describes what she experienced.
Example: Then I started to tremble and shake. My whole upper body was shaking uncontrollably. I let it happen. I wasn’t frightened, I felt safe in knowing that this is what my body needed to do. It continued for what seemed several minutes. As I shook, I recalled that shortly after birth, I was given a blood transfusion. My parents’ blood types weren’t compatible – three earlier siblings of mine had been born and died a day or two after birth. Convulsions now, more then mere shaking. The coming into life, but not being compatible with my interior chemical make-up. Shaking as they transfused my blood – draining me of my blood, my own blood which fought against itself, being replaced with a foreign blood that would give me life. No wonder I was scared in that shell. The process of life and death innate in me from the moment of my conception. Fighting against myself. That which would fight for my life (the antibodies) would be the death of it.
The shaking stopped. A sense of peace pervaded my physical self. I was still positioned on my knees, but the sense of having put those roots down first gave me the foundation to withstand the shaking. I had no idea of what this experience would be like (and definitely not like this), but I seem to have gotten rid of something stored in muscle memory.
Idioms: After ones blood; bleeding heart; bleed someone white; blood boil/run cold; blood brother; blood is thicker than water; blood letting; blood money; blood on ones hands; blood out of a stone; blood relative; blood sucker; blue blood; cold/hot blood; draw blood; fresh blood; in the blood; in my blood; ones heart bleeds; out for blood; sweat blood; taste blood; young blood.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What part of my body – or the body – is the blood coming from, and what does that suggest about any hurt I may be suffering? (Look up part of body).
What is my relationship with the blood in terms of what I feel, my interaction or how I deal with it?
What can I understand from the theme and drama of the dream in terms of my life giving processes?
See: drama; Acting on your dream
I dreamed I was urinating. (BTW, I am male). In the dream I was hainvg severe pain in my bladder and genitals. As I urinated, I began to pass bright red blood only ….forcing out all liquid from my bladder. As the flow ceased, I could feel my bladder refilling with blood and it would start over again. This went on for a few cycles until I woke myself up. Unfortunately I have had pain now there since the dream (for about 4 days).
Korey – At the lowest it suggests a loss of enormous energy from your genital – at the highest point it is a warning of a physical condition. Sometimes such warning come way before any signs are there, but even so you should get checked out b a doctor. Say that you have had days of pain there.
I often bleed heavily from my bladder. It is a small blood vessel that ruptures and I cure it by taking plenty of vitamin C – which strengthens the capillaries. But I did have it checked out.
I had a dream where I was outside a club and I witnessed an old acquaintance i knew from highschool stabbing another unknown man with a screw or some object other than a knife. As I was walking in line going towards the door to go inside, I noticed the acquaintance smear blood on the top part of my back right below my neck. When I got into the club, I walked over to the bar to talk to a girl I know who was working as the bartender, and asked her if there was blood on my back, and she answered yes. I wasn’t afraid at all or grossed out by this, I just thought “well that was weird”. Afterwards I knew the guy that stabbed the other man was going to come talk to me, because in the dream I knew he realized I witnessed what he did, and I figured he didn’t want me to say anything. I remember thinking I didn’t care, not like I didn’t want to get involved or it wasn’t my business, but that it just wasn’t important enough to give a second thought. He said hello and nothing else of importance before he left, along with everyone other than myself and my current boyfriend. We proceeded to have sex when my mom called me to say I sent her a picture on my phone by accident, so I checked my phone to make sure it wasn’t anything she shouldn’t see, but it was only a happy picture of both our smiling faces that I didn’t remember taking. That was the end of the dream and I’m having trouble figuring out what it means. The only other facts that are significant are that it was an emotionally neutral to slightly pleasant dream, and I just ended my period but it wasnt a usual one, I’ve been having some early pregnancy symptoms so me and my boyfriend were talking that day about getting a pregnancy test the next day. Also, I hardly ever remember dreams so vividly.
my parents and old friends from work are there. there is a baby shower (not mine), a co-worker’s baby shower and it takes place in my home right now, but the inside was of my childhood home. i noticed there was something in my eye that had been botherin me the entire day. i looked in the mirror and saw it. but finally i put my finger to press on what seemed like a stye. but it broke open a hole and blood started pouring out of my eye. it dripped on the couch, on the floor and as i backed up followed a path into the kitchen. no one helped me. i kept walking and blood was dripping everywhere, but not on me or my clothes. just onto the floor. and it was pouring, but it was not heavy thick, blood. finally my father cleaned up all of the blood. very calmly. and went to my parents’ old couch and my mom was there to help. but they opened up the couch and it was like a futuristic couch and cleaned up the blood and closed it and put the cushion back on top. it was like a disguised couch. the blood stopped. very strange dream. do you have any ideas?
