
The daring, doing, positive side of self; how we relate to father figures or dominant male authoritative men; the side of our nature that is capable or is in touch with the wider issues in our life, and makes decisions out of comprehensive awareness.

Or as a symbol of a father figure it could show the captain plotting against you. Or being a real support in your life – depending on your relationship with your father.

A captain can be in the army, the police force, the navy or air force – so one needs to work with the character as suggested below.

An authority figure – so God, father; boss, school teacher, or police man/woman. Are you an authority?

Useful Questions and Hints:

What part does the captain play in the dream – coward/leader – active/passive – controlling/allowing?

What did I feel about the captain?

Who of the characters in the dream do I identify with most?

Try using Characters and People in DreamsTalking AsEasy Dream Interpretation

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