I really enjoy your website, as I’ve been studying world religions and the unconscious for the last few years. My whole live I’ve had very vivid lucid dreams, some of which I can control, most I cannot. I often know I’m dreaming and ask people in my dreams for guidance, but I never seem to decipher any messages if there are any. Last night I had two dreams that shook me to the core. In the first one I was driving down an icy street with my mother as a passenger. I lost control of the car and frantically struggled to avoid hitting a gigantic gorilla in front of us. Many other cars ran into it. We narrowly missed the gorilla, sliding down the street and stopping in front of a stranger’s house. Unable to drive and now being chased down by the gorilla, we barged into the house where other people were also hiding from the gorilla. I was frantic because as more and more people entered the house to avoid being attacked, they kept leaving the front door unlocked and opened. I just kept staring at the door not knowing if I should risk shutting and locking it…I woke up. The next dream…In my kitchen, which was very messy, I sat across from Paula Dean, whom I really like and admire as a celebrity chief. She was cooking for me, and I suddenly became very aware and focused on the fact that I was dreaming. I felt that Paula Dean was an actual spirit, not just a “character” in this dream. I told her that I often have dreams with her in them and asked her if she had dreams about me. She smiled and shook her head, but for some reason I didn’t believe her. She went to leave, the same way she came into my dream through a furnace, but before she could go, I blocked her exit and asked her for guidance in my waking life. Beside me a small TV came on, and I watched a video clip, one I know I’ve watched before in a previous dream, but I couldn’t decipher a whisper. The clip was of a woman that I knew to be associated with Scott Walker although in my waking life she would be unrecognizable. She was being interviewed about Walker’s budget bill which passed last year eliminating all union bargaining rights in Wisconsin. Then the camera panned to a naked woman sitting with her knees to her chest crying, a new part I hadn’t seen before. An ominous voice filled with dread and foreboding very clearly whispered, “Stop the bleeding.” And the camera panned to a mirror briefly revealing the camera man sitting on a bed in a hotel/bedroom and the clip suddenly stopped. I didn’t understand the message, so I hit rewind and watched the entire clip again, trying to see who the man in the mirror was. I heard my morning alarm go off, but I was still asleep and struggled to stay in my dream to finish the clip…Then my boyfriend woke me up. I have a terrible eerie feeling about this second dream that I can’t let go of.
Hello Toni
In my dream i was watching the news in my lounge room and it was being reported that 5 priest were massacred..then i don’t know how this happened BUT i become part of the news footage, where the priest lay on the ground wrapped in white cloth( drenched in blood)..their faces were revealed and none recognizable.. As i walked closer to look, they were all children (even young toddler like) and were still alive, their white cloths were bloodied and they were in discomfort (from the cloth wrapped around them yet faces appeared calm).
there were other people around them poking and touching them in awe and one of the children said calming yet loudly “i hate you mum”
still laying on the floor, the children looked restrained by the wrapped cloth over their bodies
i felt uncomfortable yet i wasn’t scared …after this i woke up.
what does this mean? it was so vivid..
thank you
Ange – This almost certainly a way your dream shows you the atrocity that was done to your child self.
The key statement here is what the child (you) said, “I hate you mum”.
I know it might be difficult for you to believe, but we have a terrible or saving ability to forget. That is we forget until we are strong enough to remember what happened to us, and what we felt, as that young child.
I have myself retrieved memories from my childhood. It isn’t easy but it can be done. But it sounds like your dream is on the way to revealing it to you.
The priest in white were the innocence of childhood, now grown to adulthood.
last night in my dream i was in a house (i have never seen before) with my boyfriend, there was a knock at the door and my boyfriend answered it (i was standing at the end of the hall behind which seemed like a door but i could see right through it and could see everything that happened) no one spoke i seen the knife and my boyfriend got stabbed in the stomach i remember feeling shocked and scared and then i seen the blood, after this i woke up i found ths dream pretty scary and its not the first time ive had a dream like this could you please tell me what this means?
I had a dream that I came out my mother’s bathroom and saw her in her bed coughing up blood from her mouth it was light red patches thendark red clumps of blood on the bedand all I thought was that she was messing up my sheets and I would not get the blood out, not if she was sick. What does that mean?
I dreamt that my sister was foretelling my future -palm reading and she said ok over here at bottom left is the “cross” and then up above to the middle she stalled and said sadly “you will have many “Blood Days” ahead! OMG! What does that mean?? Please let me know asap!!
My sister is Not a fortune teller of any sort either!
I had an awful dream last night. I dreamt my grandmother had taken me into a darkish bare and dirty bathroom like room where there was a baby lying in a bath. When I bent down to look at the baby, the baby was calm and peaceful. The next moment, my aunt (whom I am not on speaking terms with) appears out of nowhere and my grandmother tells me that my aunt is a witch. My aunt then started throwing balls at me, which burst when they hit the floor. The balls were filled with blood. We all then went outside to the dark garden and stood beneath a very old tree with few leaves on it. I saw my uncle (who is married to my aunt) standing by the tree and putting leeches on to himself. He then grabbed me and put leeches on to me as well. I remember feeling very angry and confused. What does this mean?
Sammy – If you imagine for a moment that you live alone in a world, and you people it with your imagination, fuelled by what you feel, fear, despise, love and fear; and al those people in your world become real and interact with you. Then you build surroundings out of the same things, animals too. But you do not realise what you are doing, and you take it to be really independent people and animals. What you do not realise also is that this is your own inner world brought to life. It is not an imaginative fantasy, but a real representation of the inner world you live.
So what does your dream tell us about you at the time of the dream? Your grandmother is not your actual grandmother, but all the feelings and impressions you have of her put into her living form. And you are in a dirty bathroom, suggesting that you need to clean your act up. It should be place for cleansing your feelings.
The baby, a new aspect of you that needs care and help to grow, is peaceful. And your aunt is again painted out of the feelings you have for her. Not nice picture you have created – and remember this is not about anybody else but a picture of your inner world. The blood and the leeches are signs that you are losing a lot of emotional energy and it is being leeched away.
Don’t feel too bad, we all have things to realise about ourselves, and live in such inner worlds. And it is all about the feelings you harbour about your aunt. And don’t feel that you have to go to her and say sorry or fall over yourself to be nice to her. All it needs is to realise that having such feelings about anybody is creating an awful inner world – that YOU have to Live in. So if you can find some love instead of whatever you are feeling your bathroom will become a place of light and pleasure – and please take care of the beautiful inner baby you have.
i had a dream last year that my mom told me that he had killed my 2 sisters and she was not looking guilty for what she had done..and i told my brother that i killed both of them not my mother..i said all this to save my mother but my mother was quite than and she hadn’t give any response.. my brother said that anyone who have done will b in custody of police soon.after that i opened the tap and i saw a flow of blood coming from the tap.i got frightened then..than i open the cover of the water tank and i saw the dead bodies of my sister..suddenly i got up from my dream and i was feeling quite frightened after that
Pinkey – I do not know whether you can connect to the story your dream tells me.
It says that an attitude you got from your mother’s influence has killed out aspects of yourself. I mean that a mother’s negativity can cause one to deny a part of you that would have otherwise had grown and be of help to you.
That you told your brother that it was you who had committed the murders was true in a way, because it was you who acted on the influence of your mother. But it is better to see that it was from your mother – your inner mother. The influence of the mother you carry inside of you.
The blood from the tap is a sign of guilt that murders have been done, and it is not good to drink that water – in other words do not keep taking into you the denial of where the killing started.
The last two weeks or so, I have had a recurring theme in my dreams that has been bothering me. The dreams themselves are menial and not terribly emotional, but everything in them is covered in blood. For example, in one dream I opened a tub of facial lotion that I use every day in real life, and found it drenched in a pool of blood. In another, I was bleeding from my hands and soon became afraid to touch anything because of the bloodstains. Sometimes in the morning, I wake up and can’t remember anything about what actually happened in the dream, but I’ll remember several images of pools of blood or bloodstained handprints. The blood always comes from either my face or my hands. It doesn’t come from actual wounds, but rather seeps through the skin itself. I don’t know if this is enough information to go off of, but do you have any ideas at all as to what this could mean? It really is bothering me.
Camille – The images of your dreams seem to say that you are pouring out a tremendous amount of emotional energy. Maybe one could say you are giving too much of yourself.
In fact I wonder whether you wish someone would notice your situation. You are involved in so much it is draining you. So you need to be careful and do not wait for someone else to notice, but start to put less of yourself out.
It is possible you need to build strong mental and emotional boundaries between you and other people and everyday life. In fact visualise yourself having a strong skin, and mind that does not leak blood.
I have had a dream with alot of blood and I wasn’t menstrauting or anything.
I am a sacrafice made before GOD.I am wearing white. I am innocent. I am presented to GOD the king who is sitting beside the lamb of GOD.
I am in a city of glass, gold and one tree which roots into all living things.
Rivers of blood spill all around his throne and I present myself to the throne and he devours me like he is eating me. He bleeds out all the blood from within me. And i see it flow into the city like a huge river.
I feel honored to be chosen but very helpless to his ultimate power.
Hello Toni
hope your well? thank you for interpreting my dream about my dog previously.
i do have another dream that i would love your feedback on…
This time i saw a dead rabbit on a white tiled floor..it had blood around it.
I didn’t feel any emotion when I saw this rabbit..and it the whole scene was vague..
Hmm hope you can help..
Ange – This may have something to do with you unconsciously causing the death of a vulnerable part of you. It could be something like having a critical attitude towards your ideals or hopes. It could also be connected with sexual feelings.
Last night in my dream (from what I can remember) I was confronted with my dead father (he is alive in my dream) and I asked him about our relationship. He was distanced and it felt like he didn’t want anything to do with me. (he passed away when I was 6) Then, at another point in my dream I was sitting in a car and I started throwing up blood. There was blood everywhere when I looked down; all over the car, my clothes, etc. Usually I am not this nervous/curious with my dreams but this one is giving me some anxiety. please let me know what you think.
Ashley – I have a sense of your dream being about you dealing with issues about your dead father, dead and therefore absent for most of your life. Such things gave leave a lot of unexpressed emotion and even pain in you. So the distance you felt in the dream was most likely an expression of your feelings about him. So your asking him about your relationship with him set the scene for what followed.
The blood is a wonderful representation of a great many things. It can be a loss of life energy; a blood link with your father and ancestors, and an expression of great pain. But maybe a pain you have not felt because it has never come to the surface. But your dream is an expression of it as much as you can allow.
If you wanted to explore it to find out not only the difficulty but the good things your father left you, see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/
Last night I dreamed that I was carrying my four month old baby daughter around the house in my arms and when I looked down at her she was oozing darking red bood from her fontanelle. I called to my dad who said he was just taking a shower then I told him I needed to go to the hospital, there was a sense of panic but also that typical dreamy sluggishness which distanced me from what was happening. As I tried to lift the phone to ring the hospital I could see my daughter’s eyes starting to glaze over as she slipped into unconsciousness. I don’t remember any more of the dream but I remember the dark blood vividly and the injured fontanelle going concave. I remember not knowing how the injury had occurred but thinking her head must have got cut on the part of the kitchen door mechanism that goes into the door frame-not sure what its called. I felt I had had her carefully and could not understand how she had been injured but this wasn’t a strong feature of the dream. The blood bubbling up and my daughter’s eyes looking up at me calmly but rapidly losing focus and lids closing was the main image. The blood did not flow it stayed at the site and oozed in and out as the fontanelle rose and fell as it does in time with a child’s pulse. I found the dream unnerving and wonder could you shed any light.
Niamh – Nine times out of ten the baby in your dream does not actually represent your actual baby. Usually your dreaming process uses the image of your baby to indicate a vulnerable part of you that is very precious and important to you.
Because your baby is still so young, I feel that your dream baby is illustrating and reminding you of an injury to yourself as a baby. Or maybe not an injury, as you thought. The fontanel is a very sensitive area of a baby, and in dreams represent the link between the baby and the forces that are still working toward evolution. So a sort of spiritual influence.
But those are just my opinions and you can get first hand experience by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/
All the dreams I have seen about an injury or illness in an actual baby have been very clearly warning what is happening and the cause. So do not worry about your dream baby but cuddle it close and talk to it. Give it encouragement to face whatever it faces.